lsk8r · 5 months
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rise, lesbians!
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lsk8r · 7 months
Some people be like: "My crush friend-zoned me! 😭😔🤧🤕💔 *Dies* "
Darling... DARLING.Do you know that people like me are dying to be AT LEAST friend-zoned than "DAUGHTER-ZONED" BY A HOT OLDER WOMAN WE LIKE???!!
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lsk8r · 8 months
what happened to multishipping? back in the day, we recognised that you could ship one guy with multiple different guys, damn it
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lsk8r · 8 months
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(I messed up on the bottom part of the look so that's cropped out, I'm gonna retry later)
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lsk8r · 8 months
women should wear armour. and carry swords. and dramatically take off their helmets so that the wind blows through their hair and etc
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lsk8r · 8 months
I'm auditioning to be in A Midsummer Night's Dream on Feb. 5 and I'm FREAKING OUT😰
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lsk8r · 8 months
I feel like these CEOs have forgotten about Stonewall and what happens when you push queers too far.
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lsk8r · 8 months
19 for the soft asks game?
19: The most important thing in my life is my niece. I love her with all my heart. (A close second is older women though.)
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lsk8r · 8 months
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someone needs to take my pen away because im too tired to be allowed to do this
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lsk8r · 8 months
This is about to be kind of a rant so I apologize in advance but it's just on my mind right now.
Celebrities are human.
Celebrities are people.
It doesn't matter who they are, they are the same as every other person on this planet. Sure, some have a lot more money than most people but that doesn't mean that they think any differently.
They're loving, they're selfish, they struggle with emotions, they're living life for the first time, just like all of us.
I'm sick of seeing "cancel culture" cancel people just for having different beliefs, just for messing up, just for literally being human.
They have trauma, they have families, they have emotions, they aren't just things for us to judge when we feel like it or when we get jealous that they lucked out in the system and got to where they are now.
It's okay that some of them don't share our same beliefs, it's okay that they mess up, and it's okay if they apologize for it.
We don't know them, so we have to stop acting like we do.
Thank you for coming to my small faux Ted Talk.
I do realize that some celebrities are just dicks and don't have any right to say the things they say or do the things they do but at the same time, they're. just. human. Which doesn't make it right, but it doesn't mean we can hold them to any higher standard than we would anybody off the street.
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lsk8r · 9 months
My blog is and will always be safe for any person under the non-binary or trans umbrella. As a genderqueer person myself, it will always be a safe-space for any person no matter their identity.
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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lsk8r · 9 months
i came up with a quote today when i was writing an essay for my english class and im just weirdly proud of it, so here it is;
"learned traits will continue to be learned until you allow yourself to unlearn them"
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lsk8r · 9 months
this was so rushed 😭
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lsk8r · 9 months
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lsk8r · 9 months
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lsk8r · 9 months
who the fuck is jo koy and why is he putting barbie and taylor swift in his dirty mouth
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