malavikashekhar · 8 years
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Red velvet, vanilla, chocolate in my life! 🍰
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malavikashekhar · 8 years
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In awe of this book. 👌🏻 Anyone can betray anyone.
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malavikashekhar · 8 years
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Golden albums. Jess Glynne and Alessia Cara. 👌🏻#icrywhenilaugh #knowitall
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malavikashekhar · 8 years
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I'll promise to build a new world for us two With you in the middle
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malavikashekhar · 9 years
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Another one #djkhaledvoice
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malavikashekhar · 9 years
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One for a beautiful day like today!
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malavikashekhar · 9 years
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This Week in #hiphopart with Tyler Powers
To see more of Tyler’s work, check out @tylersean13 on Instagram. For more music stories, head to @music.
“People ask me all the time, why so many rappers? It’s the music I love. I like the passion in it, and I like to draw stuff I like. I drew my first portrait sophomore year of high school, and I took a real liking to it. It really fit with the way I saw things. Junior year of college, I ran into a lot of internal struggle — a lot of anxiety, a lot of depression, things like that. When everything internally is not going well, doing anything externally that you don’t enjoy is tough. So I was just like, screw it, I gotta do art. It’s the only thing that made sense. It was the only thing that got me outside of my head. And I just started cranking out stuff 24/7.” —21-year-old artist Tyler Powers (@tylersean13).
–– Instagram @music
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malavikashekhar · 9 years
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In love with my place, Kerala.
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malavikashekhar · 9 years
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malavikashekhar · 9 years
An amazing work by my friend, Shashwat! Go listen to it 😁
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malavikashekhar · 10 years
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Rowling ftw!
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malavikashekhar · 10 years
I want to start by saying that this post is not at all about rapes and the mentality of the people of our country. It’s not any other feminist rant. It’s a post about realization. And how it all comes into perspective when you have a girl best friend or a girlfriend. Taking few instances from my own life, there are certain things that need to be put across. That not all boys are bad. You might not relate to it. Or might think I am too idealistic. But in reality, this is the general feeling of the men in my strata or my immediate group.
I hang out with 4 guys on a daily basis. Out of which 1 is one of my closest friends and 1 is my boyfriend. I’ve seen how aunties and uncles and even people my age see me. Its not a surprise. I can’t help that all my closest friends are guys. Friends are often not a choice. Its how you gel with whatever sort of people that decides who your group of friends will be. The other group is also my core group. I also travel with them. It consists of 3 guys and 1 (sometimes 2) girl(s). So you can safely say that I know a lot of guys. Whatever you may be thinking of me at this point, I genuinely don’t care. Not one but because that is not the topic at hand. The topic at hand is realization.
Let me start by my metro journey in the morning. All working guys, no one leers or stares at fully clothed girls in the middle of the metro. Frankly, they are talking to their respective girlfriends or wives or working or they have their own shit to deal with anyway. The only thing going across their mind is “bass seat mil jaye aaj”. However, while coming back, often times we return at irregular hours so we find the metro sparsely populated. Out those times often, my guy friends have had to stand in front of us just to stop the other person from staring.
We genuinely don’t mind a glance. That is okay. It might not even be intentional. But full on staring for 10 seconds or more in the middle of the metro. Often times I have stood in front of my friend covering her from that weirdo trying to sneak a peak at her. Now mind you, we aren’t eating any chowmien on our way back home. Maybe we are guilty of using cell phones. But that’s about it. It’s not even in the dark. This occurrence usually happens from 1:30-4 p.m. where no matter what weather the sun is high and shinning. Also just to clarify, we go to a college where sleeveless T-shirts and shorts are banned, no matter what happens. So when this happens we are always wearing jeans and fully covered shirts, (We know, we can see ourselves) sometimes even suits.
Now as far as I know suits are part of the traditional culture and it shouldn’t be construed in any way whatsoever. But yet it is. We can feel your eyes on us. We can feel how you’re picturing us. We can see the “tharak” in your eyes. We aren’t blind. And neither are you and somehow we are very well aware of this fact. We have never fought over this because we are passive that way. Most people won’t. It’s in our nature. I was wearing a suit. Fully covered. From head to toe. With my boyfriend at the yellow line and a guy wearing black shades had the audacity to say “Wahan kahan baith rahi hai, idhar aakar baith”. Btw, it was around 3 in the afternoon. The metro was empty. It was the yellow line. I was with my boyfriend. I was wearing a suit. To a naked eye, I didn’t even look remotely appealing that way.
Which brings me to my second point. People in India stare. A lot. Women, men, girls, boys, uncles and aunties. Everyone in this country is in the habit of staring. If it’s a girl you can see yourself being judged by your weight, hair, clothes and shoes. If it’s a guy, you can see yourself being judged by your breasts, ass, face, figure. This I say because I, myself and sometimes even my friends have heard lewd comments about me and my friend bech spoken. Not only in the metro. But even in the campus. Or places we go out. You want to admire God’s Creation, I am sure you can find a much more decent way to do the same.
Which brings me to my third point. Which revolves around realization. Guys don’t realize what they are doing rather what they are doing is wrong. Now, don’t get all hyped up now. My boyfriend used to think eve teasing, cat calling used to be a thing of the past. Like it ended in his dad’s era. He used to be disgusted even when the idea of the same came into conversation. My friends thought the same. Until I came into the picture. They themselves check out girls. Which I am not saying is wrong or right. Even I do it with them. But we don’t pass comments or keep staring at them for 10 seconds and upwards. We automatically feel conscious and stop looking. But once they started hanging out with me, they understood that eve teasing is not a thing of the past. Just because you are repulsed by the thought doesn’t mean everyone is. While walking back from the metro, I was talking on the phone. There were some guys standing eating something on the main road, next to an eatery. I guess I must have been speaking in English because then I heard - “English mem thodi hume bhi sikha do”. While on the phone, the other person also heard it. It’s okay right ? Maybe they genuinely were interested in getting English Tuitions. But is this the solution?
I went to Faridabad recently. It was my boyfriend’s birthday so I was wearing a dress. It was a beautiful weather that day. So we went to see the flag. Glares were the least of my worries. I was stared at, leered at, even whistled at within a soon of TWO minutes. I saw it and I was back in the car within 2 minutes because that’s when it hit my boyfriend - Eve Teasing, Cat Calling, Whistling, Staring, Leering. These are not things of the past. There will come a time in your life when you’re protective about someone you care about and when you see the way some people of the society see them, that is when you’ll truly realise what we go through - day in and out. You can glance. You’re not blind. And we know that. It doesn’t depend upon your cuteness. It doesn’t depend upon the amount of cash you have. What is wrong, is wrong. No matter who you are or where you are.
P.S. - before you judge me, our parents know about our relationship and my parents know about my friends. P.P.S - I might upload the photos of clothes I was wearing to show that clothes is the least of our worries.
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malavikashekhar · 10 years
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malavikashekhar · 10 years
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malavikashekhar · 11 years
Yesterday, impulsively we packed all our stuff and decided to watch queen. The show was at 2:30 and our great culmination was made at 2:15. With just 15 minutes in our hands, we ran like totally crazy kids who had got free from School. We did miss a few minutes of the movie, but then were able to watch 98% of it. Anyhow, it is a good movie. Not that great. But it did teach me a lot of things. Life isn't about being perfect and trying to make everyone else happy. It's about being yourself. Embracing your shortcomings, valuing people who accept you the way you're. Adversities, is something everyone faces in life, some may experience bigger problems than others. But you've gotta stay strong, face it and learn from it! Discover yourself, be proud, love yourself and be thankful to God for what he gave you! Hanging on to problems, thinking about them isn't going to help, it actually is going to worsen the situation, why? Because regretting something you did or did not, or expecting from other people to behave in a certain way isn't something that you can change or is in your hands. So why waste time contemplating about it, if you know that, either things are going to get worse or that things won't change!? If you've a problem. Face it, have the guts, overcome it and make yourself a better human being. Start valuing the things that you've and what all you can achieve. Work for it. And it will be yours. Love everything, give your 100% without expecting anything and see life blossom up for you. (:
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malavikashekhar · 11 years
Jessie J
So last week I downloaded Jessie J’s new album alive along with her previous album Who you are. Her singing skills are inexplicably amazing, which is a well known fact. But the songs, the lyrics, they inspire me so much and probably would inspire anyone on this entire planet. All of us have some or the other insecurities doesn’t matter how happy we are with ourselves, there must this one thing you want to get rid of or find a solution to.  Jessie’s songs make you realize you’re not the only one like that and also it is okay to be imperfect in the way you’re.
It is okay to be bruised, to cry. Shedding tears doesn’t make you a loser, whether you’re a guy or a girl doesn’t matter. To dream is to believe, work hard every moment of your life, till you achieve your goal. Remember to hold your ground, when you’ve achieved success in life, don’t let your innocence, humanity, kindness & respect for everything in this universe, leave you.  Fight your way to accomplishing your dream. Don’t let people pull you down, show them it is not okay to let them kick you down. These people will be the same ones who will be kissing your ass when you will be a success. There will be can of worms in your journey, don’t fret, face them, cause you don’t need no hero only you can save yourself. It is now or never, work hard, be proud, love loads and be happy. 
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malavikashekhar · 11 years
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