madmins-funky-closet · 7 months
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madmins-funky-closet · 7 months
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let me be inactive in peace !!!
I'm p sure a bunch of bots just followed me so that's crazy
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more bots followed me.... wtffff
I'm p sure a bunch of bots just followed me so that's crazy
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I'm p sure a bunch of bots just followed me so that's crazy
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so uhhhh hi. I did say in my bio my activity depended on how I'm feeling and that hasn't been great, so yeah. I'll try to make a slow comeback but idk how much I want to focus on su, my focus and hyperfix has moved elsewhere but I will still be posting about it. so dw.
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I'm in my nimona arc
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Shout out to people who have fursonas with little heart shapes on them
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yall I'm very much alive, I'm just not posting. Sorryyyyy I have a single art request in my askbox that I need to do but idfk why, but I want art requests until I receive them, and then I look at them like: :(
Sorry my beloved mutual I'll do it one day.....
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calling all lapis kins
making an army
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ive probably said it before but i love loovee how lapis' hair changes with her mood. i love how her color changes before and after her gem gets fixed- which is something that doesn't happen to anyone else. i love how emotional she is, how real she is. she's shitty and upsetting and silly and mean and regretful and full of sorrow. she's a prominent example of healing past trauma and a beautiful example of the way that trauma can and often does make us hurt others. she loves, but she doesn't know how to. she copes, but she still falls apart. she runs away because of her ptsd, but she regrets the hurt that she causes and grows strong enough to come back !! god i love her
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Yeah. This is fucking wild. And my future job is to study the ocean and its marine life. Starting to regret my decisions now folks!(jk I love the ocean in all of its dangerous, horrifying glory)
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Brimfield PD (Ohio) - This is the new puppy at training today….we don’t think the bullet proof vest fits….just yet
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I fucking LOVE prn bots liking my fucking posts!!! I am a WHOLE ASS MINOR!! I LOOK AT PEOPLES PROFILES WHO LIKE MY STUFF!!! FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!
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Twitter refugees and reddit refugees.. Do not pet the local wildlife, they(we) might transform and bite.
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ok guys! my art fight isn't completely updated bc I ran out of time BUT my artfight username is Madm1n
SO attack me if you dare !
I am on team werewolf, but I accept friendly fire and will most likely attack back
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friendly reminder for the new twitter refugees:
change your icon/pfp and put something coherent in your blog description or you're going to get blocked bcs people think you're a bot
this site is built around reblogs, so please actually reblog posts(especially art and fics!!)
you can set your likes and follows to private
checkmarks here are a meme and mean nothing
follower counts are private and we like it that way, so get used to not judging people by that metric
drama and discourse is boring, use your blacklist and block button liberally
DON'T CENSOR YOURSELF!! we can swear and say kill and make fun of corporations all we want, and if you tiktok-ify your tags people who have things blacklisted for whatever reason will still see them, and people who want to see that content won't be able to find it!! spell words out normally, you won't get in trouble!!
tumblr live is sketchy as hell and full of fake accounts, if you decide to use it anyway may god have mercy on your soul o7
be nice to the reddit refugees, they're our friends <3
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