maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
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in all honesty i’ve never relates to an anime so much in my life
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — From the corner of the room stood a tall, imposing figure, casting a shadow even now in this near-total darkness. It threatened to tear apart the gentle bond between the two, ruining whatever beautiful moment that was about to occur. It opened its mouth and breathed -- what terrifying sound would it make? What horrifying visage does this creature have?!
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"...No need for alarm. It's just me, Nozaki."
He took a step closer, one palm pressed against his forehead as though he had a headache -- the symbol on his wrist had gone without notice.. His shoulders slumped despite his pains to stand straight; he hadn't been sleeping as well as these two. Groggily, he took a look at his new surroundings before refocusing on the duo in front of him.
"Do you have any idea of what we're doing in here?"
Adventures of Nozaki, Mamiko, and Suzuki. (Special appearance: Tanuki)
Kashima- Suzuki
Mikoshiba- Mamiko
Nozaki- Himself
Everything was a haze. Well almost everything. The last thing Kashima remembered doing was going out to dinner with a young lady to have some parfait. That parfait was so good. Then it wasn’t just going out with one girl, a few other girls came along and then… waking up in the middle of some maze-looking area. Well this was uncalled for. Especially after a nice night out.
Taking in her surroundings, things around re look like some video game level where you are suppose to find the goal or something and move onto the next level.
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Well, this is a different challenge then what any Prince would go through, but Kashima will see it through. "Maybe this is another weird test someone just came up with… well, I’m not worried about it. I guess I better see if everyone else is okay." Well… Kashima doesn’t even know yet.
Only taking a few steps, she finds a sleepy-looking Mikoshiba lying down. She quickly races towards him, kneeling down beside him as she gently brought his head to lay on her lap.
"Mikoshiba? … Mikoshibaaaa…” She couldn’t help it, she was going to lightly pull on his cheeks until he woke up. “Miiiikoshibaaa.”
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
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Nozaki “I know what I’m doing, I am a professional” Umetaro
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — On one of his daily strolls -- for free time was something he had in excess now -- Nozaki came upon a sketchy-looking street artist and the lovely young woman he was sketching.
She'd make a good model for a character, he caught himself thinking. The quiet and demure type, no doubt.
Of course, Nozaki could never leave it at simply an aesthetic viewpoint: he'd have to keep an eye on her to see how she acted, how she behaved; and then he'd have reference for a character who might not even be the same gender. It was personality that played the bigger part in his work, if Seo and Wakamatsu were any proof.
Upon being called out, he looked straight at her for a moment... and then he tapped at the page and said, not to the woman, but to the man:
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"Make the eyes bigger and the nose smaller. That will make her more appealing."
(Please think about what you're going to say, Nozaki.)
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   If she hadn’t been approached by the eager street artist, Isuzu would never have entertained the thought of posing for him. Alas, there she was, small features impassive and posture straight, hands on her knees. Although, it had taken the artist quite some time to force her to pose right; ‘you’re gorgeous, you’ll be great for pullin’ in the customers!' he had told her, ushering her to the stool. How long would this take, though—?
Out of the corner of her eye, Isuzu noticed a dark-haired male staring from a small distance. He appeared to be inspecting or admiring or … honestly, she couldn’t be sure. Watching her, or the artist? Ash brows furrowed marginally. Posing for this man was uncomfortable enough, but now to have a stranger staring to his heart’s content…
      “Can I help you?” Isuzu called out to him in a huffy tone.
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — Nozaki wasn't sure what to make of her saying 'you couldn't hold it,' either. Did she mean that she didn't think he could, or that he literally couldn't? Needless to say, his mind was off his troubles now.
...Perhaps she really was a samurai. Or a samurai in training, if she was still doing things like gardening. (The eccentric trait of a character, maybe?)
He glanced to the sword, then his arm, before finally making a shrug.
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"...I don't see any reason why I couldn't."
He gestured to the phantom, still floating around. It'd been difficult to take his eyes off, admittedly.
"And isn't that a spirit right there?"
"… Why wouldn’t it be a sword?" Of course, that one is real. Unlike the wooden one. That one really is like a mop. "… Uhm, I’d offer to let you hold it, but you couldn’t hold it." Not he couldn’t try, he couldn’t. It sounds quite judgmental.
… is he alright? … Staring at the phantom half is somewhat usual here, it seems.
And, one of those questions. “Ah, I don’t usually use this Hakuroken for much aside from cutting down spirits. But, that’s because my other blade, Hakuroken, is easier to fight with.” Even though it is massively heavy, that alone preventing it from being used by a human, nevermind the enchantment on it.
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — Much to the disappointment of the half-dozen girls, none of them were named Nozaki (though they could always pretend), and none of them were the prince's senpai, either. The man who was addressed earned a couple glares for that, but Nozaki remained as stone-faced as ever, staring straight through the darkness and right into the *:・゚✧ Sparkle Zone.✧・゚:* Weaker men than him would tremble, perhaps prostrate themselves before the raw bishonen might that was Kashima, but Nozaki has stared into sparkle hell one too many times for the light to burn him now. He who gazes into the abyss, yadda yadda yadda.
"...Kashima." He nodded his head to top off the acknowledgement.
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"Senpai isn't here." 
(Way to let her down gently, Nozaki.)
It was a good day to be out. Actually, any day is a good day to be out, unless there was just weird talk and chaos around that didn’t concern the Prince. The new Prince of this city one day. All Kashima thought of doing today was to look around some shops and see what she could buy for herself. She dressed comfortably, meaning a button down shirt and some nice pants, having anyone who would see her believe she was a boy. It never bothered her that much.
Kashima had walked out and enter the shopping district, doing a bit of window shopping. Looking at the mannequin stands that had some nice clothes on them. Oh! Maybe she had enough money to buy herself something nice to go out one day. Maybe if a girl approached her and asked for them to go out, she could wear that. It did look nice, and something she’ll come back to in a bit.
As she continued looking through some windows, she was unaware of the few girls that had been following her around the place, as if they were emitting a dark aura stay away from Kashima, and at the same time questioning themselves if they should approach the sparkling prince or not.
Walking into another area that had sweets, still oblivious to whoever was behind, she walked into an ice cream store, asking for a scoop of strawberry ice cream and headed out. Just as she walked out, a tall figure caught her attention, vision focused on a tall, sharp eye guy that did not look like he was a part of the crowd around here.
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"Ah! Nozakiii!! What are you doing around here? Oh— are you with Senpai?" Cue looking around. Senpai is number one priority. Sorry Nozaki.
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
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((Hey, all! I’ve been as busy as balls over the last couple days, and I may need to drop some threads due to work/stress/events moving on/etc. For at least my own reference, though, here’s a list of replies I need to do. Let me know if I’m missing anyone!))
Touko Fukawa/Genocider Syo
✄ Alice
✄ Bacon
✄ Hajime
✏ Komaru
✄ Owain
Umetaro Nozaki
✑ Ari
✑ Isuzu Sento
✑ Kashima
✑ Youmu Konpaku
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — No trip inside the art store, then? Well, that's a mite disappointing, but he supposes it's alright if--
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"Wait... that's a sword?"
He-- He thought it was a mop or something-- between that and the floating thing, is-- is this the spirit of a daughter of a samurai?!
Nozaki rubbed his eyes again, but it was out of sheer disbelief rather than tears. No, that couldn't be right. It had to be from a kendo club or something. That didn't explain the phantom, but for now, he wasn't questioning it.
He cleared his throat, pretending that moment didn't just happen. "...What exactly do you use it for?" Gardening?
The fact that he managed to cheer up is a bit is quite good, at least.
"Hm! I really hope you do get a little work, so you can carry on doing what you love. There’s no way I could ever do exactly what I love here, but… Maybe a little." Nobody in their right mind would enjoy tending to a garden bigger than a city that much if they were human. She likes gardening a little too much.
"Ah, no, don’t worry. I’ve practised calligraphy a lot, and poetry reading. When I wasn’t busy gardening or practising using my swords." She tugs on the handle of the wakizashi on the back of her belt, to bring it into plain view.
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
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nozaki kun from memory
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — There were a number of things Mikoshiba mentioned that seemed a little off, but none of them were surprising as --
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He has a cell phone and his own living arrangements? What did he do to be in good graces?!
Clearing his throat, Nozaki regained his composure (and gained a new cell phone for Mamiko).
"I've only been here for a few days," he said. "They only gave me a pen and an inkwell." Needless to say, this was going to put his manga on hold for a while. Mikoshiba was off the hook... as far as assistant work was concerned.
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"What about you? How have you been keeping yourself busy?" He could take a guess from that box, but...
❝Really? I’ve been gone for a month.❞  Mikoshiba stated, looking down at his few items contained in his brown box. ❝I’m moving, I was bunking with Kashima for awhile… But, the scientists gave me new living arrangements.❞ He stated coolly, ❝They also gave me this cell phone.❞  Mikoshiba pulled out a simple pink flip phone with a small black cat at the antenna.
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 ❝Say, I haven’t seen you around, When did you arrive?❞ The RedHead questioned. 
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — There was no reason Konpaku had to stick around this long, when any other stranger could've easily passed by; the mere fact that she didn't helped pull him out of his misery.
After a second or two of consideration, he stood up straight to deliver a proper bow.
"...Nozaki Umetaro. A pleasure to meet you."
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"I'll have to see about work a little later... but if it's calligraphy you're after, I wouldn't mind offering advice." He's done his fair share of autographs, after all. Helping her out was the least he could do.
She’s somewhat concerned. Isn’t it kind of weird, crying in public over something like that…? … But, maybe he’s sensitive, and drawing materials are to him what her Hakuroken is to her. … And her Roukanken. She had felt like crying once or twice, too…
"… Well, possibly, if it does Japanese items, too… Uhm, it’s kind of weird to talk to strangers like this, though." She’s used to talking to them aggressively and then beating them up. "So, please tell me your name. I’m Konpaku Youmu, pleased to meet you." She bows, fairly perfectly. She has had practise. "… Well, you should probably make some money first, so you can do that work. Or ask for the items from somebody else."
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — Nozaki blinks a few times, taking in this new information.
     "I... see."
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"For what it's worth, I've seen stranger things in the past few days. I thought this place was a convention at first." Not that he's entirely convinced that it isn't, either.
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    ❝Nah. I was born green.❞ 
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
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✑ —  "...Actually, you look green."
                     "Are you sick?"
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       ❝Oh great, now I look ridiculous.❞ 
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
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bad boys
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — Nozaki wiped off his teary eyes, more than a little upset about losing his funds. How could he possibly be so careless? What on earth compelled him to do that? He had just put it down last night, and then...
He wasn't completely composed, but he'd have to keep it together for this girl and her flying marshmallow.
"This is an art store, so... yes, I'd imagine so."
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Odd jobs, huh. "I... I suppose I could do that." He stuck a hand in his pocket and fiddled around with his pen and ink, the only two things he managed to keep. "I was hoping to resume my work, but... I could try get by with less, I guess."
"… That’s… Probably not good. … Do they sell ink sticks and brushes there, too, do you think? … I had wanted to try doing calligraphy here…"
She glances through the window quickly.
"… Uhm, perhaps you could try doing odd jobs, or something. What did you need supplies for, too? Isn’t it possible to find some small things lying around? … Probably not paper, too."
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — How long had Nozaki been staring into this window? An hour? Two hours? More?
Whatever the case, he didn't budge from his spot, and it took around a minute for him to reply.
"... I was going to purchase some supplies, but then I remembered..."
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"I... I ran out of money!"
"… … Uhm, why are you staring so intently at a shop full of pens and paper? Couldn’t you just go in?"
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maleshojoartist-blog · 10 years
✑ — The woman's calm explanation was, in of itself, mildly disconcerting to the mangaka. If she was putting on an act, she was doing frightfully well at staying in character.
He wonders if he should have brought an offering. That's what you do for the gods, isn't it?
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"I did see a few things that were out of the ordinary... I just assumed they were attending a con." It was the only logical explanation he had, aside from taking that video at its word. "When you say 'captured,' however... do you think that they're holding us hostage?" This certainly didn't feel like Battle Royale.
     Ironically, she was expecting the exact opposite— and was hardly insulted at the lack of a reaction. This was a human’s natural reaction.
     The modern world was a world where most humans did not believe in Gods, demons, or what say you. In fact, they were more likely of wanting to believe those things exist, but at the same time, realizing it shouldn’t be possible. … So really, a reaction like this was expected.
“Of many things. Particularly of wind, agriculture, and war.”
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“I can tell you doubt me, however— it’s plain as day. I understand that doubt, however. Albeit, you’re reacting far better than I had imagined.”
     A pause.
“Perhaps you haven’t met those other non-human beings that have also been captured and brought to this place yet?”
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