magicklee · 3 months
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The Fates Amigurumi by Alexandra Halsey
Free Crochet Pattern Here
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magicklee · 11 months
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Mushroom Love Wall Hanging by Divine Debris
Free Crochet Pattern Here
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magicklee · 1 year
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magicklee · 1 year
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Slouchy Witch Hat Crochet Patterns // The Entangled Fae on Etsy
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magicklee · 1 year
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Crochet Lily of the Valley Ghosts Pattern // Mrs Crowlet on Etsy
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magicklee · 1 year
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Cardigan Patterns // Autumn Olive Crochet
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magicklee · 1 year
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Playing with formats for my recipes. I redid the Honey Cake Recipe. Here is the one I plan on doing to celebrate the summer solstice! 🍯🌾
Link below 👇🏻
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magicklee · 1 year
💐Fae Witch Guide💐
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🌸Altar Items/ Symbols/ Offerings:
Fae star (septagram), milk, apples, wild flowers, mushrooms, alcohol, fairy statues, butterfly and/or bee symbolism, dried or fresh fruits, fresh water, plants, bells, bubbles, non-plastic glitter, tree symbolism, dancing, 4 leaf clovers, nuts and seeds
Don'ts: anything plastic or unnatural like plastic glitter (that’s littering and fae hate littering), chocolate (it’s extremely dangerous for animals), Himalayan salt (it gets its pink color from iron and iron repels fae)
💎Stones and Crystals:
Pink tourmaline, rose quartz, aura quartz, chyroprase, amethyst, peridot, opal (opalite), tree agate, moss agate, dyed quartz, holey stones, goldstone, copper, honey calcite, calcite (any)
🌻Herbs and Plants:
Rose, lavender, thyme, chamomile, blackberry, apple, clover, elderberry, violet, bluebells, lilac, peony, st John’s wort, oak, holly, willow, moss, fern, dandelions, berries
Brigid, Aine, Rhiannon, Lugh, Morrigan
💨Essential oils and Incense:
Bergamot, lavender, rose, fir, pine, ylang ylang, geranium, jasmine, lemongrass, strawberry, violet, gardenia, grapefruit, oakmoss, tea tree
🍀Natural Gateways (to the fae realm):
Rivers, stone or tree arches, lakes, springs, mountains, old trees, (wishing) wells, hills, wildflower fields, stone circles, flower gardens, rainbows, clover patches, mushroom circle
🦋Fae Elements (7 elements of fae):
Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Moon, Sun, Stars
🔮Spells and magic fae can help with:
*this isnt a complete list, but it’s a list of what I’ve found fae to be the MOST helpful at
Cottage witchcraft, kitchen magic, garden magic, prosperity, happiness spells, elemental magic, art magic, life witchcraft, animal magic, cannabis magic, solar and lunar magic, nature magic, air witchcraft, fertility spells, magic/witchcraft that has to children
🌹Fae Tea blend:
Raspberry leaf
🌼Fae Tea blend 2:
Earl grey tea
Jasmine or rose or lavender (optional)
Cream (or any milk substitute)
Fae witch bath (mine)
Fae work guide for witches (mine)
Pixies!! (Not mine)
My personal favorite fae sigil (not mine)
Faery sugar recipe (not mine)
Gift ideas for Fae Witches (not mine)
Fae witch self care tips! (Not mine)
Fae witch activities:
🌸 clean up litter!
🌸 spend time in or near natural gateways
🌸 wear a rose, lavender, or floral perfume blend
🌸help animals when you can
🌸 grow a faery garden
🌸 study local fae
🌸stay hydrated with fruit infused water and floral infused water (or teas)
🌸have an outdoor tea party or picnic to honor the fae
🌸 make offerings regularly, especially before asking for favors
🌸 things going missing or lost things suddenly reappearing is a sign of fae near
🌸 carry a satchet of, or wear a locket of rose quartz, thyme, st John’s wort, rose petals and lavender to attract fae and help you see them
🌸 dance, sing, or make art
🌸 make a faery wand with wood like yew, oak, rowan, willow, apple, holly, hawthorn, alder, or ash. Decorate it with pretty ribbons, shiny beads, and quartz
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magicklee · 1 year
   ↪ Emoji spell: “I will have consistent intimate relationships that flourish.”
Like to ‘charge,’ reblog to ‘cast!’  
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magicklee · 2 years
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White Birch Yule Log Cake
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magicklee · 2 years
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🍯🍠Melting Sweet Potatoes & Maple-Pecan Sauce
2 pounds Sweet Potatoes (love, attraction, healing, grounding) 4 tablespoons Unsalted Butter (calming, strength, glamour, purification) ½ teaspoon Salt (cleansing, protection, banishment) ½ cup Maple Syrup (spiritual healing, fortune, longevity) ½ cup Pecans (longevity, prosperity, spiritual purification, protection)
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magicklee · 2 years
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Winter + star-themed witch's hat I made for Halloween! ⭐❄️🌙
Adorable pattern by S Designs Crochet!
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magicklee · 2 years
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Eggshell Powder
My family uses eggs alot, almost every morning for breakfast. So we always have eggshells. Lately ive been using the shells left over. They are amazing for plants, and are great replacement for salt. If you were to do a spell outside or anything witchy like casting a circle that needed salt, instead of putting salt on the ground (never put salt on anything outside, it kills whatever you put it on) you could use eggshell powder. They have almost the same properties!!
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magicklee · 2 years
Lughhasadh (Lugh’s Wedding) or Lammas (Loaf-mass) is celebrated from August 1st through August 2nd (northern hemisphere). It is the first harvest of the year, the coming end of the hot summer, and the beginning of the fall season. Traditionally breads, Some ways to celebrate:
Honor nature, nature spirits, deities of harvest and agriculture, deities of fertility, etc.
Spells for abundance and fertility
Research and learn about Lughnasadh
Wear or decorate with orange, yellow, brown and green colors
Carry Carnelian and emerald
Decorate your home with dried apples, grains, corncobs, nuts and fruits
Bake loaves of bread and leave it as an offering
Host a feast
Host/Play games
Hold Funeral Games, games centered on strength and skill (In honor of the Goddess Tailtiu/Tailltiu (Modern: Tailte) who passed from exhaustion harvesting the fields of Ireland for agriculture)
Make a doll from a sheaf of corn, straw or wheat and hang it in your home. Plant it the next harvest
Arts and Crafts
Bake and cook
Spend time with loved ones
Reflect on what was and look forward to what will be
Harvest Corn, wheat and other grains
Harvest fruits and festivals
Prepare for fall and winter seasons
Make canned and preserved foods from fruits and vegetables
Start storing food for the winter season
Brew wine and beer (21+ or of drinking age)
Go to harvest fairs or farmer’s market (if available or able)
Have a burning ritual to bring in the end of summer and welcome fall/winter (practice fire safety)
Watch sun rise and sun set
Tend to gardens and fields
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magicklee · 2 years
Cord cutting 🕯️🔗🕯️
To cut a relationship between 2 or more people. Be careful with what you cut. Anyway it's not a simple spell. You need to pay attention to the whole process...so please if you're having trouble with your attention span (like me with my adhd), consider asking for help to another witch.
You'll need:
The right motivation, I highly recommend to write it down (you can also read it at loud during the spell).
The right place to do the cutting, remember that fire is involved so please be sure that you have an appropriate space to perform that.
TIME. Cause I HIGHLY suggest you to follow the whole process...you cannot just light the candles and leave...like...no.
2 candles, if you're up for the colored ones it's fine, you can choose a specific color for what you wish to the people involved (ex. Green-wealth, pink-self love ecc). I usually go for both black to ease the separation.
Names involved in the cord cutting (if you're comfortable, and you have them available you can use hair too). You're going to carve them in the candle (recommended) or write them out and place them under the candle.
A cord. Personally I often use a small jute rope, or the ones you use in the kitchen to tie up the roast.
Salt. You'll make a circle around the candle of the person who asked for the cutting, to protect them.
Bonus ingredient: spicy oil/sauce (like tabasco/pepper flakes) if you want to spice up the things, for the other person involved (like a toxic partner)
Prepare the candles (names/salt circle/spicy oil).
Place the candles.
Tie them with a single knot (place the cord at 3/4 of the candle length, not to near the flame).
Light the candles and follow the process until both candles go off.
During the process you can basically see the whole emotional history of the relationship between the two (more) people...so be respectful and value the privacy of this moment.
You can also have an idea about how the cutting will result for both part, so pay attention if you want to have a feedback about it.
When you're done take the salt, use moon water to dissolve it and throw away the water. Also, please remember to cleanse your work space from all those energies (use your favorite method).
Be responsible, be respectful.
Good luck ✨
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magicklee · 2 years
Lord Lucifer
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Light Bearer, Prince of Pride
Lucifer, said to be the most beautiful angel God has ever created was the first to rebel against his “creator” and banished from the heavenly order. He stood for equality, fairness, rights for us humans, yet God did not approve so hence his banishment. Lucifer is a God, an emperor of the infernal. His name originated from the Roman folklore used to represent Venus, and he is said to be Prometheus to the Greeks, Enki to the Sumerians etc who brought knowledge to humans despite the orders of the demiurge who said not to. He opened our eyes, gave us knowledge to see and know, to differentiate good and bad, to evolve. He represents duality, the bringer of light and also the prince of darkness. He understands the outcasted, he understands how it feels like to be vilified despite standing up for what’s right. He understands the pain one goes through when fell to the deepest pit of despair, and he cares for those who aren’t accepted. Lord Lucifer rules over justice, equality, fairness, revolution, enlightenment, rebellion, light, darkness, healing from trauma, pain etc.
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Titles and Aspects:
Light Bearer
The Bringer of Light
Prince of Darkness
Prince of Pride
Lord of Thaumiel
The Tempter
Bringer of fire
Bringer of knowledge
Lord of equality
Lord of Illumination
Bringer of enlightenment
Father of rebellion
Lord of Justice
Bringer of Revolution
Morning Star
Lucifer, Luciferos
What can you work with him for?
Shadow work
Discovering the self
Infernal magick
Protection magick
Gnosis working
Qliphothic workings
Draconic workings
Baneful magick
Justice working
Embracing one’s sexuality
Standing up for your own beliefs
Being drawn to him
Seeing him in dreams (dependent if it’s subconscious or not)
Seeing his sigil
Red wine
Black coffee
Crystals such as obsidian
Plate of fruits
Loafs of bread
Images or statues of him
Books dedicated to him
Learning about him
Dragon fruits
Planet: Venus
Element: Air, Fire (secondary)
Cardinal Direction: East;South
Crystals: Obsidian, onyx, clear quartz, black tourmaline, hematite
Tarot: The Devil, Death, The Emperor, King of Swords, Hierophant reversed
I felt called to him lately, so i decided to make this post dedicated to him. May he get the attention he deserves, may his legacy on earth continue to sprout!
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magicklee · 2 years
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Skeleton Earrings // Betazed Creative on Etsy
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