YoRHa ch8 & 9 are up on mangadex!
I really wanted to get them up before the Nier Automata anime starts.
I’ve already preordered the Kindle ver of vol3, which releases early next month, so hoping to get the next chapters out soon. I know this section is a cliffhanger...
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Ok, tumblr is giving me weird errors when I try to upload it as a video, but I put together a new translation of Kowareta Sekai no Uta (Weight of the World) and also made it into a Yokoverse AMV while I was at it (which I’m proud of how it turned out!).
壊レタ世界ノ歌 (Kowareta Sekai no Uta / Weight of the World Japanese version) A Song for the Broken World
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YoRHa ch7 is up on mangadex!
8 and 9 will be ready to go as soon as my QA person finishes up with them. :>
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Ch7 is still in QA, but my friend shared a screenshot from some Genshin Impact quest that included this line, so I couldn’t resist throwing this together.
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Btw, YoRHa ch7 is in QA right now. My friend who’s been doing QA is dealing with some things, so I don’t have an estimate on ch7+ at this time, but know that I’m still working on it. 🙂
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upcoming blog changes
Lately I’ve been mulling over making some changes. I’ve noticed, as any long-time followers surely have too, that I have a tendency to get sidetracked by shiny new projects before completing ones I’ve been working on. I always tell myself I’ll finish the new project and then go back to the old one, but inevitably I get sidetracked by a new-new project, and my collection of “80% finished projects” grows. We can thank my adhd for that, but I don’t like leaving people hanging and I don’t like a pile of unfinished projects living on my to do list for literal years.
So. My intended changes are: 1) I intend to complete all of my currently “open” translation projects (with the exception of still-publishing series, which may be “caught up” rather than “complete”; as well as anything that I discover to be beyond my current abilities) before posting any new projects. 2) I will no longer be announcing new projects until the translation is complete and posted, aside from if I take on any future still-publishing series or I’m seeking a collaborator. 3) Rather than starting new projects that catch my eye, I will be keeping a list of projects I want to do after my current projects are complete. Related to the above, I will not be sharing what’s on that list.
My currently “open” projects I am aiming to complete: - Trauma Team art book (I literally first said I would do this nearly a decade ago, I’m so sorry to the rest of the fandom...) - Style Savvy: Styling Star songs (reliant on me being able to find lyric transcriptions; my reading comprehension is better than my listening comprehension) - YoRHa manga - KimiShi Zero_Kai
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So apparently one of Manga Up’s recent updates made it stop working well with emulators. (I tried both Bluestacks and Memu, but it crashes repeatedly on both, though it doesn’t crash on my actual phone so it isn’t just a region issue.)
Luckily, my friend taught me how to buy the volumes on the JP Kindle store! I’d been worried trying to figure out how to get ch7 on, but now it’s no issue. Granted it means I won’t be able to do chapters until the volume is out, but better late than never. I already confirmed that I am able to take screenshots of it in the app, so at least there’s that. Vol2 just dropped earlier this month and includes ch5-9, so I’ve got 3 chapters to do. If I pace it at about one chapter a month (depending on work and other real life things), it’s not out of the question that vol3 will be close to out by the time I’d be ready for it anyway.
Anyway, I won’t spoil anything that hasn’t been translated yet, but peeking ahead to ch9... it’s very likely that the YoRHa Pearl Harbor Descent Mission manga will end with 3 volumes, because toward the end of vol2 we’re already heading straight into the climax of the play. It’s possible they could slow down the pace at the last moments to let the emotional moments breathe more, or add some kind of epilogue or something, too. But at our current pace, we’re on track to end already with volume 3! :<
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pictured: me screwing around taking a break from typesetting
if you want to see the real quote, chapter 6 of the YoRHa Pearl Harbor Descent Mission Record is now up on mangadex!
(and if you have no idea why i would ship these two, well, just hang tight. the story is only just getting started. 😁)
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Hey guys just an update on YoRHa ch6, it’s ready for typesetting I’ve just been super sick lately. 😩
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YoRHa ch5 is up! Ch6 is back from QA as well, so I expect to have that done in the next couple weeks or so.
Thanks for your patience!
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I’m about halfway through typesetting for YoRHa chapter 5!
I just wanna say a quick thanks to you guys for letting me know that there’s still interest in this project. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve posted anything of this scale (not only in terms of difficulty and that it’s longer running than other things I’ve posted, but also in terms of audience) and have made the mistake of reading the comments on it on some other websites, and a lot of them were expressing that they don’t like the manga (but less kindly than that). I know I shouldn’t let that kind of thing get to me, but I spend upwards of a dozen hours working on each chapter, for the sole reason that I want everyone to be able to see it and to love the characters in it as much as I do. So when I saw all those comments, I felt really discouraged.
But I’m going to keep trucking on. If anyone reads it and comes to love the characters like I do, I’ll be happy.
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@shadow-of-intent replied to your post:
I’m new here. What does QA mean?
QA is short for quality assurance. It can mean different things depending on the project, but in this case, it means I have a friend who is more fluent and experienced in translation than me that looks over my “script” before I typeset.
With YoRHa, because between the technical language used at times and characters using slang (especially G16 and Dahlia, who basically talk like gangsters lol), there are times I’m not confident I understood correctly, so that’s why I enlisted some help. My friend also helps me catch any awkward bits of phrasing that can happen in translating more complex sentences, to help my translation sound more smooth and natural, since this is a more complex project than ones I’ve worked on in the past.
@yorhamessiah replied to your post:
Is the yorha chap 5 gonna be finish ?
Yes it is. My friend who does the QA just got it & ch6 back to me recently, but my job is hectic around the holidays, so I couldn’t get it done last weekend. I’m hoping to finish it over one of the upcoming long weekends.
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@yorhamessiah replied to your post:
Is the yorha chap 5 gonna be finish ?
Yes it is. My friend who does the QA just got it & ch6 back to me recently, but my job is hectic around the holidays, so I couldn’t get it done last weekend. I’m hoping to finish it over one of the upcoming long weekends.
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YoRHa ch 5 is in QA!
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I was hoping to translate it into my own language. a bunch of photos of the script would be sufficient :)
Ah, I see! Unfortunately I don't have photos of the script in its entirety (I've been transcribing). I don't have a full transcript at this time, but if you message me off anon I could probably share the full transcript over Google Drive or something once I've finished it, since the script book seems to no longer be available for sale.
(I bought it on suruga-ya, but the listing is no longer there, so.)
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Is there any chance you scan your Thou Shalt Not Die script book?
No, I haven't scanned it. I don't want to damage the spine. Is there something specific in it you're looking for? While the full translation is still in progress, I may be able to share excerpts.
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I intend to continue working on the YoRHa manga, but the rest of my translation projects are currently being postponed until June 27 due to my upcoming licensure exam. They’ve already been delayed as that nears, but I need to really give my all into preparing for this test.
I look forward to resuming the projects I’m working on!
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