madnessessarely · 9 months
big zombie head
When I was younger, I became convinced that if I slept on my right side I'd have a nightmare.
I decided to test that.
My dream went something like this:
My sister from out of state came to visit, saying how she had tickets (fourth row) for a concert she thought would be boring. MCR tickets.
She gave me the tickets cause I actually knew the band.
The venue was on the smaller side, but you could tell everyone was excited.
The show started. There was fog and fireworks and backup dancers and...a big zombie head. A big zombie head that Gerard Way himself wheeled in under. On a Wheelchair. He didn't say anything. I don't even think he even waved.
After the first bit, they wheeled him backstage. The rest of the show was instrumental. Not instrumental of their songs either. Just random sounds without any singing. There was a Christmas song.
I woke up and ruined my eyeliner four times lol
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madnessessarely · 9 months
pov: you are in an arcade machine
what do you see??
nothing but darkness and wires? (you're probably dead) a city of programs? video game characters? the arcade?
what are you now? a corpse? piece of coding? a glitch? an npc? half-human and half-machine?
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madnessessarely · 10 months
y'all ever seen the Safety Dance MV? I was thinking about it recently 'cause my initial thought when I saw it was
Anakin Skywalker at the Renaissance Festival
which is crazy, right?
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they don't look super similar, but, you gotta admit, there's at least some resemblance,,
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madnessessarely · 10 months
no post
day 4
I've been busy all day and and I just,,,, I realized I didn't have anything to post and I was like “Oh nooooo ohhhhhh I'm going to have to make something by 1:30am for my Schedule :(( ”
but like
no I don't
nobody is making me
I don't even have a single follower lolol why am I anxious??
from this day forward, I'm going to post whatever whenever >:)
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madnessessarely · 10 months
no reference!
day 3
is there a way to keep all these together...?
although it's only the third day, this is probably the worst one.
I read some homestuck many years ago so uh,,
I remember very very little.
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madnessessarely · 10 months
no reference!
day 2
ahhh star vs the forces of evil...my first fandom.
I haven't seen it in a long long time so this was fun!
if anyone sees this,
say something! I want to see a comment today (even just one, just because) so here are some ideas:
say hi
make a request
roast me and my art
thanks for stopping by :]
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it's a party
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madnessessarely · 10 months
I don't have a anything happening here on my blog yet so
I'm starting a fanart series...
specifically without reference and very little context
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