male-potency · 2 years
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VigRX Max Volume Can Improve Your Sexual Life
VigRX Max Volume is a natural semen enhancing supplement clinically proven to help men of all ages achieve stronger and more pleasurable orgasms ultimately strengthening male potency.
This supplement contains a specially selected blend of powerful scientifically studied ingredients with beneficial properties for men. These sperm-volumizing ingredients are Sunflower Lecithin, L-Arginine HCL, and Zinc.
A very important ingredient of AstraGin. This unique ingredient is included to enhance the absorption of all the nutrients in the supplement.
Each ingredient plays an important role in the nutrition of the reproductive system, increasing fertility and male potency in general.
Are You Ready For  More Sexual Satisfaction and More Pleasure In The Bedroom?
You've come to the right location if you want to take your sex life to new heights and experience mind-blowing finishes.
This is due to the fact that VigRX Max Volume is a cutting-edge, all-natural supplement designed to increase your sexual peaks.
We all know that time flies inexorably. Even for the most resilient among us, that may be extremely distressing.
Our sexual climaxes tend to lose some of their potency and strength as we become older as males.
A man could experience hopelessness, pessimism, and a lack of confidence as a result of this.
Not to mention how our romantic relationships could degenerate in a discouraging way.
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According to scientific studies, as men age, their semen volume drops and they have weaker, less satisfying orgasms.
What formerly were huge cumshots can sometimes be reduced to a small trickle for guys in their 40s, 50s, and 60s.
But fortunately, there's excellent news to increase male potency.
You can still have great sex. You can still have wonderful climaxes that are both huge and satisfying.
Think of your partner pleading for you and moaning in toe-curling ecstasy. As you advance toward the ultimate finish. When it happens, you're both left feeling worn out and giddy from the aftereffects of having great sex.
If you want that then a semen volume booster like VigRX Max Volume can give you those desired results.
This proprietary all-natural formula uses a holistic strategy to naturally improve semen production, which enables these results.
Your ability to consistently shoot larger loads enjoy greater pleasure and experience more intense climaxes will increase with increased semen production.
Results might become apparent in as little as two weeks.
If you are interested in shooting bigger and thicker loads with better orgasms and longer climaxes, visit https://www.male-potency.us/vigrx-max-volume.htm. Or visit https://bit.ly/VigRX-MaxVolume official website for more information about this natural semen volume booster.
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male-potency · 3 years
Male sexuality and age
The frequency of a man's sexual intercourse is directly related to his age. Sexual activity is due to the production of androgens, the presence of chronic diseases, and general conditions. Physical and psychological health depends on regular intimacy.
Sexual behavior is determined by a combination of social and biological aspects depending on age. The period of puberty is characterized by the predominance of physiological factors. The sexual behavior of adolescents is influenced by social standards and personal preferences.
After the onset of maturity, the frequency of intercourse is equally influenced by physiology and social aspects. Some men often make progress by the age of 30. Sex happens almost daily. Male potency usually reaches its peak by this age. Sexual activity can be high until the age of 40. Others have a decline at this time, which becomes more and more evident every year; long breaks are a habit.
After 45-50 years, the need, and most importantly, the ability to fully receive and deliver sexual pleasure is largely determined by the way of life.
We can say that the life of every average man is conventionally divided into several periods in relationships with women. And each subsequent period is characterized by a gradual decrease in sexual activity. Let's take a look at these seven sexual ages. But if you look closely at these age periods, in fact, everything is not so bad.
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Men under 20 are usually overloaded with testosterone. Research by the American biologist and sexologist Alfred Kinsey has shown that, on average, they experience about three orgasms per week, but in some cases much more. In 2002, the English writer, scientist, and TV presenter Germaine Greer said somewhat cockily about very young men: "Their semen flows like tap water" - which is just a slight exaggeration. She also pointed out that "their recharge times are surprisingly short." This period is characterized by the most violent sexual activity, experimentation, and knowledge of your body.
Age 15 to 25
A man in his twenties has only slightly less testosterone than a teenager. With the onset of regular sexual activity, the desire becomes quite specific. On average, a young man wants to have sex 12 times a week and dreams of becoming an expert sooner. It is from these considerations that young men try to change as many partners as possible.
Few people think about the quality of sex at this age. The pleasure is similar to that of a hungry person who receives a bag of crackers. A beginner very quickly completes sexual intercourse, as a rule, after 5 minutes, but after a moment he is ready to again rush into the maelstrom of passions.
Age 25 to 40
After a stormy youth at the age of 25 to 40, certain satiety comes, a gradual decline in sexual activity sets in. According to the Mayo Clinic, testosterone levels drop by about 1% per year starting at age 30.
Other priorities come out on top. A man wants to take up a career, buy a good car, devote time to raising a child.
During this period, men are less likely to have mistresses, unless, of course, there are serious problems in relations with their wives. Sex is considered standard 1-3 times a week. Many begin to appreciate those positions in which the initiative is on the woman's side.
If by this age family life has not yet developed, then a man is building a career, working, and patiently waiting for a really worthwhile option to appear on the horizon. Less often, there is a desire to enter into short-term relationships, there is a fear of getting STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).
A representative of this age group can live without sex for an average of six months without much harm to physical and mental health.
Age 40 to 55
Life takes on bright colors again. Sex comes to the fore. At this age, a man becomes a real ace. Now he sharply wants to diversify his sex life. Sexual greed overwhelms him. According to statistics, a quarter of men at this age dream of radically changing their lives and therefore leave the family. Many have a mistress, or even more than one, and, as a rule, much younger than themselves. Women of the same age for many men are not interested in sex in principle. There is still a lot of strength, but the end of an active life seems to be just around the corner.
Often, by this age, a man already tries and uses additional stimulants to maintain an erection. At the same time, this is one of the golden periods of sexuality - many men have good control over themselves in bed, and as a result, they become better lovers than ever in their lives.
This age group has the largest concentration of experienced men. They skillfully turn sex into a beautiful adventure and enjoy it themselves. Unlike young guys, they are pleased to realize what unearthly feelings a woman experiences with them.
Age 55 to 70
Andropause (male menopause), unlike female menopause, comes quite abruptly. At one point, a man in his prime begins to look like an elderly pensioner. The quality of sex is changing again. It takes more time to get aroused, but the erection lasts longer. The number of sexual intercourses that a man is capable of per night also often increases. But sometimes there are annoying and, unfortunately, inevitable misfires. There is a disturbing thought that today's successful sex may be the last.
At this age, men have many complexes about their appearance. It seems to a man that his elderly appearance with signs of old age will cause in a woman not passion, but pity with compassion. Mixed with this is the fear of failing shamefully. Because of this fear and not because of physiology, misfires usually happen.
In the presence of a regular partner, men under the age of 60 have sex about once a week, and from 60 to 70 years old, on average, once every ten days.
Age 70 and older
For this group of men, it is quite difficult to find any reliable data. An increasing number of people are in poor health, which often reduces their sexual activity. But about 70% of 70-year-old men are still strong in bed without medication.
In practice, drugs like Viagra significantly increase the amount of sexual activity at this age and beyond. The oldest sexually active male patient officially known to sexologists had regular intercourse with his wife at 85, thanks to a combination of Viagra and mutual determination.
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male-potency · 3 years
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Man, don't run past! How does running affect your potency?
You have not done this before, and now you will not be, having learned how useful it is to run - even in the park, even on the treadmill. You're not some kind of health freak, really.
1. Happiness
Scientists at Yale University (USA) found that after running, the brain gives a signal to produce the hormone of happiness. There is even a witty hypothesis explaining this oddity: running makes a person subconsciously feel anxiety as if they were chasing you.
Therefore, when no one catches up with you on the track and pounces on your back, the "chase" provokes a positive tension - eustress.
2. Love
According to an independent study by a group of German physiologists, regular running stimulates the brain centers responsible for falling in love.
The mechanism is not fully understood, but experts are sure that running is a great way to combat the feeling that you will never love anyone else.
3. Potency
Running, especially with high knees, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. So the compensation for the extremely stupid appearance will be the strengthening of your, shall we say, masculinity.
4. Self-assessment
The smart guys from the Mental Health Foundation argue that competing with yourself (striving to run faster today at the same distance that you ran yesterday) makes a person more confident and courageous.
5. Calmness
At the University of Nottingham Trent, they found that an intense 20-minute run helps break down some of the anger hormones corticosteroids. However, you need to run very quickly.
By the way!
The best time to exercise
This may not be the best example to set to your subordinates, but it is in the interval between four and five o'clock in the afternoon that a person must leave the workplace for a full workout in the gym.
After all, it is at this time that the body arranges a planned "blowdown": oxygen consumption increases imperceptibly for you and the lungs work better and more active than in the morning or in the evening.
In addition, your body temperature rises by one or two degrees at 4-5 pm, so you can quickly deal with warm-ups and stretching and minimize the risk of muscle injury.
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male-potency · 3 years
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Erectile dysfunction may be a consequence of COVID-19
Scientists have concluded that some men who have suffered from the coronavirus developed potency problems after they were infected with COVID-19. The scientific journal World Journal of Men's Health writes about this.
Experts have found that one of the consequences of the coronavirus can be a violation of the mucous membrane of small blood vessels, as a result of which the tissues fed by them cease to be normally supplied with blood, therefore their functioning is disrupted.
"The virus can enter endothelial cells and affect many organs, including the penis," says reproductive urology scientists.
As an example, they cite cases when men complain of erectile dysfunction, while they did not have any problems before. Scientists collected samples of penile tissue from two patients and found that the patients had all the signs of endothelial disruption.
"This suggests that men who develop COVID-19 infection should be aware that erectile dysfunction can be an adverse effect of the virus and should see a doctor if they develop symptoms."
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male-potency · 3 years
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Products That Reduce Male Potency
Sweets, alcohol, and flour products can affect the sexual function of men. Nutritionists are talking about this, and specialized doctors agree.
Foods with a high glycemic index, they say, lower sex drive. And prolonged use can completely lead to impaired sexual function.
"If you want to prolong your sex life and be in good shape as long as possible, you should reduce the consumption of sweets in the form of flour products, chocolate, cakes, and other foods with sugar. You can eat chocolate, but bitter, in which there is a minimum amount of sweeteners," the doctor recommends.
The doctor explained if it was true that red meat promotes the production of male hormones:
"This is not true, but a myth spread by amateurs. This is the same fiction as the fact that seafood is an aphrodisiac that turns a man into a sexual monster."
Red meat, according to the doctor, negatively affects the male body. In particular, it accelerates the aging process, and also stops the production of dopamine and endorphin, which also affect potency.
In addition, the doctor named foods that "prevent a man from gaining sexual strength" and harm sexual function. These include alcohol, soda, convenience foods, fast food, and nutritional yeast-based products.
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male-potency · 4 years
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A man's health can be assessed by just one part of the body
Nutritionists say that when determining a man's health, it is not his weight that matters most, but the waist circumference.
The permissible maximum at which a man still gets back to normal is 93 cm. If the waist is larger, then there is a risk of developing various diseases, such as erectile dysfunction (impotence), joint problems, type 2 diabetes mellitus, doctors say. This is because the waist circumference determines the visceral fat percentage.
Nutritionists remind that excess weight only in 10% of cases is associated with disruption of the endocrine system. The rest of the cases are the consequences of improper diet and lifestyle. The most common mistake in organizing the diet is the rush when buying food. It is necessary to consciously approach the choice of food.
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male-potency · 5 years
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Products that increase the risk of impotence
Men's health is very susceptible to food. Therefore, if you do not want to start treating erectile dysfunction early, you need to monitor your health and nutrition.
Chips are a popular snack among men, which is often served with light alcoholic drinks or taken as a snack. Initially, they were made from natural potatoes, but now it is a mixture of flour, starch, flavor enhancers, a large amount of oil and preservatives. All these ingredients, when used regularly, are dangerous for humans and can lead to obesity, increased cholesterol, clogging of blood vessels and impotence. In combination with beer, this snack is the most dangerous. Thus, when using these products in men, female hormone rises.
Margarine Sweets
Harmless sweets: cakes, ice cream, cookies contain margarine. It negatively affects male power. This transgenic fat, which upsets the metabolism, increases cholesterol and leads to vascular obstruction. Trans fats in combination with sugar lead to the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.
The situation with this sauce is exactly the same as with sweets. Previously, it was made from natural products, but now it contains a large number of dangerous preservatives, thanks to which mayonnaise is long stored even open. It mixes refined vegetable oils, emulsifiers, vinegar. All these components lead to an increase in cholesterol and a decrease in libido in men.
Sweet soda
Carbonated drinks, popular with men, contain a lot of sugar. Its excess leads to obesity, lethargy and negatively affects the digestive and reproductive systems in men. In combination with other chemicals and additives in soda, a large amount of sugar destroys blood vessels, disrupts metabolism and even negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a person.
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male-potency · 5 years
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What is the danger of a large belly in a man
The fat located in the abdomen is called abdominal. It is divided into two classes: the one that is located directly under the skin - subcutaneous; and that which is inside, surrounding internal organs - visceral. The second is the most dangerous. It is he who is more common in men than in women.
Visceral fat produces retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), which is dangerous for glucose metabolism and increases the likelihood of developing diabetes. In addition, obesity in the abdomen regardless of body mass index (i.e. the ratio of height to weight) increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Visceral fat also stimulates the growth of fibroblasts-2 (FGF2), because of which body cells can degenerate into tumor cells, and also increase the likelihood of developing dementia.
To understand if you have excess visceral fat, you need to measure your waist circumference. For a man of average height, it should not exceed 94 cm. The ratio of the waist circumference to the circumference of the hips should not be higher than 0.95.  A significant increase in body weight entails a decrease in male fertility.
To get rid of visceral fat, you need not only to reduce the usual calorie content of food - by the way, remember that alcohol is high in calories! - but also engage in physical training at least three to four times a week. You also need to monitor your daily routine: chronic lack of sleep and stress lead to obesity.
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male-potency · 5 years
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Why seeds work better than Viagra
Pumpkin can be called one of the most healthy gourds products. It is endowed with a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. At the same time, beneficial properties are contained not only in the pulp but also in oil, peel and even leaves. But not many people know that pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on male potency, and sometimes they work better than the well-known Viagra tablets.
The fact is that the fatty acids contained in pumpkin seeds increase the production of seminal fluid and increase sexual desire. In addition, they reduce the risk of developing a tumor in the pelvic organs.
Among other things, the pulp of the vegetable is iodine and vitamin A, which awaken male libido and restore sexual desire. And vitamins B and C, in turn, increase the activity of male sperm, which is extremely important if the spouses try to have a baby.
But that's not all. It turns out that copper and zinc, which is soaked with pumpkin, is a real building material for testosterone, the main sex hormone in men. Iron plays a significant role. It affects the blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is perfectly reflected in the erection.
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male-potency · 5 years
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What Kills Testosterone in Young Men?
The main male hormone has been worrying a strong half of humanity for a long time. Almost everyone knows that the level of this hormone affects reproductive function, masculinity, and libido, but it is also crucial for the health of muscles, bones and blood vessels. It is proven that people with low levels of this hormone usually suffer from hypertension, arthritis and type 2 diabetes.
10 years ago, a large-scale study was conducted, during which it became clear that in 2004, compared with 1997, the level of testosterone in men fell by 17%. At the same time, a decrease in testosterone has always been considered a sign of aging, however, this problem increasingly occurs in young men.
Belly or masculinity
The main enemy of testosterone is obesity and associated metabolic disorders. Scientists from the University of Massachusetts have shown that a strong increase in body weight decreases testosterone levels by about an additional 10 years of life. So, adipose tissue synthesizes estrogen from testosterone. With the help of a special enzyme, testosterone is transformed into the female hormone estradiol.
A strong increase in female hormones in the male body leads to the fact that the man is growing stout, losing muscle mass, vigor, suffering from mood changes and depression, his libido is reduced.
Beer curse
Alcohol addiction is also added to an unhealthy diet. Thus, the composition of some alcoholic beverages such as beer includes phytoestrogens, which, like estrogens, contribute to the inhibition of testosterone production.
Fear is not for men
Another factor that reduces testosterone in young men is stress. Every time a man experiences stress (job loss, a relationship problem, etc.), he produces cortisol, the “hormone of fear.” When the level of cortisol rolls over, testosterone tends to "to the bottom."
Few sleep and sit in the office
Lack of sleep also affects masculinity. Experts at the University of Chicago found that men who sleep five hours a day, testosterone levels are 15% lower than those who can afford 7-8 hours of sleep. That's because almost all of the male hormone is produced at night in the phase of deep sleep.
In addition, one more problem of the 21st century is added - hypodynamia, that is, lack of physical activity, when a man spends 10 hours a day in a sitting position at work or behind the wheel. As a result, the body's muscle activity is weakened and testosterone production decreases.
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male-potency · 6 years
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The Effect of Coffee on the Male Potency
If a man is a fan of caffeinated beverages, then it is useful for him to find out how coffee can affect male potency. It is known that the drink stimulates sexual desire, is a powerful aphrodisiac that increases sexual arousal. However, only real natural grains - freshly ground, boiled in the Turk have such a positive effect. A coffee machine or coffee maker using the drip function will not work. Therefore, the positive effect of the coffee will decrease, as the method of preparation of the product effects.
American scientists, studying whether coffee affects the potency of men, have proven that the drink contains plant-like estrogen analogs that reduce testosterone levels, cause female-type obesity, an increase in the mammary glands and erectile disorders. Do not abuse it, but moderate use of coffee increases the fertility and activity of sperm. Scientific facts are such that coffee lovers are advised not to treat it as a medicine. Regular consumption of the drink does not cure impotence and infertility. To maintain libido optimally drink two, three cups a day.
How Much Coffee to Consume
Cambridge scientists have determined how coffee effects male potency. According to their data, you should not drink a drink just before sex because of a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood and an obstacle to the absorption of iron. Brazilian andrologists found that coffee improves fertility by increasing sperm motility and sexual activity. But provided that a man drinks no more than two cups of drink per day. Excessive consumption of coffee or even inhalation of aroma contributes to the excitation of the nervous system and stress to the body.
Drinking 3-4 cups a day is a lot, so such amount lowers the potency gradually. To reduce harm and prevent the risk of failures in the body, doctors recommend sticking to the norm - up to 400 mg of caffeine per day is perceived by healthy people without consequences.  It is indicated that drinking a drink during a hearty lunch or breakfast will be helpful.
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male-potency · 6 years
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Natural Aphrodisiac Foods for Men - Powerfully Increase Sex Drive
By natural aphrodisiacs are foods containing substances capable of increasing the potency and enhance sexual desire of men.
Natural male aphrodisiacs are primarily foods rich in amino acids, minerals, vitamins A, B1, E and C that act on the male body as follows:
• increase sexual desire; • contribute to the restoration of power; • increase sensitivity during intimacy; • help to maintain long-lasting erections.
In addition, the best natural aphrodisiacs for men regulate the level of hormones responsible for sexual desire and provide a rush of blood to the genitals, which is expressed in high-quality libido.
The key substances in aphrodisiac foods for men are such minerals as zinc and selenium, which stimulate the production of the male hormone testosterone, which is necessary for a full intimate life.
Natural aphrodisiacs are an excellent alternative to prescription erectile dysfunction medicines as they do not contain chemical ingredients and are safe for health. Besides, they are cheaper than ED drugs.
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male-potency · 6 years
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Bathmate Hydromax Penis Enlargement Pumps
Bathmate Hydromax is a hydropump to increase penis at home in the bathroom or in the shower. This is the best penis-pump based on water. With the help of active stimulation of blood circulation can increase penis size. Session duration is only 15 minutes per day.
Bathmate Hydromax pump can be used to:
increase the length and volume of the penis;
prevention and treatment of impotence;
straightening the curvature of the penis, help with Peyronie's disease;
increase in erectile ability, i.e. to prolong intercourse and increase stamina in sex.
The pump is safe to use, the hydraulic force exerts a uniform negative pressure on the penis and therefore does not leave marks on the skin.
In just 15 minutes of use, the Bathmate pump will allow each man to increase his penis size up to 3 inches in length and 30% in girth!
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male-potency · 6 years
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Named the Most Important and Unexpected Cause of Impotence
Many men face erectile dysfunction during sex, which they perceive very painfully. But its real reason is different from what most people think.
In many European countries, about half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 suffer from erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. There is evidence that some modern medicines and foodstuffs reduce testosterone levels in men, which leads not only to impotence but also to premature baldness, as well as to the whole epidemic of gynecomastia. Almost half of the women blame themselves for the fact that their partner is not able to get up in bed. 80% of the fair sex do not know to what extent the problem of erectile dysfunction is common. However, the British expert Dr. Seth Rankin, who has been treating men for a long time, says that their erection problems are not connected with women in any way.
"In most cases, a man loses an erection for a number of psychological and physiological reasons," says the specialist. The most common of these is a misuse of drugs or alcohol abuse. Alcoholic beverages are depressants that slow down reactions and suppress the activity of the nerves, which directly affects the rates of men in bed. Not so long ago, scientists from the University of Washington found that sober men can be much more excited than it happens in drunks. And some representatives of the stronger sex are not at all capable of an erection after drinking. "
Prolonged use of alcohol also leads to various chronic sexual problems and to chronic impotence, which has been repeatedly proven by scientists. Dependent on alcoholic beverages, men have a chance at 70% to face serious erectile dysfunction, including persistent impotence. Well, excessive libations before sex, which some men allow themselves in order to be liberated, reduce not only the intensity of the erection but also the acuteness of orgasm.
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male-potency · 6 years
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Scientists Talked About Infertility Problems in Men
Researchers from the Hebrew University reported that their recent observations and studies showed that more and more men around the world are suffering from infertility.
Earlier it was thought that this problem concerns women more than men, now scientists have proved that this is not so and, in fact, very many men all over the world suffer from infertility. However, some of them may not even know that they have this problem.
According to the New Scientist, the problem is that many men lead an unhealthy lifestyle that affects their reproductive abilities.
As part of their research, scientists have analyzed the quality of the sperm of several thousand men. After that, the results were compared with the figures that were obtained in a similar study in the 73rd year.
It turned out that during this period the quality of male sperm significantly decreased. And the number of men who can be considered at the moment fruitless, significantly increased. Scientists say that the unhealthy Western lifestyle is to blame for this, as well as a decrease in physical activity.
Also, doctors say that during that period, which was taken into account in the study, the number of male germ cells in US residents, the EU and Australia fell by 60%. At the same time, in other countries, such a sharp decline was not noted, which indicates the impact of lifestyle on the quality of male sperm.
Scientists intend to continue their research to learn more about male infertility.
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male-potency · 6 years
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Pistachios are Very Effective for Improving Male Potency
Scientists have found a highly effective product for improving potency
Specialists from Turkey conducted a study with the participation of 17 men who had been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction for at least one year.
Subjects were offered to eat 100 grams of pistachios every day for three weeks.
According to the participants of the unusual experiment, they almost immediately managed to feel the benefit of the product, in particular, high libido, rapid excitability, and increased sexual satisfaction.
Dietitian Nigel Mitchell said that pistachio nuts are not only a wonderful and delicious product, they are also a source of vegetable protein, fats, and antioxidants that help cope with stress.
In addition, the content of selenium in pistachios helps to improve spermatogenesis, and zinc regulates the level of testosterone in the blood.
Nuts also help improve the condition of blood vessels, which improves male potency directly.
Naturally, you can not rely solely on pistachios and nuts, because any form of the ailment has its own reason. It can seem so ordinary that it can be cured with nuts and pistachios.
But in fact, very often the reason lies in the different types of impotence, in diseases that are sexually transmitted, in fear or expect failure and other problems of a urological nature. In such cases, other proven ways to treat impotence are needed.
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male-potency · 6 years
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Which Men are Prone to Prostate Cancer
Swedish scientists have found that men with insufficiently active spermatozoa are at risk of developing prostate cancer. Specialists from Lund University stated that the early development of prostate cancer is more often overtaken by men who resort to the ICSI procedure - an intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
This pattern was discovered by scientists during the study of the health status of all Swedish fathers and their children, who were born from 1994 to 2014. ICSI is used in male infertility, which is characterized by a too low concentration of sperm in the seminal fluid or their inadequate activity. ICSI is part of IVF, but the researchers emphasize that the procedure of IVF does not correlate with the probability of prostate cancer.
"During ICSI, the spermatozoon is artificially introduced into the egg. Men, whose sperm had to perform such manipulations, are 35% more likely to suffer from prostate cancer than men who conceived the child naturally, "the authors of the study reported.
It is noteworthy that almost simultaneously with Swedish scientists, Spanish specialists published data of their scientific research, which were published in scientific journals. They found that regular use of nuts helps men to boost fertility and increase sperm count naturally.
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