making-my-choices · 6 years
The best
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making-my-choices · 6 years
OH MY GOD THIS IS SO CUTE!! 😍 I love a chance meeting AU. So sweet. Drake never stood a chance.
oh florist au for drake and louisa would be so cute if possible!
Hi, Nonny! I randomly got inspired to write this little scene today. I hope you like it! 
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“Maxwell! Where the hell are you? I am definitely not the one who is supposed to be handling this
stuff,” Drake hisses into his phone as he paces through the Greenwich Ballroom in the Four Seasons New York. 
First it was the caterer asking about the desserts table, then the tablescapist (which sure as hell sounds like a made-up “job” to Drake) wondering if they’d decided for sure on the cream colored napkins instead of the white napkins, and now the band questioning what time they’re supposed to start. It seems like was every vendor involved with this shindig, a New York wedding reception for Liam and Bea, has arrived at once and they all have questions for Drake who had the misfortune to arrive first. The ballroom is a scene of chaos as it’s prepared for the party and Maxwell, the self-appointed party planner, is MIA. Liam and Bea are spending the day with her family and won’t arrive for another couple hours and Drake doesn’t want to bother them with these stupid details. 
“Get your ass over here, Maxwell, or I’m just going to let these people do whatever the hell they want,” he growls in frustration as he hangs up on and immediately starts dialing Hana. She at least would have half a clue what to do with all this. Her line rings and Drake rakes a hand through his dark hair before tugging at the tight collar of his dress shirt. 
“Come on, Hana. Answer the phone. Answer the damn phone,” he mutters as the phone keeps ringing. He dodges a cater waiter who rushes past with a tray laden with glasses. 
“Excuse me! Where do you want these?” a woman’s bright, almost melodic voice comes from somewhere behind Drake.
“Just a sec,” he tosses the words over his shoulder. When Hana chirps a greeting, Drake breathes a sigh of relief, but it turns into a groan when he realizes it’s just her voicemail. 
“Yeah, if I wait ‘just a sec,’ you’re going to have a real mess on your hands, so if you could at least point me in the right direction
Drake turns on his heel, frustration and annoyance rolling off of him. His eyes widen when he’s met with an impressively large array of white roses and other fragrant blooms. From somewhere behind the foliage, the voice calls out to him again.
“Seriously, these are getting heavy and I’m not sure how much longer I can
.oh, damn!” the woman lets out a yelp as the flowers in her arms sway precariously. 
Drake quickly pockets his phone and takes one of the massive arrangements from her. He hefts it to one side and frowns. He’s intent on giving this person a piece of his mind, but instead his mouth falls open when the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. 
yeah,” Drake stutters. He’s staring at her and he realizes it’s getting embarrassing, but he can’t seem to tear his eyes away from her. Waves of dark hair cascade down her shoulders and frame a heart-shaped face. Her brown eyes sparkle brightly and her full lips, a perfect’s cupid bow, are curled into a wide smile. She’s dressed in a light cream-colored sweater and dark jeans, but the casual look doesn’t detract a bit from her curvy frame or the immediate physical attraction he feels to her. 
“So, where are we going with these?”
“With what?” 
“The ridiculously over-the-top floral arrangements we’re currently holding?” she tilts her head to one side, considering him with an amused look on her face. “I was told you’re the one in charge of this operation.”
“I definitely am not. Do I look like a party planner to you?”
“Honestly, you like a guy who could use a drink,” she laughs and Drake feels some of the tension he’s felt since arriving at this swanky place dissipate. He smiles back at her and nods. 
“You’ve got that right, but unfortunately the bar isn’t open just yet.” 
She just looks at him for a long beat and Drake shifts a little under her scrutinizing gaze. He’s not sure what she’s looking for, but when a dull blush warms his face, she bites her lip and then grins at him. 
“What time is the party?” she asks, striding away from him with her flowers and toward the one of the tables. Drake follows and sets his vase down next to hers. 
“Uh, it’s in a couple hours. Why?” 
“Because, believe it or not, there’s more than one bar in New York and you really look like you could use that drink. Whiskey man, right?” 
“Yeah. How did you know?” he asks. Drake’s head spins, trying to keep up with this woman. She’s already heading toward the door, glancing back at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“You’ve got whiskey written all over you, even in that monkey suit that your probably hate. It looks good on you though.” 
“I don’t even know you,” he says even as he starts following her, weaving past people and tables. “Why are you doing this?” 
“I’m Louisa and you’re cute when you’re all flustered. Is that a good enough reason?” she laughs when he blushes again. She pauses and turns back to him, a sudden serious look on her face. “Listen, I’ve been through some stuff. I made some promises to myself to take chances, to leap without looking at least once in a while. I was just helping out a friend with the flowers on my day off and she’s got it from here. You have a couple hours before your big fancy soiree and I’m offering to buy you a drink. Now, are you coming or not?” 
Drake looks around at all the work left to be done and hesitates. God, he wants to ditch this place and follow this woman, Louisa, wherever she wants him to go. Something about her sparked something in him and he wants to find out what it is, what it could be. But

“I’d love to. I really, really would,” he tells her regretfully, “but my friends are counting on me and
“I’m here! I’m here! I’m here!” Maxwell suddenly runs into the room shouting. He does a little spin and skids to stop next to Drake. “There was a dog parade in the park, Drake! A. DOG. PARADE. Little corgis just like Earl Grey and big dogs and this one that looked like a mop! It was amazing! But I’m here now, so let’s get to work!” 
“You get to work,” Drake claps Maxwell on the shoulder before starting after Louisa who offers him another brilliant smile that he meets with one of his own, “I’m going to get a drink.”  
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making-my-choices · 6 years
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Whoever writes for Damien should just be hired for all the “30 diamond” scenes
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making-my-choices · 6 years
This was one of the first posts I ever made for this ridiculous site and even though it is truly so dumb, I still love it 😂
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making-my-choices · 6 years
This is a triumph.
Damn, Daniel! (NSFW Alphabet)
Like I said before, shittiest bar
 but the best service. How’d that wine treat you? We have some fine scotch, imported from only the rarest of countries that you’ve never heard of. Oh, I do hope you’re settled in for the evening. The main course’s just beginning, and my dears, it’ll leave you begging for more, until the very last bite. The night’s just begun
 and yes, of course, whiskey, coming up. I promise you that you’ll leave tonight
 simply satisfied.
Note: A NSFW Alphabet brought to you on this Thirsty Thursday by @boneandfur and myself. A huge shoutout to her letting me hop on this crack ship train. Please enjoy!
Pairing: Daniel The Waiter x TRR MC, Rating: NSFW
Word Count: 9,474– get some wine, block some shit on moblie, and sit back. 
Warnings: Language, NSFW– and a very LONG FIC. Please block long post, nsfw, Choices Thirsty Thursday, Damn Daniel if you do not want to scroll on mobile. A Read More is attached after the picture, but Tumblr is shit.
Summary: While Daniel remains MIA, we explore through saucy, funny, and angsty drabbles that there was always a little more to Riley and Daniel’s friendship
Permatags: @youwontlikewherewewillgo, @mfackenthal, @jadedpixiescribbles, @ashtonmore, @pbchoicesobsessed, @hhiggs
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making-my-choices · 6 years
Obsessed with these two. So much fun. Thank you for this!
Names - Damien x MC
Book: Perfect Match
Pairing: Damien Nazario x MC (Gabi Park)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1320
Genre: Humor, Romance, Fluff
Summary: The morning after getting Winona Johnson on their side and while everyone else is out to brunch, Damien and Gabi spend a lazy morning together. 
Based on the prompts: Pet Names, Cozy Night Morning In
TAG LIST: @theroyalweisme @mfackenthal @butindeed @chantelle-x0x @drakeandjakearebae @enmchoices @tmarie82 @lizeboredom @zazigah @everythingchoices @asprankle @simplyaiden-blog @boneandfur @drakewalkerfantasy @drakesfiance @pbchoicesobsessed @client327 @craftytacotrashdream @the-everlasting-dream @choicesgallery @diavolosprincess @blackcatkita @hopefulmoonobject @gardeningourmet @indiacater @debramcg1106 @drakewalkerwhipped @lizeboredom @walkerisbae @fairydustandsarcasm @angstymarshmallow @mariamatsuo @writtenbycandy @mysteli @lolablackwrites @flyawayblue56 @maryscreed @shwarmi @i-miss-trr @meeraaverywalker @parkerattano @kamybelen-blog @mindreader-1
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“Damien, wakey-wakey
The only response to Gabi’s sing-song calling is a muffled semblance of go away from the Damien-shaped lump on the bed. He’d passed out after their very enjoyable second round this morning. Gabi grins at his prone form, taking more than a little pride in the fact that she basically sexed him into exhaustion. He’s splayed across their bed in Steve and Nadia’s guest room, blanket slung low on his hips. Gabi bites her lower lip looking down at the smooth expanse of his muscled back and the curve of his buttocks that disappears under the rumpled sheets. 
if you don’t wake up, I’m going to eat all of the breakfast that I poured my heart and soul into making for you,” Gabi warns him. She nudges him until he shifts over just enough for her to settle on the edge of the bed. 
“If you made it, it’s probably in my best interest not to eat it anyway,” Damien grumbles as he rolls over onto his back.  
Damien just laughs when she kicks him for his comment. The sound is deep and husky this morning and it makes a coil of heat spiral through Gabi. She sets mugs of coffee and a plate of toast with jam (he’s not entirely wrong about the extent of her cooking abilities) on the bedside table and then turns back to Damien. 
Her heart melts a little seeing that he’s closed his eyes again and is dozing softly. His brown hair is mussed across his pillow and the stubble on his cheek is dark against his skin and sharp lines of his jaw. His mouth, fallen open as he snores softly, look too inviting to resist and Gabi cups his cheek to runs a her thumb along his lower lip. His eyes flutter open and Damien smiles sleepily at her before kissing her thumb. He looks so sexy and so adorable. And he’s mine, Gabi thinks to herself with a happy little sigh.
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making-my-choices · 6 years
I MISS DRAKE WALKER!! Ok now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, thank you for writing this beautiful fic! Loved it and smiled like crazy throughout the entire thing!
The Real Surprise (Drake x MC)
Pairing: Drake X Jaela
Word Count: 3,815
Rating: PG
Warnings: Language, Pure Fluff
Description: Drake has a surprise for Jaela, but it’s too bad she ruined it after a late night walk around the duchy
 or did she?
Author Note: Happy Drake and Jaela! Fluff! Who am I? Well, I don’t know. But please enjoy this pure as all heck fluffy piece with Drake and Jaela. MASTERLIST
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When Drake first proclaimed that he’d build the crib for their first child, Jaela was sure he was just pulling her leg, making this declaration while he rubbed her back as she threw up from the morning sickness in the tenth week of pregnancy. 
“Make— you’re going to make the crib? Safety regulations and— shit—“ 
And she’s back to puking, Drake holding back her hair and making circles with his hand between her shoulder blades, talking, not acknowledging his puking wife (purely because it’s been the norm over the past week), arms wrapped around her porcelain savior. “It shouldn’t be too hard to follow the regulations. Besides, wouldn’t be it so great if they can pass it down to their child and
“You’re thinking of grandchildren already?!” Jaela whips around, wiping her mouth, eyes wide. Drake flushes, brushing hair out of her face. “This baby isn’t even big as my hand and you’re ready for grandkids?!”
“Just getting ahead of myself, Abdi,” Drake says and Jaela softens when he touches her stomach, just a tiny, invisible to all but them (and Maxwell, since he called it before Jaela even knew) bump there. “But think about it
 they’ll have their own special crib that no other kid has. And we’ll just
” He kisses her forehead. “I just want to make something special for them. We’ve waited so long. It’ll be perfect, I swear. Just let me build this for them. If you don’t like it, or don’t think it’s safe
 then we’ll buy one. But
 I want to try.“
Jaela nods and smiles, even if she’s bent over the toilet, throwing up once more at three pm on a Thursday after she ran out of a meeting on tax reform, because she can’t wait to see what he’ll do. 
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making-my-choices · 6 years
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@ PB: Thank you, next
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making-my-choices · 6 years
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Sent by @li11i
‘As a “diamond choices” player I was baffled at America’s Most Eligible’s last ditch attempt to have the MC win if you did not gain any allies. Even as someone who tried to befriend everyone I only got 3 allies (The LIs) on my own. You’re pretty much FORCED to pay diamonds to win. It’s ridiculous. I hope Pixelberry learns from this mistake or stops the whole “relationship points” entirely. They obviously don’t know how to use it properly and fairly for all their players.’
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making-my-choices · 6 years
Love this story so much! And it’s making me think I’m overdue for a Lovehacks replay... 😍
Keep Quiet - Mark x MC (NSFW)
After last week’s chapter, I’ve been obsessed with Mark’s saying “I wouldn’t be able to resist making you scream.” This fic is the result. 
Definitely NSFW below the cut. 
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.that bed is really tempting right now.”
“Oh I know,” Zoey murmurs, eyeing Mark’s lips, trying to resist the temptation to kiss him again, “but all of our friends are right on the other side of that door
“We could be really quiet?” Mark says hopefully as he gives her his best puppy dog eyes.
Zoey chuckles and playfully pushes at Mark’s shoulder.
“Do you know me at all?” she teases. Mark grins at that and a half a second later he’s ducking his head and giving her another toe-curling kiss as he walks her back toward the bed.
Zoey laments, not for the first time, how much time they wasted. She really wouldn’t change anything about their story, but when he kisses her like this she wishes, if only for a moment, that they’d gotten together all those years ago in college.  
The back of her knees meet the edge of her mattress and she falls backwards, sitting on the bed. Mark leans down, hands braced either side of her, and stares down at her. Zoey feels heat pool low in her belly at the way he looks at her - intent and serious.
“You’re right. We really shouldn’t do this” Mark says in a husky voice, “because I wouldn’t be able to resist making you scream.”
His voice drops to a low whisper breathing hotly in her ear on the last word and Zoey’s gasps, “Mark!”
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making-my-choices · 6 years
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making-my-choices · 6 years
pining is 100000% the most important aspect of pre-relationship fic for me. good-natured whole-hearted pining filled with lovelorn gazing and chest aching and fluttering touches, that’s my top priority. i was put on this earth to watch characters suffer over the profundity of their love for another person. unrequited love is why god made me. characters finding out that their feelings are reciprocated after long months/years of suffering is why the universe was assembled from nothingness. amen.
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making-my-choices · 6 years
Choices stories as b99 gifs
the freshman
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most wanted
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rules of engagement
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the royal romance
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the crown and the flame
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endless summer
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the haunting of braidwood manor
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high school story
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it lives
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red carpet diaries
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home for the holidays
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perfect match
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veil of secrets
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americas most eligible
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desire & decorum
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across the void
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big sky country
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1K notes · View notes
making-my-choices · 6 years
it’s been 10 years since 3oh!3 said “tell ur boyfriend if he says he has beef that im a vegetarian and i ain’t fuckin scared of him” and it’s still the hardest lyric of all time
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making-my-choices · 6 years
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it be like that at house beaumont huh
788 notes · View notes
making-my-choices · 6 years
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229K notes · View notes
making-my-choices · 6 years
Omg a JVN gif!! Happy days 😍😍 Thanks for the reblog @ooo-barff-ooo!
Wake Up Call- Drake x MC
I was inspired to write this after today’s chapter- Drake and MC finally got to spend an entire night together!?! So great!
But I couldn’t help thinking- what could have happened in the morning? Did anyone see her leaving his tent? This kind of just flowed from that thought. It’s a bit rushed and rough but I wanted to get it out straight away. I hope you enjoy!
Rating- PG. Very mild. Some innuendo. Plus a shirtless Drake. 😜
Riley woke when the first rays of light hit the tent, silently grumbling at nature’s early wake up call. She started to roll over but froze when she remembered where she was.
This was Drake’s tent. A thrill ran through her at the thought. She had spent an entire night in Drake’s arms for the first time. The first of many, she thought to herself with a smile. She hadn’t slept so soundly in months- enveloped in the warmth of his body and comforted by his mere presence. She could feel him still sleeping behind her and decided to risk turning to face him. His arm was slung loosely over her hip and she tried to twist herself around as slowly and quietly as she could without disturbing him, before settling into place and sucking in a breath at the sight of him.
He looked so at peace in the cool morning light, and younger somehow. She watched his bare chest as it rose and fell in a slow, comforting rhythm. In their current cramped quarters, his solid build dominated the space, leaving her feeling safer than she had in weeks. He had joked the night before about being the protector of the group, but Riley knew it was true- especially when it came to her.
She noticed his hair falling across his face and forced herself to resist brushing it back. She didn’t want to wake him. Not yet. She gazed at his relaxed face and knew she didn’t want to do anything to break the spell of this brief, perfect moment.
“I can feel you staring at me, Johnson.”
Drake’s eyes were still closed but a small smile played on his lips. Riley stifled a laugh and swatted at his chest.
“You’re supposed to be asleep, Mr. Walker.”
“So are you.”
He opened one eye and smiled before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer. She nestled into him as she had done the night before, quietly breathing in his scent and trying to memorise it. She rested her head against his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat match the pace of her own. It was so rare for them to find privacy of any kind. To have had eight or nine uninterrupted hours with him was a true treat.
“I’m glad you’re here, Johnson.”
His quiet words interrupted her thoughts. She lifted her head to look at him, marvelling at the soft expression on his face. He was so often guarded and on edge, but with every passing week she could feel him open up to her more and more. It was intoxicating.
She smiled widely and manoeuvred herself closer to him, bringing her hands to his chest and resting her chin on them.
“I’m glad you’re glad. Coz even if you wanted to, you can’t get rid of me now.”
He laughed softly and shook his head. “No chance of that.”
Her heart warmed at his words and she settled down against him again.
They remained that way for what felt like a fleeting moment before Drake picked up his watch and groaned.
“It’s already 7am, Johnson. You had better get back to your tent before anyone else wakes up.”
Riley held him tighter. “I’m not leaving. I live here now. Besides, you’re so warm. I’ll freeze out there.”
“Maybe I’ll have to warm you up later.”
“Drake!” She sat up in surprise as he laughed. She narrowed her eyes at him playfully. “Don’t say things like that if you aren’t going to follow though.”
He sat up too and looked her square in the eyes. “I mean it.” He pulled her into a long, deep kiss and she couldn’t stop herself from moaning into his mouth. She was so completely gone for this man, in a way she had never been before. The only thing that gave her any relief was the fact that he was just as hooked on her.
Riley reluctantly untangled herself from Drake and stood up. She unzipped the tent and stepped outside, allowing herself one final grin over her shoulder to Drake. She turned away from the tent and let out a yelp at the sight in front of her, stopping dead in her tracks. Drake scrambled up to the door of the tent and poked his head out, alarmed by her cry.
“Riley, what is it?!” He only used her first name when he was truly worried about her, and somewhere in the back of her mind she noted his sweet concern. But they had more pressing issues at hand. She moved aside so he could witness what she was seeing.
Sitting at the campfire, and staring straight at them.
“Good morning, lovebirds.”
He was as chipper as ever, but there was a slight edge to his voice that Riley hadn’t heard before- Anger? Anxiety? She couldn’t be sure.
Drake spoke first. “Look, Maxwell-“
Maxwell cut him off with a wave of his hand. “Drake, I’m not going to tell anyone. Actually, I’m just surprised it’s taken this long for you to get caught. And in the tent right next to mine? Scandalous! I have to say, Riley, I’m shocked I didn’t hear anything last night. I thought you’d be more
Drake stepped out of the tent in a rage. “Don’t talk to her like that.” His voice was low and seething, and Riley put a hand on him arm to stop him from moving towards Maxwell.
She knew she had to say something to diffuse the situation, and quickly.
“Maxwell, I’m sorry you had to find out like this. But I’ve been trying to tell you how I felt about Drake for weeks! Every time I did, you would cut me off and virtually dance around the room with your hands over your ears.”
Maxwell sheepishly looked at the ground, avoiding meeting her eye. “I know, Riley. And I am happy for you guys. I’m just worried about what all this will mean for House Beaumont
” He trailed off and looked up at Drake. “And Savannah.”
Drake took a deep breath. “Savannah is my responsibility, Maxwell. I’ll always take care of her- now I know where she is.”
He glowered at Maxwell, whose guilt was written plainly across his face before he spoke again.
“Ok look, um, we can talk about this later. There’s something else you guys should know.”
Drake and Riley looked at each other in alarm before turning back to Maxwell.
“It’s about Liam.”
Riley’s eyes flitted to Liam’s tent in a panic as her mind raced with thoughts of what Maxwell may say next.
“Don’t worry, he’s not here. He left about an hour ago, said he had a breakfast meeting back on the train.”
She exhaled, relieved she wouldn’t have to walk on eggshells for the next few hours she intended to spend with Drake.
Maxwell was tense as he continued. “But Riley? Liam poked his head into your tent to say goodbye. He knows you didn’t sleep there.”
Her stomach dropped instantly. Their night of camping and innocent fun had turned into more drama than she could ever have anticipated. But it was a wake up call they all needed. Everything had to come out eventually.
It was time.
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