malaysianbaby · 4 years
No one else cares for your success, so you have to care. You have to force yourself to get up early, you have to force yourself to turn your phone off and revise, you have to force yourself to workout, you have to care for the whole world because no one else cares until they start seeing results. And they won’t ever see your results if you don’t care enough first. It’s your life, they are your goals, your dreams, it will be your success but it has to be your effort and your work first and foremost x
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malaysianbaby · 4 years
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Short part of me😘
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malaysianbaby · 4 years
The People you Need in your Life
1. The Cheerleader: They cheer you on and believe in everything you do. When you mess up, they don’t even bat an eye. They keep you focused on how to push through, and are always on your side.
2. The Pusher: A pusher is someone who pushes you to be the best you can be. The pusher holds you accountable and doesn’t sit quietly when you goof up.
3. The Loyal Confidant: This is the person who loves you and will always be there to hear what’s on your mind; the good, bad and ugly. The loyal confidant not only listens but knows that any slip-ups you have don’t define you.
4. The Energizer: The energizer in your life will scoop you up and make you laugh when times are rough, reminding you to stay motivated when you want to give up.
5. The Best Friend: Your best friend is the one person that knows everything about you and loves every bit of you anyway! They can look at you from across the room and when you exchange looks know EXACTLY what you are thinking.
6. The Funny (Crazy) Friend:Funny friends remind you not to take yourself seriously, they make tense situations more comfortable with a single face gesture. These people truly can change your outlook on your day with just a single call or text.
Source: https://macbythesea.com/eight-friends-you-need-in-your-life/ (Abridged)
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malaysianbaby · 4 years
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“When you find out what you’re worth, you’ll stop giving people a discount.” We have a tendency to want to short change ourselves, our services, etc. This doesn’t just apply to sugar babies or sex workers. People do this in general. Sugar babies will accept a lower arrangement in fear of losing out on a daddy. Others will accept a job they’re over qualified for that pays pennies, in fear of [being] unemployed. It’s just natural for people to give themselves the short end of the stick.
One lesson that I’ve learned is “you don’t get what you’re worth, you get what you negotiate.” I’m a believer in the law of attraction. With that belief, I know that my thoughts manifest. What I think, is what I get. So if I hold the belief that I’m worth a six figure salary, it will manifest. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that every job is going to be flagging me down with a $100,000 a year. I may be offered $80,000 or $90,000 for a job. But it’d be up to me to negotiate what I believe I’m worth. In the past few years, every job I held, I made more than my coworkers in the same position. In some instances, I was more qualified than they we’re. In other instances, I was not. But the difference was, the belief I had of my worth AND what I opened my mouth to ask for.
How can this be applied to dating?
1. Open your mouth! “Closed mouths don’t get fed.” Ask for what it is that you want. If you want $1,000, don’t bitch up, get all shy, and ask for $500.  Use your words, sis!
2. Ask for more than you need. Say you need $3,500 for this semester’s tuition. Why would you only ask for that? You’re going to need books, supplies, gas money, etc. Ask for $5,000 instead. In the event that something else “comes up,” you’re not constantly asking for more to compensate. Cover your bases up front, so that you don’t become a bill.
3. Don’t give a man an option of paying less. He’s going to opt for the cheaper deal EVERY TIME. Unless he’s super generous. If he can’t afford it, let HIM tell you that. Then it’s up to YOU to decide whether or not you’ll accept less. But NEVER give him that option up front.
4. Don’t ever use the excuses “he’s cheap” or “he can’t afford it” to justify him giving you less. A “broke” man will do all he can for the woman he really wants. The right woman will have a “cheapskate” breaking bank. Why? Because she set him to a certain standard and upholds it.
5. Don’t let “needing” money be your motivation for accepting less. I understand that times get hard. Believe me, I’ve had my share of rough periods. Even at this very moment, I can use all the help I can get. But at the same time, when you accept money in this way, you’re sending a vibe out into the universe that this is what you are worth. You can’t say “I’m worth $1,000 per meet,” then accept $450. It doesn’t make sense. You’re going to continue getting $450 or less than. Because if you’ve accepted it once, you’ll accept it again - or at least that’s how he’ll see it.
I get it, sis. You don’t want a man to think you’re greedy or that you don’t appreciate him. You don’t want to turn down money. Most of the time, it’s worth it to turn down the money. I almost guarantee, he’ll come back and offer more. This happens in other real life instances. People turn down jobs and money every day for not getting offered what they’re worth. The companies who see their value, come back and offer what the applicant is worth.
Maybe you feel sorry for him because you “like” him as a person, so you want to lower your “rate.” While that’s commendable, it’s stupid. Point, blank. I’m not going even going to sugar coat it. Think about this… how many people want Benz’s or BMW’s? Do you see dealerships lowering their costs for people to be able to afford them? No. If you don’t have the coin, you just ain’t driving one! So why in the hell would you Kelly Blue book your pussy?
If you’re going to settle for getting a few hundred here and there from a man, then you might as well work a vanilla job. ESPECIALLY if you’ve been giving up the pussy. I’ll save the rest of this topic for my book. This isn’t to discourage you from sugaring and dating wealthy. But to encourage you to go for what you’re worth. All or nothing. I want you all to stop taking whatever from these men just to say “I have a sugar daddy.” Because if he’s only giving you the bare minimum, that’s not sugar anyway. You might as well call him “Morton.”
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malaysianbaby · 4 years
Okay so I’ve been a bit drunk since my date, but I have to tell you about it, I have to tell you about TINDER, and why the hell its an actual gold mine. Tinder is only for the patient woman, the manipulative & stylish woman. If you’re eager to make money I suggest you don’t even try Tinder, try whatsyourprice & favourite everyone, or get a job until a man pays these bills. Tinder is for the heaux’s trying to sell their virginity, or those looking to get a car and an Appartment in the next 3-5 months. I tried tinder as a desperate sugar baby, a mysterious life connoisseur and a super positive & open book. All of them failed. But as soon as I decided to be a little bit of everything but also “me” that’s how it started working for me, because it created an authentic version of all of these persona’s, and men started to accept it as me. And they loved it. Here are steps, Spoiled GF Route:
1) Dress well obviously, don’t need much brand names but since you’re already seeing this you probably already dress well. SW Tumblr is a hidden gem and usually people know the 1st rule is to be attractive. Which means you’ll attract men of means with your femininity. Your hair, your shape, your etiquette & your figure. Sharp that weapon pointy enough to use it.
2) Find your culprit. Match with men that make a minimum of 6 figures. Bonus if he super star’d you. Anything like “executive, Vice- President” Sales director “attorney (precaution) , CEO 😍 Real- Estate yadayada; Less chances of pigs too than SA! Your bio shouldn’t be too much, many girls say “I want the finer things in life” which honey update just like SA, doesn’t work anymore. You’re talking about men of means, you’re talking about business they will see right through you. I’d say something like “great minds think alike & I wonder what you’re thinking” “you didn’t lower the age range for nothing did you?” Something short and cunning leaves mystery, hence them wanting to get to know you. Men are predators, make them believe you’re the prey. Make them believe women could never be more predatory than men. Idiots.
3) He messages you first. You have a decent conversation, keep it flirty, witty, smart and just sell whichever fantasy they seem to want. If you can’t read a man’s fantasy, spoiled gf route shouldn’t be your focus yet, read ho tactics & rummage through research! If you need a place to start, they either want a super sweet down to earth (works more for me) & young beauty queen or a mysterious, possibly dominant or exotic seductress. Yes, men watch too much porn. But, use it to your own advantage, read their stupid minds!
4) When he asks you out on a date, you need to choose the place. You need to choose a place with taste, nothing under $$$$, If its $$$ make sure it looks classy/ritzy/swanky. Say you like coming to this place, “the aesthetic is inviting ”. This will induce some chemical in his brain that’ll automatically give him the heads up that you’re expensive. And you didn’t even need to say it. If he suggests an impressive restaurant, act happy but like you’re used to it. If he suggests a drink date, say you’ll only do drinks if theirs delicious x ex:sushi involved & if he’s cheap unmatch. You have options. He doesn’t. You’re going to sell an image. NOTE: Always do generosity tests, he NEEDS to uber you (address close to yours be safe), hell if he’s obsessed tell him you think flowers on the 1st date are sooo romantic 😍 (Bonus for emojis if you’re playing sweet) You’ll arrive 5 minutes after he’s seated like its slow motion, heels on & everything. If you see flowers, he’s probably generous than not. A mistake we SB/SWrs make on Tinder is assuming men want to buy us things just because we’re pretty. A man will and can buy you things, but most likely when you touch him on his thigh/arm when you laugh, and after a date. Or 2nd 🤷‍♀️ But there are ways on making them spend before you even meet, I could tell if asked.
5) Chances are you’ll find one that arrived with flowers, uber’d you & is tolerable. And that will be the one. Or the ones* (never see just one). And you can create small emergencies like breaking your nail, feeling better with your maintenance on check (eyelashes, outfits), needing a hair shine treatment or a jacket for warm days. It starts small, yes, but it will be big in a short while. FLIRT before asking, if its over text? Send a pic of you looking sexy, and then ask 2 minutes later. It’s all about flirting, making them think if they get you x item, the sex part will come soon. Ask for things when the moment is right, when you’ve talked to him on the phone, laughed at his joke, etc. Little things like these, he accomplishes them until he falls in love.
6) Allowance: After 3 weeks of flirting and receiving small items like heels, a jacket, nails done or lashes, that’s when you know who’s who. If he says you ask for too much, VICTIMIZE YOURSELF. Say you never met a man good enough to take care of you :( Until you met him.. :( 😂 & he makes you feel safe & he’s the older man you needed without knowing it. LOL. When he says hes falling for you, say you are too but you wanna feel secure. And you know he’s a busy man (lol) so you don’t always want to ask for stuff. Talk about an allowance without the word allowance. And if he agrees, you got yourself a sugar daddy. If not, which would be surprising, cry on demand. Make yourself look like the victim. He’ll come around. Cry in Spanish lol. And soon enough you’ll get him spending to make you feel better.
After a couple of weeks, months if you’re lucky, he’ll ask for sugar. You can choose to dip (& say you’re scared & he’s pressuring you 😂 he’ll buy you stuff to apologize (like designer ladies). You can dip again, maybe for good or after awhile hitting him up “I miss you” so he can spend again 😂
If you don’t dip, and want to lose it to secure a bag and secure bigger SW bags, you flirt, make/suggest him to buy you a couple items (like said before), drivers permit, “brazilian wax {always works}, etc; Until you analyze him falling for you & talking about sugar (sex). Tell him you feel like hes the one, that can make your body happy/ feel good (ew) but want to be cared for & your virginity is so important to you & can “only lose it with one man, because that’s a thing no other man in the world can have”… see what I did there? Men of means love rare things, untouchable things that they can “own”, he played himself there. Then list stuff like college tuition, your “life of debt”, your “sisters surgery” 😂 and then say for all of these problems to go away you’ll need : 5-9k (Choose a realistic thousand, you have more chances around these stacks, but if you’re in LA or NYC or another rich city you can easily go up. If you live in Kansas City or Saskatchewan lol, I’d say MINIMIUM 2k. THEN, if he doesn’t dip, you can try step 6. Virginities don’t sell for 100k. Cinderella escorts is a scam. Unless you’re a famous published model that pays city wide advertisement advertising her virginity , even that lol, you have more chances in this range. And honestly, thousands of dollars is a GREAT accomplishment than losing it with some drunk college fuckboy or a bored bartender.
Well, happy tricking! Be safe also because Men are psychopaths.. like me :3
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malaysianbaby · 4 years
If you don’t have a large following, can u still make a premium SC? Is there a different way to make one? Google said fancentro? But I’m not sure how I could get money w/o them taking a % — how do u recommend starting a premium SC?
Absolutely! I don’t use third party sites nor do I recommend using them. You can keep 100% of your money. I tried Fancentro and it’s not worth it.
How I created my premium SC:
1. Make a cashapp/Venmo/PayPal or some way to receive your money.
2. You need to take a few teaser pics. Sexy, seductive, and slightly revealing but do NOT reveal too much. These will be used to promote your premium.
3. Make a tinder account. Don’t use your real name. Upload the seductive photos and indicate in your profile that you’re promoting your premium. Mine says “Quarantine doesn’t have to spoil the fun... that’s what technology is for! SC: cocoapufffs. Message me for inquiries”. I do have my face in the pictures because they are seductive yet non nude and I have found more men message me when I include my face. ****You can also advertise on other online dating sites. Don’t limit yourself!
4. I recommend purchasing tinder gold if you can. That way you’re not limited to the clientele in your area only. You can expand and increase your fan base by swiping in different cities.
5. Create a price list. Do it based on whatever makes sense for you in your world. I have had (cheap) men say my price list is expensive but those aren’t the ones I care about. I’ve had men pay the so called “expensive price list” and even tipped on top of it. So never feel you have to undervalue yourself because a few aren’t willing to pay. Just make sure the quality of your content matches your price list or you may not have return customers.
6. Never send pics before receiving your money. Of course you’ll have the windowshoppers that will ask for a sample before paying. DONT FALL FOR THIS. They will never pay you and you would have sent pics for free. Always get your money first and if they ask for a sample you can either direct him to your promo story or just straight up say there are no samples.
7. Once they have paid you can then add them to your premium story (private story) and post accordingly to what they pay for. I have different items on my price list. Some women only have a few. There’s no right or wrong way to create your price list. You can also make multiple private stories if need be. I also recommend keeping a spreadsheet to keep track of your clients and when their subscriptions are expiring so you can send them a teaser photo reminding them to renew their subscription.
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malaysianbaby · 4 years
Top Questions I Ask a POT During the First Date
Sugaring can be exhausting in the beginning when you are trying to vet a suitable POT. I’ve come up with a list of topics/questions to talk with a POT about on the first date to hopefully save time because we all know time is money:
Check his pockets
Where do you work? What does your job role entail?
What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
How long have you worked in that position? What do you love most about it?
Have you always wanted to work in ____?
Understand his values
What turns you on? (Hopefully his answer is “spoiling” 🤣)
What makes you happy?
What are your passions? What do you enjoy doing? Pet peeves?
What are your desires? What do you desire most in life?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? What excites you?
What are your thoughts/feelings about _________?
Understand his past relationships
What are you looking for/hoping to gain from your next relationship/arrangement?
What was your last relationship/arrangement like?
What did your last relationship lack? What did you not get from your last partner that you really wanted?
What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for your woman?
What do you think a mans role is in a relationship?
What do you think about spoiling your partner? What does it mean to you?
These questions are meant to be used as a guide to help you get a better idea of the type of POT you are dealing with so you can proceed however you need to. Just naturally throw them into the conversation. These questions can be used for POTs found on SD sites or vanilla apps. Depending on how he answers to the last 3 questions, I normally ask to go for a walk together after the date and just so happen to find ourselves inside of a shopping plaza 😌
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malaysianbaby · 4 years
my advice to girls is to stop feeling guilty about everything especially when it comes to guys. you don’t need to feel guilty for rejecting a guy even if he really likes you or he’s a nice guy. you don’t need to feel guilty about having boundaries or standards or expectations. you don’t need to feel guilty for saying no. treat people with respect but remember u don’t owe men anything. not a relationship, not sex, not your time, energy, attention, affection, not a reply or a message, not even a smile
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