mahirusenpai · 11 years
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
Hello, I have come back from the ded just to tell you that someone hoarded the url laysdown and I am sad. 
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
My phone's running out of bat but I think I'm going to quit tumblr for the most part. .. Maybe keep some rp accounts open and going and visit my personal once in a while.  But yeah I think I've become a bit addicted and I need to focus on college apps and grades.  im not on my com yet so I won't do anything rn.
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
I feel a bit nauseous. ..I think I got too little sleep oh no.
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
OK…so my friend Emma puts this video of her venting her frustration (with much profanity) about Google Plus on YouTube. It gets an overwhelmingly positive response…30,000 likes after like three hours of being online and less than 1000 dislikes.
And yet…let’s take a look at the “Top Comments” YouTube decided would be more relevant and important to me:
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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It’s because we’re all alone.
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
when you bullshit a test and get a good grade
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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what iS THIS
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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unrad dads who think they’re rad dads who’re kind of bad dads aren’t you glad they’re not your mad dad it’s just a fad don’t make your sons sad
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
i feel really bad when people screw up in the olympics like
no let them do it again i’m sure they can do it right if they tried again oh no
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
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mahirusenpai · 11 years
When a classmate wants to look at your dash and you start praying please no one post porn or yaoi or anything nsfw please
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