madhazards · 8 years
When I touch your skin and goosebumps lift, it’s your mind that surfaces there. When your iris tightens mechanically around your pupil, that aperture becomes for me the blacked-out cockpit of your mind.                                        It’s your mind that touches your tongue to mine, your mind that, when you’re driving, lowers your hand to my thigh almost mindlessly.                                  Your mind like a pilot light inside your sleep, your mind that beats your heart— slower, then faster—infusion pump in the chest, flooding your mind. But your heart is not your mind. The curve of your hip; the soft skin of your wrist is not your mind. The tumor growing in your brain is just your brain, I say.                                         The shape of your face; the sound of your voice, which I love so much, is not your mind. Your mind spills through—fire I can’t stop watching from the far side of this darkening valley.
Wayne Miller, “Mind-Body Problem” (via oofpoetry)
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madhazards · 9 years
We still stood with our feet on the shore and said, “I am here, I am here, and you cannot hurt me anymore.“
r.i.d (via inkskinned)
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madhazards · 9 years
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Adrian | Riverside
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madhazards · 9 years
One sees more devils than vast hell can hold.
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (via seasons-in-hell)
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madhazards · 9 years
He says, come and watch the rain. I tell him, I am all the rain and I am right here.
Clementine von Radics (via clementinevonradics)
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madhazards · 9 years
I wrote your name  right out of the poem.  I’d like to tell you things will get better.  I’d tell you that you matter because you mattered to me.  Maybe I should write you a letter.   I’d type that the seasons are turning into goodbyes I can live through.
Nate Pritts, from “Another Last Letter to You” (via 7-weeks)
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madhazards · 9 years
I wonder if you know yet that you’ll leave me. That you are a child playing with matches and I have a paper body.
Clementine Von Radics (via lovelustquotes)
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madhazards · 9 years
why is it always the woman who has to see past the beast in the man? why does she always have to clean his wounds, even after he has damaged her beyond repair? why is it always the man who is worthy of forgiveness for being a monster? I want to see the beast in the beauty. the half smile, half snarl. the unapologetic anger. I would like to see the man forgive the monster. to see her, blood and all, and love her anyway.
beauty and the beast | Caitlyn S. (via alonesomes)
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madhazards · 9 years
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modern baseball // i think you were my profile picture once
requested by anon // photos by (x)
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madhazards · 9 years
what they don’t tell you about love - long love, deep love, the love that is steady and solid and stays - is that you don’t have a moment when you fall. there is no starting point where it comes together. you have moments, plural. every day you wake up and you fall for them again. it might be the same freckles that you have been falling for since eight weeks. it might be something new in their smile, something about the light on their cheek. you are always falling.
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madhazards · 9 years
They always leave. Sometimes they come back, but it’s never the same.
If you leave, I don’t want you to come back. (via purethovghts)
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madhazards · 9 years
I care,“ he said in a trembling voice. "I care so much that I do not know how to tell you without it seeming inconsequential compared to how I feel. Even if I am distant at times and seem as if I do not want to be with you, it is only because this scares me, too.
Aimee Carter, The Goddess Test (via booksqouted)
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madhazards · 9 years
HADES you look like the summer sun. i could live in the spring-tide of your eyes. i will make you a queen, i will love you with my whole cruel self. i will give you anything you desire. speak its name and it is yours. PERSEPHONE my father rules the open skies. my mother birthed me in a golden wind-struck field. there is nothing underground that i covet. HADES you are the only thing that blooms down here. i’ll build you ceiling-skies of sapphires, make clouds of pure diamond. all the floors you touch will turn to gold. i’ll build you whatever life you want. stay with me, stay with me, stay with me. PERSEPHONE you cannot make freedom out of expensive pretty things. HADES i am a god. i can do anything. PERSEPHONE you cannot make me love you. HADES [on his knees] i can scrape myself away, par down to the bone trying. i can prostrate myself—here, before you!—and rip my heart out of my ribs so that you may hold it in your shaking milk-white hands. PERSEPHONE and if i do not want your heart? HADES i will give you anything, my dark and darling wife. anything you ask. HADES what would you have of me? what would you have? PERSEPHONE [her hands around his throat] i would have your kingdom, husband mine. i would have all that you have and all that you are. will you give it? will you give it? HADES i will give it, i will give it, i will give it.
the greek tragedy i’ll never write [1/?], elisabeth hewer
purchase my debut poetry collection here through platypus press!
(via elisabethhewer)
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madhazards · 9 years
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madhazards · 9 years
wouldn’t it  be  n i c e  to just bleed,                          bleed, bleed till the water runs dry? wouldn’t it be nice to just                       ble e d   b l ee     d   b l eeed till the            w a             t e                     r                                    r u n s                  d                                   r   y?                                                        and your   (heart)                            e m        p                                             /ties/                           out of                              your                                          m  o  u  t  h                                                                                   now    wouldn’t                                                                             that                                             b            e                                                                  n            i               c             e                              (?)         (?)             (?)                           (w o u l d n   ’t   t h a  t    b   e)                                         (  r  i g h t  ?)
chaotic heart, chaotic mind (via hinatashoyyo)
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madhazards · 9 years
I need you to understand I’m just fucking with the lightning, I’m trying to make it come for me.
Clementine von Radics (via clementinevonradics)
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madhazards · 9 years
I was just thinking about someone else touching you and now I can’t decide on whether I want to break their hands or my own.
i just want you all to myself, i’m sorry  (via geo-wee)
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