magicaeetsanguis · 7 years
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In 1697, the first fairy was ever documented. The man who discovered her was swiftly hanged for blasphemy against the church. It took three years before his works would stop falling on deaf ears. When they finally did, a revelation was made. Humans are not the only beings that inhabit this world or even the next in some cases, and they quickly learned that fairies were among them. Always had been, but it also became common practice for fairies to reveal themselves in their own time. Some fairies, though blessed with long life, chose to stay hidden as they were not completely trusting of humans or what else might be out there. Others happily lived with the humans, choosing intermingle with them, and some even married humans.
Though it has not always been easy. Other beings wanted to live among the humans as well. They wanted to be known. The first were the vampires. Their jealousy and curiosity of the fairies led them to revealing themselves in 1819. Their leader had been living for years under the guise of a human. He had even managed to fool his fairy wife. He revealed himself to an English writer who he compelled to later commit suicide, but not without leaving something for the humans and fairies to ponder. In 1821, the writer carried out the vampire’s last command with a note that read: “They will reveal themselves soon.” And reveal themselves, they did. In droves. Hundreds upon hundreds of vampires all stepping out into the world the first time to announce their existence. Unlike the fairies, very few kept their immortality a secret.
However, some vampires decided to acquire their human blood by more humane means. And others went about it the old fashioned way. Yet, they found something they craved more than human blood. Fairy blood. With the magic and pure untapped fairy dust in their veins, the fairies possessed blood that didn’t just satiate hunger. It made the vampires more human-like, and even better, they didn’t have to feet for a very long time. For any self-loathing vampire, this was almost like being reborn again. Every time. Their blood became a drug unlike anything humans could manufacture. Acquiring this blood became their sole mission, almost forgetting about humans completely. When fairies stopped donating their blood, any means were necessary to help re-humanize the vampires. Human/fairy hybrid blood didn’t work. Most of it was too diluted. By 1980, the first fairy to be documented was the last fairy to go back into hiding.
The vampires were not stupid. They kept a stock of fairy blood. One drop could satiate them for a few days. A shot glass for weeks. But they also found they could make a synthetic form of it by using only a little of the real thing. And this brings us to the present day. The fairies are all completely hidden, but they can function in society without being detected. They can live a normal life, and with the encouragement of a new sect of vampires, some are even revealing themselves again. And, this new sect of vampires are working with the fairies to figure out how to kick the rest of them of their specialty blood habit.
There are three types of beings in this verse: HUMAN, FAIRY, VAMPIRE.
And of course, you will have to let us know more than what type of being you are. In the app, please let us know which option you choose for your being. They are listed below.
If you are a human, you have three options; SIDE WITH THE VAMPIRES, SIDE WITH THE FAIRIES, TAKE NO SIDES.
If you are a fairy, your options are: IN HIDING****, WORKING WITH THE NEW SECT OF VAMPS.
If you are vampire, your options are: HOOKED ON FAIRY BLOOD, PART OF THE NEW SECT.
****Please note that if you are a fairy in hiding, you will eventually have to come out of hiding to make sure you are interacting with everyone.
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Please read the rules before applying. By applying, you are letting us know that you have read, understood, and intend to follow the rules.
Application Mun Stuffs Name/Alias: Age: (the group is 18 +) Intended Activity Level: (just a roundabout guess really) Timezone: (so we can kinda know what time it is for you) Preferred Pronouns: (so we don’t assume gender)
Muse Stuffs Name: Age: FC: Fandom: (if applicable; put OC if no): Are you human? Fairy? Or vampire? What is your choice? Bio: – Please be as detailed as you possibly can –
Characters and Faceclaims:
Tinkerbell (Lucy Hale)
Abby Oglethorpe (Karen Gillan)
Peter Pan (Max Records)
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magicaeetsanguis · 7 years
Don't know how to change your nickname?
If you are on a computer, look to the right of the screen. You will see a list of members. Find yourself in that list. Right click. At the bottom of the popup list, you will see "change nickname." Click that and go from there. 
If you are mobile, pull up your server list. There will be a list of channels for the current server you are in. By the name of the server on the right, there are three dots on stacked on top of one another. Click that and a list will pop up on the bottom of your screen. At the very bottom, you will see "change nickname." Click and it will bring up a thing for you to change. Hit save and you're done. 
You will need to change your nickname from your username. If you are playing two characters and do not want two accounts, your username should reflect that you are playing both. For an example, Abby/Tink is two different characters by a lazy bones who does not want to have different accounts.
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