magiiicaes · 4 years
@redvmvncy​​ or @magiiicaes​​ (anyone) 
“do you need something , can’t you see i am a bit busy? ” she didn’t look at the person she was talking to, why she was practicing archery in a school fulled of magic she didn’t know. 
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“yes i do need something, i kind of need to know, why are you using a bow at a school of magic. you know with a simple spell i could make sure the arrow never comes near me if we were in a fight.”
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magiiicaes · 4 years
Walk In The Park
It was, all in all, a relatively fine day. A rather rocky start to his final year in school, though the nostalgia of it hadn’t hit him yet. He still had classes and homework and those pesky exams to worry about—although that was something for a different day. The finality of it all made it seem like he should be doing something more while he was here, taking advantages of what Hogwarts had to offer. 
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“Come on,” Leo said, gesturing to someone at the entrance hall, not really caring who it was. He just wanted to enjoy the weather while it was still nice, and he was sure he wasn’t the only one who’d like a walk outside the castle. 
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isabella might’ve spent a little too much time inside of the castle, studying and working on mastering spells. somethings the brunette would forget that there is even an outside to hogwarts. but when she was told by a classmate that it was nice outside, the girl knew that she should go out there and not just sit inside all day. “i’m coming, i’m coming.” isabella stated to leo as sshe walked outside.
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magiiicaes · 4 years
with the horrible times pansy tried to keep her shop whenever she could unless there was any immediate danger. but since it didn’t cause any harm so far she kept her shop open. she couldn’t say she was surprised to see her only child and daughter in her shop while a party was being thrown. “neither do i, but you do have a point”
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“so i hope you don’t mind if i stay in the store all night.” she said to her mom. while her mom was popular in school, brianna was more like her father and didn’t really interact with her classmates and was fine with keeping to herself.
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magiiicaes · 4 years
serafina was trying to enjoy the event but that was hard to do with all the news the daily prophet. she had no idea what to think of all of this . of cause she was one of the few that hasn’t pick a side. “by talking to me you already are distracted  “
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“i mean, not exactly, there is this great thing called multitasking, something that i can do very well if i’m being completely honest.” she admitted to serafina honestly.
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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The black-haired was just wandering around the little shop standards when her honey eyes spotted Malia in the crowd. Angel knew her family, she knew from who was the last name she had. One of de most dark wizards of all time. The Slytherin walked towards Malia with a smile on her lips. “Hey, relax” said Angel with a smile “I’m just here to give you a little company” said the girl. “I know, that’s why I’m here”
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“i’m sorry, i’m just not exactly use to people giving me the time of day.” the problem with being a grindelwald was that everyone knew her family and the terrible things her grandfather did. and while her family moved to england for a life that was better, still here everyone knew her family and didn’t treat her any better. 
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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Nyx had used a couple of the secret passages that night, she heard that many years ago a group called the Marauders, which seemed really cool to the blonde since they were the old version of her friend group, had a map with all the passages, and the blonde that night wanted to find and write down when those passages where, but somehow she could a wand pointing at her as she walked out of the passage. “Oh, hi there McGonagall,” said the blonde looking at the Gryffindor “Actually I was lost” she joked with a smile on her face. “You know that all that stress doesn’t help you, right Jasmine?”
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“you were lost, that is why you were in a secret passage? is that correct?” she asked not exactly believing the girl. she remembered her mom tell her about a group of students known as the marauders and nyx was definitely a version of them. “my mum is always stress and she was very successful and has lived a long life, i think i’ll be fine.” she told the blonde. jasmine took being prefect really seriously and made sure to always follow of the rules.
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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“I don’t underestimate you” she said softly “Your team is strong and has trained a lot but…the only thing is that Gryffindor is simply the best” said the blonde with a smile on her lips. Tessa’s team, led by her brother, had for sure the best players. The Gryffindor let out a chuckle “Puff, breath” she said with a smile on her lips “So you personally say that the battle is going to be Gryffindor and Hufflepuff?” she said lifting a brow “Merlin, I think I have to tell the Slytherins that they are no longer required” joked the blonde. “You know I’m low-key joking, but let’s not talk about this now” she said softly, she knew that if they kept talking about that rival she would get a little defensive.
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“i’m sorry to tell you this, but gryffindor has no chance on beating hufflepuff, i will fly circles around you if i’m being completely honest.” the blonde replied to alice. “i mean, slyhterin shouldn’t even show up, they were last years news, this year is the year of the puff.” she said laughing. “okay, lets talk about something else then.”
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magiiicaes · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞
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Nyx was sitting upside down on one of the sofas in the common room. The flames light making her blonde hair shine in the darkness inside the room. Josephine, her best friend and prankmate was sitting next to her, but the other blonde was sitting correctly on the sofa. “Jo” she said calling at her best friend “You know I’m really bored?” she asked as she kept her eyes looking at the fire pit.
The room suddenly got immersed in a not really particular silence, which made the blonde turn around, and once she was sitting correctly she looked at her best friend. “Do you hear that?” she asked looking around “That’s the perfect sound” she said with a smile “Why don’t we have a good time?” she asked with a smirk on her face. 
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josephine knew without her best friends her life would be very dull and boring. but luckily for the blonde she made some of the best friends a girl could ever meet at hogwarts. and whenever she needed something, she knew that she would always have them by her side. 
“well if you are bored, i bet we can do something fun.” she smirked. while the granddaughter of the headmistress knew that she should probably act better and not get in trouble, there was just always this need for josephine to get in trouble.
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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isabella maybe had recently spent a little too much time in the library trying to get ahead in her classes and get ready for her newts at the end of the school year. isabella had dreams of being high up in the ministry in the future, something she knew she needed to work for. she decided to go to hogsmeade to go clothes shopping, hoping to get something new to wear for the next event. she noticed her mom when she was walking through the little village’s streets. “mãe !” the brunette said with a bright smile. @departmentheadcavalcante​
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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unfortunately for malia no matter where she went the girl couldn’t exactly avoid people knowing her family, her grandfather was one of the most dark wizards, and especially during a time when another dark wizard was rising, it made her wish she had any last name other than grindelwald. some people looked at her like maybe she was cato or one of his supporters when she was raised not to believe in that stuff. it was also why her father moved to england before her birth, hoping she wouldn’t face things like this, but unfortunately she still did. “what do you want?” she asked angel. “i’m not really the sociable type.” she added. @magicaldisasterx​ (angel)
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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once aviva read the daily prophet article, the brunette knew she needed to find her mom. ever since her momma went missing she knew her mom had been very sad, the girl tried everything to cheer her up, but nothing exactly worked. and she knew why, her parents were in love and her mom was worried. so knowing that her momma was okay, she really hoped her mom knew and knew that their family would be safe and together again. “mom.. did you hear? momma is fine and she is safe.” the girl smiled at her mom. @paradiisecircus​ (susan)
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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yuri didn’t know how to react when she read the article, it was like all her worst fears wrapped up in one. and she knew that she needed to make sure everyone at the event was protected by whatever may attack them. when she became an auror, she heard the whisperings about cato slytherin and his followers, but never expected it would ever amount to something like this and made the woman a bit fearful for the future. but she was happy that she was an auror to help protect the wizarding community. “i’m working tonight, i really can’t be distracted, sorry.” she told the person.
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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albus stood there frozen as he stared at the three words ‘Harry Potter Dead’. he knew people were staring at him and could hear the murmurs of whispers floating around him. however, he couldn’t find the strength to move from his spot or do anything for that matter. he was relieved that his mother was at least okay. still, his dad. he couldn’t actually be dead, could he ? in an instance of rage, albus crumpled up the prophet throwing it at the ground before the slytherin pushed his way out of the festival. he knew he needed to check on his siblings, but he also knew he needed to be alone. he was no use to anyone when he was like this. 
he made it to the base of the castle before deciding to sit down underneath one of the many trees facing away from the trail. he ran his hands through his hair, trying not to scream and yell. though, not long after, he heard someone coming up the path. quickly, the brunette attempted to adjust himself so the person wouldn’t be able to spot him. he hoped that would be enough to keep the person away, but that was not the case. albus let out an audible groan when it was apparent the person was walking over to him but kept his back to them. “ just spare me and leave me the hell alone. ” the sixth year spoke, his voice laced with both annoyance and frustration.
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lovelynn was enjoying the event until the daily prophet articles came out. after she finished reading it, some slytherins who she could only expect were part of salazar’s army started to call her names like mudblood and say she will be next. it was too much for the blonde to handle. she quickly ran back to hogwarts and just wanted to lock herself in her room for the night. they only said she had to go, not stay. and she didn’t really want to stay somewhere she didn’t feel wanted.
the blonde was in tears as she made her way to the castle. she stopped when she heard a voice and wiped her tears. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to bother you.” the muggleborn girl stated.
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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brianna liked how her mom’s shop was still open during the event. she was never really a sociable girl, so for the most part she skipped events and just spent the time studying. but since she was forced to come to this one, she decided to spend it with her mom, though she did her best to never really leave the store. “i don’t understand the point of this mom. i mean, the world is under attack and people are dying, but no, lets have a party." she rolled her eyes. @ivorysliverelegance​ (pansy)
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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isabella noticed a familiar man around hogsmeade, so the brunette tossed the daily prophet she was reading and headed over to her father. she really wasn’t saddened by any of the news because at the end of the day her family was safe and secure. so there was nothing the slytherin needed to worry about. it also reinforced why she knew that she had chosen the right side since she knew her family would avoid anything cato did since they were loyal to him. “hey dad.” she said to her father. “how are you enjoying the night?” she asked him. @aeliusgreengrass​
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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magiiicaes · 4 years
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