madamelibrarian117 · 10 years
the-mask-in-the-mirror started following you
It had not been Emma's first choice to come to Paris. She had not been at all eager to go, especially after just beginning to make a standing for herself in Blackpool. But she was at the whim of the teacher's board and wherever they decided to send her. She supposed she should be grateful. After all, it meant that she was doing a good job.
But, truth be told, she had been enjoying herself in Blackpool. She had been enjoying the company of her new friend Charles, had enjoyed teaching a large class of students. Here in Paris, she was governess to only two children, very sweet and well behaved but, as of yet, fairly dull. She longed for a challenge, for students she could give Tolstoy, Whitman, Irving. Not that these students were stupid, of course, but they were having trouble making their way through even the simpliest of Dicken's works.
Luckily, not all of her time was taken by teaching. At the current moment, it was nearing 5 0'clock, and she was off for the day. Rather than going straight back to her apartment, as was her usual, she decided the take a small walk around the city, looking for a new bookshop. Her supplies were dwindling, and she also needed new teaching materials for the children. She passed by a large building on the side of the street, ornate and elaborately decorated. A theatre, perhaps?
Her eye was drawn, however, not to the building, but to the narrow side street that ran alongside it. Beyond it was the street on the other side, and she could see a shop with the word Books proclaimed proudly across the front. With purpose in her movement, she turned and started walking straight down the side street. She didn't pay any mind to the mud that was beginning to fill her shoes- she was much more focused on her goal.
As she walked, she became aware of a strange presence, almost a crawling on the back of her neck. Like she was being watched. She stopped walking, turned, looking at the side of the building. "...Is there anyone there?"
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yourjilliangraham · 10 years
* the-mask-in-the-mirror likes my post*
I see you.
I see you person I love a whole fuckin lot
I see you on Tumblr
and I love you
*points at your face*
I like dat shit
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As night fell, and as respectability turned to bed, vice took over the streets, and drunken bravado took over manners.
The bohemian had worked a little later than usual, and the skies had darkened a little earlier than expected. Hurrying through the city to return to her community, she chided herself for not watching the time. She had no wish to linger in these alleys that turned dangerous for people like her. In the day, more policemen patrolled the city, but the worst they did was to drive her away from the bustling areas with the threat of arrest if they happened to catch her performing. There were things to be afraid of at night.
"Ooh, a little one."
She suppressed her alarm and faced the three men squarely. Her looks and dress combined marked her as Romani, and not everyone took kindly to them. The hostility emanating from the men grew palpable, as they immediately set about to mock her race and make lewd suggestions. Her eyes darted about to see if she could escape. If trapped, a scream could be all the world would know of her end. Instinct prompted her to draw her knife that she kept strapped to her lower calf. Whilst deft at handling it, her potential assailants were still three men much larger than she.
How small, she considered wryly, how useless, her knife would be against them if they attacked at the same time.
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Small welcome to one of my favorite Phantoms
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ithinkyouwerelonely · 12 years
Thread-updater! #1
So I've been sick for the last week and I've been neglecting threads. Anyway - time to clean up my active threads, no? I'll be posting some updates (one for each 5 threads) so I can tag my partners in it and let them know what's up with me and that specific thread, so everyone knows what to expect.
1. Belle and Norrington: no worries Kate, your reply is in my drafts and I'll get you a response asap. We need to come up with some idea on how to proceed in the story though so shoot some ideas if ya like. 2. Belle and Jefferson: I MISS YOU JEFFY AND SAMMIE! I totally really do. :-( I hope you're coming back soon. I'll move the thread to past threads, but I wanna pick it up again when you return, alright? Alright. 3. under-my-wings + the-mask-in-the-mirror:  You're in my drafts dearie! I'm not giving up on our modern aU thread, no worries about that. (Especially not after that gorgeous art you did.) I miss our Enchanted-Forest-story though, so I hope we'll continue with that as well once your school cuts you some slack. 4. stillwaitingforthatdrink: I got you in my drafts as well - I'll work on a reply asap. I hope we can get back into a normal rhythm of RP'ing soon because 2 replies a month isn't enough for me to feed the muse. ;-) Swimming pool is fun though. 5. angelofnightsmusic: You're in my drafts. But we need a plot or something. I need more direction and plot at this point, or it's going to get dull. Shoot some ideas if ya like!
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I could tell them all they need to know but no one is asking me...
Cuz you kinda hurt someone they care about
I'm righting my... mistake
Yeah well you still kinda almost ripped his center out
I DID rip his center out...
That's why no one is talking to you
I put it back in though so why are they still mad at me?
... Not even gonna answer that
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theladyoperaghost · 12 years
-Nudges his head into her side- You look very pretty today, Sister.
“Oh, my, compliments from the Opera Ghost! Though I should thank you instead of tease you. You look quite dashing today yourself, brother. Just as smart as ever.”
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yourjilliangraham · 10 years
//Oh my fucking god!!! I am having all kinds of emotionsssssssss and I am shippinggggggggg
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musical-little-jester · 12 years
How we met each other...(rp. Gerik/Simone)
It was summer and Simone was on vacation with her family in Paris. She always wanted to go to Paris, she wanted to see the Eiffel tower, Arc de Triomphe and the Notre Dame. "You have to stick with us all the time dear." her mother told her when they walked to the Notre Dame "Ofcourse ofcourse, I won't loose you." Simone said and hugged her mother. "Is that the church where the hunchback lives ?" Simone's little borther asked to her. Simone looked at her little borther and smiled "Yes ! yes it is, maybe we will see him when we are inside." after she said that her brothers eyes became very big and she started to laugh "Maybe we will !" she said happy. After the visited the Notre Dame they went back to the center of Paris. "Where shall we go next ?" Simone's father asked, and looked at the other "I really want to go to the Opera house. I heard that it's very beautiful there." Simone immediately said, she really wanted to see the opera house because of the stories about a ghost who lived in the opera. "Allright let's go then." and they walked away. It was very busy on the streets and Simone began the loose the group a bit "Hey ! Wait up !" she shouted at her parents, but they couldn't hear her. Simone looked around and tried to find them "Ow no....I lost them...." she said with some panic in her voice. "Oke...no panic...I have a map...I just need to find the way to the Opera house." and she walked away on her own. She walked through the streets of Paris and she had no idea if she would find the Opera house.
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theladyoperaghost · 12 years
It was wrong. Returning to this city with its familiar life, which she’d never once been granted part of, and yet the allure of Paris was far too strong. The evening threw its dark blanket, casting numerous shadows for her to stride through at her whim. She wandered, ridiculously aimless and sullen until the hour grew late enough and her mind tired enough from sheer repetitious boredom for her to seek some manner of shelter for a spell.
Perhaps a rooftop. Nothing good ever came from lingering on rooftops, and she wasn't inclined to argue that this lonely night could possibly become worse.
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yourjilliangraham · 10 years
the-mask-in-the-mirror is following you
    "You" she breathed. She knew she shouldn't have been wandering, she knew she shouldn't have left her bed. All the other girls were asleep and she couldn't seem to keep her eyes shut. She had gotten lost in the halls of the opera house she lived in and suddenly she wasn't alone. 
     She wasn't sure how to react, she hadn't really been thinking when she went off on her own and now here she was face to face with The Opera Ghost, someone she had known her whole life yet she doubted he ever once knew her.
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