magnitudeofmuses · 18 days
Time to rp again
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magnitudeofmuses · 18 days
Kinda started a new position at work, so I have been sorta focusing on that because I'm training. It's hard to take a moment.
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magnitudeofmuses · 18 days
I've been away for too long
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magnitudeofmuses · 2 months
The feeling of her hand drifting lower and lower, it would send a shiver down his back. Even as embarrassing as it was. He could already tell he was hard, scooting closer, he'd try to position himself so she could fully reach his massive rear end. He'd run his fingers slowly across her stomach, his hands gripping and squeezing what fat he could get his hands onto, squeezing. Kneading.
A Maidful Delivery
A rp with @magnitudeofmuses
It was a typical, miserable day for Gardevoir, who lay on her living room couch as usual, eating a final slice of pizza, when her bottomless stomach started growling for more. Angry as usual, she picked up her cell phone, which sits on her lap nowadays, and was just about to call a burger joint until she thought of something.
Maybe her gut is desiring less fast food all the time and more variety. With that in mind, she looked up nearby restaurants that do delivery. With no time, she found an interesting one that she didn't remember seeing a few months back: a maid cafe. Was that always there? Well, that didn't matter. It was an option. With nothing else to lose, she placed an order for delivery.
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"Hopefully, they don't take too long," The psychic and fairy type said with a sigh. "My stomach is acting up more than usual today."
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magnitudeofmuses · 2 months
He was completely unaware of what she was about to do. All he was focused on wanting to get up so he could try and get her moving. As he was about to say something again and heave himself up without trying to hurt her, he was pulled closer towards her.
His face turned red, burning up as he settled down and relaxed, settling and melting into her touch as he kissed her back, his eyes closing as he returned her affection the same way, kissing her just as deep and passionate.
A Maidful Delivery
A rp with @magnitudeofmuses
It was a typical, miserable day for Gardevoir, who lay on her living room couch as usual, eating a final slice of pizza, when her bottomless stomach started growling for more. Angry as usual, she picked up her cell phone, which sits on her lap nowadays, and was just about to call a burger joint until she thought of something.
Maybe her gut is desiring less fast food all the time and more variety. With that in mind, she looked up nearby restaurants that do delivery. With no time, she found an interesting one that she didn't remember seeing a few months back: a maid cafe. Was that always there? Well, that didn't matter. It was an option. With nothing else to lose, she placed an order for delivery.
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"Hopefully, they don't take too long," The psychic and fairy type said with a sigh. "My stomach is acting up more than usual today."
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magnitudeofmuses · 2 months
He'd take the moment to just relax, almost nestle into her as a smile came across his face as she rubbed his head. "I think if we just take it slow, then we might just end up doing fine." He said, still laying on her at the moment. He definitely felt like they might be there a while.
"Ok. Ok, so, I think I'm good now, I think we can try this again." He'd rest his arm on her stomach, rubbing it as he still lay on her belly. He was just trying to just find the motivation to get up again and give it another go, but he was also fairly comfortable. "Well, ready to try again.?" He asked.
A Maidful Delivery
A rp with @magnitudeofmuses
It was a typical, miserable day for Gardevoir, who lay on her living room couch as usual, eating a final slice of pizza, when her bottomless stomach started growling for more. Angry as usual, she picked up her cell phone, which sits on her lap nowadays, and was just about to call a burger joint until she thought of something.
Maybe her gut is desiring less fast food all the time and more variety. With that in mind, she looked up nearby restaurants that do delivery. With no time, she found an interesting one that she didn't remember seeing a few months back: a maid cafe. Was that always there? Well, that didn't matter. It was an option. With nothing else to lose, she placed an order for delivery.
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"Hopefully, they don't take too long," The psychic and fairy type said with a sigh. "My stomach is acting up more than usual today."
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magnitudeofmuses · 2 months
._. I've been busy. Sorry for the disappearance
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magnitudeofmuses · 3 months
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Hiro hesitantly stepped out from the bathroom, standing naked. He looked away, annoyed. "Is..is...this really necessary.." He huffed. "I thought you were just gonna do a normal photo shoot.." He tried to cover himself, blushing a bright red. "Whats with the scale...the tape measurer.."
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magnitudeofmuses · 3 months
I've been eating non stop. Ordered pizza two days in a row, on top of endless boneless wings, and dessert. I guess that's why I'm fat lol.
The last time I went and saw my doctor, I had gained like 15 pounds since the last visit. Every time I go, I get this sheet with like my vitals and a summary of the visit. I'm just steadily watching myself gain weight
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magnitudeofmuses · 4 months
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"She still can't be up." She mumbled. Stretching, she made her way down the hall, her footsteps thumping on the stairs as she huffed, a bit out of breath as she walked to the kitchen.
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Kali might have been overdoing it a bit lately with meals but she had to make up for all the weight Legos when she want to beacon academy she honestly thought they starve that girl with how skinny she was by the time they met up again.
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Blake huffed, holding and rubbing her stuffed and bloated gut. She lost track of how much food she'd already eaten in just a span of a few hours. She'd let out a groan, heaving herself up from the dining room chair. "You really know how to make someone feel welcomed." She huffed, leaning on the table with one hand, the other holding the side of her belly.
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magnitudeofmuses · 4 months
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Fern held her belly, absolutely bloated. She was sprawled out in a booth of a restaurant with a picture of her with winner across the top in bold letters. Under it a sign for an eating competition, eat a 5 pound burger, a large basket of fries, topped with bacon and cheese. To finish it off, a large shake topped with ice cream, whipped cream, and fudge.
"Ugh...I...uh...did it.."
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magnitudeofmuses · 4 months
What do, do the lewd things? Lewd post? Yesss
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magnitudeofmuses · 4 months
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"Yes, I don't think you could have said it better." She sighed. "Accept it and live with it." She'd put a plump hand on her stomach. "If anything, I might as well enjoy what I can out of it." Despite the heaviness in her stomach, the steadily growing, bloating stomach. It didn't stop Fern from eating any of the desserts that lay across the table.
"I suppose you do have a point." She'd prop her elbow up, leaning her head on her hand as she stopped stuffing her face for a moment. "You must have some sort of hobby, yes?"
She'd furrow her brow, picking up a brownie and almost crushing it between her fingers before popping it into her mouth. "I sort of just have to accept what's done is done." She said she'd eat another brownie along with a cookie. "Msybe, I'll grow into this thing. I've already grown in one way." She'd chuckle a little.
"I guess when you don't really have to worry about getting fat anymore. There is a sense of freedom. Plus, things just seem to taste better. I suppose." She'd smile, pushing a little pastry towards her. "Try one of these. They are sweet and fluffy.
She'd take one for herself. Cutting into it and taking a bite. "So, we spent all this time talking about this fetish. We haven't really gotten to know each other yet."
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magnitudeofmuses · 4 months
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Hiro would tap his swimtrunks, shoving his hands in each pocket before finding a small wallet with spare cash. He'd pull the five out and hand it over. "This was here just at the right time. This heat, it doesn't agree with me." He'd say, a friendly smile across his face.
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The hefty boy waddled up to the ice cream stand. He was huffing and panting as he made it after a minute. "How... how much for 3 scoops?" He asked.
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"Ah that'll be nice even fiver, sir." Nazuna replied cheerfully as she gazed the cute lad up and down. She had originally set up this stand to see those slender figures at the beach plump up a bit.
But this man was beyond adorable!
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magnitudeofmuses · 4 months
She'd furrow her brow, picking up a brownie and almost crushing it between her fingers before popping it into her mouth. "I sort of just have to accept what's done is done." She said she'd eat another brownie along with a cookie. "Msybe, I'll grow into this thing. I've already grown in one way." She'd chuckle a little.
"I guess when you don't really have to worry about getting fat anymore. There is a sense of freedom. Plus, things just seem to taste better. I suppose." She'd smile, pushing a little pastry towards her. "Try one of these. They are sweet and fluffy.
She'd take one for herself. Cutting into it and taking a bite. "So, we spent all this time talking about this fetish. We haven't really gotten to know each other yet."
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She'd nod her head. She'd already felt the changes it had on her. She'd already ballooned up quicker than she maybe had realized. "Erm...yes, it would seem that way." She said, the second set of brownies would be brought over as she picked up one popping it into her mouth. Another delightful rush filling her taste buds as a warm, fresh treat entered her mouth.
She really didn't notice her practically keeping pace with herself. She'd been either too focused into thinking what this meant for her, what she would enjoy out this thing she began to get a grasp of, or too busy enjoying the sweets, and having their conversation.
"I suppose you and I could have possibly hit that point." She huffed, looking at a brownie as she took a bite. "I don't think I have anything else I need to ask. I see, I might have put myself down a road that I can't turn back from, but I'll just do what I can." She'd smile a little, pushing her a plate of brownies. "For now, why don't you just sit with me? Maybe we can have a lighter conversation over the rest of these, yeah?"
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magnitudeofmuses · 4 months
He just laid out on top of her, breathing heavy and exhausted now. He wheezed for a bit, rolling over a little, his face pressed into her belly, arm over her chest as he caught his breath. "Let's catch a breather. Let's just take a moment." He said.
"I'll figure something out..unless like you said, just roll you out." He'd rest his head on her stomach, drenched in sweat as he relaxed. "We'll get you out. One way or another."
A Maidful Delivery
A rp with @magnitudeofmuses
It was a typical, miserable day for Gardevoir, who lay on her living room couch as usual, eating a final slice of pizza, when her bottomless stomach started growling for more. Angry as usual, she picked up her cell phone, which sits on her lap nowadays, and was just about to call a burger joint until she thought of something.
Maybe her gut is desiring less fast food all the time and more variety. With that in mind, she looked up nearby restaurants that do delivery. With no time, she found an interesting one that she didn't remember seeing a few months back: a maid cafe. Was that always there? Well, that didn't matter. It was an option. With nothing else to lose, she placed an order for delivery.
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"Hopefully, they don't take too long," The psychic and fairy type said with a sigh. "My stomach is acting up more than usual today."
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magnitudeofmuses · 4 months
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Hiro stood over you, his fat belly jiggling as he slowly lowered himself down onto your waist. His belly engulfing your frame. "Is...this what you wanted."
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