maddsuggestion · 5 years
My family in my paracosm is so kind and loving... and then the realization hits that they’re not real, like a deep, dark note that holds out for a while; hits you in the chest and settles into your heart. I always hate that.
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maddsuggestion · 5 years
Ok but like I just discovered this community and I’m sooooo glad I’m not the only one I always felt a bit weird about my daydreaming and knowing there’s other people who do this is extremely comforting :)
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maddsuggestion · 5 years
☁️ reminder that our inbox is always open ☁️
Please feel free to submit your confessions, thoughts, ideas, poetry and art surrounding Maladaptive Daydreaming. 
If you'd like your ask to be answered, simply add a * at the start of it! 💬
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maddsuggestion · 5 years
im recently out of daydream plots and everything sucks
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maddsuggestion · 5 years
I like to think my Madd is real in an alternate reality... That's why the multiverse theme is so important to me, my pracosm being built around many fictional universes. Even if it's not real, it is nice to dream a bit.
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maddsuggestion · 5 years
They’re not real, and that’s the most painful thing in the universe.
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maddsuggestion · 5 years
So; a strange little confession here. In my daydreams, I rarely pop up, that’s because I make myself god in these daydreams. And when my paras interact with me, they’re interacting with god... strange, I know. But I’m controlling this whole universe, so I guess we are kind of the gods of our daydreams? My daydreams are always about my paras tho, never me :p
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maddsuggestion · 5 years
when i was younger i was always apart of my daydreams and they always revolved around me, but i haven’t been in a daydream since i was about 11-12, that’s when i created my characters, now i only dream about them and their stories. i just wanna know if there’s others out there that aren’t in their own daydreams?
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maddsuggestion · 5 years
reality is harsh when you don’t live in it
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maddsuggestion · 6 years
Basically I just daydream abt cuddling & kissing & stuff except also being scared by things & crying & needing comfort but in my daydreams my parame is always sleeping or like in a car or smth and then I just have daydreams that are separate and more temporary than my paracosms but it’s like there always feels like more to it than what’s actually happening currently in the paracosm, like I’m just half in that world even if I’m technically there all day like things still happen when I’m “gone”
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maddsuggestion · 6 years
It seems like no one else I’ve seen is like this but I’d assume other ppl are just I haven’t noticed but my paras are always famous ppl in bands & stuff except vampires & demons & then my parame is basically just me but a vampire. And like it never moves past me being like a “newborn” vampire like that’s p much my whole basic plot & the daydreams are just slightly different each time or situation, like other ppls paras seem to b different & that they do stuff when mine r super anticlimactic haha
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maddsuggestion · 6 years
I’m craving for someone who doesn’t exist and it’s slowly killing me
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maddsuggestion · 6 years
Hey I’m new to the madd community so I just want to have more people to talk about it to bc I’ve read a lot abt it but not actually talked to anyone so yeah like I just need new mutuals lol
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maddsuggestion · 6 years
No matter what I see, my first thought is always “how do I relate this to my paras” and it gets so so tiring over time.
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maddsuggestion · 6 years
Oof I apologise for this blog being sort of inactive, both of the mods are.. well. Daydreamers. Keeping up with things can be hard, but we’ve got some submissions and posts in the drafts!
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maddsuggestion · 6 years
i feel so weird that my paracosm and my paras are literally people i know. it’s like all my daydreams are attempting to satisfy this ego i have by placing my friends and family in a position where they admire me.
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maddsuggestion · 6 years
I’m not willing to put actual effort into something that would benefit me long term because I just don’t believe I’ll even make it that far into the future. I only live in my daydreams, the real life doesn’t concern me.
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