ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Lexie: The Carrows are beating up students! We hate then!
Cerria: Keep your mouth shut about my mother and uncle thank you very much
Lexie: Sorry, but I believe only Slytherins like them.
Cerria: I'm not going to disagree with you, but still be careful with what you say. They hear things.
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
*after finding out about shifting*
Jaidyn: Wait, can I shift to do Kaida?
Alex: my cousin? Absolutely not
Jaidyn: Why not?
Alex: Because I said
Jaidyn: *gasp* you want me to do YOU instead
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
*after finding out about Aradia*
Jaidyn: Father, who's Aradia?
Amycus: Oh. Uh. I don't know who that is.
Jaidyn: Tell the truth
Amycus: That is the truth
Jaidyn: Hm
Amycus: I don't know an Aradia
Jaidyn: Mhm
Amycus: I don't
Jaidyn: Okay
*an hour later, after speaking to Emma and Amycus's ex*
Amycus: Fuck
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
*after they find out about the year their father taught in Hogwarts*
Emma: *walks into the room and leans against the wall*
Jaidyn: *also walks into the room and leans against the wall, smirking*
Amycus: What do you want?
Jaidyn: Father. Big guy. Man I love so much.
Amycus: What is you want?
Emma: Can you help us with our assignment? We have to do something about Defence Against The Dark Arts teachers...or should I say, Dark Arts *winks*
Jaidyn: You wouldn't know who taught it in 1997 & 1998 would you?
Amycus: ..do you know something?
Emma: We might know something.
Amycus: Don't even think about telling your siblings
Jaidyn: Ah, about that..
Rosalie: *comes running into the room* you taught at Hogwarts?!
Amycus: Goddamnit, Jaidyn.
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
The Innocent First Year: *looks at the Carrow Siblings* What would happen if I pissed them off?
Lucia: Nobody knows, and nobody wants to know. But we do know it won't be pretty.
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Emma: Is Jai okay?
Alex: Yes
Emma: Oh
Emma: Jai, be sad. I want to comfort you.
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Kayleigh: Why won't you look me in the eyes?
Millie: I get so lost in them
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Gemini: I had an idea
Amycus: I had two
Gemini: What are they?
Amycus: First, you shut the fuck up because your ideas are dangerous. Second, you go to sleep because it is 3am.
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Aspen: I'm cold
Wren: Here, have my jacket
Kayleigh: I'm cold too
Millie: Do you want to go home to get a jacket?
Jaidyn: I'm also cold
Alex: Suffer
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Veta: You left me! How dare you? You were going to be a Dad!
Alex: I was pregnant?
Jaidyn: What the fuck
Veta: You got me pregnant then left me!
Jaidyn: Uh, no, he didn't
Veta: Yes, he did!
Jaidyn: If you're pregnant you evidently cheated.
Veta: What? No I didn't! He got me pregnant.
Jaidyn: He's fucking trans you twat
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Rosalie: Girls are gross. Ew. I would never date one.
Chanae: *enters*
Rosalie: I was lying. Girls are very attractive.
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Charlie: I love nobody
Charlie: Except Chardonnay
Charlie: I love her
Wren: you're a cinnamon bun and you love every body
Charlie: Shut up
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
*in the middle of an argument*
Amycus: yeah, well, I fucked your sister!
Gemini: yeah, well I fucked yours!
Jaidyn: The actual fuck
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Aspen: *struggling to breathe*
Jaidyn: Oh god! Aspen, are you okay? Do you need anything?
Aspen: Bring me some coffee
Jaidyn: What the fuck
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Amycus: Sometimes I want someone to love me. Like. What did I do?
Jaidyn: Abused us
Emma: Tortured us
Arden: Blamed us
Aliya: Lied to us
Adella: Gave us childhood trauma
Atlas: Made us question ourselves
Rosalie: Was homophobic
Chardonnay: Tried killing me
Cassie: Triggered me into running away
Wren: Caused your wife to lose three babies
Gemini: Cheated
Aspen: Pushed our friends down a flight of stairs
Nazia: Restricted their freedom
Liam: Forced them into things
Alec: Made Jaidyn develop an ED
Lรญa: Triggered your kids into attempting
Millie: Sent your daughter to a mental hospital for no reason
Lucia: Lied
Sienna: Refused to allow your children to get help
Jacob: Killed people
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Emma: Respect your elders!
Jaidyn: We're fucking twins
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ocs-textposts ยท 3 years
Alex: I hate children. Seriously. I will never have children
*4 years later*
Alex: *holding his newborn and crying* she's beautiful. I won't ever let anyone hurt her. She's my beautiful little girl.
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