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My life is very, very boring and normal and the work I do isn’t. I admit that in regards to the work I’m allowed to do things that are extreme and kind of fun and exhilarating. I go and get food and I feed myself and then I go home and I sleep and then I go out and get food and I sleep. It’s very weird being on the other side of it. And of course when you think you feel like you can’t move there is a sense of being wrapped in cellophane. That’s why maybe being on stage every night is so liberating because you get to express yourself in a very honest way whereas you don’t feel you get to do that so much in your life. I haven’t felt that so much. I think as long as you keep humanising then I think that puts you in good status and you just stop making faces and trying to look attractive for every single photo like is taken of you and you’re ruined after that. That’s a dangerous thing because then you become something else and you lose a sense of the fact that you’re a human being with flaws and they will be seen.
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Taking a nap, of course. Hi.
Aand I’m back.
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Well, thanks. I don't mean to be awkward. Just nice.
Oh, hey. You again.
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Hey Audrey.
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Oh, hey. You again.
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Hey Audrey.
Aand I’m back.
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Aand I'm back.
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Well, something like it, I guess. We have a big dock where you can jump into the lake. That's where the everso famous Percabeth kiss occured.
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You should come over to the Greek side some time, if you're really curious though!
The pleasure is mine.
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And I’m not really sure. Everyone’s out or busy, I guess. It is summer.
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*chuckles* It's alright. And not really, honestly.
That’s what I said!
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Yeah! So how's Camp Jupiter?
That’s true. It’s like all an illusion. ‘Cause you know, big ass rainbow. *chuckles*
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That's what I said!
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Camp sure is lively today.
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Zac Efron sur We Heart It.
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The pleasure is mine.
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And I'm not really sure. Everyone's out or busy, I guess. It is summer.
I mean rainbow. As in Iris Messaging. But nice to meet you, Sabina. I’m Jake.
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And Camp Half Blood? Greek camp.
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I really do. And uh, yeah, I guess. But I haven't tried anything in a while.
I’ve been in and out of camp the past however many years.
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  It’s complicated.
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That's true. It's like all an illusion. 'Cause you know, big ass rainbow. *chuckles*
I probably do.
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20 notes · View notes
I mean rainbow. As in Iris Messaging. But nice to meet you, Sabina. I'm Jake.
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And Camp Half Blood? Greek camp.
Ah, hi. Rainbow.
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And sorry, what question?
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I've been in and out of camp the past however many years.
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  It's complicated.
Right. Sorry it’s just, I haven’t trained in a while. *sighs*
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Nice to meet you, though.
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