maidmythics · 17 hours
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Czeslaw Milosz, Notebook.
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maidmythics · 2 days
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Blythe Baird, from If My Body Could Speak; “Theories about the universe”
[Text ID: “When I want something / with my whole being, and the universe withholds it / from me, I hope the universe thinks to herself, / Silly girl. She thinks this is what she wants, / but she does not understand how it will hurt.”]
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maidmythics · 5 days
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philosophy di lorenzo serafini rtw spring 2o19
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maidmythics · 25 days
remicore . 🫶
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maidmythics · 25 days
To be a monster is to be a hybrid signal, a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once.
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maidmythics · 26 days
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Chelsea Dingman, from "Of Those Who Can’t Afford to Be Gentle"
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maidmythics · 28 days
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Margarita Karapanou, tr. by Karen Emmerich, Rien ne va plus
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maidmythics · 30 days
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 4/∞
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maidmythics · 1 month
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maidmythics · 1 month
a basic understanding of skyrim / the elder scrolls in general, for those who need / want it. part two, part one here. ♡
for verse-making, if needed or wanted:
- the companions (hired muscle, bounty hunters, warriors, werewolves!!) - the thieves guild (which remilia is a part of! basically as the name implies) - the bards college (as the name implies; for the more musically & poetically inclined) - college of winterhold (for mages / magic-users) - the dark brotherhood (for assassins / contract killers) - cities / holds
constellations / "astrological signs": (not super important but may be fun to pick out! basically like zodiacs but... Not at the same time) all info from uesp.net <3 (NOTE: please remember that just in like in real life, just because a sign is said to have a certain trait does not mean they must have that trait. it's just a general thing, & not exactly canon either so go wild!)
morning star (in our world, january) ... the ritual ↪ those born under this sign are thought to have various abilities depending on the aspects of the moons and planets. according to elder scrolls online, those born under this sign are also thought to be good natural healers & strong magicka users. sun's dawn (in our world, february) ... the lover (remilia's sign hehe) ↪ those born under the sign of this sign are thought to be graceful & passionate. first seed (in our world, march) ... the lord ↪ those born under the sign of the lord are thought to be naturally stronger & healthier but may have more weakness to fire. according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be proud, reserved, calculating, strong, & ambitious. rain's hand (in our world, april) ... the mage, also known as the sage, the mechanist, or the witch depending on culture ↪ those born under this sign are thought to have more magicka and a talent for spellcasting. according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be adventurous, (sometimes) arrogant, & could be absent-minded at times. second seed (in our world, may) ... the shadow ↪ those born under this sign are thought to have the ability to hide in shadows exceptionally well, using them to their advantage easily. according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be cold, cautious, & patient. mid year (in our world, june) ... the steed ↪ those born under this sign are thought to be strong, both mentally & physically but sometimes can be too impatient & rush into things headfirst. according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be swift, headstrong, & willful. sun's height (in our world, july) ... the apprentice ↪ those born under this sign are thought to have an almost innate affinity for magic, but also may have a vulnerability to magic from others (aka good offense, bad defense). according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be prideful & intelligent. last seed (in our world, august) ... the warrior ↪ those born under this sign are thought to have great skill with weapons (or can learn these skills quicker than those born under other signs). according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be short-tempered, wrathful, willful, & straight-forward. hearthfire (in our world, september) ... the lady ↪ those born under this sign are thought to be naturally kind & tolerant. according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be elegant, patient, foresightful, cautious, & sharp. frostfall (in our world, october) ... the tower ↪ those born under this sign are thought to have an almost unnatural knack for finding gold & easily opening locks. it's said most (good) thieves are born under this sign or, obviously, the thief sign. according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be strong & durable. sun's dusk (in our world, november) ... the atronach ↪ those born under this sign are thought to be natural sorcerers with deep reserves of magicka, but cannot generate their own magicka easily & have to rely on potions, spells, or learning. according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be sturdy, adaptable, steady, & smart. evening star (in our world, december) ... the thief ↪ those born under this sign are thought thought to be inclined more to take risks & evade harm, however... their luck can run out eventually, cutting their lives short. like the tower, most born under this sign are naturally good thieves, sneaky & cunning. according to the elder scrolls online, they are said to be swift, lucky, & daring. no real month, moves around the sky with no fixed position ... the serpent. ↪ those born under this sign have no real defining characteristics, interestingly enough. however, it's said that those born under this sign are almost always either the most blessed or the most cursed. according to elder scrolls online, they are said to be dangerous & can be self-destructive.
races: either in the category of man, beastfolk, or elven.
nords (man) imperials (man) bretons (remi's!) (man, but can be considered man/elven hybrid) redguards (man) dunmer (elven, sometimes called dark elves) orsimer (elven, sometimes called orcs) altmer (elven, sometimes called high elves) bosimer (elven, sometimes called wood elves) argonians (beastfolk, sometimes called lizard folk, though that's generally derogatory & not how they refer to themselves) khajiit (beastfolk, usually refer to themselves in third person) there's also the snow elves, but they are an extinct race as of the fourth era (when the game takes place). any "leftover" remnants have become a twisted, blind, underground-roaming creature known as the falmer.
vampires dawnguard (vampire hunters) werewolves
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maidmythics · 1 month
a basic understanding of skyrim / the elder scrolls in general, for those who need / want it. part one, part two here. ♡
personally, i think the best way to get a good read on the game itself & any need-to-know lore (even just basic stuff) would be to read through the wiki! it's fan-run, so it's pretty organized & easy to understand, plus it's updated as needed. there’s the fandom wiki (here) but i prefer (& recommend) the uesp one (here) … it’s much more organized & concise in my opinion!! less ads around the space too O_O
if you want to go even further, there's also the imperial library but that's more for reading in-depth (in-game, i think?) information. if you want to go for it, go right ahead! but otherwise if you just want the 'foundation', don't worry about it. :')
anyways! here's some basic links that could help you understand the universe / remilia a bit better: mainly lore, but some gameplay aspects too — just be careful of any spoilers if you may play the game(s) in the future! no need to read through all of them, of course, just read what you'd like. the most important to understanding the portrayal / if you want to make a verse yourself are marked :]
in general:
⭐️ the game itself / the plot ⭐️  (skyrim, the setting of tes: skyrim)* ⭐️  (tamriel, the overall continent & its other lands / races / cultures) ⭐️  (dragons!!!)* ⭐️  (dragonborn / what remi is!)* ⭐️  (alduin, the main antagonist of the main game)* ⭐️  (miraak, the main antagonist of the third dlc, the first dragonborn) ⭐️  (lore for the thu’um)* ⭐️  (the divines) ⭐️  (the daedric princes; not all are really important to remilia or need to be known except for nocturnal & azura mainly! but if you're just interested in them or curious, go right ahead <3)
[ there are also two main add-ons for skyrim (hearthfire is the third one but i don’t really count it because it’s more for building): dawnguard & dragonborn.* ]
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maidmythics · 1 month
I was never good at this body. 
There was always something in me so anxious to crawl out.
— kiki nicole, from NOBODY’S DAUGHTER
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maidmythics · 1 month
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Anne Carson, from Autobiography of Red
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maidmythics · 1 month
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The Roses of Heliogabalus (detail), 1898, oil on canvas Lawrence Alma-Tadema
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maidmythics · 1 month
She was the only one left alive. Imagine the guilt that comes with that charge. Who cares about beauty?
Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh
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maidmythics · 1 month
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zhong lin
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maidmythics · 1 month
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Oresteia: Agamemnon by Aiskhylos, tr. by Anne Carson [ID in alt text]
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