magnus-blackhart · 7 years
    “ but you take care of them do you not ?? even if not personally, you still provide them their stables, their food, their saddles. ”
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“Well of course, is not like they are mistreated or anything “ He said shrugging “It would be terrible if I didn’t and after all horses that aren’t taken care of aren’t good either.”
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
“Indeed, he is.” He lets go of the hound once he feels that he’s calmed a bit, muttering a quick sit in his direction. “As am I. I haven’t seen much of you lately.” He understands why that is, for the most part; he is sure his brother is busy with his duties - part of the reason why Augustus would never want that responsibility. It is still strange, seeing his brother and knowing that he is also his king. He had, of course, always known that it would happen, but he always pictured it happening later on, when they were both older. “Out for a leisurely stroll, or were you out looking for me? If it’s the latter, I’m afraid I can’t help you with whatever it is you need,” he jokes.
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Magnus had been busy busier than ever before and it wasn’t surprising but honestly he had also been avoiding his brother, it was hard to see him in the eyes after what he had done, he wondered how would Augustus react if he knew that Magnus was the one that killed their father, they hadn’t been close but still it was their father. “I’m sorry about that i guess I’m still getting used to all this.”  He said with a faint smile “I was looking for you, but don’t worry not for anything bad or anything about work”
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
The prince’s dog is a well-trained, well-behaved beast. He is loyal, sweet, vicious when provoked, but he does not misbehave. He is, perhaps, a better example to the public for the royal family than Augustus is. Bearoria seems to be having an effect on him, however. Augustus watches helplessly as his dog runs ahead of him, whining and barking at nothing in particular, and then, in horror, as the dog rushes a person and jumps on them. “Nosewise, you fucking imbecile. Your paws are dirty.” He looks at the person apologetically after he catches up to the dog, yanking him down. “He’s gone mad, I think. My apologies.”
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Magnus was looking for his brother and well it would seem that his brother found him or rather his dog. He remembered the conversation he had the other day about having pets, Magnus had never had a real one, his life had revolved about being a fitting king and now he was. “Well it would seem your dog is happy to see me..”
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
Aurelius wonders if he’s worth much if he can’t even be there for his mother, wonders if it makes him less of a man, less of a person like his father had told him all those years ago. Maybe his old man had been right, maybe he wasn’t worth a damn. All of this time he’d just been lying to himself to try to be any different, to try and feel any different. Disappointment was nothing new, that feeling of depression and grief in the pits of his stomach wasn’t either, still he was feeling it all the same; it didn’t waver unlike him right now as he down more ale into his system. The man can’t recall a time he’s ever drank like this, can’t recall a time when he’s had more than one little taste of the damned stuff out of politeness. It burns at his throat at first, but eventually it stops burning and he just feels numb, psychically but surely not mentally. Who said alcohol made you feel better anyway, more lies; he’ll keep telling himself those too. He’d went to put his drink back down but it misses it’s mark when someone bumps into him, cascading to the floor. Aurelius doesn’t have it in him to get angry even now, even when he’s feeling right plastered and not his usual self. Although he might of cleaned it up any other time, instead he wants to say fuck it, let someone else do the work for a change, let someone else pick up the pieces; so he shrugs instead. Staring at the aftermath on the floor before looking to the culprit. “Fuck it, I’ll get another, you want one too?” Curse words sound so foreign on his tongue, it’s rude and it’s brash and he sounds just like his father but he doesn’t care right now.
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Magnus was in this place for one reason only and he is pleased to a degree when he sees Aurelius soon enough, he sees someone bumping into Aurelius and he hears the man curse and ask for another drink, to the young king this seems like a different reality, because the man that he was looking at right now was not even remotely close to the man he knew. “Aurelius.” He says softly but firmly “What are you doing?”
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
Hadrian hums in amusement, a subtle grin on his lips. It seems this man is not one for playing at being polite, which the bard can respect, so long as he doesn’t cop an attitude. Even in that case, Hadrian thinks he will have to exercise self-control. He has much more to gain by getting on the king’s good side than his bad side, for obvious reasons. “Ah, where are my manners? My apologies, your grace. Sometimes my mind gets away from me.” He is mostly sober today, actually, so his mind is unusually clear, but that is irrelevant. “My name is Hadrian,” he introduces himself cheerfully. “Hadrian Asher, if you must know, but family names don’t mean much for people like me. I’m a bard of Dracborough.” When he realizes that isn’t very impressive, he decides to drop a name. “I’m acquainted with Queen Emeline. I do believe she’d vouch for my honor.”
“And why am I asking? I’m simply concerned. I apologize if I’ve offended. I tend to assume that all rulers like to converse with the common folk like my queen often does. Perhaps I assumed incorrectly.”
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If the man thinks that him saying he knows the queen will impress Magnus or anything well he is mistaken, first Magnus doesn’t know if its even the truth and if it is well, he doesn’t really care. Sure he respects the queen, he thinks she is actually a very intelligent and capable woman, but that doesn’t mean that he will held everyone that she likes in any regard. And so his face remains unchanging, no traceable emotion on it, not even the slight annoyance or even boredom. “I would hardly consider it offensive. However your concern, as you called is unfounded.” He didn’t need anyone being concerned about him and truthfully he was very sure this man didn’t ask out of concern anyway. “You were.” He said simply. “If you were from Ironhaven it may be different.”
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
Send me📝 and my muse will reveal their thoughts about your muse.
Their first impression:
Their current impression:
What they like the most about your muse:
What they dislike the most about your muse:
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.):
A general opinion of their relationship:
If applicable, something they wish to reveal:
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
      purnelle shakes her head, disagreeing. “ one shouldn’t criticize children’s imaginations. it kills them and makes them adults. ”
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“It certainly doesn’t kill them.” He couldn’t say he had much of an imagination but then again his chilhood was very different from what many outside of Ironhaven would have. “There is no real use for it anyway.”
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
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                    ❛   don’t !  ❜      she is up on her feet before she is aware of it,  her voice hard.      ❛   you have become my king,  magnus,  but you are my friend.  i remain your sword.  if danger comes,  i would die before seeing you fall.  ❜      
“Everything will be fine Nico.” He said finally sitting on the bed. “I doubt there is someone that could kill me if is not because i am better than most at any weapon is because you’re there too.” Though who knew about poison.
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
It seems to Hadrian that there are two types of rulers, and only two: those that are cruel and power-hungry but smart, and those that are kind and generous, but naive. Zenan is just crawling with the latter, he thinks, and he can’t help but wonder how they all have lasted this long.
The war had ended just as abruptly as it had begun, and Hadrian cannot believe how quickly the death of the king of Ironhaven was accepted. The timing was strange, the circumstances were strange, and Hadrian has read his fair share of stories about the rise and fall of kings, sung every famous song about them; he knows that things like this do not happen without reason, without motive. And he knows many had motive to kill him, though those same people would also have motive to announce their triumphant kill to the world.
He also knows that when kings fall, another always rises to take their place. It is something he often thinks of, and as these thoughts cross his mind, he spots a figure just ahead of him on the street, as if on cue.
“Your Majesty,” he greets cheerfully, after all but running to close the distance between them. He walks side by side with the new king, as if he was invited to do so, with his hands clasped behind his back. “Lovely day, isn’t it? How are you taking to your new position? Are you enjoying it? Does the crown fit comfortably?”
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Magnus was walking in direction to his chambers after a day of dealing with very important things that needed his intimidate attention or well that was what the advisors had told him, in his eyes they were easy things they could do on their own but of course they knew better than to do something behind his back, mainly because they surely would react like his father would have. He wasn’t paying much attention so when a man just started walking next to him and began talking Magnus couldn’t help but stare at this man like he had never seen someone before, of course it only lasted a second and then he was annoyed. Who was this man? And who did he thought he was to come at him asking him those questions an in such a disrespectful way, “How about you answer me this questions first, who are you and why are you even asking me those things?”   
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
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Happy Sandra Mel, your Majesty. May the words you jot down using this quill bring about peace and prosperity. 
Princess Eleanor
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
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❛   you know what i mean,  your majesty,   ❜      she replies,  a sarcastic edge to his new title.  —it will take some time to get used to.  for all of them.      ❛   actually speak to me,  not just brush me off when i worry.  —you are aware that is why i’m here,  right ?  i’m worried,  magnus.  ❜    
“I’m the king of Ironhaven Nico, you don’t have to worry about me unless someone wants to kill me, and who knows maybe if someone wanted to kill me even you wouldn’t be able to stop it.” After all he had killed his father and no one was even suspicious. 
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
      pandora’s eyes narrow in confusion. “ horses are pets, ” she says plainly. “ your majesty, i would most definitely say that horses count as pets. ” why would they not ??
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He shrugs “I have never seen them as pets, is not like a mis treat them or anything don’t get me wrong but is not like I spend time with any of my horses just because or anything like that.” Wasn’t that what you did with a pet?
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
     “ have you considered a dog ?? ” she asks, another smiling springing to her lips. pandora loved birds the most, but any pet brought her joy. “ dogs come in all shapes and sizes and i think they’re rather kingly. ” she finishes off with a small shrug, “ my brother had a pack of hounds and they were great fun. ”
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“I guess some types of  dogs could pass as a good pet...but I don’t have the time to give to a pet anymore, maybe in the future when things are more calm.” Though would they ever? “I guess the closest thing i have for pet are my horses.”
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
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She nodded slowly and then found herself saying, “This is all quite the mess, isn’t it?” Khai sighed. In a matter of weeks, everything in both their lives had fallen to pieces. They had both changed, and it was evident in the lack of playful banter and flirting that usually littered all their conversations. “It’s times like these when I thank the gods for not making me a royal.”
“It really is yes.” He chuckled “Someone has to do it.” He didn’t mind being a royal, he didn’t mind being the king, he had been groomed since he was a kid to be it, it was the way he became the king that troubled him.
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
      she gives a shrug, “ i know an insect would be a better pet than a rock but who am i to tell an eight year old whether or not they should have a pet rock ?? “
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He blinked at eight he already was hunting bigger things than rabbits and he could only imagine what he would have been told if he had said he had a pet rock. “Their parents should have told him it was ridiculous.” That would have been nice.
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
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                             ❛   oh,  forgive me,  your highness.  i should simply let you act without question,  of course.   ❜       she wishes to roll her eyes at that—and does so,  after a moment,  because if she has learned one thing of her king’s temper it as that she will not fall to it.      ❛   i—i do not fault you for wanting time,  magnus.  i simply wish you would SPEAK to me.   ❜
“Is your majesty Nico, get it right.” He said flatly though he knew that Nico would know he wasn’t being serious though he was to be adressed that way now, he didn’t mind Nico using his highness. “I am speaking to you.”
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magnus-blackhart · 7 years
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king magnus,
to a new king. to a new age. 
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