madformunsonsstuff · 7 months
Season 3 is for the overthinkers. The ones who always had the crush but were never the crushes. The ones who only see flaws when they look in the mirror. The ones who throw themselves into books because those worlds treat them better than life ever has. The ones who are just so goddamn tired.
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
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The Last Olympian pg.372-374
Wanted to finish this last year but some things happened. Enjoy!
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
dark percy this, dark piper that, what about the entire 7 being dark?
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
Okay this is without a doubt the greatest Eddie edit I’ve ever seen. It’s 3 minutes long but it’s so worth it.
Holy shit when I say I got goosebumps. The last 90 seconds are intense 🤌🏻
Credit: @justforquinn on TikTok
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
eddie munson recs i also have experienced as well.
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eddie comes late from work and have rough sex
you and eddie have sneaky sex in the libary
eddie and you have a fight, angry sex, make up sex
eddie wants to start a family with you
eddie goes on a trip with his band and gonne fuck you before he left.
eddie take away your insecurity
eddie likes being rough with you
eddie is panicking about your first valentines day
yours and eddies first time together
friends to lovers with eddie
eddie being happy with you
morning make out with eddie
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
Babe on Wheels Masterlist | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N Henderson is Dustin’s half sister. After spending the last few years on the road riding her motorcycle, she’s ready to go back to Hawkins. As soon as she gets there her brother’s friend Eddie takes interest in her.
Set during season 4, AU where Eddie is alive.
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Warnings: Mature language, mentios of dead parents, descriptions of sexual acts (nothing too graphic).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
Babe on Wheels (Part 4) | Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/N and Eddie go on their first date. Fluff galore.
Warnings: Mention of dead parents, sad childhood, that's all I can think of (let me know if I missed any)
Words: 4.1K
Part 1, part 2, part 3
That Saturday morning Eddie woke up unusually early. Wayne had just come back from work, ready to enjoy a lazy weekend, when he found Eddie munching on a toast and downing a full jar of coffee. He looked fresh out of the shower too, his hair was wet and his cheeks were red, like he had been under scalding hot water.
“You’re up early.” His uncle commented.
“Yep. Yep.” Eddie nodded and Wayne frowned at his nephew’s weird behavior. 
“What’s wrong?” Wayne asked.
“Nothing.” Eddie shook his head. “Nothing is wrong.”
“You seem a little… on edge.” His uncle observed.
“Me? On edge? Nah! I’m cool, I’m cool as can be.” He nodded his head quickly. “Cool, cool, cool, cool.”
Eddie wasn’t fooling anyone.
What his uncle didn’t know is that Eddie was both excited and nervous because he had a date with Y/N Hernderson. So he got up early to shower and make sure he looked good. 
He even changed clothes three times, wanting to make sure his outfit was perfect. Y/N had warned him to wear at least two layers and his jacket, since riding a motorcycle can get pretty cold, but he still wanted to look good for her. It was useless though, he didn’t own much, only dark jeans and band t-shirts.
What do you even wear to a date like this?
He settled for the Metallica t-shirt he was wearing when he met her -the one she complimented-, a flannel on top of it, his leather jacket, his vest, and some black jeans. 
Eddie couldn’t remember the last time he worried about what to wear.
Back to the present, Wayne was giving him weird looks.
“You didn’t set anything on fire, did you?” He asked and Eddie gapped.
“That was ONE time!” 
“Doesn’t mean it can’t happen again.” Wayne said with a shrug. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Eddie sighed and nodded.
“Yeah. Yes. I know…” He looked down and fidgeted with one of his rings. Wayne was starting to get worried.
Was Eddie in trouble? 
“I like a girl.” He blurted out. “She’s coming soon to pick me up, we’re going to South Bend to look for some DnD books, and she said it’s a date.”
Wayne blinked, leaning back against the kitchen counter. A date that included buying books was ridiculously adorable in Wayne’s eyes.
“I gotta say, son, I’m relieved. I don’t know what I was expecting but that was not it.” He chuckled. “If she called it a date, then she must like you back. Nothing to be so nervous about.”
Eddie groaned and ran his hands down his face.
“You don’t get it. She’s cool. Like REALLY cool.”
“Define “cool”.” Wayne said, pouring some coffee in his mug and sitting down across from Eddie.
“She rides a motorcycle, she basically lived on the road the last four years.”
“Like a nomad?” Wayne asked, tilting his head. “That IS cool.” He agreed with his nephew. Eddie nodded his head.
“Exactly! And she’s super smart too, and badass, but also very sweet!”
“Then what’s the problem?”
Eddie’s shoulders dropped.
“She’s everything I’m not.”
Wayne frowned at that.
“What are you talking about?”
“She’s a catch, and I’m the town’s freak. I was held back at school TWICE, I sell weed, I probably won’t ever achieve anything in life, I’m a “good for nothing”. I would be surprised if I didn’t end in jail by the time I’m 25.” Eddie looked impossibly sad.
Wayne grimaced. He had worried about that in the past too, but he would never tell Eddie that.
“Listen to me, son.” Wayne started. “You said she’s everything you’re not, but you’re wrong. You’re smart too, street smart, and creative as hell. It’s impressive.” He took a deep breath. Wayne wasn’t a sentimental man, so some things were hard for him to express. But he had watched Eddie grow up and still maintain some form of innocence. Even if Eddie saw himself as a “good for nothing” criminal, Wayne saw the sweet boy he once was, who fed the strays living in the trailer park, and took in the freshmen who didn’t seem to fit anywhere else. “You’re sweet too, when you want to be, and I’m sure she noticed too, otherwise she wouldn’t have called it a date.”
Eddie bit his lower lip and sat in silence for a moment. Wayne knew he sometimes needed time to process things, especially when someone showed him some kindness. He just wasn’t used to it. So Wayne just sipped his coffee in silence, letting his words sink in.
“You really think that?” He asked shyly and Wayne smiled.
“I know you better than anyone. You have nothing to worry about.”
Eddie smiled.
“Thanks, dad.”
Wayne lived for these little moments.
Before he could reply, they heard the sound of an engine approaching the trailer. Eddie’s head snapped and he jumped from his seat.
“Shit!” He cursed as he looked out the window. “It’s her.” He quickly put his jacket on and patted his hair. “Alright. Okay.” He mumbled, as if he was trying to encourage himself to step out of the trailer. 
Wayne thought it was endearing, and he would have laughed if he didn’t think it would upset Eddie even more.
“You got this, son.” He encouraged him. Eddie smiled.
“Thanks. See you later.” He said and finally walked out.
Meanwhile Y/N parked the bike and took her helmet off. She smiled widely when she saw Eddie walk out.
“Good morning, handsome.” She said, making Eddie feel even more nervous.
“Morning, princess.” He stopped by her bike as she got off it.
“Are you ready?” Y/N asked looking excited and Eddie returned the feeling.
“Very! I could hardly sleep last night! I never rode a motorcycle before. I’m a bit nervous to be honest.”
Y/N nodded.
“It’s okay to be nervous. If you need me to stop at any point, just pat my shoulder and I’ll park, okay?” She said and Eddie nodded.
“Okay.” He replied feeling a little bit better.
“First thing first, we need to tie your hair. I don’t want it to get caught in the wind on the road, it could get really tangled, and trust me, it’s a pain to untangle afterwards.” Y/N said before taking a hair band from her wrist. “Do you mind?” She asked, gesturing to his hair.
“Oh, no, go ahead.” He turned around and took a deep breath. He could see Wayne’s silhouette through the window, watching their interactions.
Soon he felt Y/N fingers running slowly through his hair. Chills ran down his spine and he felt his knees going weak. 
Y/N secured his hair in a low ponytail and smiled.
“Perfect! Now, the next step.” She opened one of her saddle bags and pulled out something resembling a ski mask.
“Whoa whoa whoa, are we stealing a bank or something?” Eddie joked and Y/N laughed.
“No, silly! This is called a balaclava, and it’s to keep cold air from getting into your helmet and down your jacket. You need it, or else you’ll get really cold.”
Eddie nodded and put it on, not without some struggle. Y/N giggled as she helped him make sure it fit right. She had picked a really cool looking one, with the lower half of a skull painted on it, giving Eddie a spooky look.
Y/N secured Eddie’s hair under the balaclava and then helped him with the helmet. 
Finally she handed him some leather gloves and zipped his jacket for him.
“There, perfect!” She said, looking at him up and down. “Like a true biker.”
It’s a good thing Eddie’s face was completely covered, or else she would’ve seen him blush deeply.
Y/N put her helmet back on, then her gloves, and got on the bike.
“You put your feet on these.” She instructed, pointing at a pedal. “And then hold onto me.” 
Eddie climbed on the bike carefully, it moved around a little as he settled on it, which was scary at first, his arms shooting out to wrap around Y/N tightly.
“You good?” Y/N asked over her shoulder once Eddie had settled down.
Eddie gave her a thumb up and Y/N nodded in return. She put her visor down, fired up the engine and drove away.
Eddie had never experienced anything like this. Riding Y/N’s bike, going fast down the road was accelerating, almost as much as the idea of having his arms wrapped around her, his body pressed against her back.
The purr of the engine drowned any other sound, the wind hitting his helmet as he tilted his head so he could see past Y/N. It was amazing. 
He took his chance to look around him, taking in the landscapes they drove by. He had never noticed how beautiful the woods around Hawkins were. Being on the road like this felt like he could just stretch his arm out and touch the nature around him. 
Now Eddie understood why Y/N liked it.
It wasn’t just about moving around from one town to the other, it wasn’t about the aesthetic that came with it.
It was the solitude of it. Being one with the road, taking it all in, being free from everything else.
It was liberating.
Y/N made sure to take the long way to South Bend, going around the woods instead of through them. 
Eddie looked up to see the sunlight shining through the trees’ leeves, looking like a starry night. The air was cold, like Y/N predicted, but Eddie felt warm inside.
Eventually they made it to South Bend and Y/N parked outside the library. 
“How did you like the ride?” she asked him once they were both off the bike.
“I loved it!” Eddie replied, bouncing on his feet. “It was amazing! I had no idea it would feel like that!
“Like what?” She asked with a smile. She knew what he meant but wanted to hear him say it.
“Like… like true freedom!” Eddie said lifting his arms in the air dramatically. Y/N laughed.
“Now you get it.” She chuckled. They left their gloves and balaclavas in the saddles, and the helmets hanging from the handles before walking inside.
Not only did Eddie find the Player’s manual that Y/N wanted, but he also found some magazines and accessories he thought Dustin would like. Y/N took everything he showed her, gushing about how Dustin would be so excited to receive everything once she gets home.
“Pick something for yourself.” Y/N said while browsing some stationary. Eddie blinked. “My treat.” She shrugged.
“Oh no, I can’t. You already gave me a ride.” He shook his head.
“Take it as an apology: my way of saying “I’m sorry” for yelling at you the other night.” She sighed. “I shouldn’t have accused you of abandoning Dustin or letting him get bullied.”
Eddie shook his head.
“Sweetheart, no, don’t worry about that.”
“I was being a bitch.” She said, rolling her eyes and Eddie chuckled.
“I wouldn’t call you that. Overprotective? yeah, maybe, but not a bitch.”
“Just pick something, will ya?” Y/N insisted. “Besides, you better make the most out of it now before I start spending all my money in my new apartment.” She added with a shrug.
Eddie raised his eyebrows as he started browsing for something that he could get.
“Does that mean you found a place?” He asked and Y/N nodded, smirking.
“Mm-hmm, I got the call from the owner this morning, I’m moving in next week.” She said with excitement. “It’s this cozy little apartment on the second floor, right on top of a little bakery downtown. And the building has a shared garage where I can keep my motorcycle, so it’s perfect!” She bounced a little, her happiness was infectious and Eddie smiled widely.
“Sounds really nice!” He hoped he could come visit her. They would be alone, without Dustin or other highschoolers… It sounded nice indeed.
Eddie’s eyes widened when he saw a copy of The Silmarillion resting on one of the shelves. He had wanted it for years, especially after reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. He had dreamed of collecting all of Tolkien’s works someday.
Y/N watched him closely as he took the book and inspected it. It was a hard cover, in the most beautiful shade of green. When he opened he was greeted by beautiful illustrations of the story. The details were stunning, it made it look like a real fantasy, middle earth book.
It was love at first sight. 
Sadly, the price tag broke his heart. He put the book back on the shelf and moved to pick another edition. This one was cheaper and simpler. But it was enough for him.
“Can I take this one?” He asked her and Y/N nodded. 
“Are you sure? I thought you liked the other one better…”
“It’s the same book. What matters is the words, right?” He shrugged and kept walking through the library.
“Right.” Y/N said. The second Eddie’s back was turned to her, she switched the books and took the first one. She put it under the other stuff she was holding to cover it up.
Eddie waited by the door while Y/N paid for the books. They walked out together and Y/N placed the bag inside one of her saddle bags.
“Where to now?” Eddie asked.
“I was thinking we could grab some lunch. I know just the right place.” She offered and Eddie nodded. They geared up again, climbed up the bike and drove away.
Right outside of town was this little diner that looked like it hadn’t changed since the fifties. It was like a time machine, and Y/N loved it.
This wasn’t your typical first date. They met on a Saturday morning, now it was lunch time, and he got to ride a motorcycle for the first time. Eddie didn’t have many “common” things, like a house, or parents, and a happy childhood. But he wouldn’t change this date for anything in the world. 
They sat down at a booth in the corner across from each other, ordered burgers, fries and milkshakes. It felt like a dream, a beautiful dream that neither of them wanted to wake up from.
They talked about everything and anything, shared their fries alongside embarrassing stories of their childhoods and swapped milkshakes so they could taste what the other had ordered.
Eventually Eddie’s curiosity got the best of him.
“So, I gotta ask… how did you end up becoming a biker?”
Y/N took a sip of her milkshake and shrugged.
“My mom.” she started. Eddie realized then he didn’t know much about Y/N’s family. She knew she was Dustin’s half sister, and that Claudia wasn’t her mom, but that was it. “When I was 16 I found this old photo of her riding a motorcycle.” She continued, looking out the window. The feeling of nostalgia made her look like she was miles away at that moment. “Nothing like my bike, something smaller, a little Vespa her uncle brought from Italy in the forties.” She smiled softly at the memory of that photo. “She looked so happy.” Y/N finished with a whisper.
Eddie cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Do you- Do you mind me asking where your mom is now?” 
Y/N took a deep breath.
“She passed away when I was a baby.”
Eddie’s heart dropped.
“I’m so sorry.” He said taking Y/N’s hand over the table. Y/N smiled sadly and gave his hand a squeeze, the thumb tracing the hard edges of his rings.
“I don’t have any memories of her.” Y/N continued talking. “All I know is through pictures and things people that knew her told me. Dad didn’t like talking about her, so that made things a bit harder. So when I turned 18 I left to visit my uncle and grandma they told me everything they could.” She smiled a little, which made Eddie feel better. “I found out she was a wild, free spirit, and I guess I got that from her.”
“And what about your dad?” He asked.
“He passed away when I was 20. Heart attack. I was across the country.” She said with a little frown as she remembered. “I found out days laters when I finally got a hold of a phone and called home.” Y/N looked down, a little embarrassed. “I didn’t make it to the funeral. We didn’t get along, but I wish I could’ve been there at least for that.”
“That sucks.” Eddie said for the lack of better words.
“I sold the house, made a college fund for Dustin and just…kept driving.” She shrugged.
“Why didn’t you two get along?” Eddie asked and quickly shook his head. “I’m sorry, that’s super personal. You don’t need to answer that.”
Y/N gave his hand another squeeze.
“It’s fine. I used to hate him for leaving Claudia, for leaving Dustin, and for forcing me to move so far away. Claudia was the only mom I ever knew, so losing her too was hard.” She said before wiping some tears away with her other hand.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s fine, really.” Y/N took a deep breath. “It feels nice to finally say it outloud, you know?” She smiled softly and Eddie smiled back.
“Yeah I get it. And I understand how you’re feeling. I lost my mom when I was a kid too. And my dad isn’t in the picture, he’s in jail, so I live with my uncle Wayne.” He explained.
“We make quite the pair.” Y/N joked. Eddie liked that, the idea of being a pair with her, a couple, partners… 
“Yeah…” He said blushing a little and looking down at their hands still together.
“If there’s something I’ve learned from traveling so much and meeting so many people is that more often than not, the broken and the lonely are also the kindest, most selfless people.” Y/N said.
Eddie smiled at that.
“Tell me about some of the places you visited on your bike.” He said and Y/N’s face lit up.
“Oh boy… where do I start?...”
The ride back to Hawkins felt too short as they both tried to soak in the feeling of being sitting so close to each other, Eddie’s arms wrapped tightly around Y/N waist.
When they arrived at the trailer park Eddie got off the bike but Y/N stayed sitting on it.
Neither of them wanted to say goodbye.
“Today was awesome! Thank you so much, princess.” Eddie said, handing her the helmet, gloves and balaclava. Y/N put them inside her saddle bag and smiled.
“My pleasure, handsome.” Y/N replied and pulled out the book she bought for him. “Before I forget.”
Eddie stared at it for a moment, not believing his eyes.
“No fucking way…” He whispered and reached out to take it with shaky hands. “You’re kidding me! You bought this one?!”
Y/N smiled and shrugged.
“I knew you liked it, it’s not a big deal.”
“You’re too nice to me, sweetheart.” Eddie said, shaking his head. “You’re spoiling me.”
“You deserve nice things in your life, Eddie.” Y/N replied. Eddie suddenly dropped on the ground, making Y/N yelp in surprise. “Eddie!”
“I’m dead! I’m dead!” He said dramatically. “I’ve been killed by cuteness overload.”
Y/N laughed at his antics.
“Get up, you dork!” She giggled. Eddie quickly got up, dusting himself.
“You love my dorkiness.” He teased her and Y/N blushed a little.
“Yeah, that I do.”
There was such a sincerity in her voice that made Eddie’s heart skip a beat. She liked him just the way he was, and he liked her back.
“I think I will die for real if I don’t kiss you right now.” Eddie blurted out.
Y/N reached to grab him by his jacket and pull him closer to her. 
“Then you better kiss me now, to save your life!”
Eddie’s lips descended upon Y/N’s and pressed gently against her. It was gentle and sweet. He wrapped an arm around her waist while Y/N moved her free hand up his neck to his cheek.
They stayed like that for a moment, sweetly pecking each other’s lips, not going much further from that.
It’s not that he didn’t want to kiss her harder, but Eddie didn’t want to press his luck and scare her away. All day he had been secretly hoping he would get to kiss her at the end of their date, and this was good enough for him.
If only he had known she had been hoping for the same.
When Eddie pulled back his eyes caught something and he froze.
“What is it?” Y/N asked with a frown noticing the change in his demeanor. 
“Don’t look, but I think my uncle just watched us kiss through the window.” He said, eyeing the shadowy figure.
Y/N blinked and then turned to the trailer.
“Hi Mr. Munson! I’m Y/N Henderson, your nephew's date!” She yelled. Eddie jumped and quickly covered her mouth with his hand.
“Jesus H. Christ! Are you insane?!” He asked and then quickly took his hand away when he felt something wet on it. “Did you just LICK me?!” He asked, looking flabbergasted. Y/N giggled innocently.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” Eddie rolled his eyes but still smiled at her playfulness. “Will I see you on Monday after school?”
“I’m not sure, I’ll probably be busy moving into my new place.” She replied and Eddie tried no to look too disappointed.
“Oh, right.”
“Does Tuesday work for you?” She suggested.
“I have band practice and then a gig at the Hideout.” He said starting to get worried. There was no way he could make it to Wednesday without seeing her.
“Perfect.” Y/N said. “I will come watch you play.”
“Really?” Eddie asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, you invited me, remember?”
That part was true, he did invite her to watch his band play. Eddie’s smile widened at the idea of Y/N watching him play.
“I remember. Alright then, Tuesday it is, then. Until then Imma crack this baby up.” He said lifting the book she got him. Y/N smiled.
“Give me one more kiss before I go.” She said. Eddie narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips.
“Mmmm… what if I don’t? Will you stay until I do? Then maybe I shouldn’t kiss you at all.”
That was such a bluff, he knew now that he had tasted her lips he would never be able to deny her a kiss. Y/N shook her head and laughed.
“No, I will simply leave, and you’ll feel like an idiot.” She joked. Eddie quickly pulled her in for another kiss, this one a little bit deeper than the previous one.
Eddie thought he could die of happiness right there and then.
Eventually they pulled apart, said goodbye and Y/N drove away.
When Eddie walked into the trailer, Wayne was sitting on his chair, reading -or pretending to read- the newspaper. Eddie wasn’t sure what to expect, would Wayne have a million questions about his date, or would he try to stay away from his nephew’s business?
Either way, Eddie wanted to share this happiness with the man that was raising him.
“I’m back.” He announced, as if it wasn’t obvious.
“Welcome home. How did it go?” Wayne said and Eddie saw right through it. His uncle was trying to stay cool.
“Oh you know how it went, you spied on us kissing through the window.”
“I wasn’t spying on you, I just happened to be standing there!” Wayne quickly said, putting the newspaper down. Eddie chuckled.
“Yeah, right. It’s okay though, I’m not mad.” He smiled widely. “It went so well, dad! She’s wonderful! And she got me an amazing new book!” He added as he showed him her purchase. “The bike ride was amazing, and we grabbed lunch before coming here and it felt like a real, proper first date.” He said before flopping on the couch.
Wayne chuckled.
“She seems nice, for what I could hear from her yelling.” Eddie groaned at that and covered his face with a hand. That made Wayne laugh. “I suppose you’re not the only one making scenes now.”
“No, you’re right, she might be even worse than me.”
“Or she’s perfect for you.” Wayne commented.
“She’s perfect. Period.” Eddie said back with a smile.
A/N: If you like this fanfic please reblog or reply, I would really appreciate it ❤️
@live-the-fangirl-life @lem0nb0iii @fangirling-4-ever @princesseddie @witchofhawkins @elleeeee21 @amberritonicole @sidthedollface2@skyfall8600 @squishyturtle @synfuck @apolixyan @peaches-and-plums-motherfucker @mimsie95
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
Baby, Kiss Me Quick
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader[3.5k] more smut with your favourite friend with benefits. slow and soft eddie, a little teasing. PART ONE
You managed maybe twenty seconds of reprieve before your body was screaming at you for more. For Eddie, for the boy, for his touch, for his-
“Kiss,” you murmured, voice still breathy, lifting your face to his, nose nudging his cheek and you felt the way it lifted as he smiled. “Kiss me, please? Really want you to k-”
You didn’t mean to sound so fucking needy, so absolutely wrecked with desperatation. But Eddie must’ve heard it in the way you spoke, felt it in the way your hands clung to the slope of his shoulder, because he was moving down into you without a second thought. 
His mouth slanted over your own with the same messy greediness you felt. You were still completely naked, sheets bundled underneath you, Eddie’s jeans pushed to the bare skin of your thighs and it made you ache. 
How could you still want him so badly after he’d already made you come? You were still vibrating, body buzzing from the flick of his tongue and the feel of his fingers sliding in and out of you. 
But then the boy slid one hand into your hair, held you to him so he could kiss you senseless, tongue licking over your own again and again and again. His other hand traced the lines of you, from the dip in your waist to the curve of your hip, hand skimming down to cup your ass, squeeze the flesh there and pull you into him.  
You could feel how hard he was, thick and hot against your thigh, trapped beneath denim and god, the way he was grinding himself into you was maddening. 
You couldn’t stop kissing him though, revelling in the way it left you both breathless, more and more desperate for the other, noses pressed to cheeks, your hands tugging at his curls until he groaned into your mouth, let you swallow his sounds and keep them for yourself. 
“Eddie,” you whimpered, back arching off of the bed, into his frame, trying your best to wrap yourself around him “Eddie.”
“I know- fuck,” Eddie’s voice was shot, low and rough, dripping in need and he smelled like smoke and sex and something that was entirely him. “S’alright, sweetheart, Christ, I know.”
You were pushing him back then, eyes a little wide, hair a mess and your hands on his bare chest. You tried your best to coax him backwards and the boy let you, went soft for you and let you manhandle him to where you wanted because fucking hell, Eddie Munson would throw himself into traffic for you if you asked. 
So you got him on his knees on the bed, followed him to do the same and you let out an almost watery laugh at the way he didn’t let go of you, not once. He kept a wide hand on your waist, fingers splayed comically large over your ribcage, your back and all he could do was stare down at you, taking in every detail, every line, every freckle and scar. 
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he whispered, catching your mouth once more, making you both both cling to the other as your swayed on the mattress, kissing like you’d never been allowed to before. 
And perhaps you hadn’t, not like this. Alone with the boy in a bed that smelled like him, in the dark of his room with no one else to worry about. Hands dragging over naked skin, new places to touch, to see, to kiss and taste. 
“Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” Eddie was still running his mouth as he kissed you, catching every soft sigh and whine you gave him with a push of his lips to yours. “What you doin’ with a guy like me, huh?”
It was a rhetorical question, you knew that. The boy was mumbling, almost to himself, eyes closed, lips smoothing over your jaw, totally lost in you. But you felt the need to answer him, to show him why you were with him. 
Your hands found the waistband of his jeans, fingers a little shaky as you tugged at it, popping the button and messing with his zipper, a little noise of indignation stuck in your throat when it didn’t budge as easily as you wanted. And then you were pawing at him, hands roaming over the ink on his chest, lips pushed back to his and you were whining, his name tumbling from your lips over and over again. 
“Hey, hey,” Eddie was catching you, hand cupping your chin, pulling back enough to look you in the eye and he felt like he’d been punched in the gut at all the emotions he found there. Need, want, a heavy dose of something fond, something more. “Sweetheart, s’fine, I know. C’mere for me.”
He took your hands in his, let them drag slow down his chest, over the lines of his hips, the soft of his stomach and he unzipped his jeans with your fingers curled between his own. Everything seemed to slow then, right back down like before, like he was reminding you that you had all the time in the world. Eddie pressed sweet little kisses to your face, peppered them over the apples of your cheeks, open mouthed presses to the corner of your mouth, the angle of your jaw. 
“S’that what you want?” He kept your hand in his own, hissed when he brought it to rub over the hard outline of his dick, twitching beneath his boxers. Your fingers curled around it, thick and heavy in your hand and Eddie squeezed your palm around it with his own, groaning. “You want this, baby?”
You nodded, eyes clenched shut as he pressed his forehead to your own, crowding into you with your joined hands still tugging at his cock through his underwear. The boy was panting, needy noises coming from his lips and you couldn’t believe the way your cunt was aching again, a dull throb that you were desperate to make go away. 
“Eddie,” you whined and your heart stuttered when he whispered your name back, his free hand curling around your waist to hold you closer to him. 
“Shit, I need- I need to be inside you, sweetheart,” he gasped out, jaw slack and parted lips ghosting over your cheek in a lazy kiss. “Fuckin’ desperate for you, please.”
You don’t know how it happened, how Eddie ended up beneath you, back against his headboard that rattled a little too loudly. But you were curling your fingers into his jeans, tugging them down his hips, taking his boxers with them until his cock spring free and slapped against his stomach. You were a mess of limbs, huffs of laughter and kiss swollen smiles as Eddie yanked off his socks as you tried to wrestle the denim down his legs at the same time, both of you completely naked before the other for the first time.
You took a second to take him in, all of him. New tattoos that appeared from under clothes, dark swirls of ink that curled over his skin. He was lean, trim waist, subtle lines of muscle that wrapped around his arms, his thighs. 
He looked nervous as you sat between his spread legs, hands smoothing across his thighs as you leaned into him. Eddie could help but drop his stare to your tits for a second or two, nipples peaked and grazing across his own chest as you moved against him. 
You caught his lips in a sweet kiss, your voice sticky and soft with affection as you told him, “you’re so pretty, Eddie.”
You couldn’t see, not from the way you were sucking a nice bruise into his neck, but Eddie had the sheets fisted in his hands at your words, your voice. He sighed, let his head fall back and his jaw go slack, tilting himself this way and that so you could bite and suck at his throat. 
You felt him swallow, a harsh bob of his Adam’s apple as you kissed over it. He sighed, soft, melting under your touch and his hands caught your waist as you moved yourself to perch on his lap. Your thighs spread over his own, your bare cunt sliding slick and warm over the hard length of him. 
He twitched, you moaned, he held you a little tighter. 
“Yeah?” He asked you, voice higher and breathier than you’d heard it before. 
You grinned, nodding, the graze of your lips following the line of his jaw, stubble catching on your tongue as you flicked it out a little dirty at the space under his ear. You mimicked his words from earlier, hurting your own heart with how true they were. 
“Prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” you whispered. 
Eddie grinned, Eddie blushed, shaking his head at you as he smiled all soft, sticky fondness catching at his throat as he cupped the back of your neck and tugged you into him. 
“C’mere, you.”
Another kiss, sloven and lazy, one that stirred up heat in your stomach, made you grind against him with a whine. He didn’t get a chance to pull away as you wrapped your hand around his dick, pumping him once, twice, before you raised yourself up a little, and sunk back down.  
Eddie’s fingers were bruises on your hips, grabbing at you as his tip nudged at your cunt, slick and warm, a slow slide of you as you went down down down. 
You took him inch by inch, gasping at each bit of stretch, eyes watery and on his own as he watched you, pupils blown, jaw hanging slack. 
“Jesus fuckin’ christ,” he moaned, the sound ripping out of him in a stutter. You were both panting, chests heaving as you took him all, sitting pretty in his lap with his cock seated fully inside of you. “Oh, good girl, good fucking girl.”
You gasped, didn’t dare move, because you were already clenching around him and you could feel the way the boy’s cock was twitching inside of you, his head thrown back at the way you were tightening up at the feel of him. 
It was too much, the stretch, the ache, the feeling of being so full. 
“Eds, Eddie,” god, you sounded close to tears, too overwhelmed by it all. “I can’t, s’too good, already close, don’t wanna- fuck, not yet-”
The boy was petting at you, hands brushing over your thighs, your shoulders, cradling your cheeks in his palms as he kissed over your lips. He made soft noises, nudged at your jaw with his nose so you’d move your head back for him to kiss a line across your throat. 
“You’re alright, sweetheart, yeah?” Eddie cooed, voice full of awe and heat for you. “I’ve got you. S’okay, gonna take it real slow for me, aren’t you?”
You mewled, made a little whining noise for him, because fucking hell, that’s all you could do. His cock was throbbing inside of you, his thighs already a mess with you and you couldn’t help but rock a little, hips moving over Eddie’s and making him grunt. 
“Yeah, jus’ like that, hmm?” Eddie nodded, eyelids drooping with pleasure. “Can I watch you? Huh? You gonna let me watch you fuck yourself on a my cock, like a good little girl?”
You were nodding, small hands gripping around the boy’s board shoulders and you realised then and there that you’d do absolutely anything Eddie asked. His voice made your toes curl, singing with praise, thick with adoration. 
“Shit, yeah,” you told him, eyes squeezing shut as he chanted his hips up a little, nudged somewhere deep inside of you. “Yeah, please, you can watch me, I can do that.”
You were babbling, a mess, back arching for him to touch more of you and Eddie obliged, one hand smoothing down the curve of your tummy, the other flicking fingers over your nipples, twisting and pulling a little rough when he felt you get wetter for him. 
His lips were at your ear when he whispered, mouth warm on the shell of it, “remember, sweetheart, nice n’ slow for me, yeah?”
You nodded, all words gone as you started to move your hips. Eddie kept his hands on you, fingers splayed wide over the tops of your thighs, thumbs pressing into the crease that separated them from your cunt, just gently sliding over the spread of your folds as you rocked back and forth over his cock. 
You barely lifted yourself off of him, just rolling yourself over and over, hips grinding down onto him as the boy  groaned his praise to you. And every time you got too eager, Eddie tutted, wrapped a large hand around your neck and brought you to his lips, kissing you sweetly and murmuring about how you needed to take your time. 
It eventually got too much, just like you knew it would, like Eddie hoped it would. ‘Cause you were whimpering, begging, petting at the boy as your eyes turned wet and you could hardly keep your legs from shaking anymore. 
He gave in then, barely able to keep himself together, harder than ever as his cock sat deep inside you, throbbing for release. So he shushed you with a soft coo, gathered you in his arms and let you fall into his chest. He kissed you desperate, kissed you greedy and then his hands were roaming you back, clutching you right and finally, finally, finally he was rutting up into you. 
Eddie’s eyes were on yours as he snapped his hips into yours, holding onto the curve of your ass to gain some purchase, he slack and lids hooded. He was babbling nonsense, words sticky sweet and filthy as his cock started a fast, hot slide in and out of you. 
“Babybabybaby,” Eddie groaned, his hands everywhere at once, like he couldn’t get enough of you. “Fucking Christ, that’s it, fuckin’ bounce on me sweetheart, you got it, you got it, shit.”
You keened as you grabbed back at his hair, curls fisted in your fingers and Eddie grinned at your touch, like he knew you couldn’t help yourself. You scratched at his scalp, sighed at the way his lashes fluttered with it and you did as he asked, indulged him by lifting yourself off his cock, just enough to feel utterly empty before dropping yourself back down. 
It made Eddie swear, head thrown back, bumping against his wall but he didn’t care, just encouraged you to do it again and again and again and again until-
“Sweetheart, m’gonna come, tell me you’re close, tell me what you need please, c’mon baby, tell me.”
Your hand was shaking as you grabbed Eddie’s, dragging it between your legs so he could thumb at your clit; rough, sloppy circles that did exactly what you needed it to do. 
You pressed your face to the crook of his neck as you came, your entire body rigid against his as Eddie continued to fuck his hips up into you, the boy gasping at how tight you got around him, his arms wrapping themselves around you to hold you to him. 
Another few thrusts, one, two, and Eddie was falling apart underneath you, clutching at your jaw so he could press his mouth to yours, lips parted as he moaned and whispered against you, a barely there kiss. 
Minutes passed before either of you spoke, before either of you moved. Happy to stay curled against each other, still in Eddie’s lap, his slowly softening cock still nestled between your legs and you were messy and sticky, but fuck, you didn’t care. 
You lay lines of kisses across his shoulder, nose nudging soft at his neck whilst the boy drew shapes over your back, his touch bringing goosebumps across your skin. And when you eventually cooled down, your body growing sore and a different ache set in, Eddie helped you shuffle from his lap, tutting in sympathy when you whined at the way he slipped out of you, every part of your body too sensitive. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he whispered and he left you with a quick kiss to your forehead as he pulled on a pair of sweats he found on the floor, coming back with a warm washcloth and a large glass of water. 
You let him clean you up as well as he could, shared his drink with him until your chest stopped heaving and you felt like your throat could form words. Reality seemed to hit, and you were suddenly so aware that you were in the boy’s room, in his bed, naked and flushed and so, so satisfied. 
But you didn’t know what this was, if it had changed, if this was still the same. If you and Eddie were still the same. Because sex had always been sex but there was something different in the way he was looking at you, with your clothes on his floor and his hand smoothing back your hair so he could kiss over your eyelids, down your cheek to your jaw. 
You didn’t think he wanted you to leave, he wasn’t acting like it, wasn’t rushing you but god, female insecurity seeped in and tugged at your bones, making you feel hollow and unsure. 
You moved as if to find your clothes, not getting very far before Eddie pulled a large shirt out of his drawer, handing it to you with a shy smile and hopeful eyes. You weren’t sure who was happier when you accepted it, the boy’s eyes following the movement of it as you dragged it over your head, lips twisted when you realised it smelled like him. 
“So, uh,” Eddie cleared his throat, stood near his bedroom door and crossed his arms self consciously. He was still shirtless, muscles flexing, tattoos shifting over skin. “Did you mean it? Earlier? About you, me… all night?”
Your stomach flipped, tumbled, like someone had lit a sparkler inside of you. 
“S’okay if you’ve got somewhere to be,” he told you, a hand reaching up to tug at a curl, a telltale sign of his nerves. “I can drive you home or-”
“I don’t have anywhere to be, Eds,” you replied, voice more shy than he’d ever heard it. 
“-or we could order a pizza or somethin’.”
You looked up to find him smiling, that smile you loved, slow and soft and wide, the kind that made his eyes seem warmer, like honey. 
He shrugged, moving back into the room. He toed at your bra, grinning. “Yeah.”
“That sounds like a date, Munson,” you gasped, all faux shock and drama and god, Eddie adored you for it. 
He was back on the bed with you, a warm hand curling around your ankle where you’d stretched your sore legs out. His thumb rubbed over you, like he was trying to soothe his own nerves as well as your own. 
“It does, doesn’t it?” Eddie scrunched his nose, acted confused and like he wasn’t sure what he was saying. But his heart was hammering and he wondered if you could hear the way it rattled his bones, if you could see the relief on his face when you didn’t immediately get up to find your shoes. “S’weird.”
“What’s the ‘or something’ part?” You asked him, smiling as he moved closer, like he’d finally realised you weren’t going anywhere. 
He took your legs in his hands, brought them over to rest across his own and looked at you through messy curls. Another smile, cheekier this time. 
“Maybe a movie, on the couch,” his voice was so soft. “Could act a fool and make a move, y’know how it is.”
You laughed, a bright burst of sound that made his heart happy because you were still in his bed without any underwear and he’d came inside of you only minutes before. 
“You’re ridiculous,” you told him, and Jesus, you could hear the sticky fondness in your voice, could feel the soft way you were looking at him. 
“You’re still here, though,” Eddie answered and he sounded like he was in awe of the fact. He tapped out a guitar riff over your calf, smiled when you hugged out a laugh and blushed for him. 
Your hand caught his easily, big and wide in your own but he let you curl your fingers around his, let you pull him a little closer still and you loved the way his eyes fluttered closed when you leaned in to kiss him 
“I told you,” you pretended to huff, an affectionate roll of your eyes only softened by another kiss to the boy’s lips. “You’ve got me all night, if you want.”
Eddie smiled, beamed, cheeks rosy, eyes bright and he nodded. His throat bobbed like he was swallowing back emotion he didn’t expect and he cleared his throat and his pretty face in the crook of your neck when he answered:
“Yeah, I want to.”
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
Baby, Slow It Down
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader[6.7k] just smut, really. soft, sweet eddie, who finally gets a chance to take you home. a friends with benefits situation.
Eddie Munson was a really good kisser. He was really good at eating you out too. He had nice hands, big, heavy, with guitar string scars that felt rough and lovely on your bare skin. He liked it when you tugged his curls, he liked it even better when you got a little loud. 
He fucking loved it when you told him what to do. 
You weren’t sure how your situation with the boy started, but it had been a few months now.. He went from a pretty face you knew in school, to a friend of Steve’s, introduced to you at a party. Then there was a rolled joint offered to you in the woods behind school, shoulders bumping, eyes interested, laughter exchanged. 
Knowing eyes gazing over the other by the lockers, the offer of a ride home one day when it rained and didn’t stop. It went from there, more looks, heated and heavy, a hand on a knee, fingers that brushed back hair. 
And then you were on his lap, dress gathered in one of Eddie’s hands as he held it out of his way so he could watch the way his cock slid in and out of you. He was noisy, encouraging you to do the same with low, rough moans and teeth that nipped at your jaw, your neck. 
That was it, an addiction that needed to be fed, kisses that you couldn’t really go without for more than a day or two and after the last bell rang, you found his van in the school parking lot. Eddie could never make it further than past the old sports fields, pulling over somewhere private so he could get his hands on you, needy and greedy and all consuming. 
It’s where you found yourself now, parked behind the old building that used to house the soccer teams changing rooms, hidden from view from the school, its students, the main roads. You were comfy in Eddie’s lap, a familiar weight on his thighs, your skirt already rucked up around your hips. 
His lips were that maddening touch of soft, slow, fast, deep, lazy, needy, teeth, tongue, fuck, god. 
It turned heated fast, the same way it always did and it was fine, it was good. It always was. It didn’t matter if Eddie had you in his lap for five hours or five minutes, the boy always made you come. He had a way of making it creep up on you, hard and fast, eyes rolling, white flashes of heat rippling through your body and then there were stars. Stars everywhere. 
The boy kissed constellations onto your lips, dripping gold dust over your skin. 
He had his hands under your skirt, palms squeezing at the flesh of your ass, kneading each cheek in a way that made your skin prickle with heat ‘cause he was spreading you over his thighs and it that made you feel real fucking dirty. 
You were breathless, hands in his curls, pulling him closer, eyes fluttering at the way he sucked another bruise you couldn’t explain onto your neck. 
You felt close enough to fall apart without him even touching you, underwear still on, lace slick and wet already, but Jesus Christ, he hadn’t put his hands on you yet. Not really. You were a livewire, body electric, the air around you both buzzing. 
It wouldn’t last long when you were both like this, pent up from not seeing each other for five days, school and homework and jobs and hellfire meetings keeping you apart. And well, a five minute fuck wasn’t going to do. No, not anymore. 
So you pushed at his chest, firm enough that his head fell back onto the headrest and Eddie’s hair was a mess and his brown eyes were wide. He was staring, chest heaving, palms still squeezing at the curve of your ass, fingers grazing over the lace edges of your underwear.
"Slow down," you tell him, voice a whisper.
You were sure you heard him whine, a pretty noise that got stuck at the back of his throat. You plucked the chain that lay there, shiny against his collar bones, and you twisted it between your fingers. It was sinful the way you used it to pull him a little closer again, nose brushing against the bridge of his own, lips hovering just out of reach. 
He could’ve moved him he wanted to, surged forward and took control, kissed the commands right off your lips. But he didn’t. 
“You can have me all night, if you want."
He whined, whimpered. You heard it that time.
"Be a little soft about it, huh? Nice and slow, for me, please?"
And then Eddie was nodding, eyes turning to burnt caramel, hooded and staring at you. His jaw was slack, lips parted and glossy from your kisses and suddenly his hands were skimming over your thighs, climbing up to hold at your waist instead. He touched you a little softer, sweeter than before and it made your stomach twist. 
Fingers tucked your hair behind your ear, his heavy gaze taking in every feature, like he’d suddenly been told he could have you forever, like he wanted to commit you to memory in case you changed your mind. 
Then he was kissing you again, slower like you asked, like he’d never kissed you before. Sweet and soft, his mouth a gentle push against your own and you so desperately wanted to lick into him, to tug on his pretty hair and make him grunt into you but that’s not what you asked for. 
So you let Eddie set the pace, sighed into him, wriggled in his lap when he sucked the curve of your bottom lip between his own, and god were you going to regret this?
He tasted sweet, like the blue raspberry jolly rancher you’d seen Lucas hand him in the hallway, a little smoky underneath it, entirely like Eddie. He took his time with you, did as you asked him and the way he slowly curled his tongue around yours made your legs tingle, your heart skip a beat before racing a little faster than before. 
His hand found your face, curving at your jaw, his thumb on your chin and he tap, tap, tapped at it until you let Eddie drag your mouth open a little more, whining when it resulted in him licking into you a little deeper. 
He pulled away quicker than you would’ve liked, smiling all pretty at you when you gazed at him wide eyed. But then Eddie was nodding at the passenger seat, giving your ass a cute little smack. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, seat belt on.”
You let his chain fall from your fingers, unsure you understood. But Eddie was surprisingly strong, wide hands clutching at your waist to lift you back over the console, dropping you a little clumsily onto the seat next to him. 
“Eddie?” your voice was soft, a little worried, like maybe you’d crossed a line you weren’t sure the boy had. 
But he was starting the engine, the van rumbling underneath you and then he was gazing over at you, bottom lip sucked between his teeth and god, he looked sinful, he looked like he wanted to eat you up. You’d let him, without hesitation. 
“You said I could have you all night, yeah?” Eddie prompted, big eyes shining earnestly, his voice so sincere, like he couldn’t quite believe you’d told him such a thing. “Did you mean it?”
You nodded, suddenly shy and then Eddie was smiling, that wide, slow stretch of his lips that made you feel so many things. The van started moving, the boy tsked and nodded to your belt again, which you quickly pulled across your lap. 
“Okay,” he nodded too, final in his decision. “Let’s go back to mine then, sweetheart.”
You hadn’t been to Eddie’s before, not really. You knew which trailer was his, had seen in across from Max’s when you dropped her off with Steve, waved shyly and with warm cheeks when you saw the curly headed boy out of the front window. 
You knew enough to realise his uncle Wayne was out, the older man’s car gone from the grassy makeshift drive. The park was quiet when Eddie parked up, making a noise of protest when you went to open the door for yourself. So you sat still, smiled hidden between pressed lips as you watched him bounce around the front of the van. 
He opened your door with a shy grin, bright eyes and a hand that was ready to clasp your own. Eddie helped you down, wet grass brushing your ankles and it felt like a storm was coming with the way the air was buzzing. 
Maybe it was just you and Eddie. Maybe it was just anticipation. 
He opened the door to the trailer for you too, unusually quiet as his fingertips found the small of your back, guiding you inside the small house that was much cosier than you expected. It smelled a little smoky, like coffee and boyish cologne. 
And then Eddie was rocking on the balls of his feet, fidgeting and pulling at a curl as he watched you take in his home. 
“D’you, uh, want a drink or-?”
You turned, smiling soft like you wanted to show him you weren’t judging anything about the trailer. How could you? It was all Eddie. 
“Do I not get to see your room, Munson?”
Eddie looked like he had all the air punched out of his lungs. The curl he’d pulled to brush against his mouth sprung back, his hands dropping to his sides as his eyes went wide. 
He cleared his throat, nodding, giving a little bow and a wave of his arm, showing you down the narrow hallway. It was sweet, you thought, the way he was acting. Like he hadn’t been balls deep inside you countless times, as if he didn’t know the exact way you liked his fingers on your clit. 
So you grinned at him, walked down the hall with your hands clasped coyly behind your back and you knew he was watching you, he always was. You could feel his eyes on you, a familiar burn that tickled your skin.
Eddie’s room was exactly like him, dark and warm, a little messy, littered with music posters, guitars on the walls, amps piled in the corner. His bed was unmade, pillows squint and sheets rumbled but they looked surprisingly fresh, the smell of laundry detergent, cologne and little smoke taking up space in the air. 
You knew you’d asked for slow, for soft, for the boy to take his time with you. But suddenly you didn’t know what to do now you had Eddie all alone, all to yourself. Maybe for the whole night. The thought made you swallow hard and you were overcome, overwhelmed with how the boy was surrounding you without even touching you. 
You never usually get Eddie for more than half an hour, a full sixty minutes at most, if you decided you could afford to be a little late for work that day. You never got to pull more than his belt off of him, jeans shucked down his thighs just enough for his cock to spring free. Likewise, you were confined to shirts and pulled up skirts, underwear hanging off one ankle or pushed to the side, Eddie’s fingers quick and concise against you. 
So you huffed out a little laugh, nervous, but Eddie was smiling down at you and you liked the way the pulse in his neck jumped when you grabbed his hands and pushed him backwards to his bed. The backs of his knees hit the mattress and he let you nudge him down to sit, playing pretend with you, as if he couldn’t easily overpower you if he wanted. 
He leaned back, weight spread on the palms of his hands as he looked up at you, silver chain and big, brown eyes shining in the low light that came through the crack of his closed curtains. 
“What’re you up to, trouble?”
You shrugged, playing coy, lips twisted into a pretty smile you tried to hide but then your hands were toying with the buttons on your shirt, your cardigan long lost to the floor of Eddie’s van. But the boy was enraptured, gaze trained on the way your fingers were popping each button, trailing downdowndown, until the soft material hung open and your lilac bra was on show. 
It wasn’t anything fancy, soft cotton triangles with ring straps and god, you knew for a fact that your light green underwear certainly didn’t match. But looking at Eddie, you had the realisation that he probably would care, no, not at all. ‘Cause his eyes were wide and his lips were parted, sitting the most still you’d ever seen him. 
There wasn’t any music, just the quiet sounds of the town outside, the hum of a generator, the chirp of some birds nearby in a tear, the wind rushing softly over the metal roof. Eddie’s soft breathing, a little choked noise he caught in the back of his throat when you let your shirt slip off your shoulders, let it pool at your feet. 
You toed off your shoes, eyes on Eddie’s the whole time and you wondered if this is what he imagined, what he thought about because all of sudden you were only in your skirt and bra and it was the most bare skin he’d seen on you. 
Was your tummy too soft? Were your boobs too small? Did he see the scar on your bicep from when you fell over when you were five? 
“Christ, you’re perfect,” he breathed out, eyes trailing over every inch of you. “So fuckin’ pretty.”
You flushed, cheeks and chest warm under his gaze but you didn’t stop, didn’t want to. Your fingers hooked into the band of your skirt, teased along the edges of it and you grinned when Eddie swore again, under his breath, hands fisting the comforter in a way that made your own breath hitch. 
“Yeah?” you asked, blinking prettily, looking at the boy from under your lashes, fingers still slipped underneath the waist of your skirt. “Y’think so?”
You were playing up, you knew that, Eddie knew that. Neither of you cared though, because Eddie was grinning, nodding as he let out a low whistle. 
“Prettiest little thing I’ve ever seen.”
You lit up at his words, cheeks rosy, lip tucked between your teeth to hide your grin but Eddie was still smiling enough for both of you. You rewarded him by putting on a little show, body turned to the side so you could pop your ass out a little, arch your back real nice and slide your skirt down your hips all slow. 
You didn’t let go of the material until you smoothed it down your thighs, letting it fall to the floor once it reached your knees and you were bent over for him. Nice and slow, you eased back up, almost scared to look at the boy who’d been hidden behind the mess of your hair as you eased your skirt off. But when you stood back up, pushed your hair back and pressed your thumb nervously to your lips, you saw how the boy looked a little wild. 
A little wrecked. 
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Eddie breathed, sitting up to catch your hands in his, coaxing you to stand between his knees. He licked his lips, smoothed his palms over the dip in your waist and drew a line up your stomach with the tip of his nose. “Look at you.”
He certainly was, taking his time to gaze over every part of you, hands following suit, fingers trailing across the soft curve of your stomach, snapping the lace edge of your underwear against your hip. He pressed a kiss to your sternum, an open mouthed and lazy drag of his mouth over the swell of your breast. 
“Y’wanna tell me what you want? Hmm?”
Your eyes fluttered closed at the feel of the boy so close, all this new bare skin for him to explore. His hands were so big, wide and warm and rough, scratching lovely at your waist, over the tops of your thighs, his mouth trailing down until his tongue licked at the edge of your underwear, flicking a little dirty at the cute little bow there. 
“Eddie,” you didn’t mean to whine, not already. Your hands clutched at his shoulders, disappointingly still covered by his shirt but you felt a little unsteady, dizzy. “Told you what I wanted.”
You felt rather than saw his smile, pressed to your tummy and you let out a sharp gasp when his hands spun you, catching you when you turned, facing the other way so his nose was pressed to the curve of your spine. 
You suddenly felt a lot more naked than before. 
He tutted, close enough to you that you felt his lips move against you, his curls tickling the curve of your ass, his hands keeping you between his knees. 
“Wanna hear it again, sweet thing,” a kiss, on the dimple of your lower back, another on the lace edge of your underwear. You squirmed. “That alright?”
You let out the breath you’d been holding, hands making fists by your sides and uncurling your hands again and again, at a loss with what to do with them because you’d never not been facing Eddie, tucked into his lap, able to watch him gasp and curse for you, fingers tangled in his hair. 
He seemed to notice this, caught your hands in his own and soothed this thumb over your palms. 
“This okay?” he asked you and the boy peered up to see your head tilted back, eyes closed, lips parted, chest heaving. You nodded and he smiled. “Yeah, baby? Lemme hear you?”
“Yeah, Eddie,” you murmured. “S’good.”
He rewarded you with a kiss to your hand, planted where his thumb was and then his mouth was trailing along your arm, lips pressed to the sensitive skin inside the crook of your elbow and he didn’t stop until his teeth were catching on the clasp of your bra. 
He fingered the band, ghosted a touch over the metal hooks and you were gasping, nodding again so he didn’t have to ask permission and the flimsy fabric was soon joining the rest of your clothes on Eddie Munson’s bedroom floor. 
“Pretty girl,” he cooed, “my sweet little thing, huh?” 
Your heart stuttered over the possessive remark, your thighs rubbing together because you were still standing facing away from the boy and he wasn’t touching you where you wanted him to. 
You couldn’t see what he was doing, couldn’t guess his next move and when you groaned and tried to spin back around, Eddie ah ah ah’d and gave your hip a little tap. 
“You’ve not answered my question,” he tried to sound scolding, but he was sweet enough to kiss the spot he’d given you a little smack. “Gonna tell me what you want? Comin’ into my bedroom and givin’ me a little show? Then you can’t even tell me what you want me to do with you?”
He traced a line down your spine, tucked his index finger into the edge of your underwear, rings cold against your skin and he pulled the elastic back until it snapped back against you. You jumped, whimpered, pushed your ass further into his wide hands.
“C’mon now trouble, what did you tell me in the van, huh? You were so bossy then, what happened to that girl? Got you all fucked out already?” Eddie laughed, not meanly, but unkind enough to make your toes curl. “Hardly touched you, sweetheart, Christ.”
You loved and hated the way the boy could run his mouth, in and out of the bedroom. He could have you wet with just his mouth at your ear, spinning tales of exactly what he was going to do with you when he got you alone, sneaking away from your locker before anyone else had a chance to spot you both. Eddie was loud, brash, too confident, dramatic to boot. He was dirty, unashamed, hot with it, teasing. 
You loved it. 
But the boy couldn’t fucking handle it when you gave it back to him. 
Another cooing noise, almost sympathetic, but you knew him better than that. “Yeah, baby?”
“Want you to take care of me,” your voice was sticky soft, sweet like honey, just as easy to get stuck in. “Can you do that? Please?”
You heard his breath hitch, a hard swallow, a wrecked sigh he tried to hide. 
“Want you to take your time with me,” your hands found his, small on top of large, but you were the one taking control. You smoothed them up your hips, along the ridges of your ribs until both rough hands were cupping at your tits and you were lowering yourself into his lap. “Be nice to me, slow and sweet, baby.”
He was already hard against you, the length of him sitting stiff between your ass cheeks and you knew for a fact he’d been that way since the van. He’d admit it to you too, completely unashamedly letting you know the effect you had on him. 
Eddie liked to take your hand in his, cup his hard dick through his jeans and whisper to you, asking you if you knew what you did to him. 
So you stole his move, brought your joined hands to the heat of your lace covered cunt and leant back into his chest, his chin hooking over your shoulder so he could watch. His eyes were dark, almost black, hooded and staring through the line of his lashes. 
You nodded as if you were agreeing with him, coaxing one of his fingers to draw a line up the length of your folds, gathering enough slick under the lace that it stuck to you, showing off every outline of you for Eddie to see. 
“Eddie,” you couldn’t manage more than a whisper, but your lips found his ear under his messy curls easily, your head thrown back onto his shoulder. “Feel that? You’ve got me so wet.”
“Fucking, Christ, sweetheart.” He moaned, loud and wanting, his other hand grabbing a little roughly at your thigh, hooking it over his knee so he could spread you wider for him. “You’re gonna kill me.”
You pouted. “That’s no good to me.”
He huffed out a laugh, fingers kneading into the soft of your thigh as he kept you open for him. You let go of his other hand, happy to lay slack against him, propped up by his solid chest, arms holding you in as he touched and touched and touched. 
“Like this?” He whispered, his finger tracing up and down, up and down through your folds, bumping against your clit on every pass. He was impossibly slow with it, gentle and soft, a maddening tease that had you pushing the tips of your toes into his carpet so you could try and chase the friction of his touch. “Slow like this, sweetheart?”
You nodded, eyes clenched shut, mewling and then his middle and index finger were swiping over your bottom lip, tapping until you opened. 
“Suck,” he told you. “Good girl, hmm?”
If your eyes rolled to the back of your head, he didn’t see from the way he sat behind you. But you did as you were asked - no, told - laving your tongue under his fingers, enjoying the slight weight of them in your mouth, the cool silver of his rings at your lips, whining when he took them away from you, slicker than before. 
But then his hand was down the front of your underwear and his fingers were sliding through you. You keened, squeaked at the sudden touch and tried to clamp your thighs around his wrist but Eddie was shushing you, soft noises in your ear as his other hand held your thigh, spreading you back open for him. 
“Shh, shh, sweetheart,” Eddie quietened you, “y’okay? I’ve got you, can I touch you, baby? Yeah? Gonna squeeze that pretty cunt around my fingers?”
You were nodding frantically, hips thrust out to him in offering, desperate to feel a little more full than you were. 
“Eddie, please.”
He was the same boy as always, running his mouth, talking to you dirty, hands knowing every inch of you. He was just slower with it, softer, like you’d asked. It turned him into something you’d never seen before, this quieter version of himself. Just as cocky, just as eager to please, but Jesus fucking Christ, his touch was making you dizzy and the way he was whispering to you all soft made you want to cry. 
He was bordering on mean with it, a little condescending, hands petting at you to try and get you to settle. 
“Baby, c’mon, sit nice,” he tsked, grinning at the way you were wriggling on his lap. If the grind of your ass against his hard dick was doing anything to him, he did well not to show it. “I know, I know, just a greedy little thing, aren’t you?”
And then his palm was running flat down the front of you, spreading your folds so the heel of his palm could grind against your clit as he slipped two fingers into you. It was all so easy with you wet you were, the slick sounds of your cunt almost as embarrassing as the ones falling from your mouth. 
“I’ve got you,” he murmured low, lips against your ear. Your head was thrown back, laying against his shoulders and at his words, you cried out and pressed your face into his curls. You couldn’t do anything but let him fuck his fingers into you, a slow, wet drag in and out, in and out, in and out. “That’s it, sweet little thing, look at you.”
But then it wasn’t deep enough, it wasn’t fast enough and Eddie was still wearing far too many clothes, and suddenly, you were starting to regret everything you’d asked of the boy. 
Your hands reached up, finding his curls, fingers twisting in the soft strands as your nails scratched against his scalp and you rugged, moaning for more. 
Eddie stopped. Let go of your thigh and slid his hand out from your underwear, dragging wet and warmth up your tummy as he did so. You whined and you heard him laugh, a soft huff into your neck before he kissed your shoulder and patted your hip to make you stand up. 
You climbed from his lap, a little unsteady on your feet because the maddening push and pull of his fingers had made you dizzy, white spots floating in your vision and you turned to him with a pout. 
“Eddie, what the fu-”
But then he was pulling off his shirt, hands gripping the back of his collar to rip it over his head and it joined your clothes on his floor. He popped the button of his jeans but didn’t do much else, groaning slightly at the small relief it brought him as he palmed his hard cock through his boxers. 
“On the bed, baby,” he nodded to the space beside him, a pile of pillows that probably smelled like him and when you let yourself crawl into them, you found out you were right. “Good girl.”
He laughed when your fingers curled into fists, an honest to god visceral reaction to his words. 
Then he was moving over you, kneeling between your spread legs and crowding into you. It was a familiar sight, if not for the fact that you were horizontal this time. Nose to nose with the boy, lips within reach, big, brown eyes staring hotly back at you. 
So you did what you always done, pushed your hands greedily into his hair and arched up to him, tugging a little when he didn’t comply and suddenly it felt like a fucking month had passed since Eddie had kissed you. 
You whined, and you couldn’t deny you sounded like a brat. “Eddie!”
His hands wrapped around your wrists, gently pulling your fingers from his curls. He tutted, tried to look disappointed but he was hiding his smile by biting at his lip and then, fuck, he gathered both of your hands in one of his and pinned them to the pillow above your head. 
“Sweetheart,” he cooed softly, “you said you wanted me to take my time with you.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek, so close to where you wanted him. “Nice and slow, is that not what you said?”
You whimpered, turned your head to chase his lips with your own but he was pulling back just slightly. His hold on you was strong enough that you could pull away, couldn’t get close enough and the realisation made you moan out. 
“C’mon pretty girl, that’s what you asked for, right? For me to take my time?” Another kiss, under the line of your jaw this time, his lips parted and wet and warm. “Can’t do that if you’re gonna yank at my hair, hmm? Like a dirty little thing? Can’t have that.”
A kiss again, anywhere but your lips, his mouth trailing over your throat, a sweet peck pressed to your chin. You wanted to cry, eyes glassy, overwhelmed at all the soft, lovely touches he was giving you, all whilst he had you pinned and pressed down underneath him. 
“Baby,” Eddie tutted, eyes on yours, watching the way wetness brimmed at your lash line, threatening to spill over when you gave him a watery smile. “Baby, too much? Y’alright?”
You could feel the way his hand around your wrist let up, slackening just a little but you were crying out, a babble of noise that had him raising his brows and you were nodding furiously. 
“M’good, Eddie, so good,” you could hardly catch a breath. What the fuck had he done to you? “Want this, want you.”
That seemed to appease him, his hand pushing yours back down into the pillows and he smiled, all lovely just for you, dimple showing. “Yeah? You do? Oh, good girl, what d’you want, huh?”
Another fucking kiss, the cutest little peck, right by the corner of your lips. He knew what you wanted, he was just being a dick about it. 
“A kiss,” you huffed, shivering when his chest dragged across yours, the hang of his chain coke against your tits, a moan bubbling in your throat when he deliberately let it graze and catch against a peaked nipple. 
“That’s all?” Eddie asked you, “better make it a good one for my girl then.”
His girl. 
You didn’t have time to process that before he was on you, free hand curving around your jaw, thumb on your chin to tug at your mouth, licking into you almost immediately. It was like he’d went too long without it too, like not kissing you was the worst thing imaginable because it had been at least half an hour since he had his mouth on yours and well, that just wouldn’t fucking do. 
He kissed you like he missed you, like someone was going to take you away from him, mouth and hands greedy on you, tongue curling around yours. His lips were always soft, so impossibly soft and every stroke of his tongue over yours made you whine, hands flexing in his hold because holy shit, you wanted to grab and scratch and pull at him for making you feel so damn good. 
You were gasping against him when he pulled away, eyes still glassy, lips swollen and rosy and Eddie’s hand was getting greedy, trailing down your sides to hook into your underwear, pulling at them until they slid down your hips. 
His nose nudged yours to grab your attention, unable to help himself when you pressed another, quick, sweet kiss to your still parted lips. 
“You listening’ sweetheart?” 
You nodded, blinking up at him. 
“There’s my girl,” Eddie cooed, “good, ‘cause I need you to keep your hands up here for me, ‘kay?”
You whined, ready to argue back but then Eddie was pulling off lace from around your ankles and kissing his way down your naked body, hands bracketing your hips, curls tickling your stomach. 
You clenched down on nothing. 
He was eye level with your cunt, eyes shining, lips smirking as he pushed at your thighs, spreading you out in front of him, grinning when you wiggled against his palms. 
“Nuhuh,” he told you, “let me see you, yeah?”
He’d never done this before, was never able to, with the logistics of a quickie in the front of his van. Sure, you’d gone down on him before, a much easier task over the console, his dick heavy on the flat of your tongue and Eddie always promised you that next time, he’d return the favour, get you spread out in back but, well. 
Next time would come and you’d be too pent up and he’d be too impatient and before you both knew it you’d be sinking down on his cock in the driver's seat of the van, bouncing up and down whilst Eddie could only watch, fucked out in minutes at the sight of you. 
So this? Eddie blowing warm air over your already hot cunt? This was new. 
“So pretty,” he told you, voice awed. “Can I taste you baby? Would you like that?”
You couldn’t do anything but whimper, moans catching in your throat until they came out like needy little gasps and it took everything you had to follow Eddie’s orders and keep your hands to yourself. You fisted them in his pillow, gripped on tight because his lips were ghosting over your folds, butterfly kisses pressed to the outside of you, the tip of his tongue peeking out between his lips like he couldn’t help himself. 
“Don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he groaned, hips rutting into the bed as he palmed at your ass, tugging you down the bed so he could settle himself closer to you. “Could just eat you up, pretty girl.”
His tongue was swiping through you before you could answer, before you could beg. And despite the way he was grinding himself down into the bed, Eddie took his time with you, licked through your folds real slow with the flat of his tongue, pushing the soft of it over your clit at the end. 
He kept you spread wide, hands on the inside of your thighs, fingers splayed over you, thumbs pulling gently at your folds so he could push you open for him. His nose hit your clit when his tongue dipped inside of you, and fucking hell, Eddie was moaning almost as loud as you were, his lips wet with you, getting himself messy as he sucked and kissed his way across your cunt. 
“Can’t get enough of you,” the boy groaned into your thigh, kissing the soft skin there too, a reminder of how fucking sweet he was. “Christ, sweetheart, look at you, so pretty, all fucked out, huh? Look at those eyes, fucking hell.”
He was babbling, talking sweet in between licks, dirty flicks of his tongue that had your stomach clenching, your chest heaving. You were pushed onto your elbows to watch, a move that Eddie had given you in trouble for because your hands were still twisted in his sheets, kept to yourself. 
Your eyes were glassy, tears pooling at the corners, kissing your lashes that couldn’t stop fluttering at every kiss he gave you clit, every soft suck. You were sure you looked a mess, wrecked, ruined. Hair a riot, cheeks blooming with heat, lips still swollen and slick from his kisses and when Eddie slid one finger, two fingers back inside of you, you fell back with a wail. 
You were close, so close already, the thickness of his digits dragging in and out of your cunt was enough to throw you onto the edge but then the boy smiled against your stomach and dipped his head back down. His lips wrapped around your clit and suckled, soft and gentle, enough to keep you hanging. 
“Can feel you,” Eddie whispered, placing soft, quick kisses around your folds, across your tummy, one on your hip bone, followed by a scrape of his teeth. “Can feel you gettin’ tight around me, sweetheart. S’fucking hot, so fuckin’ hot.”
The boy sounded as wrecked as you felt, his voice shot, lips slick with you as you looked back down the length of your stretched out frame, eyes rolling at the sight of him between your thighs. He was watching you, brown eyes dark and hooded as he held your gaze and licked back over your clit. 
“Oh, fucking hell,” you moaned, “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie-”
“That’s it baby,” he encouraged, wrist twisting, fingers moving in and out of you a little faster. His rings weren’t cold anymore, but you could feel the hard nudge of them against your cunt, the feeling making you clench down. “Christ, that’s it, yeah, you gonna come for me?”
You couldn’t help it, not anymore. 
You grabbed at Eddie’s hair as your back arched, pushing your hips further into him, his fingers reaching places inside of you that had you seeing fucking stars. You tugged at his curls, unable to stop yourself but Eddie groaned at your toughness, letting you pull him into you, his hips rutting against the bed as he hooked his digits up and rubbed, tongue circling around your clit relentlessly at the same time. 
You broke, shattered, fell apart, cried out. Your eyes clenched shut, your body curling in on itself as you clamped your thighs around Eddie’s poor head, his mouth still sucking and kissing over you as you came. 
And then you  were whimpering, patting at the mess of curls you’d created on his head, trying to shimmy away from the overstimulation and Eddie took pity, dragging himself up your bottom, laying kisses on your damp skin as he went. 
He was grinning when he reached your face, kissing your neck to let you catch your breath, looking entirely proud of himself. You shined at the drag of his denim jeans over the inside of your thighs, laughed weakly when Eddie snorted at your shivers. 
Then he was pushing himself up on his elbows to hover over you, a palm smoothing back the hair that was clinging to your forehead. He looked down at you with eyes that were shining, so full of affection and fondness and something that it made your heart ache, made fresh tears spring to the corners of your eyes again and you huffed out a watery sigh. 
“That good, huh?“ Eddie asked smugly, smiling when you nodded, still a little dazed. He thumbed at your mouth, squished at the soft of your cheeks with his fingers and rubbed his nose against yours. “Gimme a kiss, sweetheart.“
You obliged happily, humming a pretty sound against his lips when Eddie kissed you soft and sweet, his mouth a gentle slide over your own. 
“Love your little noises,” he whispered, kissing you between words. “Sound so fucking cute when you’re coming for me.”
Your body burned at his words, another ache creeping across your cunt and despite the way he’d made you fall apart, you wanted nothing more than Eddie to be buried to the hilt inside of you. 
“Eds,” you whispered, hand palming at the front of his jeans, groaning when you felt him straining against the denim, the hardest he’d ever been. “Let me help you.”
But he took your hand in his, kissed your palm before you could feel the sting of rejection and he was crowding you back into his pillows, curls falling in a curtain on either sideed of you, lips back on your neck. 
“Give yourself a second, sweetheart,” he mumbled. “You said it yourself, I’ve got you all night.”
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
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I'm trying out my very first Kinktober this year. Below is a Masterlist of all my Kinktober writings that will be updated as the month goes on.
Stay kinky, my friends. 🖤
Day 1 - Dirty Talk - Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Day 2 - Floor Sex - Steven Grant x F!Reader
Day 3 - Glove Kink - Papa Emeritus IV x F!Reader
Day 4 - Mutual Masturbation - Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Thanks to @the-purity-pen for the amazing prompts!
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
“Succes is falling nine times and getting up ten.”
— Jon Bon Jovi
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
Hello! I've been meaning to ask you a request for quite some time now but I am too shy to ask and I don't know how this works...but, if you are still open for request:
Can I get an Eddie X Reader were Eddie knew the reader was shy to ask him to dance either in prom or somewhere else (your choice!) so he took the initiative to do so and when he did as they were dancing Eddie accidentally steps on the reader foot that made her yelp then he apologizes even saying he's not really a dancer and the reader understood even chuckling about it or something. So instead of having the same accident again, Eddie told the reader to step on his shoes and the reader couldn't believe what she's hearing but Eddie reassured him its fine and even winked at her as they continued dancing and talking sweetly ~
That is all and thank uu and it's okay if the request is not open or smth still thank u either way 💖
Hi love!! This is such a cute request! I totally misread it and thought that you wanted the reader to be nervous to ask Eddie to prom in general (not just to dance), so I gave some extra info if that's okay 🙊 I hope you enjoy it!!
Warnings: None, fluff as always!
Word count: ~2k
For @murnsondock ❤️
Fools in Love 🌸
“Ugh, Y/N, why are you dragging me to this?” Eddie complained as you held his arm, guiding him into the gym.
“I know basketball sucks and all that, but we have to support Lucas!” you argued. “He’s a member of Hellfire and he’s our friend.”
“Our friend who’s gone to the dark side,” Eddie grumbled, but you laughed.
“Oh, come on, it’s not gonna be that bad. Here, let’s go sit up there,” you said, pointing to the bleachers far up. 
“Okay, but first, I’m getting something to eat. Want anything?”
“Sure, can you get me a soda please? Here’s some money,” you said, holding out a couple dollars.
“Don’t worry about it, I got you,” Eddie smiled. 
As you waited for Eddie to return, you spied Lucas on the court and cheered. He was doing well so far, but it was obvious that he wasn’t yet a team favorite. Jason, on the other hand, was flouncing around like he was king of the world, which made you feel disgusted. You two used to be friends, but by the time middle school ended, he had left his quiet, kind persona in exchange for popularity and a “jerk badge,” as you called it. He hardly acknowledged you except when he cruelly teased you for becoming a “freak” like Eddie, your new best friend. It was baffling to you how someone could remain so immature and become so rotten. 
“Hey, why the face?” Eddie said, interrupting your thoughts.
“Oh, nothing, just thinking about Jason,” you explained, crinkling your face at the thought of him.
“Ah, that’ll do it,” Eddie chuckled. “Here’s your soda.”
“Thanks,” you smiled. 
You watched the game and occasionally chatted with Eddie, trying your best to enjoy yourselves. Lucas was eventually put back on the bench, so most of your attention was now on Eddie. That was, until the cheer break. You and Eddie watched in disgust as Jason sauntered up to the middle of the court, a fake smile across his face, holding a microphone.
“Good evening, everyone,” he smiled insincerely. “Me and the guys wanted to take this opportunity to ask some very special girls a very special question.”
In unison, the boys walked towards a line of the cheerleaders, then presented basketballs that had “PROM?” written on them in neon writing. As the girls giggled and accepted, you could hear Eddie make puking noises.
“Oh, come on,” he said. “How lame is that? Who wants to be asked to prom, anyway?”
He looked over at you for support, but was instead surprised to see a sad look on your face, gazing at all the happy couples below. He nudged you lightly, looking at you with concern.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” you said, trying to shake off your sadness. “It is super lame,” you tried to laugh, but Eddie could tell you felt otherwise. 
“Do you want to go?” Eddie asked quietly.
“What? To prom? I mean, I don’t know, I guess I should, but bothering with a date and all is just… you know. And I don’t want to go alone because then everyone will think I’m some sort of weirdo. But if I ask anyone, then they’ll say ‘Oh, that Y/N is so desperate that she asked him to prom! I can’t believe he’d say yes to that freak!’ and whatnot.”
“Any guy would be a fool to say no to you, Y/N L/N,” Eddie said, throwing an arm around you sympathetically. 
When you arrived at school the next morning, you saw Eddie waiting for you by your locker. You smiled brightly at him, walking a little faster to meet him. 
“Mornin’,” he smiled.
“Good morning,” you said. “What’s up? I’m surprised you’re here this early.”
“Oh, you know, I had some things to take care of,” Eddie said nonchalantly. 
“Oh?” you raised your eyebrows. “What things?”
“Things,” Eddie shrugged, then stepped away from your locker so you could open it. As you did so, flowers flowed out of your locker, spilling onto your feet. You gasped in awe as you picked them up, then looked up at Eddie.
“Eddie, what is this?” you asked, laughing and blushing wildly.
“Y/N, I said any guy would be a fool to say no to you,” he started, blushing, “but any guy would also be a fool to not ask such a beautiful girl like you to prom. So,” he pulled out a bouquet filled with the same flowers from behind his back, “Y/N, will you go to prom with me?”
“Are you serious?” you replied, a few happy tears gathering in your eyes.
“Of course,” Eddie said, eyebrows furrowing. “You’re the only person I’d want to go with, honest.”
“You’re the only person I’d want to go with,” you smiled. “I was just too afraid to ask you.”
“I had a feeling,” Eddie chuckled. “So? Whadya say? Will you prom-ise to be my date?”
“You’ve been hanging out with Dustin too much,” you giggled. “But yes, I can’t think of a better person to go with, and that’s not a compromise.”
“Great!” he said, handing you the flowers and giving you a hug. “Do you mind?” he asked, pointing at your cheek. You shook your head, and he gave you a small kiss on your cheek.
“Thank you for asking me,” you said softly.
“Of course,” he smiled. “But hey, no powder-blue tux for me, okay?”
“Darn, there goes my plan,” you chuckled, hugging him again. 
“You look so pretty,” Max said as she sat on your bed. You had met her through Lucas, and you two soon became as close as sisters. She had come over a few hours before to help you get ready for the big night, and to also catch up.
“Aw, thank you, Max,” you said, turning around to smile at her.
“Don’t tell anyone, but I wish freshmen could go,” she admitted. 
“I know, I agree! You and Lucas would be so cute together,” you smiled, making Max playfully groan. “Can you help me with these please?” 
“Yeah yeah,” she laughed as she fastened your gold bracelet and necklace. 
“One day,” you said, putting on your gold hoops. “But for now, I’ll have to tell you everything afterward. I’m sort of nervous, to be honest.”
“I get it, but there’s no need! I mean, you’ll be with Eddie, right?”
“And you look amazing,” she giggled.
“Ha, thanks,” you smiled, smoothing your dark blue dress. “The sleeves aren’t too puffy, right?”
“Not at all, and it helps that it’s off-the-shoulder,” Max said, then glanced over her shoulder. “Looks like he’s here,” she smirked.
“Oh, gosh!” you said, suddenly feeling a rush of nervousness. “How does he look?”
“Really good,” she chuckled. “I can’t believe it! No holes in his pants, his hair is combed, and no denim in sight.”
You nodded quickly as you felt yourself blushing. You took one last look in the mirror, then turned back to Max.
“Okay, I’m ready!”
You walked downstairs with Max close behind you. Eddie was already inside, talking to your mom, both of them smiling. Your parents knew Eddie pretty well, and you considered yourself lucky that they didn’t buy into the whole “D&D is evil” lie. They genuinely liked him. 
“Hey, honey,” your mom smiled. “Look at you!”
You smiled at her, then saw Eddie, who had turned to face you. He was gazing at you lovingly, his eyes wide and sparkling, his mouth open and forming into a soft smile, his cheeks a soft pink. He closed his mouth quickly, clearing his throat, then gave you his hand to take the last step down.
“You look so beautiful,” he breathed softly, making you blush. 
“You look quite handsome yourself,” you smiled. 
“Oh, this is for you,” he said, presenting a corsage with a dark red rose. You extended your hand as he slipped it on carefully, holding your hand after to admire it. Your dad rushed to grab the camera, taking pictures. 
“Thank you, it’s lovely,” you smiled. “I have your boutonniere over here,” you said, grabbing it from the counter. You tried your best to pin it in place, but it kept falling and staying crooked. As you kept fidgeting with it, Eddie held your hand and chuckled softly.
“It’s okay, it looks better that way,” he said, smiling sweetly. 
“I agree,” you replied, then took a deep breath. “Shall we?”
Eddie held his arm out for you, beaming.
“We shall.”
The music was blaring as you and Eddie entered the gym. Tons of couples had already gathered on the dancefloor, dancing close enough to look like one person. You walked with Eddie to grab some punch, and you two stood together for a bit in silence, just looking around the room and taking in the sights.
“Do you wanna dance?” Eddie asked.
“Oh, sure! I didn’t know if you wanted to,” you replied shyly.
“Of course, it wouldn’t be prom without a dance or two,” Eddie smirked, holding a hand out to you. 
You walked out onto the dancefloor, Eddie’s hand in yours. He placed his other hand around your waist, pulling you in close, and you laid a hand on his shoulder. You two swayed back and forth to “Faithfully” by Journey. You looked up at Eddie, who was staring at you tenderly. He smiled softly and began to lean in when you winced in pain.
“Ouch!” you said, hopping on one foot.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, I am so sorry! I don’t dance very often, I didn’t mean to step on you,” Eddie apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s alright,” you said, smiling softly. “I’m not much of a dancer myself, so it could be my fault for all we know.”
“It wasn’t, I’m sure of it,” Eddie said. “You’re so graceful.”
“Thanks,” you blushed. “I’m good to keep dancing if you are.”
“Yeah, sure,” Eddie said, then looked back at you with a wide smile. “Take your shoes off.”
“What?” you laughed.
“Take your shoes off, please,” Eddie laughed. “It’ll be better if you stand on my feet so I don’t step on you again, but you can’t with those on,” he said with fake horror, staring at your high heels. 
“Are you positive?” you asked, unsure.
“Absolutely,” Eddie affirmed. 
You smiled as you ran off to stash your shoes in a corner. Skipping back, you wrapped your arms around Eddie again and delicately put your feet on top of his. You looked up at him to make sure he was okay, but his smile was constant and genuine.
“There we go. Now I won’t step on you! Got a good grip?”
“I think so,” you smiled, holding him a little tighter. 
As you started to move together, you both giggled at how ridiculous you must look, but you didn’t care. Spending this time with Eddie was so precious, and you loved that you could share this moment with him. 
“You know, I’ve never been to prom before,” he said.
“Really? Never?” you asked in disbelief.
“Never,” he said, shaking his head and smiling.
“Why not?”
“Well, I’ve never had a beautiful date like you before,” Eddie said slyly, yet still blushing.
“What a line, Munson! And you know you could’ve asked me last year.”
“We were just children then! Now, we’re adults,” he winked. 
“I guess so,” you sighed, then looked back up at him. 
“Are you having fun?” he asked you.
“Yes. Thanks for asking me to prom,” you said, leaning closer to him.
“Thanks for saying yes,” he chuckled.
“Oh, please,” you said, “any girl would be a fool to say no to you, Eddie.”
Eddie smirked at you as he leaned in, kissing your cheek. He looked back at you, then began to lean in to kiss your lips as you closed the gap between you two. You felt him smile into the kiss, and your heart felt light as you pulled away to admire Eddie under the colored lights.
“We should dance more often,” you smiled.
“Couldn’t agree more,” Eddie replied, dipping you. 
🌸 I hope you enjoyed reading! As always, please show love and support 💕
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
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JOSEPH QUINN 2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazine
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
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Same vibes
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
Eddie Munson ~ Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
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Angst = ❤︎
Fluff = ✿
Smut = ⚠︎ (minors DNI please)
Dark Themes = ☾
Personal Fave = ☆
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The Stars at Lover’s Lake ✿⚠︎
For Later… ✿⚠︎
Concentrate ⚠︎
Payback ⚠︎
Rock the Night ⚠︎☆ (Steve x F!Reader x Eddie)
Save a Prayer ❤︎✿⚠︎☆
Younger ✿☆
Desperate ⚠︎☆
I’ll Make It Up To You ❤︎✿⚠︎☆ Part Two ❤︎✿⚠︎☆
Sick Bastard ⚠︎☾
Time After Time ❤︎✿⚠︎☆
Impatient ⚠︎ (mechanic!Eddie au)
Touch Me ⚠︎ (Robin x F!Reader x Eddie) (coming soon)
Moth to a Flame ❤︎⚠︎︎ (Eddie x F!Reader x Steve) (coming soon)
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Cool Guy Persona ❤︎✿
Who You Gonna Call? ❤︎✿
Running Down That Hill ❤︎✿
Tongue Twister ⚠︎ Part Two ⚠︎ (coming soon)
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Dating Eddie Headcanons ❤︎✿⚠︎
Reacting to You Being on Your Period ✿
Watching a Scary Movie Together ✿
Being With an Inexperienced Reader ✿⚠︎
Having a Clingy Significant Other ✿
Having a Socially Anxious Partner ✿
Fucking You in a Sundress ⚠︎
A Few Thoughts on Vampire!Eddie ⚠︎☾
Sex Whilst You’re On Your Period ✿⚠︎
Eddie’s Kinks ⚠︎ (coming soon)
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Modern!Eddie Playlist (spotify)
Audio Masterlist (18+ only)
Audio Masterlist 2 (18+ only)
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Dividers by @silkholland
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
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#He’s a 10 but…
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madformunsonsstuff · 2 years
NEW: Joseph Quinn for Contents Man
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I dream about the house I grew up in. I’d love to go back to my kitchen, with my friends, cook dinner and be young and dumb.
- Joseph Quinn
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