mad-but-magick · 5 months
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mad-but-magick · 5 years
Samhain Traditions for Broom-Closet Witches
When reading about Samhain traditions, you’re likely to find a number of big, in-depth rituals and practices that are less than subtle. But if you’re still in the broom-closet, a baby-witchling, or just don’t have the time and/or supplies for some of the more elaborate Sabbat practices, here are a few easy ways to celebrate.
Jack-o-lanterns - Carving pumpkins is one of the Pagan traditions that has made its way into secular practice, and won’t raise any eyebrows in most of the western world. Leaving candles lit serves to guide the spirits of loved ones home for a visit on Samhain night, and carving faces into pumpkins (the practice actually started with turnips, which look terrifying) are meant to frighten off unfriendly spirits. For a little extra protection, sprinkle some salt inside the jack-o-lantern before putting the candle inside; salt will further deter any unwelcome visitors.
Apples - Apples are largely regarded in mythology as the food of the dead. (You can also use pomegranates, as is traditional in Greco-Roman mythology, but they tend to be a little more noticeable.) Keep a bowl of them near your front door on Samhain as gifts for hungry spirits- use a cute basket and it’s easily dismissed as a simple seasonal decoration. If you can’t keep a whole bowl of them, leave an apple outside your front door, or bury it nearby if need be. They’ll still find the offering, no worries. You can also eat apple or pomegranate as part of your Samhain ritual- just be sure to leave some for any spirit guests that come around.
Incense - Burning incense is a common form of offering to spirits and deities, and can be explained away by a simple “it smells good!”. If you’re expecting a visit from loved ones who have passed on, maybe try to select an incense that you associate with them. Before lighting, say a quick prayer. If you’re honoring someone specific, let them know; if you’re honoring the spirit world at large, say so. (If you can’t burn incense, you can also use an oil warmer, or throw a skillet of water on the stove with apple slices, cinnamon, and whatever other herbs you like- it acts as an air freshener without the smoke. Just keep an eye on it- I’ve burned a few too many things by forgetting about them lol.)
Heirlooms - If you want to honor ancestral spirits this Samhain, it’s the perfect time to dust off gran’s pearls or great-granddad’s pocket watch. If your heirlooms aren’t wearable, anything that belonged to them will do- just place it on your altar or in a special spot (window ledge, bedside table, etc.). And if you don’t have anything that belonged to them, you can use something that reminds you of them; if your great aunt often wore rose perfume, put a rose on your nightstand. Spirits who are close to you will understand the gesture that you’re thinking of them.
Communication - Samhain is the time of year where the veil between worlds is thinnest. What better opportunity to chat with those who have passed on? And while communicating with the dead can often be a challenge, on Samhain, it is usually much easier. Even if you just sit and talk aloud- no big ritual or anything- the spirits will hear you.
Blessed Samhain, my dears! 🖤
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mad-but-magick · 5 years
❄️️ Imbolc 🌷
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(pronounced ee-molc, also called Candlemas)
What Is Imbolc? ❄️️➡️️🌷
Imbolc is celebrated roughly when winter begins to turn to spring. Traditionally it also marked the successful survival of the harsh winter months and the beginning of the agricultural season. The returning sun is welcomed and the Celtic goddess Brigid is honored.
Traditional Lore/Activities 🕯️
Each candle within a household should be lit, if only for a moment, to honor the sun’s return.
If there is still snow on the ground one should draw an image of the sun in it.
Foods Associated with Imbolc 🥐
Sour cream and other dairy dishes.
Spicy foods.
Spiced wine.
Foods containing peppers, onions, leeks, shallots, garlic, and chives.
Modern Activities 🎨
Lamb Stew - from @liberumbrarum
Sour Cream and Honey Cake - from @liberumbrarum
Imbolc Ritual Cake - from @phynxrizng
Milk Tea for Imbolc - from @queerkitchenwitch
Bread and Butter Pudding - from @althara
Imbolc Desserts - from @phynxrizng
Self Care
Imbolc Bath - from @magickmomma16
Candle making.
Weave traditional Brigid’s Crosses.
Plan what herbs/flowers you want to grow during the upcoming spring and summer.
Burn your Yule greens to help winter on its way.
Colors and Altar Decor 🌸
Green Candles
Brigid’s Crosses
Potted Bulbs
An Anvil or Hammer
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mad-but-magick · 5 years
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quick tarot spread for the winter solstice based on the concept of the longest night of the year and the return of the sun!
1. dark night- the hardest lesson you learned in the previous year
2. bright candle- what helped you through the dark, what guides you on your way to better times
3. sunrise- new hopes for the coming year
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
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Women in Greek Tragedy
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
“Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.”
— J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (via books-n-quotes)
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
im obsessed w physical closeness, romantically….not even sexually just if u date me it’s all hugging all the time we are gonna lay in bed and im gonna cuddle w u, we will stand in the kitchen and i will stand hip to hip w u, u will sit on the couch and i will stroke your hair and kiss your forehead….it’s so intoxicating as a concept
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
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est littoral, nice, france
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
“I’m not searching for my other half because I’m not a half.”
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
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Pearl, a rare albino raven.
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
Academic book: this point has been fully discussed by (list of other authors ) so I will not go into it here
Me: ur really gonna make me do all the work huh
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
“And remember this, that if you’ve been hated, you’ve also been loved.”
— Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady (via books-n-quotes)
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
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Ross Bay Mist by Tyson Laidler
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
Necromancer: Did you know that dinosaur skeletons in museums are usually fake casts?
Someone: Did the Internet tell you that?
Necromancer: Nope, just a series of disappointing museum trips.
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mad-but-magick · 6 years
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