magical-sword13 · 3 years
destiel // without you - joseph
where has the time gone?
instagram | ko-fi | cc: wanhedrr | scenes: @chrisecclestons
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
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me trying to find out how theres people out there who believe the confession was platonic-
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
Nothing goes according to plan. 
That can generally be said about life, but specifically about Eileen and Sam’s wedding day. 
First, there’s the curse. That is - first, Sam wakes up at the crack of dawn and heads to the library. He can’t sleep - too much energy, too many thoughts, too happy and anxious and grateful - too much going on in his mind to stay still another moment. 
Cas is in the room already when Sam enters. While Cas is human now, and does require regular sleep - and truthfully he likes it, the warmth and safety of falling asleep with the one who you love in your arms - it doesn’t come easily to him, and he is, unfortunately, prone to waking early. He’s grown very fond of coffee and the quietude of the library in the early hours of the morning. 
Sam comes in and it doesn’t take an angel’s abilities to perceive to tell that he’s a bundle of nerves. Cas chuckles to himself, closes his book, stands, and claps Sam on the shoulder. 
“You love her. She loves you. It’s all going to be alright, Sam,” Cas says warmly. “Why don’t you go for a run? You like those. Work out your nerves. I’ll let Eileen know you’re out when she wakes up.”
Cas heads out of the library to go refill his coffee and when he returns, Sam is gone. A run, presumably. 
Until it’s two hours later, time to start getting ready, and no one has seen him. 
On the third round of searching the bunker, while others are out driving around nearby, Dean lets out a yelp from a corner of the library near one of the shelves. Sam, all of four inches tall, is red-faced from yelling - well, more like squeaking - from the floor.
Instead of going for that run Cas as suggested, he had decided to look through one of the cabinets that they hadn’t yet gotten around to re-cataloging. One cursed object later and, well, Eileen might have to carry him in her pocket for their ceremony. 
Dean is incredibly unhelpful once he realizes Sam is, for the most part, unharmed. He takes a lot of photos. Pitches a full on leprechaun theme for the ceremony later. Asks Sam to show him where he keeps his pot of gold. Generally enjoys being the taller brother again for just a while. 
Eileen, not one to let her day be overshadowed - or, well, minimized - works with Rowena to find a reversal spell. It doesn’t take long, the two working well together - though Sam would argue later that it took long enough.
The day goes a bit smoother from there - no more curses - but there are hunters present, so there’s a fight or two. Some broken bottles and a broken chair.
Crowley tries to tempt the happy couple into inviting him to join their wedding night. (He doesn’t know they’ve already made plans with Rowena for their honeymoon.) 
Cas, with a human liver and no tolerance for alcohol, gets wasted by the end of the night, after Jo and Charlie convince him to do some shots with them. He never stood a chance. Dean finally puts his ginger ale with lime aside, lifts Cas’ arm around his shoulder to rest his weight on him, and says their farewells for the evening, looking incredibly fondly at the man beside of him the whole time.
Jack accidentally starts a fire with his powers, having not quite learned his lesson to not show off - he is, after all, only three. Claire and Kaia notice immediately, and put it out before too much damage is done, then head back to dancing. 
No, nothing ever goes exactly according to plan. 
But in the quiet moment, after the guests are gone, and it’s just Sam and Eileen, they share a look that, if anyone saw, they could only describe as real, pure love. In that moment, with just one another, Sam and Eileen know that plans are made to be rewritten anyway. 
The best stories, after all, are the ones that you don’t turn out the way you planned. 
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
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Dean and Cas are getting married today. They’re both very nervous.
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
This made me happy
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happy valentine’s day have some cursed spn cards
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
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new gay relationship chart just dropped go ham
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
AUGUST 10TH, 2020
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my brain worms go  B̴̢̧̛̛͖͇̼͈͓̬̞̯͕̙̹̅̈̓̾̔͐̐̊̅̂̚͝͝R̵̡̼͎̘̺̱̺̩̩̮̖͙̘̜̘̓̓͆̍̍̍̽̀̓̈́R̴͉̳̳͔͎̿̀̏̎͆̀̇͝R̷͈̙͚̱̹̗̳̟͚͖̉͛̉̾̄̓͘R̵̢̼̱͕̬͉̖̣̥̞͎͎̣͒͒͛́̒̒̍̆̋͜R̷̾̽̒͒͛̌̒́̍̈́͊ͅŘ̷̤̩̳̳̗͖͍͍̖̞͇͐̐̍̿̏͗̃͛̈́͘̚͜Ŕ̸̜̝̟̝̻̲̺̣̬̤̫̝͖̟̂̊͛̈́̾̓̇́̈́R̵̡̰̽̉̓͋̓̔͑̆̃͂̓͝Ŗ̷̣͇͉̱̙̣̠͉̖͒̎    [source]
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
Destiel | “Angel” by Theory of a Deadman
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
Something interesting happened in Shadow:
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Dean was in a bar in which the victim had been working as a waitress, talking to the bartender and her friends (whom were likely also waitresses). We see a man walk away from the scene behind the bar while Dean is chatting to a woman. His body is angled away from her. There’s a pen and some napkins to their left.
Dean tells her, “Really? [???] five years?” [she mumbles a reply] “Well. Alright.“ [She says “Yeah, ???] “Awesome.” [Upon seeing Sam, Dean downs his shot and dismisses her] “See ya.”
Considering body language and tone, Dean wasn’t particularly interested in her.
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Upon the bar there’s Dean’s shot glass, two more empty shot glasses to her left (the direction of where the dude left), an empty beer glass, a half full glass of beer or cider and a full wine glass. She’s into him, though. Maybe Dean was playing it cool.
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847-555-4??6 (it looks a little like 547-555, but 847 is a Chicago area phone code and there are no area codes beginning with a 5 in the area.)
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But wait a minute, Dean’s really excited about having gotten the bartender’s phone number. Sam calls the bartender that he never saw ‘her’. Dean refers to the bartender gender neutrally as the bartender. There’s a wistful smile on his face as he thinks back at the bartender.
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After Meg dismisses him, Dean goes to get a drink from the bar. The guy that delivers him his drink ie. the bartender is the guy I’ve helpfully marked with the red arrow. The woman Dean was interviewing at the bar was not, in fact, the bartender. Like Dean told Sam, he interviewed the bartender and everyone who knew Meredith [note also the order: the bartender and everyone else]. Because Dean was actually working the case.
There’s an interesting visual gag once Sam and Dean leave the bar in that the traffic light man sign behind Dean turns on the second he says ‘chick’.
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Because Supernatural’s subtext is nothing if not heavy-handed. But let’s look at the interesting bit, Dean’s notes:
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3/847-555-01[?]66 Caleb, highlighted by a light source. Underneath his notes on the case. Circled.
The bartender? It’s left ambiguous.
You see, Dean calls Sam to tell him he figured out the sign. Sam asks him how he figured it out, sounding kind of incredulous at the amount of information Dean had been able to uncover. Dean tells him Sam doesn’t “have a corner on paper chasin’ around here“, ie. he worked the damn case. Sam asks him what the last book Dean even read was.
Sam, that is, reminds Dean – Dean who that begun the episode by calling Sam a geek – of the role he plays, of a dude who doesn’t read books and who never went to college, the dude who thinks with his ‘downstairs brain’ and makes EMFs out of walkmans, the front he puts up for his little brother, who does not feel as smart as Sam. So, Dean’s face falls and he tells Sam:
“No, I called Dad’s friend, Caleb. He told me, all right?“
The thing is, though, that Dean had their dad’s friend Caleb’s number already in his cell phone since they called him up in Asylum. He’s written the number of this Caleb underneath the notes, meaning that if he had gotten the information from Caleb, he’d have called him before getting the number. The number of Caleb on his notes is a Chicago area number, so if their dad’s friend Caleb was in the neighbourhood, Dean would have visited him instead of attempting to explain over the phone a symbol they had never seen before (how do you even describe that over the phone?). If their dad’s friend Caleb was in the neighbourhood, they would have called him for back-up when they called their dad for help. Furthermore, we learn in Salvation that Caleb lives in Blue Earth, Minnesota so he would not have a Chicago area land-line number.
This Caleb, friends, is not their dad’s friend Caleb. Dean just pulled the name out of his ass as he was lying to Sam about not having done the research because he’s not some geek and Caleb was the first name that came into his mind because he had been thinking about him all night long.
This Caleb with the Chicago area number was the fucking bartender.
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
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heaven can’t wait
do you have any idea how hard it was when i fell to earth?
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
thinking about the "explaining freedom to angels is a bit like teaching poetry to fish" line and the saying "a fish may love a bird, but where would they live?" on this day
oh so anons are CHOOSING violence tonight
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
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Okay, one more quick 91W piece, because the descriptions of Dean are so rich, and I’m clearly vERy WeAK.
I now blame @dirtcas more than ever. 
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
I know it’s not Christmas anymore but I feel like we can all do with these vibes
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Merry Christmas @asphodelesauvage
words under the cut
Keep reading
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
i know the zodiac discourse was a few days ago & therefore now old news but i think dean or sam would mention star signs and cas would sit in the back of the impala, squinting at them and tilting his head while they discuss. and then he just says "but dean you aren't aquarius" and dean is like ?? what yes i am. it's literally my si- "you are a constellation in and of yourself. you are brighter, actually. i've seen you. i know." and then they all sit in stunned silence while dean tries not to cry because he's driving and cas continues to stare and sam is like . man you two are so whipped its worse than i thought
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magical-sword13 · 4 years
Remember, folks
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As always, the fundraiser, a little over $3100 right now, is here to drop in the storm: https://www.classy.org/fundraiser/3102602
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