madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
carney-fir-darrig started following you
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"Hello...Pardon my asking, but what exactly are you...?"  
She cocked her head slightly, looking up at the strange man.
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
I hope my absence haunts you.
Six Word Story | achelei (via allineedissix)
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
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her wake
I don’t even know if Thomas could bring himself to attend it, or even the ceremony. I doubt that a lot. If yes, then he would have been a total wreck at his wife’s wake, so here my ‘version’ of this hypothetic situation. Traditionaly for the wake, the body is washed, the clothes (the prettiest or favourite ones of the dead) stuffed with spices and herbs, and flowers placed around for the smell.
i wanted to make Martha look very thin, cadaverous and i like the whole result but i see flaws (her asymmetrical arms, the too sharp colors of the flowers, the lack of perspective, and more…) i hope you like it at least a little :D [HQ on DevARt L I N K]
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
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Typewriter Series #942 by Tyler Knott Gregson
*It’s official, my book, Chasers of the Light, is out! You can order it through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IndieBound , Books-A-Million , Paper Source or Anthropologie *
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
the-mask-in-the-mirror started following you
It had not been Emma's first choice to come to Paris. She had not been at all eager to go, especially after just beginning to make a standing for herself in Blackpool. But she was at the whim of the teacher's board and wherever they decided to send her. She supposed she should be grateful. After all, it meant that she was doing a good job.
But, truth be told, she had been enjoying herself in Blackpool. She had been enjoying the company of her new friend Charles, had enjoyed teaching a large class of students. Here in Paris, she was governess to only two children, very sweet and well behaved but, as of yet, fairly dull. She longed for a challenge, for students she could give Tolstoy, Whitman, Irving. Not that these students were stupid, of course, but they were having trouble making their way through even the simpliest of Dicken's works.
Luckily, not all of her time was taken by teaching. At the current moment, it was nearing 5 0'clock, and she was off for the day. Rather than going straight back to her apartment, as was her usual, she decided the take a small walk around the city, looking for a new bookshop. Her supplies were dwindling, and she also needed new teaching materials for the children. She passed by a large building on the side of the street, ornate and elaborately decorated. A theatre, perhaps?
Her eye was drawn, however, not to the building, but to the narrow side street that ran alongside it. Beyond it was the street on the other side, and she could see a shop with the word Books proclaimed proudly across the front. With purpose in her movement, she turned and started walking straight down the side street. She didn't pay any mind to the mud that was beginning to fill her shoes- she was much more focused on her goal.
As she walked, she became aware of a strange presence, almost a crawling on the back of her neck. Like she was being watched. She stopped walking, turned, looking at the side of the building. "...Is there anyone there?"
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
Good writing is often about letting go of fear and affectation. Affectation itself, beginning with the need to define some sorts of writing as ‘good’ and other sorts as ‘bad,’ is fearful behavior.
Stephen King. (via nedhepburn)
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
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"Oh, that makes more sense. I love puppies. Dogs, I guess. All dogs are puppies to me." She smirked a little, brushing a stray hair from her face.
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"I’m sure they don’t mean any harm. Fireworks are fun."
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
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"I'm sure they don't mean any harm. Fireworks are fun."
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"Someone should really consider the dogs and those who have heart conditions when they set off fireworks for Homecoming."
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
  It had been a difficult decision to leave Iowa, especially when life had begun to seem normal and she had hoped for a teacher's job. But life had had different plans for her. When she had applied for a teaching job, they had positioned her across the ocean, far far away from her home, in a distant land that she had only heard of in story books. Albion. To tutor a princess, not much younger than herself. At only 22, she was heading across the sea, to a land unknown, to take on a task she wasn't quite equipped for.
Of course, Emma was not one to turn down adventure either. All the books she had read, the adventures she had poured over in her childhood had prepared her for such an adventure. She had tried her best to read up on costums of Albion before her arrival, but she was still fairly worried that she was going to make a fool herself.
The boat ride over had been a culture shock, certainly. No one on the boat was smiling, no one seemed to be happy to be heading where they were heading. In fact, Emma thought she might be the only one who smiled at all during the whole journey, and it was always met with a confused, almost uncomfortable gaze from the passanger she had bestowed it on. She felt lost, certainly, and spent the rest of the journey with her head in Wuthering Heights.
When the boat finally docked, Emma suddenly realized that perhaps her choice of dress had been a poor one. She wasn't one for fashion- if it covered her adequetely and was clean, it was good enough for her. But for a princess...Well, it was too late now. She was being ushered off of the boat by two guards, trused up, with stone and sullen faces. The bright sun outside made her squint her eyes, and for a moment, she was aware of nothing except for the smell of the sea and the feel of stone beneath her feet.
Her eyes finally adjusted as she hurt the soft, lilting voice of what certainly sounded like royalty. As her focused, she saw the girl, surrounded by guards. She was certianly lovely looking. A bit of baby fat around her face, but that would melt away as she grew older. She was much better...endowed than Emma was, and she looked eager, excited. Someone Emma actually felt it was alright to smile at. So she did, a bright smile as she walked closer.
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A Kingdom of Smoke and Steam ;; Emma and Logan
♔ — The fog clung to the captain’s heels as he paced back and forth on the bow, eyebrows pulled tight together and moustache limp and disapproving. In the distance, he could see Bowerstone Docks—well, he could not see it so much as see the fog and smoke that enveloped it, as it always did, as it had for Avo only knew how many years.  Long before Logan, though his reign, his… dedication to production, innovation, ( pollution ), definitely aggravated it.
             Logan’s reign, to be sure, aggravated many things, most of them being people; his father, Sparrow, the Hero King, had set high expectations but these conditions were just monstrous; children forced to work, people starving, bandits running rampant, and the way Albion was isolated. No one could tell if Logan was trying to keep something in… or keep something      O          U          T.
…and the bloody guards. The captain couldn’t stand them, especially not on his ship—granted, he was transporting some important woman. Apparently. She didn’t look so important to him: awkward, with simple clothes, brown hair, always with her nose in a book. She smiled too much, too. Obnoxious. Nobody in Albion smiled anymore… save perhaps the princess.
—But this, ah, what was her name? Emma. Emma Ravenhearst would stop smiling soon enough.
She was to be a tutor to the princess ( he’d sent a royal missive to some women’s school across Skorm’s creation, and they’d decided to send their youngest teacher ) and anyone working in such close proximity to King Logan was bound to know misery almost immediately. The captain had never met the man — he just piloted his ships — but he’d heard that he was terribly frightening, face covered in scars, always ordering people about as if they were slaves. He’d heard stories about him executing innocent workers… they said that if he gave you a certain look, you knew you were next.
                               …Of course, Miss Ravenhearst would hear none of that. Another obnoxious thing about her—such optimism! He’d never seen anything like it. But now it was too late to turn ‘round and send her back—they were docking.
Princess Cecily was rarely allowed outside castle grounds, but after begging  her brother, she’d convinced him that she should be the one to greet her new tutor—and, hopefully, new friend. She was so lonely, and though she had great mentors and caretakers among the palace staff, she had only one friend her age—Elise, the daughter of a nobleman, on whom Cecily was particularly sweet.
—The wharf had been blocked off so that no civilians could get it, though many of them would have liked to see the princess who, as the ship docked, could barely contain her excitement. Though she was surrounded by guards, she was able to see Emma—and likewise, Emma could see her.
She was a girl of about sixteen with a curvaceous figure ( at least in her top half—she didn’t have much hip ) and a strong jaw—tall and lean, she was one of those teenagers who you could tell would grow into a striking adult… and her smile was rather dazzling. It didn’t fit at all with the horror stories the sailors had been telling about the royal family, to be sure. 
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Once Emma was close enough, Cecily broke free from her brother’s guards ( her babysitters ) to greet her.
☬ — "Hello! Welcome to Albion, My Lady," she said politely—her voice was rather more sultry than one would expect, but sweet and soft nonetheless.
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
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//izzi. izzi help. look at charles and emma look at them
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madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
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  Em sat in the quiet solace of the coffee shop, typing away on her laptop with quick, clicking strokes. Anyone who looked over her shoulder would have seen an incredibly long document, at least 200 pages in length, which Em was working away on. Without looking away from the document, she reached out her hand for her nearby coffee, knocking it over in the process, all over the possessions of the person next to her at the table.
"Shit! Shit, I'm so sorry!"
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madamelibrarian117 · 11 years
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To celebrate my 500+ followers who I would be absolutely nowhere without, I’m hosting my first giveaway! I never thought I’d get many (if any!) followers at all and thanks to you lovely bunch I’ve made dear friends and have been able to improve my muse and writing so why not give a little somethin’ back?
Alright, enough jabbering, let’s get to the prizes, shall we?
1st Place Prizes: 
A promo for an entire month (likely twice a week, that’s ten promos!)
One colored & detailed chibi like this OR this, depending on which style you like more, of your character or any character of your choice (please keep in mind that I will be in college after the giveaway so it will take some time)
A short blog review
2nd Place Prizes:
One line art or sketchy chibi with some color like the drawing in this ask of your character (once again, please keep in mind that I will be in college)
A promo for two weeks
3rd Place Prizes:
One non-colored sketchy chibi of your character (and again, I will be in college)
One promo
I apologise for the limited prizes, but I’m afraid I don’t have the money or resources to make and send people things. So sorry!
Now, for the boring, but important bit…
Rules & Info:
You MUST be following me! I will be checking!
Only reblogs count! Feel free to reblog as many times as you like to increase your chances, but please be considerate of your followers as this is a rather lengthy post.
Must reach at least 15 notes to start.
No giveaway blogs.
While I guess I can’t really do anything if you unfollow me after the giveaway, I ask that you please don’t follow me purely for the prizes. I’m trying to do something nice for my friends and if you only follow me because of the giveaway, well, that’s not really fair to me or to anyone else, is it?
The giveaway will end on September 1st!
Unfortunately, I cannot give an absolute on when the drawings mentioned in the prizes will be finished. I would love to whip them out the day the winners are announced, but I will be in school then and the weight of my academic schedule and how much free time I’ll have is undetermined at this point.
I will be using Random.org to choose the winner.
Remember to keep your ask boxes open! Good luck and a big “thank you” to everyone!
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madamelibrarian117 · 11 years
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To celebrate my 500+ followers who I would be absolutely nowhere without, I’m hosting my first giveaway! I never thought I’d get many (if any!) followers at all and thanks to you lovely bunch I’ve made dear friends and have been able to improve my muse and writing so why not give a little somethin’ back?
Alright, enough jabbering, let’s get to the prizes, shall we?
1st Place Prizes: 
A promo for an entire month (likely twice a week, that’s ten promos!)
One colored & detailed chibi like this OR this, depending on which style you like more, of your character or any character of your choice (please keep in mind that I will be in college after the giveaway so it will take some time)
A short blog review
2nd Place Prizes:
One line art or sketchy chibi with some color like the drawing in this ask of your character (once again, please keep in mind that I will be in college)
A promo for two weeks
3rd Place Prizes:
One non-colored sketchy chibi of your character (and again, I will be in college)
One promo
I apologise for the limited prizes, but I’m afraid I don’t have the money or resources to make and send people things. So sorry!
Now, for the boring, but important bit…
Rules & Info:
You MUST be following me! I will be checking!
Only reblogs count! Feel free to reblog as many times as you like to increase your chances, but please be considerate of your followers as this is a rather lengthy post.
Must reach at least 15 notes to start.
No giveaway blogs.
While I guess I can’t really do anything if you unfollow me after the giveaway, I ask that you please don’t follow me purely for the prizes. I’m trying to do something nice for my friends and if you only follow me because of the giveaway, well, that’s not really fair to me or to anyone else, is it?
The giveaway will end on September 1st!
Unfortunately, I cannot give an absolute on when the drawings mentioned in the prizes will be finished. I would love to whip them out the day the winners are announced, but I will be in school then and the weight of my academic schedule and how much free time I’ll have is undetermined at this point.
I will be using Random.org to choose the winner.
Remember to keep your ask boxes open! Good luck and a big “thank you” to everyone!
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madamelibrarian117 · 11 years
I'm sorry for the replies I haven't gotten to tonight, I need to go to bed! Like if I owe, that will help me.
0 notes
madamelibrarian117 · 11 years
Em smiled a little at his comment, appreciating his trying to defend her from herself. It was sweet, at least. Her attention was completely focused on securing her journal inside of her bag, zipping up a concealed pocket. She only relaxed completely when it was safely away. She couldn't be so careless with it in the future. Her whole life was between those pages. Secrets that she could never tell even her closest friends, strange things that had happened to her and that face...But she shook herself free from the thoughts. Now was not the time for musing on that.
She looked back up at the man who had returned the book, a demure smile on her face as she began to pile books back into her bag, "Thanks. You don't really have to defend me, I was being stupid. But thanks."
Her eyes showed that she meant it, when she occasionally rose them to his. She was truly grateful, but didn't know how she could show him that. Well, of course, there was the usual way... "Can I buy you a drink or something? I feel bad, you coming out of your way for me."
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Lost and Found
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madamelibrarian117 · 11 years
//I AM. how did you know that?
why doesn’t anyone like Emma Ravenhearst tho she’s so great
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