magicnamesake-blog · 6 years
Dying trees
Dying trees light the night
Burning leaves take flight
Barren and dry come morning glow
There they stand all alone
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magicnamesake-blog · 6 years
Invincible/A New Me
I used to think I was invincible
That stick as and stones could break my bones
but names could never hurt me
I knew they were just people trying to be mean
I found out that I was wrong
So very wrong
I found out that if the right person
Said the right thing
I shattered,
I shattered into a million pieces
And pushed everyone away
I was hurt
I changed in that time
Things I used to like so much
Seemed annoying
People I used to like so much
Seemed annoying
And the walls of my old world collapsed
And a new kingdom rose
A New Me
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