magicalrainicorn · 3 months
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magicalrainicorn · 11 months
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I made AI generate me images of Raoul Am because i was bored 😌
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magicalrainicorn · 1 year
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I just found this and it's the best thing ever😂😂😂
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magicalrainicorn · 3 years
New Sun Science Stamps from the U.S. Postal Service
To start off the summer, the U.S. Postal Service issued a set of stamps showcasing views of the Sun from our Solar Dynamics Observatory!
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Since its launch in 2010, the Solar Dynamics Observatory (or SDO) has kept up a near-constant watch on the Sun from its vantage point in orbit around Earth. SDO watches the Sun in more than 10 different types of light, including some that are absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere so can only be seen from space. These different types of light allow scientists to study different parts of the Sun – from its surface to its atmosphere – and better understand the solar activity that can affect our technology on Earth and in space.
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The new set of stamps features 10 images from SDO. Most of these images are in extreme ultraviolet light, which is invisible to human eyes.
Let’s explore the science behind some of the stamps!
Coronal hole (May 2016)
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The dark area capping the northern polar region of the Sun is a coronal hole, a magnetically open area on the Sun from which high-speed solar wind escapes into space. Such high-speed solar wind streams can spark magnificent auroral displays on Earth when they collide with our planet’s magnetic field.
Solar flare (August 2011)
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The bright flash on the Sun’s upper right is a powerful solar flare. Solar flares are bursts of light and energy that can disturb the part of Earth’s atmosphere where GPS and radio signals travel.
Active Sun (October 2014)
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This view highlights the many active regions dotting the Sun’s surface. Active regions are areas of intense and complex magnetic fields on the Sun – linked to sunspots – that are prone to erupting with solar flares or explosions of material called coronal mass ejections.
Plasma blast (August 2012)
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These images show a burst of material from the Sun, called a coronal mass ejection. These eruptions of magnetized solar material can create space weather effects on Earth when they collide with our planet’s magnetosphere, or magnetic environment – including aurora, satellite disruptions, and, when extreme, even power outages.
Coronal loops (July 2012)
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These images show evolving coronal loops across the limb and disk of the Sun. Just days after these images were taken, the Sun unleashed a powerful solar flare.
Coronal loops are often found over sunspots and active regions, which are areas of intense and complex magnetic fields on the Sun.
Sunspots (October 2014)
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This view in visible light – the type of light we can see – shows a cluster of sunspots near the center of the Sun. Sunspots appear dark because they are relatively cool compared to surrounding material, a consequence of the way their extremely dense magnetic field prevents heated material from rising to the solar surface.
For more Sun science, follow NASA Sun on Twitter, on Facebook, or on the web.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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magicalrainicorn · 3 years
emoji book ask
1) 📚 approximately how many books have you read 
2) 📝 book that everyone has to read 
3) 📕 favourite first book in a series 
4) 📗 favourite second book in a series 
5) 📘 favourite third book in a series 
6) 📖 book you’ve read more than once and how many times 
7) 🛋 book that keep you up all night 
8) 🎁 book that was surprisingly good 
9) 😡 book you expected more of 
10) 💰 most expensive book you’ve bought 
11) 💩 the worst book you’ve read 
12) 🏆 the best book you’ve read 
13) 🎥 favourite book to movie/tv show adaptation 
14) 🎬 book you want to be a movie/tv show 
15)  🏝 summer book recommendation 
16) ⛄️ winter book recommendation 
17) 🌎 favourite fictional world 
18) 🐲 favourite book creature 
19) 👯 favourite female friendship 
20) 👯‍♂️ favourite male friendship 
21) 💋 favourite kiss 
22) 👸 favourite princess/queen 
23) 🤴 favourite prince/king 
24) 😈 favourite villain 
25) ❤️ favourite ship 
26) ⛵️ favourite crack ship 
27) 😱 best plot twist 
28) 🔮 power you’d like to have 
29) 🥊 character you’d punch in the face 
30) 😤 character you loved but now hate 
31) 😻 character you hated but now love 
32) 😭 death that made you cry the most 
33) 😂 the funniest scene 
34) 🤢 the grossest scene 
35) 💔 scene that broke your heart
36) 🏹 favourite fantasy book
37) 🚀 favourite sci fi book
38) 🌹 favourite romance book
39) 👻 favourite horror book
40) 🏰 favourite historical fiction book
41) 🔫 favourite dystopian book
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
(Let me add a disclaimer here to say I take the HOME books as more of Christopher's interpretations more than canon given how they are written. Its alot of I feel my father would have. Thats opinion not fact from Tolkien himself even if based on his writing. So for me this is conjecture for fandom head canons.)
Something that has recently taken a rather obsessive home in my brain is a paragraph in Morgoth's Ring about Glorfindel's re embodiement and reincarnation of elves in general. This will be long so under cut
On pg 364 it has the below
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What really grabbed my attention was the idea the Fëa could reform its Hröa from a memory. Or group of memories. However, a large majority of elves endured quite a bit of trauma and various unfun moments. Those memories would be just as mixed with the good ones. But then you have this line here.
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It specifically says "memory by a Fëa of experience is evidently powerful, vivid, and complete."
To me this is a really interesting distinction. It implies those that are able to re embody must have a larger collection of memories in order to coalesce the thoughts into a physical body. So the elves like Maedhros and Glorfindel that went through an exceptionally complicated list of adventures would have a more completr picture of their Hröa. It mentions also that thought becomea matter.
So this leads me to believe the concept isnt remembering the physical LOOK of the body. Its remmebering the muscles. The sinew. The way the body moves in every small detail. The tilt of the head just the right way when curious. The feel of burning rage in a chest tightening with fear.
But then where does that leave elves with less "experience" like ones that died on the Helcaraxë. Are thry juat stuck as Houseless? Or do they form a Hröa based on say older memories like childhood?
The concept is more than just physical. A Fëa would have to remember down to the tiniest detail of the Hröa to recapture and remake it fully. Which brings me to another quote.
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"Death was not wholly healed" so I interrpret this in two ways. One the loss of a cared for one is not ever healed even knowing you may see them again. Even more importsntly the process of dewrh is not healed from the Fëa. So if the Fëa is reponsible for helping crewte the Hröa that brings me to think the new Hröa will have aspects of a less than good life. Lets take Rôg. Being taken to Angband his body would have varying degree of marks from lashes, burns, stabbing and slashes, etc. Then take his building quite a bit of the elven strongholds. So calloused hands. Muscles for days. But slso healed broken bones. Fractures. Elven forms of potential arthritis etc.
So for him being re embodied brings memories of those things which has them form on his new Hröa. This elves like him and Maedhros would never escape memories of their time in Angband. Same with any and all elves having been through torture and capture. Add to that the valar may be deities but they are so not equipped to deal with long term trauma. (I mean Eru did not even trust the valar to allow them to re embody until Manwë spoke on behalf of Miriel!) Elves like Elrond would have to build specialized places to help with such cases. Even elves like Maedhros and Rog would have to build like havens to specialize in trauma recovery. Which is kind of what Rog did in Gondolin in my opinion.
So elves dont return to life as some shiny new happy creature. Their past horrors follow them. And they have to learn how to live qirh that in a place of supposed peace and calm. To me that makes valinor not at all the safe place we think of it. Trauma manifests in so many ways. And memories take a big toll on that to. Its not far fetched to think Valinor has problems like violence and things.
This also leads into my theory of the Valar not re bodying Feanor for fear of what his memories would create in the essence of his Hröa. Their fear of him falling back into rebellion and spite. Its not punishment for him
Its about control for them which is just really creepy. To me it indicates that Morgoth's song corrupted smaller parts of his siblings instilling that famous paranoia in them but its directed at Feanor not him which. Well thats a whole other post.
Bonus thought; this quote is jist really messed up!
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This literally says they allow the elves free chouce. But to refuse summons to mandos marks them as tainted! This is 100% fewr control and really twisted. "Refusal had grave consequence." I mean this part literally is proof of what Feanor rebelled against ffs! This arrogant asshats!
(I am deeply tired and stressed I really hope some of this makes sense. )
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
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Skin Deep: How a Missing Protein Redirects Epithelial Cells to Become Intestine-Like
Nature — and by extension, human biology — is famously creative, working with a finite set of ingredients to create an enormously complicated and surprisingly diverse body of life, including your body.
The latest case in point is a paper published online in the February 4, 2021 issue of Nature Communications, in which senior author George L. Sen, PhD,  an associate professor in the departments of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Dermatology, and colleagues describe what happens to skin cells when a key protein is blocked during stem cell differentiation.
Would-be skin cells become intestine-like.
The authors found that a protein called SPT6 is critical to furthering differentiation, the process in which stem cells develop into specific kinds of cells. When it is inhibited, skin stem cells lose their “epidermal fate” and instead develop into cells similar to those lining the intestines. Grown in culture, they form intestinal organoids.
Pictured above: Scanning electron micrograph of human skin layers.
The results suggest that skin and intestine are closely related and their fate determined by SPT6 control of subsequent gene expression, specifically the gene P63. The results have implications modulating skin diseases such as cancer, wound healing and specific conditions like Barrett’s esophagus, a gastroesophageal reflux disease where a portion of patients develop intestinal metaplasia, a condition where the stratified, squamous epithelial cells of the esophagus turn into intestine-like cells. The new findings suggest the underlying mechanism for this disorder might be due to misregulation of SPT6 and P63 gene expression.
— Scott LaFee
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
Love Doriath’s royal family. We give Fëanor a lot of credit for the unhinged fairytale logic he seems to function on but Doriath stays at his level for several centuries. Just a whole family of “oh, oh? you want to fight? watch this” *explodes into feathers*
Thingol: sprints into the woods to become a missing person then shows up with a god-wife, always ready to throw a temper tantrum and challenge someone to an impossible quest
Melian: turned part of the landscape into an evil spider zone, weirdly chill about her daughter going to fight Satan, loses it with impressive alacrity when her husband dies
Lúthien: passionate love story involves her beating up several evil divinities and wolves while shouting at her parents that they don’t understand her anymore
Dior: beauty and spite, sends hate mail that leads to sectarian violence, unclear if he killed all three of Fëanor’s sons himself
Elwing: jumps off a cliff and turns into a bird which is frankly cooler than lighting yourself on fire out of sheer rage because birds have beaks that you can continue to assault your enemies with
Túrin(adopted): Túrin
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
Love Doriath’s royal family. We give Fëanor a lot of credit for the unhinged fairytale logic he seems to function on but Doriath stays at his level for several centuries. Just a whole family of “oh, oh? you want to fight? watch this” *explodes into feathers*
Thingol: sprints into the woods to become a missing person then shows up with a god-wife, always ready to throw a temper tantrum and challenge someone to an impossible quest
Melian: turned part of the landscape into an evil spider zone, weirdly chill about her daughter going to fight Satan, loses it with impressive alacrity when her husband dies
Lúthien: passionate love story involves her beating up several evil divinities and wolves while shouting at her parents that they don’t understand her anymore
Dior: beauty and spite, sends hate mail that leads to sectarian violence, unclear if he killed all three of Fëanor’s sons himself
Elwing: jumps off a cliff and turns into a bird which is frankly cooler than lighting yourself on fire out of sheer rage because birds have beaks that you can continue to assault your enemies with
Túrin(adopted): Túrin
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
What on earth happened in Nargothrond?
One of my biggest issues with the story of Beren and Luthien is that everyone else suddenly starts acting completely out of character for the sake of their story. Thingol demanding a Silmaril specifically, instead of, say, Morgoth’s head…Finrod the diplomat not communicating with Thingol at all, or trying to talk Beren down… Celegorm and Curufin suddenly trying to arrange a forced marriage…
Okay, especially that last one. Let’s talk about Celegorm and Curufin and how utterly uncharacteristic everything that happened in Nargothrond is. Because the more I think about this story, the less it makes sense to me.
Keep reading
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
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Almaril from the fanfic “The Light of the Damned Stars”
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
This song is amazing, this dance is amazing and just in general Everglow is amazing. They trained so much and I love their style, they deserve every recognition through and through and honestly they kinda de-throned T-ARA from being the "favourite girl group" of my list.
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
Both Ramses II and Nefertari was one of a kind, as was their love. Nefertari was very well learned, smart, poised and strong, and Ramses II was called The Great for a reason, and they will always be my favourite historical figures separate and together too.
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On the front facade of Nefertari’s temple in Abu Simbel, her husband King Ramesses II ordered to engrave the following phrase: “His Majesty King Ramesses II ordered establishment of this temple from a fine stone to his wife, Nefertari, for whom the sun shines.”
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
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This will never not be funny.
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
Ok, so my favourites are actually Debussy and Chopin, and yes, I took piano lessons for 4 years when I was young, I quit, and now I really want to get back to it, which I would have done years ago if I still had my pianino. So....spot on xD
What your favorite composer says about you (100% accurate)
Bach: you’re probably a boomer tbh I don’t know anyone who likes Bach who isn’t really old and boring
Mozart/Beethoven: you’re either really basic or don’t know anything about classical music
Shostakovich/Prokofiev/Stravinsky: you’re really intense and have a strong personality and people are lowkey scared of you
Tchaikovsky: you’re probably a hopeless romantic and I’d be your friend
Debussy/Ravel: you give me strong art hoe vibes but you’re pretty unconventional and I like that
Chopin/Liszt/Rachmaninoff: you’re a pianist or you took it when you were young, quit, then got back into it
Dvorák/Brahms: you’re the best person 10/10 choice and I love you
Philip Glass: I don’t like you and where’s the flavor
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
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by Nina Zivadinovic
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magicalrainicorn · 4 years
It's very important to let the House of Fëanor know, NOT to look for the Silmarils at your place!!!
I misread someone’s “I don’t own the Silmarillion” disclaimer as “I don’t own the Silmarils” and legit my only thought was a heartfelt “good” as though the Silmarils are a real thing and all of us are in constant danger of being murdered by the Sons of Fëanor if we don’t tell everyone on the internet we don’t own them
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