makingeasymoneysblog · 3 months
How to make QR Code Stickers
Making QR code custom vinyl stickers involves a few steps, from creating the QR code to printing and ensuring it’s easily scannable. Here’s a straightforward process to follow: Purpose: Choose the information that your QR code will direct to. 1. Create the QR Code: Purpose: Decide on the available content your QR code will link […]How to make QR Code Stickers
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makingeasymoneysblog · 3 months
Car Travellers At Singapore Checkpoint Can Clear Immigration With QR Code From March 19
From Mar 19, car travellers arriving in and departing Singapore at the Woodlands and Tuas checkpoints will be able to clear immigration with QR codes. Once the feature is rolled out, they will not need to present their physical passports to Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers at car counters, said ICA on Tuesday (Mar […]Car Travellers At Singapore Checkpoint Can Clear Immigration…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 3 months
A trip that I would take across the country ?
You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike? A trip that would make the best trip that I could imagine would include all the above. It’s a long way there Through my time here I’ve traveled a little being an ex truck driver, and traveled with the military a little, went with my parents on vacations not to far from home. Knowing how monotonous traveling in a car…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 3 months
Title: The Quick Draw McGraw of QR Codes: How to Catch Them Before They Disappear
Got that pilgrim In today’s fast-paced digital world, advertisers are constantly looking for innovative ways to engage with their audience. One such method is through the use of QR codes in TV commercials and even on moving vehicles. These codes, which resemble a pixelated maze, can contain a wealth of information that viewers can access by scanning them with their smartphones. However, the…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 3 months
Title: A Letter to My 100-Year-Old Self
Write a letter to your 100-year-old self. Easter Collection Dear Future Me, As I sit down to write this letter, I can’t help but wonder what life has in store for you at 100. I hope you’re reading this with a smile, surrounded by loved ones, and reflecting on a life well-lived. Here are ten pieces of advice that I hope will serve you well: Embrace Change: Life is full of unexpected twists and…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 3 months
QR codes entering the digital game competition via qr code. How does it all work? How popular is the using of QR codes to compete with others on the online world? Can this be a growing trend in the gaming industry?
Competition QR Codes Using QR codes in digital game competitions typically involves participants scanning QR codes with their mobile devices to access game-related content, such as entering contests, redeeming rewards, or participating in challenges. The process usually entails scanning the QR code with a smartphone or tablet, which then redirects the user to a specific webpage, app feature, or…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 3 months
A question of regret. Where did you leave it last?
What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain. Do people think I’m empty upstairs? If I knew where I left it last I would go there and look. It’s not that I didn’t look there and everywhere else I was before looking at the last place I remember where I remembered it last. I have sat down working on a project not leaving the area I’m sitting at and loose tools In front of me. I’m thinking,…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
A tattoo with a QR code embedded: In the world of tattoo art marketing, what is the 10 top reasons a tattoo qr code could bring value to the art and to the consumer.
Tattoo Qr Code Scan Tattoo QR codes can indeed bring value to both the art and the consumer in several ways: Storytelling: QR codes can link to multimedia content such as videos or blogs that explain the story behind the tattoo, adding depth and meaning to the artwork. Personalization: Each QR code can be unique, allowing artists to tailor the content to individual clients, such as sharing the…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
What I couldn't live without of three choices
What are three objects you couldn’t live without? QR Connection Hub I don’t think I could think of one object I couldn’t live without, other than natural elements of my surroundings.  Survival when it’s at a peak quickly shows you what you really can’t live without. If the power grid was destroyed all the phones, TV, and radio communication stops permanently. Fuel  for everything is useless on…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
Custom ai art QR codes: Interesting to look at. 10 elaborate reasons why a consumer would be attracted to a custom QR code vs a Black and white standard code.
SCAN QR CODE Brand Representation: Custom QR codes can be tailored to reflect a brand’s identity, incorporating its colors, logos, and motifs. This personalization enhances brand recognition and strengthens the connection between the consumer and the brand. Unique Aesthetic Appeal: Custom AI art QR codes offer visually captivating designs that stand out from traditional black and white codes.…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
"Unlocking the Power of Digital Business Cards: How They Can Revolutionize Your Networking Strategy"
https://popl.co/products/custom-popl-xl-1?ref=qrconnecthub In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, networking has become an integral part of building and expanding businesses. Traditional business cards, while still relevant, are gradually being supplemented or even replaced by their digital counterparts. Enter digital business cards, specifically Popl digital business cards, leveraging QR…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
Title: Honoring Memories: How Turning Hearts Medallions Keep Loved Ones Close
In the journey of grief, finding solace and connection with cherished memories can be a beacon of comfort. Turning Hearts understands this profound need and offers a unique solution to honor and keep loved ones close: the Turning Hearts Medallion. Crafted with care and innovation, the Turning Hearts Medallion is more than just a piece of technology; it’s a symbol of enduring love and…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
The golden years
Share one of the best gifts you’ve ever received. I had to go little deeper on this one. I had to think of the gifts I’ve had throughout the years and I would say I have been blessed more than a few. Although I’m not even middle class, I’ve had a few gifts that most in the trailer park class has had. I’ve had a car given to me, had a nice dirt bike, learned music, first job handed to me, with…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
Breaking the law
If you had the power to change one law, what would it be and why? Laws laws everywhere is laws, breaking up the our freedoms natural law has given us. I fought the law and law won. Song title from John Cougar, I know I have broken the law. Who hasn’t?  Kind of hard not to. Everywhere you go there is a law you’ll break without knowing you even broke it. If you are a truck driver and have to…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
Building a sanctuary
Write about your dream home. I used to be a person that loved to be around large crowds just to watch how different people act.  Meeting new people is especially nice in most situations. Growing up we all learn what’s expected of us in our social construct. The married with a house and a white picked fence in front. A nice job in a nice town, nice school, nice college. Times has changed…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
Good News worth sharing
You get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do? The thrill of good news is always uplifting and brings a higher vibration to your surroundings. I was waiting for a letter to come in the mail years ago waiting to hear from a girlfriend who eventually became my wife. The reason the waiting was so intense was because of unfortunate events, we had to separate from each…
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makingeasymoneysblog · 4 months
Our life's changing prospective
How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life? For those of us that has been around for 50 years are more, know that events shape our prospective both good and bad. Time may change me, But I can’t change time. A song by artist Davide Bowie said a lot to this older generation. It’s been played through the years for several marketing outlets. For me…
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