majxrtom · 4 years
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Why are you the way that you are?
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majxrtom · 4 years
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majxrtom · 4 years
Tell the truth.
Why are y'all single?
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majxrtom · 4 years
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majxrtom · 4 years
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I hate the idea that someone out there hates me. I even hate thinking that Al-Qaeda hates me. I think if they got to know me, they wouldn’t hate me.
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majxrtom · 4 years
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Finished The Office for the fifth time. But I decided to tally everything, so here are the results.
“Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam” - 21 Jim Smirks - 425 Jim Pranks - 83 “That’s what she said” - 36 Michael stress eats - 4 Dwight Smirks - 67 Andy mentions Cornell - 15 Conference meetings - 88 Party Planning Committee (PPC) - 15 Dwight cries - 4 Michael cries - 20 Michael runs away - 4 Correction to Assistant to the Regional Manager - 19 Scranton Strangler brought up - 8 Jim and Pam fights - 4
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majxrtom · 4 years
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majxrtom · 4 years
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majxrtom · 4 years
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I’m in no rush.
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majxrtom · 4 years
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majxrtom · 4 years
i really like what the writers of the show did with him. i love that his love for children and his genuine innocence were his redeeming qualities, and also that one of the main moments they wanted the audience to empathize with him in was his toxic relationship with jan, in which he was a victim. you dont see that very often with men. i know it's a comedy show and i laughed at all the ridiculously inappropriate jokes, but sometimes he's just the sweetest character on the show. almost poetic. then of course he does some stupid shit he has no justification for and you're like "WHO put this dumbass in charge" but i mean 🤷🏽‍♀️ wouldn't be the michael we know and love if he didn't
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Michael Scott + Genuine Moments
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majxrtom · 4 years
I want to be quiet about these things. But we have to address the elephant in the room. This will the last post about this on the main tag.
Shipping real people. You hate it, you love it, you don’t care. I don’t bother. I know your concerns about how it will ruin their friendship, the show. Bringing up examples of how it was for Sean and Mark, along with other people who have to say they’re uncomfortable with being shipped with their friends.
But the main reason for all of that is the fans bringing it up. They send them emails, fan arts, or just saying how hard they ship them in one of the sources they interact with.
This is a healthy fandom, the most I’ve been in for years. I don’t want that to happen again here. If you truly care about the show, about the hosts, you would want the same. So here’s what you do:
Who ship real people: do not post it on Instagram, on Youtube, on Twitter, on Tumblr, with the name of the boys/the show. It can be searched up easily. Only use the ship name. Do not go overboard and force anyone to ship it. If you want to share it with other people, make a private chat.
Who don’t ship real people: do not bring it up in your profile, do not tag ‘people who ship ___ don’t interact’. The worst you do is bringing up the same problem you try to avoid. If you find someone you’re not comfortable with, block them. Silent is the most powerful scream.
Who don’t care: do not tag randomly. Do not bring up the ship name. If you want it to be viewed as ‘platonic or romantic’, make a separate post. Do not tag as ship if you’re posting in the main tags.
If you find someone who didn’t follow the above, kindly message them. Not all of them would listen, trust me, I know. But your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are. If you’re being nice, they’ll be the same.
This blog will get hate after this, will get reported. I don’t care. It’s their 100th episode, please, just respect each other and celebrate this day with them.
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majxrtom · 4 years
man i just found out she went to A SPERM BANK when michael was right there. right there. (also im pretty sure she didn't actually go, she probably fucked hunter because AT LEAST HE'S AN ARTIST BABE.) and still he's going to her lamaze class ditching awesome, hilarious holly!!!!!!! im so MAD!!!
thanks for not blocking me, enjoyed venting to you about michael and jan in season 4.
hello! im on season 3 of the office, just watched money money money, and i only have one question (spoiler): i already know michael will leave jan (i mean i dont know know. I'm just certain he will.) but like will he ever get the chance to tell her she's a piece of shit. he works 2 jobs, is in debt, doesn't shame her even though she has weird sexual habits which make him uncomfortable and she REDECORATES his HOUSE and gets a PORSCHE? i need to know so i can prepare myself will he destroy her
This actually my favorite time of the show. I love watching the train wreck that is Michael and Jan. I think Michael telling Jan off would be so out of character. Just let it play out, strap in and enjoy the ride.
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majxrtom · 4 years
just watched dinner party. she made him sleep on a glorified coffee table. she made him get three vasectomies. he just left his own house. im laughing my ass off but she really is evil
hello! im on season 3 of the office, just watched money money money, and i only have one question (spoiler): i already know michael will leave jan (i mean i dont know know. I'm just certain he will.) but like will he ever get the chance to tell her she's a piece of shit. he works 2 jobs, is in debt, doesn't shame her even though she has weird sexual habits which make him uncomfortable and she REDECORATES his HOUSE and gets a PORSCHE? i need to know so i can prepare myself will he destroy her
This actually my favorite time of the show. I love watching the train wreck that is Michael and Jan. I think Michael telling Jan off would be so out of character. Just let it play out, strap in and enjoy the ride.
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majxrtom · 4 years
The Office can be so terribly cringey but they were pretty revolutionary when they showed Michael Scott as a male victim of domestic abuse.
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majxrtom · 4 years
mikeyoungmedia is to be guillotined in the biggest square because that is not true folks!! puppet history is amazing, and so is social distancing and dungeons and dragons (it's hilarious and entertaining even if you've never played d&d, especially for people who like creative storytelling). if you like food vlogs and stuff like that, check out homemade! it's very interesting! or weird wonderful world gives you a virtual tour of los angeles for example.
there's good stuff on watcher. check it out like for real.
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majxrtom · 4 years
the 100th episode is a retelling of the somerton man which was the first episode
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