prescottreese · 21 hours
who: open | @lunarcovestarters when: friday night where: eclipse
One thing Scott admittedly missed about being out of Lunar Cove was a good nightclub, dancing until the early hours and drinking who-knows-what while pressed up against a bunch of strangers. There was something to be said for that itch under his skin that had him seeking that kind of social outing.
The things he had forgotten though, was how random it could be. For example....
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He removed the cowboy hat from his head and placed it on someone nearby in the crowd. "Here. This isn't mine. I have no idea where it came from."
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cecevandoren · 2 days
who. open @lunarcovestarters
option one.
where. town green, the gazebo
There were plenty of locations within the town of Lunar Cove that Cecile had claimed as a comfortable place to sit and read. The Daily Drip and the local library, just to name a few, but on a sunny day accompanied by a breeze? That practically begged Cece to bring a blanket with her to sit on the steps of the Gazebo and get lost in a few chapters.
However, today was exceptionally windy.
Like, she couldn't remember the last time her skirt whipped around her ankles in such an aggressive fashion. Not to mention her hair. It was a constant battle between being pushed to cover her eyes, or tugged behind her, as if the wind had invisible claws that intended to pull the strands from her scalp.
Originally Cece intended to ignore it. Once she was deep enough into her book, she would forget about the world around her. But that didn't happen. She was distracted. Actually, it was when she had read the same page four times and realize she hadn't retained any of the information that she was compelled to bother the person nearby. "Hello. I am so sorry for bothering but do you perhaps have a hair tie? Or a scarf? I seemed to have left the house unprepared today."
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option two.
where. outside of bliss yoga
Cecile had learned a few years back that moving around did her body good, specifically stretching. She wasn't sure which one of the staff members at Verdant Vale suggested she try yoga, but she silently thanked them every time she left a class. it had taken a few months for her to work on her balance for most of the poses, but now she definitely could say she felt like she could hold her own in one of the intermediate classes.
Between the deep stretches and the calming music, it felt like one of the only places she could clear her mind and just exist. And after all the chaos surrounding the town in past months, it felt good to just focus on her breathing and nothing else.
The class ended too quickly for her liking, but she didn't linger. She rolled up the sea foam green mat she had brought with her, tucked it under her arm and said goodbye to the instructor as she followed many of the other students out of the building.
Once out of the humid studio, Cece began to walk towards where she would meet the family chauffeur to take her back home. But she paused when she saw the person in front of her drop something. She hadn't noticed if they had tripped or if it merely slipped out of their hand, but she didn't think as she began to bend down to help them. "Oh here, let me..." she began, reaching for what had fallen between them.
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altanonder · 7 days
altan & open ; @lunarcovestarters location: lunar cove beach, sunny harbor
It seemed almost as if Lunar Cove was under a curse, each event that was supposed to bring joy resulted in even more tragedy, only this time around, death would be permanent. No resurrection or transformation able to change what had befallen Mason, their death a stark reminder that magic and immortality were not options for them all and that life could be fleeting even if well-lived. He'd gone on an early morning run, an attempt to clear his head and stop the grief from spiraling, although the heavy weight in his heart remained even as he came to a brief respite.
The ocean, while so often bringing with it a sense of calm and serenity, seemed agitated too. Rough, choppy waves that seemed to mirror his own spirit, and Altan hardly noticed the footsteps approaching until they were standing next to him. "Which do you think is more likely, that the ocean will turn red tomorrow or that we'll be able to have a celebration that doesn't end in disaster?"
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nate-windsor · 14 days
OPEN @ starlight bar ( @lunarcovestarters )
Nate was pleasantly buzzed, existing in that place between sober and sloppy with just enough of a hum between his ears that he couldn't hear himself think about everything he was currently avoiding thinking about. It did not, however, stop him from hearing the unmistakable opening chords of First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes as it filtered out of the speakers. The pleasantness of his buzz was gone in an instant. This was a cruel joke, right? It had to be. That song was old as shit and definitely not the vibe of a place like the Starlight Bar. And even if it was, no it wasn't.
The only reasonable explanation was that the universe hated him and enjoyed watching him suffer. He tossed back the last few swallows of his whiskey, hardly feeling the smooth burn on the way down, and plucked up the specialty cocktail menu as he set his glass down with a thud, eyes scanning without comprehending what he was reading. All he could think about was his wedding song as it played on like some manifestation of his worst nightmare. He turned to the person next to him, desperate for both a distraction and a recommendation, stabbing a finger against the menu as he did so. "Hypothetical question. If I was trying to find that sweet spot between temporary deafness and full blackout, which one of these would I order?"
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jroycethethird · 16 days
setting: out of stalk, one sunny afternoon
featuring: royce van doren iii & open @lunarcovestarters MAXED OUT
“Look at you,” he said in a low voice, fingers delicately brushing over the leaves and yellow flowers of a tomato plant. “You’re coming along well, I can already tell you’re going to yield the most delicious fruit this year.” He’d been a faithful member to the town garden, taking care of various veggies, fruits, and plants whenever he was home. It was the one place where he didn’t mind stains on his nice clothes, wearing then a thick canvas apron with gardening shears and other tools tucked into its large pockets to protect his crisp white dress shirt from being dirtied. The knees of his gray slacks were already dark from being pressed against the side of the garden box, though he didn’t mind. He had his sleeves rolled up, hands glove free as dirt crept under his finger nails, checking on the health of every plant before him. “And you’ve already grown several inches since we last met,” he complimented another, smiling widely at them. Royce liked plants, he liked their simplicity, their unique vibrancy, how accomplished one felt when they raised them up from seed to beyond.
Watering a few thirsty looking plants with a small canister, he glanced up in time to see another person enter the garden. “Am I crowding your plants?” Royce asked, not sure who’s own were growing near his tomatoes and peppers. “Here, I’ll get out of your way,” he said, using a cloth rag to wipe his dirt-caked hands as he carefully pulled himself up to his full height. That was when he heard it, the faint and unmistakable buzz of the one thing that could scare him more than the Catalyst, hunters or any other powerful threat combined: A bee. Royce dug into his apron pocket, feeling for his EpiPen and curling his fingers around it the second he placed it, the thundering of his heart calming for a second before he turned back to the other with a bright smile. Not a single sign of his momentary panic was evident on the man’s handsome brow, even as he casually glanced around for the buzzing beastie. “So what’s your poison then? Carrots, winter squash, basil?”
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ernieernieboi · 25 days
@lunarcovestarters who: everyone where: anywhere when: anytime (after the event)
It wasn't the attack at the ball that had Ernie on edge, it was the fact that he didn't know what the fuck was going on. Ernie was delusional enough to think he could protect himself against whoever The Catalyst was, so he wasn't worried about danger. He was more concerned about what they wanted, and is he to expect them to crash a party every time someone throws one?
A few feet away, he noticed someone he thought he had seen that night. "I saw you at the ball the other night." He said. Of course, everyone was wearing a mask so he could be making a fool of himself, but it was worth a shot if he wanted some answers. "Are you, you know, good? Do you know what that was about?"
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nyraxodeyer · 1 month
for: CLOSED! please do not reply (but if you really want to, then send me a dm!) location: outside the emerald
With the end of her saree draped around her shoulder for no other reason that to provide extra comfort in such a time, Nyra's thoughts raced over the events that had transpired, hurt and chaos cling to this town and she grew weary of it. Pain, destrustion and the damned message left behind on... no she couldn't think about Leyla not without tears wanting to be shed, the resulting sight not for such an open place. She had other matters that needed to be dealt with, and keeping her mind busy and occupied was needed. Sectioning off the casino Nyra had allocated her staff tasks to work on the construction of the wing. Thankful at least the hotel stood, her home intact given things, still there was a big problem to deal with. A very very open thing. "Not to state the obvious," she spoke up as she felt a presence nearby, "But this is a big hole. Do I laugh and dismiss this due to sheer incredulity, or cry at the damage?"
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julianrchandlerx · 1 month
setting: looking sharp, echo acres, a couple days after the ball
featuring: julian chandler & open @lunarcovestarters
Julian ached in many ways. Between a broken heart, a broken spirit, and the phantom remnants of psychological torture, nothing seemed to be exactly right in him as of late. So he did what he tended to do when life got him down: he doubled down and continued his normal routine. Between night shifts at Blank Slate, training with the Fire Department, and his never ending quest to craft the most beautiful landscape painting of Lunar Cove and find his way into Van Doren’s uppity gallery, Julian had not given himself a moment to appear as down as he was. He was busy, and busy was good. Busy meant he could stay out of his mind and the images which haunted him through his sleepless nights. Curse vampirehood for not allowing him the pleasure of dreamless sleeps, or to be taken in the throes of alcohol. No, if he wanted a real release then he had to find it elsewhere.
Axe throwing seemed a good way.
Clad in a LCFD tee shirt that perhaps hugged his biceps a little too tight for comfort, he reared a hatchet bearing hand before sending it spiraling forward, another dead center shot. Years of sports had improved his hand eye coordination, and his newer reflexes and super strength only made his attacks more lethal. A long thin crack grew along the wood, but he didn’t think it was threatening breakage. So he took it back and prepared another toss, rolling his shoulders mostly for show. “Hey you,” he nodded to the nearest patron, perhaps also seeking a release after the chaos, “Down for a lil competition? Best out of five rounds? Winner gets drinks or something. Or we can put money on it, whatever ups the anty for you.”
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moonglowmagic · 1 month
Who: @lunarcovestarters
Where: Anywhere
Elena was tired from the events of the other night still and found herself anxiously wondering how safe of a haven this place really was. Especially considering the fact that someone named the Catalyst was clearly trying to kill them all. Hearing the person behind her speak up once more and she jumped slightly. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” She asked curiously as she turned to look at them with an innocent expression on her face. “I was just—“ She stuttered as she tried to find the right words. “Sorry, but this town is a shit show and I can’t get my mind off of it.”
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aiylabaysal · 2 months
Anywhere in town during the solar eclipse
Aiyla had developed ways to keep herself out of harm's way when sleepwalking. She had set up bells around her house, little warning systems that would hopefully wake her if she found herself in an aimless dream-like stupor, and up until now, it had been successful. Exhaustion and the unknown of the town's recent happenings...constant happenings had worn her guard down, and now the Fae was gliding aimlessly about town. Her shoes were long forgotten, and her wings folded at her back as she moved in her dreamy daze foot after foot, muttering what sounded like nonsense but was truly the memorized text from her mother's (the late fae queen, Hazal) diaries. Standing in an ebb and flow, she began to cross the street, "The cakes were terrible- I didn't think so." She sighed her shoulders heaving. "I should have told her. I can tell her. We have time."
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cantfightmoonlight · 2 months
Option A:
"What in the-" Bri jumped back, nearly flinging herself up against the person behind her as she let out a sharp hiss. A rash already beginning to form across her skin from just a short amount of sun exposure. "I thought these stupid rings were supposed to work. Isn't that the point of having to wear it for the rest of my life?" She muttered out as she hide under the café's awning that still wasn't entirely stopping her skin from feeling irritated.
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Option B:
Elif was a wolf who had always prided herself on her complete and utter control. The last time she lost her grip on her wolf form had been back when she was newly turned, before she had received any proper training as to how to control it. But, since then? Shifting had always felt like a second skin to her. She remembered everything vividly. Until now. Under the rays of the eclipse, Elif had lost any semblance of consciousness. Her wolf self had entirely taken over and she found herself bearing her teeth at the unsuspecting individual who had stumbled into Echo Acres during the midst of the Eclipse.
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masonxmahir · 3 months
for: open!! @lunarcovestarters CLOSED! please don't reply
‘Goood Afternoonnn Lunar Cove! You're listening to the M'n'M show on the finest airwaves this side of the mirage. You know I’m the Siren chilling in the studio while our lovely Sound is out amongst you all today! Mason, my dude, what's cracking, bless us with the sound of the day!’ 
Option 1
location: pier pressure
It was supposed to be the assigned sound of the day, but what echoes through the airwaves was a whine. "Noooo." Dragged to the point till it became nothing but a high-pitched indistinguishable noise, followed immediately by the ding of an arcade machine. "The sound of the day is defeat and that to by Skittles. You heard right, Skittles. Devastating honestly." There were only a few games he bragged being good at; Space Invaders being the one of them, but what a sight to behold when he arrived on this fine afternoon to see their high score beat. He had a show to do, he knew, and this is where multitasking kicked in, "Dear listeners, why did I do to deserve this? Have I ever hurt a soul? ...." he paused abruptly, "Actually don't answer that. But! I'm gonna have a super villain origin story if this skittles person doesn't come forward and have a rematch!" At that moment someone walked by, narrowing their eyes Mason rushed to meet them, "Yo! Are you Skittles?"
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Option 2
location: anywhere
Skateboard under feet and a microphone in hand, Mason took to the streets of Lunar Cove, zig-zagging through people and places looking for a good crowd where he could kick the show off. What started off as a trail and to add something new to their shows, became a standard practice at this point and really, he liked the variation a lot, to be out of the studio was nice. "What's up my dude!" he spoke into the mic, "The sound of the day today is would you believe it, is an egg cracking!" Mason did their best to mimic that sound, "But speaking on eggs, have you ever wondered what came first the chicken on the egg? Riddles are wild man, and I'm on the hunt for the most mind-boggling ones....oh I see someone!" Mason waved to make their presence known and rolled beside as they walked, "Hey hey, what's hanging! You're on air!" he announced and held out the microphone, "Congrats! Now, question, have you got any riddles you'd like to share? Points for the most mind-boggling!"
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jroycethethird · 2 months
open! @lunarcovestarters
Option 1
setting: the country club
"Good god, my friend, you are a terrible shot. Here's to hoping you drink better than you golf," Royce's head tilted back as a loud laugh escaped him, hopping off the golf cart and whipping off the tweed flat cap that stamped down his hair. He ruffled up his golden locks to their perfect 'wave-like' coif with one hand, the other swiftly pulling out and shooting out text after text on his phone. Without looking where he was going, he made a bee-line for the country club bar, willing those in the way to step aside and not bothering to check if his companion or caddy were following his pursuit. "Gin and Tonic," he readily supplied to the bar tender before motioning behind him, "and whatever they're having—" In that moment his gaze met that of another person seated at the bar. Gorgeous, naturally, and seemingly alone — just the type that caught his eye typically. "And whatever you're having. Hey there, nice day isn't it? Too lovely to be drinking alone, unless you're waiting for someone?" He flashed a charming grin, forgetting his entourage already.
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Option 2
setting: drop it like a squat
Slipping his hand out of a boxing glove, Royce swiped his sweaty palm against his shirt. A useless action since it was as equally drenched. "Alright, I'll concede, you were a worthy opponent," he said to the other with the flash of a grin, retrieving his towel to wipe away the sweat from his hands and brow before pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "It's been a while, I certainly needed that. It's not always easy to find a facility with just the right amenities when you're jumping across countries," he referenced his most recent long getaway to Europe, which he seriously wish he'd extended. Coming home to council drama and now no powers was not exactly how he wanted to spend his days, on top of all the work he had with setting up upcoming exhibits and his other investments. "Tell you what, since you were a good sport about working out with me, I'll take you out for a bite to eat. You name the place, no limits. Or we can skip the meal and go for drinks. Pick your poison, though I will say that after that I am positively ravenous. Just saying." As proletarian as it was, a burger and fries sounded amazing right about then.
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itsronniebish · 3 months
Option A Where: Echo Acres
A hunter, Ronnie was not. And yet here she was, crouched in a bush, looking for dinner. The moon wasn't quite full, but it was enough to light her surroundings. Not that she really needed it. Ronnie could hunt just fine without it.
Look. She didn't like hunting. She really didn't care for it, but she still hadn't joined the clan, and she felt bad about constantly mooching off of Bri. Yes, it's very surprising, Ronnie felt bad about something. But it was true, and she needed blood, desperately, almost all the time, so she was out hunting Bambi.
And there was Bambi, right there in her sights, about to become dinner, when the snapping of a stick that wasn't Ronnie, thank you very much, even though it was clearly someone else. Ronnie stood up straight, scowling. "Hey! It's really rude to-- to interrupt when someone's doing something out here!"
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Option B Where: New Leaf Bookstore
It was nice, Ronnie thought, to be able to afford her own coffee. Granted, it wasn't her money, but that didn't really matter at the moment. What mattered was that she was content, and comfortable, and so, so bored. Usually, if she was back home, she'd be drinking her coffee and scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, but she couldn't exactly do that, now. Ronnie Bishop was still dead, even if her sister was in town working very hard to disprove that fact. Ronnie Bishop couldn't just come back to life after being dead for nearly a year. Which meant that she couldn't scroll through Ronnie Bishop's Instagram feed and like her friend's photos and dm with people who wanted her to take theirs.
So, instead, Ronnie was attempting to read a book she'd just purchased. She wasn't exactly succeeding. It was some fantasy thing, one with fairies and courts and some weird chick being weird. She was sure it was fine. It was probably fine. It was just really, really boring. Sighing, Ronnie looked at the person near her. "Any book recs that are... not about fairies? I'm new to this whole reading for fun thing. I think the last thing I read was for a college English class."
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ernieernieboi · 2 months
@lunarcovestarters location: FAE-KEA: Bargain Furniture Store OPEN
Ernie's been out all day, hopping from different homegoods stores. His apartment had barely been decorated, and he didn't know what the hell kind of vibe he wanted to go with. Right now, Casa de Ernie failed the vibe check. All the clothes, the trinkets, and whatever the hell else he's been collecting for decades were sprawled haphazardly across his apartment. No furniture but a matress in the corner of his room. He looked like he was still on the run. If he'd come to Lunar Cove for good, or at least for a good while, he wanted to finally make a home. He scanned the shelves of the store he was in, looking over the candles, the picture frames, and lamps. Do I want a moody vibe, like London? Or some colorful bright shit, like Rio? He thought to himself before -- "Hey, yo!" He called to a stranger a few feet away. "Pick a city between London and Rio."
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daphnebishop · 4 months
OPTION 1 anywhere outside around town
All Daphne had to go on was potential whispers really, but when it was all she had to hold onto after losing her sister then she would turn the whisper into something tangible, impossible to ignore. She had felt like the world moved on far too quickly from the loss of Veronica Bishop. Content with little evidence and no justice. That didn't sit well with Daphne and she had been so adamant on it that she left her life, her husband, friends all she had ever hoped for on a whim. She arrived in Lunar Cove, spent the night in her empty rental, and sat about pasting posters on lamp posts with a photo of Ronnie urging anyone with information about her sister's death come forward. Anyone who gave information that led to answers would be paid well. Pasting the last of her posters on a metal pole she scrubbed her palms together pilling glue as she scanned the photograph, "God I could have picked a better one." She frowned stopping the next person on the street with a bright smile, "Hey, where can I get something good to eat and a strong drink?"
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OPTION 2 eclipse
She was in mourning, not dead. So she donned her lithe frame in all black, short black dress, black sheer tights, and black boots and made her way to Eclipse which for all she could tell was the only real club-like establishment in Lunar Cove unless she wanted to hit up Sinners. But she was far more into dancing than watching others dance. At least for tonight. "Oh c'mon, don't be a sore loser!" She smiled breathless as the bartender handed over a pair of scissors which she would use to cut her prize. A bet that went in her favor resulted in the burly man with long hair pulled into a pretty ponytail having to hand it over. She paid for a pair of shots, cheers, tossed it back, and freed him of the ponytail which she held up in triumphant to cheers. Some who had watched as she dislocated her shoulder to twist her body out of a bind he swore no one could free themselves of. She had won the twelve inches of unprocessed hair and he had lost the great pleasure of her company. Daphne stood up on her stool where she was pulled up onto the bar with her prize and another shot on the house. Doing a brief victory strut down the bar like it was a catwalk she wiggled her fingers out, "Help a girl down would ya?" She beamed extending her hand to them.
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