??? Just put it in the floor, it is way more stable like that. I mean, I would help if I had money but I must say that I still don't get why you would put it above some irregular thin boxes???? Anyway, if anyone out there wanna help them I think you should, it is also quite uncomfy sleep at the floor, I do it many times but later on I get back aches.
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hey so i “sleep” on this and i’m really in need of an actual bed cause this falls off the boxes i put it on/i sleep very poorly on this which is affecting my day to day a lot; i need to go to ikea and get the couch bed so if you could donate so i can sleep comfortably at night that’d be really helpful
you can always ask me to draw something for your donation my art twit is @peepobismol
venmo | paypal | cashapp
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Favor de ignorar el hecho de que no sé como usar bien tumblr, gracias.
6 notes · View notes
Meow =^w^=
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Pure practice makes the master ^-^/
Reblog if you’re a self-taught artist!
I’m curious ^^
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Let's support this meme restorer ò<ó/
my weirdest hobby is re-creating memes in html so i have a crisp, HQ version of them to use and edit whenever i need
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378K notes · View notes
Ima eagle!!! 9ò.ó9
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289 notes · View notes
Pasa *<*
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disaster aroace
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El mejor crossover que he visto en años
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Delicious, finally some good fucking food ____ Kitchen nightmares / Ratatouille crossover we all deserve
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This sounds like something I would do tbh
How to avoid Jeff killing you #3: Old friend
Jeff: *sneaks into a teen guy's room*
Jeff: *pounces and pins him down*
Guy: *struggles to release one of his hands fro. Jeff's grip, grab's Jeff's hand into a firm shake*
Jeff: Um... Yeah. *is skimming kind for any information on how he may know this guy*
Guy: Well, uh, I'd love to chat, but here's the thing.
Jeff: *still trying to remember this guy*
Guy: I'm kind of trying to, uh, sleep, so, if you would...
Jeff: Uh, yeah, of course, of course.
Guy: But hey, man, feel free to come back, its been a while. Just, uh, not when I'm sleeping, alright?
Jeff: Yeah, man, I got you.
Guy: Well, hey, man, I'll see you whenever.
Jeff: *is at the window, climbing out* Alright, man, later.
Jeff: Who the hell was that
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Esto es arte! APRÉCIENLO!!!!
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60K notes · View notes
send me a ship:
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
7K notes · View notes
Me lo haría pero hace poco chillé por una vacuna :'v
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424 notes · View notes
Well, that actually exists, so...
I think it's possible?🤔
Hey! If Cuphead has a crush on fanny! Would that mean Cuppuccino has a crush on Finn(genderbend fanny)!?
of course everything’s the same!
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(I know I’m going to get asks to draw it sooner or later, so here ya go)
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Everyday is fucking Halloween
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941K notes · View notes
@pmastamonkmonk A HUGE THANKS
Also, yeah, let's count that if a woman wants you in her life besides that in her bed, you don't need to be an Hércules.
Personaly, I think it's even gross when they have that kind of body. I rather someone normal and lovely tbh uwu.
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is it time for frank cho and milo manara to die or what
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Esto me recuerda, no he estudiado :'v
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406 notes · View notes
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~Little shiny star….
hi guys im not dead, im back…  after a long time
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