madshee · 1 year
"Oh, yeah, I was actually just heading out." Madee offered Leyla a tight smile. She wanted to like Selvi sisters, she really did, but she had an underlying jealousy towards pixies that she just couldn't seem to shake. They seemed like perfectly nice girls, and it's not like it's their fault that Madee was born a banshee. She knew that logically she shouldn't dislike them, but sometimes emotions overtook logic. "I was going to go and check out the sales, did you see anything worth stopping for as you were walking by?"
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"I was saying I must have just missed you?" Leyla offered up, tilting her head lightly to the side as she smiled brightly over at the other. The barista and the owner of the Daily Drip had just closed down their booth at the Farmer's Market and was heading back over to her coffee shop to check in on how things were doing, when she wandered up the girl before her. "You heading back out to enjoy the festivities?"
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madshee · 1 year
As soon as Madee realized it was Bea, a soft smile found its way to her face. She knew that she had zoned out and it likely looked as though she was having a moment, so she was thankful Bea had come over to check up on her. Madee would have done the same had the roles been reversed. It seemed as though all banshees had an unspoken rule that they all looked out for each other, it was a rather nice sentiment considering the negativity that seemed to always surround them.
"Oh, thank you!" Madee replied, glancing down to her own outfit to remind herself what she was wearing. A simple navy blue jumpsuit, something comfortable while also looking a little more put together than jeans and a t-shirt. "I love yours, too." She said, the compliment genuine. "That's actually why I was zoned out there, I want to go shopping, but I'm not too sure about the crowd…. Are you headed there, though? I'd love to shop with you."
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Bea had dropped by the Daily Drop for her coffee and a quick chat with Leyla before she had to return to work. On her way out, though, a certain banshee caught her eye. Madee wasn't in the Fae Court and it wasn't a point of contention or anything, but she had to admit she had a soft spot for other banshees. After getting a bit closer, she noticed there was a bit of a faraway look in her eyes and for a moment, Bea wondered if she was in a dreamwalking state. "Madee? You alright?"
"Oh, it was nothing," Bea waved her off once Madee turned around. "I just want to say, I love your outfit," she said quickly, not wanting to embarrass her by bringing up sleepwalking. Not all banshees were open to speaking about it. "Are you thinking of heading to the sale today? It's all I hear anybody talking about."
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madshee · 1 year
It was a relief to see that it was Rohan who approached her. There were very few people Madee felt comfortable with, but Rohan was one of those people. They had quite an interesting bond, and she was thankful for the friendship the two of them had managed to form. "The Bee Bandit…?" Madee repeated what he said slowly, a skeptical eyebrow raising as her eyes followed to where he pointed. She snorted slightly at the pool of honey on the floor, thankful he'd pointed it out before she stepped in it. "Hmm, I wonder if they brought it in themselves? Or maybe it's an employee, one that knows where the honey stash is and they strike while everybody is too preoccupied with their laptops and phones." She suggested, glancing around to make sure there were no other sticky spots in her path.
"What are you up to on this fine day?" Madee questioned, "I was going to head over to check out the sidewalk sales, but I'm not too sure I'm in the mood to be surrounded by too many people." It seemed like bad things happened while there were large crowds. Madee knew she couldn't let that completely dictate her life, but she always felt safest when she was alone.
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In truth, Rohan was still wavering in a strange state of in-between. While he was finding moments to enjoy himself and the festivities, part of him remained nevertheless unwilling to let too loose. Every time he let his guard down, some new, terrible event seemed to befall Lunar Cove. The very notion left him dissatisfied, with work, with leisure, with the general state of the world. And so, he was trying to quell it now in a way that was becoming all too common for him these days: with caffeine. His own coffee cup in one hand and a bundle of papers in the other, he made his own way to the recycling bin when he noticed Madee.
"Oh, uh, I was just warning you to watch where you were about to step. The Bee Bandit," he smiled weakly, expression tired, as he indicated a shimmering sticky spot on the floor ahead. "Someone's been using the honey bottles to leave mysterious sugar puddles and fingerprints all over. No one knows who or why. But they started keeping them behind the counter...although, I guess there's no rest for the wicked? They strike again."
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madshee · 1 year
Having lived in Lunar Cove for quite a few years now, Madee was pretty good with recognizing the people around town. She studied the man standing next to her for a brief moment before deciding he must be new in town, she'd never seen him before. The thing with Lunar Cove was that it seemed like people were coming and going constantly. "Oh, yes, of course. Sorry," Madee smiled at him, nodding her head slightly before reaching towards the sugar packets. "How many?" She asked, her fingers already curled around two packets, which seemed to be the standard for most people. Something seemed to tell her that he liked a more sugary drink, and she slipped a third packet into her hand.
"A hat that looks like an alligator?" Madee questioned with a raised brow, "I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing." She laughed slightly, now picturing him with an alligator on his head. "Looks like they have a bunch of cool stuff out there, I'm just headed out to take a little gander myself. I definitely want to see you in that hat, if you want to accompany me for a little while." Usually, Madee wasn't one to ask a stranger to join her for anything, but she was a little nervous of being in a large crowd, and something about this guy felt safe to her.
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Truthfully, Mateo didn't really need coffee, probably shouldn't drink it. He had so much energy, his moms had learned their lesson and stopped giving him candy when he was four. Halloween had become an even more important day of the year, exciting and overwhelming, because he was allowed all the candy he collected and spent the next 48 hours bouncing off the walls--often literally, though only after wrapping himself fully in bubble wrap. As he grew older, that energy had hardly waned, and as a new werewolf, he seemed to have more energy than ever before. And yet here he was, getting coffee, ready to kick it up to the next level, buzzing and ready to see all the town had to offer during these holiday events.
He cradled his cup of coffee near him but, not wanting to get the personal bubble of the person next to him, politely cleared his throat and pointed to the sugar packets. She didn't seem to hear him until she asked for him to repeat his question. "Yeah, yeah, sorry, I was hoping you could hand me some of those." He gestured vaguely at the packets closest to her and in a small box above the recycling can. "Gotta get caffeinated then go hit up the sales, you know what I'm saying?" He nodded toward the sidewalk sale outside, grinning excitedly. "Had my eye on a cool hat that looked like an alligator. Dope as hell."
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madshee · 1 year
Cherry Blossom Festival Who: Madee & Open (@lunarcovestarters) When: Tuesday, April 18th, Mid-afternoon Where: The Daily Drip
Madee had overslept, but she certainly wasn't upset about it. It had been a long time since she slept in and it felt nice to get a decent nights sleep for once. No sleepwalking, no disturbances, just a nice, good sleep. She took her time getting ready, wondering if she still had time to make it out to the festivities taking place throughout town, but decided she ultimately didn't really feel like going out to do anything. Instead, she found herself at The Daily Drip, sipping an iced latte as she watched people outside enjoying the festivities.
Now at the bottom of her cup, Madee thought that maybe she should go down to the sidewalk sale. It had been quite some time since she'd gone shopping, and having everything heavily discounted was a definite bonus. But surely it was busy, and people could be brutal when they wanted something. Thoughts whirled through her mind as she walked across the coffee shop, completely distracted as she approached the recycle bin. So many thoughts were in her head, that she didn't even acknowledge that somebody was speaking to her until she felt their eyes staring at her. "Oh, sorry, were you talking to me?"
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madshee · 1 year
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Name: Urassaya Chuahirun (Madee) Gender & Pronouns: Cis-woman, she/her Age: Thirty-two Birthday: January 4th Place of Birth: Thailand Species: Fae, Banshee Current Residence: DTLC Occupation: Mortician at Styx Passage Sexuality: Bisexual, though has only been with men Faceclaim: Brenda Song
Key points
tw: death & domestic abuse
Grew up in Thailand with her parents, grandparents and two older brothers. Each member of her family were born as pixies and Madee was expected to be a pixie as well
She always knew she was a banshee, always being drawn to anything surrounding death. Suspicions were confirmed as a young teenager when she felt the death of her grandmother approaching.
The family packed up and fled Thailand, hoping that would give them more time with the matriarch. She unfortunately passed not long after they’d landed in New Jersey.
The family stayed in New Jersey for a few months, but they had a hard time dealing with Madee and chose to move to Lunar Cove shortly before she turned fourteen.
She began acting out almost right away, her family began neglecting her as soon as they reached Lunar Cove. They figured the town would help Madee figure herself out.
Madee moved back to New Jersey at the age of seventeen with a boy she’d been seeing for a few months. Eventually the relationship grew toxic and abusive, and Madee fled back to Lunar Cove for her own safety in her late twenties.
Moving back to Lunar Cove was difficult, but an old friend gave her a place to stay for a few months until she was able to get a job at Styx Passage and eventually get her own apartment in DTLC.
Madee is doing much better mentally, but still occasionally has trust issues, especially when it comes to relationships. She’s designated herself perpetually single, a strong and independent woman.
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madshee · 1 year
Wanted Connections
→ High School Friends: (open to anybody) People that attended the local high school alongside Madee in their youth. They have now reconnected as adults, and are a group that can turn to each other whenever needed. → The Bestie: (open to anybody) The person that allowed Madee to stay with them upon her return to Lunar Cove. They may not have been best friends before, but the bond they built as roommates is unmatched to any of Madee's other friendships. → Friends with benefits: (open to anybody) Madee is very cautious when it comes to relationships and chooses not to get too close with anybody romantically. Instead, she chooses to have a few people she knows she can rely on when she needs somebody at night. → The One: (open to anybody) The person that makes Madee reconsider her thoughts on relationships. This is the person that makes her smile down at her phone, the person she wants to spend time with, the person that just won't leave her head. This is the person she was meant to be with.
(will likely add more as I think of them)
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madshee · 1 year
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FIONA PALOMO as SOFIA outer banks season 3
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madshee · 1 year
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madshee · 1 year
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BRENDA SONG as Madison Maxwell on DOLLFACE → 2.05 “Miss Codependent”
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madshee · 1 year
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madshee · 1 year
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