maerogong · 3 years
I just want to share to you tumblr that i successfully achieved my dream. I am a licensed civil engineer now! and i’m moving permanently on Singapore to do my work. I can’t believe it that after almost 8 years, here i am looking at my self and telling my self that “ i did it.” You just really have to believe in your self that every step you take is worth it. You might be fall, but stand up and be wiser every step you have to take. Life is short so go for it! Get your dream! I am Hannah Mae P. Rogong, A licensedCivil Engineer.
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maerogong · 3 years
What is my dream in life?
So basically, i have alot of dreams in my life, might be to become a licensed computer engineer or to be a civil engineer. And these things help to motivate me to become one of those. I still have a lot steps to take to become of one of my dream in life but i have to continue and strive for them.
And as for my day;
I just helped my twin to keep her things organized. And do my routine at home.
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maerogong · 4 years
Dear diary:
So as for my day, it’s quite okay  as usual i do my routine and . i did help my elder sister to take care of her children. and i think that’s all, -mimi
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maerogong · 4 years
This commercial hit me so hard,  It was shown there that in this life, people have to work despite of whatever obstacles their facing at. You have to suffer first to reach success. Poverty is not new to everyone it is the common problem that keep on rising in our society due to this, a lot of people suffers and sacrifice for their love ones. so no matter how hard life is keep fighting.
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maerogong · 4 years
Pause for a thought
So how do i start this? for me i prefer being appreciated rather than giving me gifts, but sometimes i love both. I agree with this because i’d love being appreciated especially in my family members.  So as for my day same routine and i think that’s all. Adios!
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maerogong · 4 years
Buenas dias!
So as for my day I think it's okay i didn't do anything after our exam. I just watch netflix and do some cleaning in our house. I guess that's all for today. goodnight!!
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maerogong · 4 years
Pause for a thought
What makes you happy? When are you happy?
So what makes me happy? There’s a lot of things that make me happy and it includes  watching Fantasy movies/series, Action Movies or even reading books. Sometimes I do art when I'm happy because I find it relaxing. When am I happy? When my family surrounds me and also if I am with my friends.  Happiness is the secret ingredient  that can help us be and do our best.  
Who are the people closest to you? How often do you talk to them? Why do you consider them your closest relationship?
The people who are closest to me are my  childhood best friend way back then in Zamboanga City.  We may not be a neighbor anymore but our friendship still lives in our hearts. We do talk thru messenger and calls maybe thrice a week. I consider them as my closest relationship because we grow up together. She knows my dreams, secrets and my life story.   Except for my childhood friend I consider my twin as my closest person in my life. I often talk to her like every single day. I consider my twin as my closest person because she knows the real me. And also I share my secrets with her and I remember she even protected me with the bad people who tried to hurt me, she stood for me that’s why i consider her as my closest person that i’ve ever had.
As for my day
So today our teacher in personal development shared her love story, which is why I find it amazing because they were so young when they met each other and yet they are still together now. She also taught us what love is. That if someone truly loves you he/she is willing to wait for you no matter what happens.  And as for my day nothing happens, same as usual. I did the  chores and played with my niece. 
#PersonalDevelopment #Day8
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maerogong · 4 years
Day 7
Why is the brain considered as a superior even to the most powerful computer?
So, why is the brain considered as a superior even to the most powerful computer? To me is that our brain is the source of our body. The brain gives  command of what to do. Brain also gives us emotions whenever we feel sad , happy anger and disappointment.  Our brain is everything, We can do memorizing, thinking about arts, and imagination.   That's why the brain is more superior since it's the one who controls, manipulates, and dictates a person. 
Is it possible to combine the capabilities of your two brain hemisphere? How will this affect your ability to learn?
Yes, it is possible because combining our two brain hemisphere can make us create more idealistic things. It enhance our ability and can create many things. There are advantages if we combine the two brain hemispheres. 
Hola! as for my day, it’s kinda tiring it is because i do the laundry and right after the laundry i cook our dinner. 
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maerogong · 4 years
Pause for a thought
What situation do you consider as positive stress? As negative stress? Are you aware of your tipping point when it comes to stress?
The situation that i've considered positive stress is being a student. Because the hard work that you've done will be paid off at the end.
Meanwhile the situation in negative stress is that the things that I can't find a solution and it makes me want to give up and its sucks. Specially when my family having a huge fight and it also affects me.
• Yes, I am aware of my tipping point. The moment when I lose my appetite for meals and doesn't talk much with people surrounds me, that means I had enough and can't take that particular stressful stuff at all.
And as for my day I think it's okay. I just do my usual routine.
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maerogong · 4 years
I woke up early in the morning and did my morning routine. Today I didn't really do much. This night I watch tutorial videos about cooking a different recipes and tried to make one.
Pause for a thought
"Kamustaa na ba ako sa aking pagtahak as ADOLESCENT"
In this current situation, I think I am more aware on my surroundings. Become more independent daughter/student. I was able to embraced my flaws and overcome my insecurities. And I know soon enough in our future, everything will be fine.
What are some things that I have done in childhood that I'm not doing anymore?
Those street games that I used to play with my neighbors before and some childish personality if the younger me. Because in that province where I grew up, all the children are approachable and kind hearted.
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maerogong · 4 years
Dear tumblr,
January 30,2021
I started my morning by doing some exercise. And after that we clean the house and play with my niece. We don't have any activity in our subject that's why I am enjoying my weekend.
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maerogong · 4 years
Dear tumblr,
I just do my usual routine, cleaning the house, and took care of my niece, do the dishes and cooking. We also discussed our performance task via google meet and after that we did out part for our pt. So I guess that's all for day.
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maerogong · 4 years
Have you ever met a person who seems to be so complex that it is difficult to full understand him or her? What makes this person a complex character?
Well definitely yes, I have this particular friend who have a very unique character bipolar maybe. Sometimes it pissed me off but what else I can do? I love her that way she maybe hard to understand most of the time, but she have a big heart that everyone would wish for.
And the song "forgiveness" by Matthew West really gives me chills. The song say it all. You can only free yourself if you forgive.
And for my day, I spent my day playing with kids and took care of our little thrift store business. And also I also discuss about our performance task to my groupmates and watch the asynchronous lesson.
You can listen the song!!
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maerogong · 4 years
Hi tumblr,
So today nothing special happened. But I'm kinda nervous for our new teacher. So as always I do my chores and do cooking. And after that I love watching tv or do some reads.
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