malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Well I'm going to try!
Casey Valentine (yeah didn't change it juste loved the name and it fits her so much) is the eldest daughter of the CEO of an international car business. She grew up filthy rich and was spoiled to no end, but while she was bratty she was a cute child. Everything changed when her favourite uncle died. Nobody really understood what he was sick from until his heart have out. Before dying he told eight-year-old Casey to trace her own footsteps.
It broke her heart but she decided to become a doctor quickly after that, working hard at school just to be the best for her uncle. She read dozens of books. When time came for her to go to med school, she refused her parents help and elected to work at a disabled children facility to pay for her expenses.
Of course her parents are extremely proud of her even though she would have made a perfect businesswoman, and she rarely calls. Her brother looks up to her a lot. Sometimes she misses her friends from university.
She might have been a spoiled child but she's a really hardworking woman whose mom built an empire all alone so she's trying to stay humble.
When Ethan Ramsey came into her life, Casey she would make him taste of hell but didn't know he would bite back. Though she is happy with herself for what they came through.
Is it bad that I want to know everyone open heart mc headcanon and backstories
For my mc Joshua
Joshua wanted to be a Dr all his life but his family is poor and from the wrong side of the tracks but joshua doesn't give up and works hard for it ..
Joshua was a loner / trouble marker in school and a party boy who enjoys alcohol way to much while also being a bookworm in his quiet time ..
Joshua did some volunteering work growing up in his community and had a job working hard through high school knowing it would could help him get into college etc .. once graduated joshua family learned of him being gay and it didn't go over so well so Joshua quickly left for college and never looked back going from college to med school etc straight to Edenbrook ... Joshua had no one in his life to count on until he meet his new family at Edenbrook who took Joshua into the circle and it was great ups and downs here and there but joshua had no one who really knew him .. until Freaky Dr Ethan Jonah Ramsey comes into his life .. and well we all know the story by now with ethan so skip
Ethan was Joshua first everything and it was hard to hide himself from a man who can read joshua like a book and knows him inside and out .. and for once joshua didn't feel alone anymore being loved by Ethan and his new Edenbrook family life was great ..
Working progress 💕
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Honestly. PB WHAT. THE. HELL.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Est-ce que vous avez une préférence de langue quand vous écrivez? (Sorry if my French is bad I’m still learning lol)
Je suis plus habituée a l'écriture en français, personnellement. L'anglais n'est pas ma langue maternelle et écrire dedans m'est légèrement plus difficile même si ça ne me pose pas trop de problèmes.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Est-ce que vous êtes française?
0 notes
malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Hello guys! Third piece of Talbott that I’ve written here. I’m seriously thinking of posting it on Ao3 too at that point but that’s a story for another time. 
I hope you’ll enjoy!
Sometimes, Talbott Winger tried to convince himself that dating you was not an entirely thoughtless, reckless, rash and overly terrible idea.
Most of the time, he knew you were the face of the word “danger” and he didn’t even try to fight it, but he found himself thinking rather often that he was completely out of his mind for even taking that decision.
With everything he had been through, he really thought that getting out of Hogwarts unharmed while having had a nice and quiet scolarity was one of his primary goal. But then you collided violently with his life, and he didn’t really know why he let you smash that perfectly attainable and reasonable goal when you said you wanted to be friends… but he did.
He did, while knowing perfectly you were dangerous. At first, it was easy to be merely corridor friends, saying hello while you passed each other or eating together sometimes, but occurrences when he found himself with you happened to increase significantly with time. And then you were studying together, having butterbeers in your free time, hiding from the world in the owlery, taking a night stroll in your animagus form on Hogwarts grounds past curfew… Every time it happened, he seemed to be willing to stretch the time longer. So much he stood there a few more seconds with you, then minutes, and then it turned into hours. Now he couldn’t even seem to get enough of you if he didn’t catch your sight everyday.
And while that was messing with his head, it was only a little part of what made you so dangerous. You were sometimes brash, reckless, pushy to the point you knew things no wizard nor witch should know at your age. While you were prefect, you certainly had some problems with rules. And on another scale of danger, you threw yourself into Quidditch without even caring if you lost a limb or not. Every fiber of your being screamed “danger”.
But if was so easy to forget when you screamed his name.
And there were moments Talbott didn’t want to think you were that dangerous. You were so good to him. Thinking back on it, it had been years you were friend, months since you started dating and you made everything in that quiet scolarity he had wanted look dull. Now it was colourful.
The colour of your hair, of your eyes. The colour of your tie, of your House. The colour of your lips.
He always had a calm personality. He sometimes seemed smug and aloof. He didn’t let feelings cloud his judgement, and he found that having no feelings at all might become a good solution. But now, he was drunk on feelings.
Feeling of fear. Feeling of desire. Feeling of affection. Feeling of love.
You were good. You were just awesome. And it was the reason why Talbott sometimes wanted to convince himself you were not dangerous. It happened in the most weird situations, when you were both studying and you bit your lower lip trying to understand that bit in History of Magic that was unclear to you. It happened when you stuffed your face on french fries and you just looked like a giddy child on Christmas day. It happened on Christmas day, when you gave him a gift and you waited on one leg, then the other to see his reaction. It happened when you both agreed you should start dating.
And it was happening now, as he couldn’t seem to stop kissing you against the wall and you had started playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck, heart beating so fast it almost seemed it would explode.
It happened when you were just so openly human no one would ever guess you ate curses for breakfast.
But at the same time, he had learned to love the danger.
A little breath escaped you as you stopped the kiss. It seemed to Talbott as though adrenaline was coursing through his veins. You were danger.
It lied in your swollen lips and the smirk you hid behind them. It lied in your expanded pupils and the wink you acted sometimes. It lied in your playful hand and the wand that sometimes was in it.
It lied in the way you exhaled his name and the spells you cried out. It lied in your tears and all the emotions you bared all the time. It lied in the laugh that escaped your throat and the screams you couldn’t stop from it.
And while he just had tried to convince himself you weren’t dangerous, he loved to see just how much that danger was his to see and his alone.
-Why are you smiling all of a sudden, huh? You asked, but you smiled just like him.
-I don’t know.
-Oh, so that’s why you pushed me into a corner to kiss me senseless in the middle of the day, you said while playing with his hair. Must have been hard for you to admit you don’t know somethi…
He interrupted you with a peck on your lips.
-Stop teasing me.
-You’re the tease, Winger, not me.
-Am not!
-You are! You just kissed me again to stop me from talking, you are the worst tease I’ve ever known!
-I love you.
You inhaled deeply, as you did each time he told you he loved you. As if you wanted to breathe in his words.
Sometimes you answered, sometimes you did not. This time, you didn’t. The laugh had completely left you face, but while you lost your smile, your hands pulled him closer still when he didn’t even think it was possible.  And then you kissed him, softly at first, merely pressing your lips on his, but you couldn’t quite restrain yourself and as usual, it became more urgent.
Kissing you didn’t make him physically weak like it did at first, but you sure knew how to make him feel dizzy.
-You’re danger, you know that?
He said that with a laugh, still a bit short on breath.
-You just said you loved it, didn’t you?
There was a reason Talbott Winger had stopped trying to tell himself you were not dangerous.
He would probably love you a lot less if you weren’t.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Hello! Prepare yourself people, this one is... pretty long. I got a bit carried away so here’s another Talbott piece for you. 
Also, writing in second person with a neutral MC is HARD. I don’t know if you people prefer it that way, because I kept trying to write with my MC in it, a Slytherin girl, and boy would it have been easier. But what’s done is done. Just don’t forget to tell me what you think about this !
Forgive the eventual mistakes as English isn’t my native language. I hope you’ll enjoy it though!
Today was… Quiet, to say the least.
While you sat in the great hall, you couldn’t help but notice just how weird that was. You were the only one in your friend group eating at the moment (and knowing how many friends you had, that was, once again, weird) and all the others students chatter felt like a distant whisper. You almost felt a bit sad. It felt way too much like… home, today.
You did not like that. Or at least you weren’t used to it here. You let out a sigh and decided to play with whatever was left of food on your plate with your fork.
-Nobody taught you not to play with your food?
You almost jumped at hearing the rich and deep voice. When you turned around to meet the amused glare of Talbott Winger, you furrowed your brows. He even had the nerve to make fun of you.
-Talbott, you git!  You almost scared me to death, you protested.
-Yes, I am sure I’m way scarier than a Cursed Vault. Terrifying, even. You’re shivering at nights thinking of me.
-If you think I’m even fearing a Vault you’re severely mistaken. Now, I suppose our resident bird boy didn’t make me jump out of my robes for nothing.
-You’re the only person I wouldn’t mind eating with today. That is, if you’re still eating.
You looked at your plate, that looked more like an uneatable mess of stuff you wouldn’t feed a dog. Talbott was watching you silently, his gaze trained on you with a dubious look, and suddenly you felt like eating what you were playing with earlier was not such a bad idea.
-Sure. I was bored eating on my own anyway.
The ghost of a smile graced Talbott’s face and he sat beside you. Silence fell between the two of you while you managed to eat your mess of a lunch. 
Your plate was soon empty though, and you were left staring at the wall, trying not to put too much attention on Talbott eating. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
-You’re not eating any pudding?
-Never been one for to much sweets… you whispered.
Oh bloody hell, this was awkward. You weren’t really nervous with Talbott around. He made you relaxed somehow. What was awkward was how every single time you were within a meter of his presence, you started to think a bit too much. Like, how intense his gaze was, how his jawline was manly even though he was barely sixteen, how tall he was, how big but slim his hands were… And his voice. His voice, that noise so rich, so deep that sounded like melted chocolate, and it somehow came from his throat even when he tried to groan.
Boy, were you into deep.
But it was much better to think about how hot you found Talbott than this dreadful feeling following you today.
-You’re awfully quiet, you know, he ended up saying. It shows that you’re usually the one maintaining conversation, we’re being awfully silent today.
Bugger, now he had noticed you were day dreaming.
-Sorry, I suppose the ambiance is getting to me. With Quidditch, the Cursed Vaults, my brother and… the many other things I do in a year, I never really stop to... think.
-I never noticed. So Hogwarts Curse Breaker, prefect, and top-notch student doesn’t stop to think.
-You really like to make fun of me, don’t you?
-I love the way you react when I do.
-You’re such a tease, Winger.
He smiled at you and you felt you were done for. That smug awful little smile. You hated it. It looked way too endearing for your own good, so you turned your head and pretended to focus on your plate.
-What classes do you have this afternoon? Talbott ended up asking.
-I’m free since I passed last flying exam.
-Good. I’m free too.
-Why do I have the feeling you’re about to drag me somewhere in the woods to talk to me about ornithology in what seems like a three-hour class?
-Who do you think I am, you? I was just thinking we could go to the Owlery together. You look like you need to get away from all… this.
He gestured at the Great Hall and at what now looked like a huge sea of people. He knew you way too much compared to some of your other friends. You didn’t even hint to the fact you weren’t feeling well at all, yet he knew you didn’t.
-You’re way too good at knowing what I’m thinking of. It’s depressing.
-Not really. I just figured even you needed an escape sometimes. It’s not like you to be so distracted. And let’s be honest, I like it better when you’re cheery.
He was right, again. It was not like you. But now, Hogwarts seemed so liveless, so useless to you. You did not want to do anything or see anyone. It felt… empty. So you had to fill up your mind, and it turned out it only filled with thoughts of him when he was around. And there was no way you would tell him that.
-It’s even worse than I thought, said Talbott after a moment. You worry me right now.
-Wouldn’t have taken you for the type to be worried about me. It’s cute.
-Don’t pretend you’re okay by joking. Besides, how do you even expect me not to worry about you? We tell you “Don’t go there, don’t do it, it’s dangerous”, and then you’ll get all smiley and stubborn and say “Sweet, danger! Let’s go there, what a ride!”
-Oh, shut it.
Okay, Talbott could be quite vexing sometimes. Your mouth started to form a pout and you stayed silent while he ate. You could feel he sent some looks your way, but you were too busy pretending he didn't exist to care. 
Five minutes into it, you couldn’t stand it anymore. You were still upset, but as you could only think of him right now, either you were going to hit him, or hug him. And somehow, you felt he wouldn’t be pleased by either options. 
-I need to go.
You got up and finally looked at his bewildered face.
-I thought you didn't have any classes? he asked.
-Huh… yeah. But I… have something to tell Bill. And Charlie. A… Prefect thing.
-Oh. I.. see?
Talbott always seemed tense whenever one of the Weasley boys were involved. You supposed they made him feel insecure with how passionate and driven they could be. Anyway, you could see him tense the moment you mentioned Bill, but per usual he didn't say a word of what was going on in that pretty head of his.
-... Join me in the Owlery after you're done?
You raised an eyebrow at Talbott's question, but decided to not think about it to much. This certainly was bad for your brain.
-Sure. Look forward to it. 
You ended up smiling at him without forcing it despite how nauseous you felt. That felt like a win. You rushed to the corridors and ran straight into the Weasley boys, Percy included. 
-I'm sorry Percy, but I need to grab those two, prefect thing. You muttered without leaving room to protestation.
Bill seemed a bit startled when you grabbed his arm and dragged him through the corridor, but didn't say anything, and per usual, Charlie didn't find useful to ask you any question.
You supposed they knew better.
When the three of you reached the prefect bathroom, Bill finally spoke.
-You need a massive Weasley hug, right ?
And then the dam broke.
-It feels too much like home here. It’s so empty and lifeless, and I can’t feel anything but dread if that makes sense, and then Talbott comes in and has the nerve to speak, and then I was thinking “either I hug him or hit him” but honestly, if I stayed inside this hall I would probably have puked on him.
You took a breath, then looked at the Weasley brothers.
-I need a ton of Weasley hugs, if I’m still entitled to them.
-Oh, come on. You’re an honorary Weasley. You’re getting a hug.
Charlie reacted faster than his brother, wrapping his arms around your shuddering form. Bill followed suit, engulfing both of you with a smothering hug that was definitely all you needed right now.
-Hey, do you know there’s a species of small plush-like dragons in North-America that are reported to comfort children by eating their bad dreams?
You laughed. Of course he would speak about dragons. Charlie always spoke about dragons.
-Of course I don't, Charlie. Only you would know that.
-Brother, less talking. More hugging, ordered Bill.
Lost in this mass of ginger hair, you felt a little more at ease. When they let you go, you giggled.
-Oh boy, I don’t know what I’d do without the both of you… I don’t really know what happened to me. It felt like I was overwhelmed with… nothingness, if that makes sense?
-... You said it felt like home to you. And if I’m by any means right, home really doesn’t feel good.
-Home feels… More and more empty, is all. I don’t really want to talk about it. I just… I really needed emotional support, I’m sorry I grabbed you both like that.
-Hey, listen. Anytime you need, we’re there. You’re our new sibling, that’s how it is now, said Bill. 
-Wholeheartedly agrees with that brother of mine. 
-Now, have we cheered you up enough so we both can go and eat? Not that I don’t like hugs, but they don’t fill up a man’s stomach.
-Yes, yes you did. Thanks a lot.
They moved to get out of the prefect bathroom and made their way to the Great Hall.
-So, what exactly are you going to do this afternoon? I have to pass the flying exam, but you did so last week, Charlie asked.
-No real plans whatsoever. Talbott said something to me about going to the Owlery, but I don’t really know if I’m up to it. 
-That boy is smitten with you if I’ve ever seen it, pointed Bill. He’d never ask anyone else to go to the Owlery with him.
-Merlin’s beard, no. He’s just more sensitive than you think.
-Cut the crap, I know you like him too.
Busted. You bit your lip, but your cheeks flushed red nonetheless. If anyone saw you right now, they might think someone transfigured you as a strawberry and failed miserably to turn you back to a human being.
-I think you should go there. You shouldn’t spend today alone, and it’s unlikely Talbott would force you to talk if you don’t want to.
You stopped walking in the middle of the corridor.
-I’ll be going there, then. Thanks again for… everything. 
Bill winked at you and you watched as the Weasley brothers disappeared when they turned. The uneasy feeling began to spread again in your chest and you did your best to suppress it.
-Come on… You muttered between your teeth.
You faced worse things than that, you should be able to get on with your day.
The thought of Talbott, waiting for you at the Owlery and being disappointed that you didn’t join him became more and more dreadful in your mind. And while, somehow, you felt awkward going there, you thought it was even worse to be a bad friend to him. 
Bill’s words echoed in your mind. You didn’t find it really… logical. Talbott liking you, really? He liked quiet, calm, composed people. Or you thought he did. And while you could be all that, you were pretty much the dangerous type. He couldn’t possibly like that.
And yet, you liked the idea, but you pushed it in the back of your mind. You had to focus on being a good friend. He deserved to have a good friend, not a friend that was gushing over him like a first year marveling at his transfiguration’s skills.
Though, when you noticed him in the Owlery, you found it overly difficult. You had become friends something around two years ago, and boy had he changed. His face that perpetually seemed frozen in a frown surely smiled more now, but that was not the only thing. He had a lot of growth spurts, and he was tall, and lean. While you had been around the same height before and you were taller than most of the students in your year, Talbott towered above all of you. As if he even needed you to find him more handsome now, it kinda looked like he was constantly telling you “watch me, i’m getting better every day!”. And if he knew what you were thinking about, he would probably tease you about it.
-A little birdie told me that infamous animagus Talbott Winger was around here. I wonder who that is?
Talbott turned and smiled at you. There was an owl he seemed to care for in his hand, and it spreaded its wings a bit more at your sight too. 
The two of you had become a known pair with the birds here, and some of them seemed to recognize you. This one looked pleased to see you, and you walked over to Talbott to greet the bird.
-Ain’t that…  Ain’t that Merula’s owl? you said. What happened to her?
-I don’t really know. But she seemed a bit stunned when she flew back here, I figured she needed a bit of attention.
The owl made a little chirping sound at your hand on her head, and you smiled. Birds were awesome. 
-Are you okay ? With… that “prefect thing” with Bill and Charlie?
-Yeah, sure. I mean… Why wouldn’t I be okay?
A nervous laugh escaped your throat.
-You look like you need a bit of attention.
-Oh boy…
-Listen, I’m not one to force you to anything, but you were there for me when I was feeling down. You even forced me to be your friend. Let me feel I didn’t let you in for nothing.
-You didn’t, I swear… But I can’t very well explain it. And it’s not against you that I can’t seem to think properly about that when you’re around. I just get… Overwhelmed.
Silence followed suit. Talbott seemed to study you, and his glare was almost unbearable to you. Whether it was because you were scared or because you wanted to get lost in his eyes, you didn’t know, but this uneasy feeling wasn’t really something you appreciated.
-I really can not seem to win against you, huh? Talbott muttered. 
He let go of the owl, then sat down on the floor, his gaze still trained on you.
-Come on.
You followed him a bit reluctantly, not even trying to put a distance between the two of you, because he would notice. He was too smart not to notice. It was not because you wanted to be close to him. Not at all. You tried to concentrate on your conversation.
-I don’t know what you’re talking about when you say “winning”... Are we fighting? Are we fighting and I was too busy self-wallowing to notice? I’m sure I was a terrible friend, I’m so sorry. 
-You talk too much.
An arm wrapped around you and you jumped.
-The Weasley always do that when you’re down. I’m not really good at this but… If you need it, I’m here. I’ll always be. I’m sorry if I’m overstepping.
-Oh no, this…  it’s fine. Really. Thank you. I guess… I guess I was afraid of annoying you. You got too much on your mind already.
-Then I was the terrible friend. But on a more serious note… I like you way to much for you to ever annoy me.
You giggled.
-Are you mocking me? Talbott asked, groaning.
But you didn’t stop giggling.
-It’s just I fought so hard to get you to say we’re friends, I can’t imagine what it must have taken for you to tell me you like me.
-It didn’t take anything. I like you. Pretty much the easiest feeling about you I had to understand.
-So you got “feelings” about me.
-Including the fact that I like you, I got a lot of feelings for you.
And then, finally, it dawned on you.
-Wait, when you said you “like” me. You mean… “like” me “like” me?
-Whatever you say doesn’t make any sense.
You raised your head and finally got to get a glance at him. He looked a bit confused, and his gaze couldn’t seem to hold yours, but the sunlight fell on him and he had never looked more handsome than now, basked in golden rays that just made his eyes stand out.
-Talbott, you won’t make me believe you didn’t understand what I just meant, you’re not stupid.
-I’m not, but what you said could easily be interpreted in… other ways.
The way he avoided your gaze made it impossible for you not to smile. He was cute. He looked cute.
-I need to rephrase it then, to avoid ambiguity?
-Only if you want to… mumbled Talbott.
-Oh lord, you’re way too cute.
The words had escaped you but you didn’t feel bad about it. Not when Talbott’s eyebrows raised in surprise while still avoiding to look at you.
-Okay. Talbott Winger, are you saying you like me as in you want to be my boyfriend?
-This might be correct.
-Oh, so it is that way, huh?
Silence followed and Talbott turned to finally look at you. You couldn’t stop grinning like a fool. That day had started horribly, but right now was probably the highlight of the whole year.
-I’d expect more reaction from you. 
It then dawned on you that you hadn’t told him anything yet. You lost your smile, realizing that while this was exhilarating, you had no idea of this worked. And Talbott almost literally asked you to date him. Like, seriously date him. No secret meetings at the owlery. Dating. Like holding hands, hugging, kissing. Maybe more. Date. Him.
-The idea doesn’t seem to drown you in enthusiasm.
A little smile appeared on Talbott’s face. But it was not that warm smile he offered only to you. The comprehensive look he sent you didn’t have this affection lingering behind. His stance was not relaxed as it usually was. And his voice sounded cold, far from that rich sound that usually graced your ears. 
How many times did all those things scream at you that he had feelings for you? You didn’t really know. You knew when you had started to notice all of it. But knowing that all this time, he hadn’t said anything to you… 
And now that he did, you even managed to hurt him. And you could not bear it for one more second. You liked the fact he liked you way too much. You liked him way too much.
He didn’t react, simply looking outside the window.
-Talbott, look at me. 
He flinched, but once again, he didn’t move. Maybe he tried to collect himself or something, but you were having none of it.
-By Merlin’s bloody beaded braided beard, Talbott, look at me, please!
-How the bloody hell did you pronounce that? 
He finally turned his head, reluctantly, furrowed brows, and he looked at you while you tried on a little smile.
-Forgive me, okay? I didn’t want to seem insensitive.
-You don’t have to feel bad for that. I got it, you’re not interested, and you have the right not to be interested, but-
-Oh, will you let me speak, birdbrain? You interrupted him. I’m trying to explain myself here, don’t make me shut your pretty mouth myself!
-And how, pray tell, would you even make me shut my mouth?
A ghost of his usual smirk made its way on Talbott’s face. And you decided that, for real, he had not only lead you on, but he had teased you enough. Now was the time to not only tell him how you felt, but to play a little.
-I could kiss you, you said bluntly. Would you like that? 
Talbott’s mouth opened, as if he was too shocked to even process what you just said, and you worked on making the most innocent face you could manage. 
-Wouldn’t you? You continued. The idea didn’t shut your mouth, but you did stop talking. Too bad, I would have liked to kiss you.
-Do it.
-Kiss me. 
A surprised gasp escaped your lips. You almost had forgotten Talbott’s arm around you, but you sure as hell were reminded of it when he pulled you closer to him.
-H...Hey, I might bump your nose or something, Talbott… you whispered, a bit flustered.
-I don’t care. Kiss me.
Your hands found their way on Talbott’s cheeks and you planted what felt like the softest kiss on his lips. It was barely a peck, nothing more, but it seemed to build a fire inside of you. That felt so much better than the dread from the morning that you started to giggle.
-What’s so funny?
-Oh my god, I never would have thought you liked me, how clueless was I?
-You didn’t really answer though.
You gave him another kiss, a bit longer, a bit clumsier too.
-I’d love you to be my boyfriend, Talbott.
And when he hugged you with all he had, you were sure of one thing. This moment, right here, right now, with him.
This felt like a real home.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Okay, Just so you people know, I’m SMITTEN with Talbott Winger. Like, completely. So I thought “why not write a little piece on him and MC since there are definitely not enough on them”. I hope you’ll enjoy it. My MC’s a Slytherin girl, but I tried to make her as neutral as possible.
Never Penny would have thought she’d see the day when she’d think both you and Talbott were insufferable. She almost regretted introducing the two of you to each other. Almost. The untouchable aura of suffocating happiness that radiated from both of you was barely enough to make it for just how much it was horrible.
To be honest, she never would have thought Talbott Winger, loner Ravenclaw could be such a flirt. You, she could have had doubts about, but Talbott was a genuine surprise. More often than not, she caught him winking at you during class, whispering in your ear while you passed him. You always responded, with that cheeky grin and a red face, but altogether, the two of you were always flirting at every occasion.
Not only was she beginning to feel a bit lonely when the three of you happened to eat together, but she wondered how so few of the professors noticed and how was it you weren’t automatically separated in every single class since Talbott and you never bothered to stop chatting.
But then again, what could the two of you be chatting about? Penny knew you started getting to know each other when there was something around animagi involved. You never told her whether or not you had been successful, but then again you succeeded at everything and since Talbott had helped you with the potion she supposed he knew quite a bit on the subject.
Though she heavily suspected it was not enough for your hours long conversation in Charms Class, where between tutoring other students both of you were just chatting and trying to laugh discreetly.
Everything was weird about the two of you, from the way you became friend to the way you started dating.
Penny was absolutely sure you were in love with Barnaby. Or maybe even Ben. Both were nice guys with cute smiles, that genuinely cared about you and even dared to make you laugh from time to time. She knew for a fact Barnaby was smitten with you, after all he had never been one to hide it, and somehow she was persuaded Ben wouldn’t hate the idea of dating you.
Talbott, on the other end, as the resident loner smart guy, had a little court of girls following behind him that he pretended not to notice most of the time. Which seemed like a hardship since you could hear them gushing from meter away about how handsome he was or how smart he looked like.
So the thought of the two of you dating had never even crossed Penny’s mind. But one day she had walked out and found the two of you chatting with your hands linked while you sad on the fountain and you told her you had been together since the beginning of last summer.
At first she thought it was nice, though. Talbott had someone that understood him, and finally you seemed like you had someone to truly rely on. It wasn’t until the year really began that she gradually became annoyed to no end. The two of you just never stopped. 
Talbott also seemed weirdly physical when you were around. It looked like he had to touch you all the time for some reason, whether it was his arm around your shoulder or holding hands, or kissing you cheek. Anytime he could touch you, he did. For someone that never let anyone approach him, he was always willing to share his personal space with you.
And then one day, Penny had enough. She just had spent four hours of the two of you giggling during potion class beside her, and she couldn’t stand the sight of you anymore. She held her head between her hands, not even touching her plate in front of her.
“Wow Penn’s, you seem super down.”
Tonks was eyeing her suspiciously.
“I just can’t take it anymore, they’re horrible to be with.”
“Who they?”
Penny designated the two of you eating while chatting - again - on the Ravenclaw table.
“Oh, the lovebirds? Yeah, I heard that they were… A lot. That’s why I’m not interested in falling in love. I can’t stand chasing after someone like that to become all gushy and lovey-dovey.”
“They flirt constantly, Tonks. It’s a hazard walking with them. Because she’ll see something, she’ll comment on it, and then he’ll go on, and they’ll find a way to flirt.”
“They’re super cute though.”
Oh dear, sure you were. Sometimes she walking in on one of your quiet times together, when one of you was reading an the other just slept beside.
“I guess they might be insufferable Penny, but I’m sure they are for a good reason. They act as if they have no time left and they need to try everything together before that.”
“When did you become a good judge of character, Tonks?”
“I’ve seen my parents. It’s not easy getting rid of your family to find a new one in someone, Penny. He lost his parents to Death Eaters. She lost her brother to the Vaults and from what I’ve got, ever since then her parents are almost ignoring her.”
Suddeny everything became a bit more clear. Sure, both your eyes were cloudy with love, both your smiles were genuinely smitten, all your gestures were full of fondness… But Penny had never even thought it could be even more than that. Now she saw the urgency, the fear, the reassuring in everything the two of you did.
“And here I thought they could have dated just anyone.”
You laughter suddenly filled the Great Hall as it often did and Penny dared to look at you. You had your hand in Talbott’s, who looked at you as if you were the only thing that mattered in his life. Probably because you were. Your shoulders didn’t seem as tense as they always looked like. It looked like you didn’t care if people for once didn’t see you as “Hogwarts Cursebreaker”. Because it probably didn’t matter to you right now.
“Geez, I’ve been a horrible friend.”
“You weren’t, Penn’s. I just think they need time. They got all the time in the world now, they just need to realise it. Though I kind of like to see them flirt, it looks like they banter all the time. I’d miss that.” 
“Well you’re about to witness it, they seem like they’re coming to see us.”
You fell on the seat beside Tonks while Talbott plopped down beside Penny. 
“Hey Penny, I noticed you looked a bit gloomy over there… Are you okay?”
Penny’s eyes fell on your interlaced hand under the table, then roamed on Talbott’s slightly concerned face, to finish on your face. You were every last bit of insufferable.
Penny finally smiled.
“Oh no. I just thought you were cute.”
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
I think no one ships beliza more than Bob Morley does. Change my mind.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Hey guys, I know that's generally not what you're following me for, but just so you can see a very pretty kitty to lighten up your dashboard. Appreciate this little moment of joy and keep scrolling :D
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Bon j'ai plus grand chose à poster, je bosse beaucoup pour les cours et le confinement est pas idéal pour moi pour dessiner...
Du coup j'ai juste fait un chat, en espérant que ça vous plaise quand même ❤
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Salut tonton.
C'est la deuxième lettre du genre que j'écris en quelques mois. Celle-ci me fait encore plus mal que l'autre, si tu savais. Je ne sais pas exactement quand tu es mort. J'imagine que ça me perturbe plus que je ne veux l'admettre.
Tu sais c'est qu'aujourd'hui que j'ai craqué. Quand papa a dit que ça faisait bizarre sans toi, j'ai pas tenu. Et j'écris cette lettre dans son lit a côté de ma mère, a pleurer silencieusement pour ne pas la réveiller. C'est le changement d'heure en plus et je crois que c'est encore pire.
Mon souvenir de toi, c'est ces parties de cartes ou ces jeux de société auxquels on jouait. Ton air stoïque en permanence qui se métamorphosait quand tu voyais ton chien.
Lui aussi il est parti ailleurs. Il me manquera aussi ce chien. Vous me manquerez tous les deux.
On s'est aimé, n'en parlons plus et la vie continue, hein?
Plus pour toi en tout cas. C'est pas juste. Ça te va tellement pas de mourir. Pas toi. Pas toi tonton. Tu étais comme une sorte de chêne centenaire a mes yeux, c'était allé trop vite.
Pourtant je savais que tu n'allais plus tarder. Mais ça reste compliqué. J'ai une sorte de pilier déraciné dans ma tête, un trou béant dans les souvenirs et ta voix dans mes oreilles.
Tu me manques tonton. J'ai même pas pu te dire au-revoir, te dire je t'aime parce que chez nous ça ne se dit pas. Et c'est pour ça que je t'écris cette lettre que tu ne liras jamais. Je suis désolée.
Et tout ca me fait mal. Me fait pleurer. M'empêche de m'amuser sans arrière pensée. T'es là dans ma tête comme tu l'as toujours été, un présence lointaine et solide que je n'étais pas prête a voir partir.
Je t'aime tonton. Je suis désolée. Je suis pas encore prête a te dire au-revoir.
Je t'aime tonton.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Awesome xD
MC : And WHO exactly do you call yourselves as?
Rafael : I'm Drop.
Ethan : I'm Dead.
Bryce : And I'm Gorgeous. Together, we make the Drop Dead Gorgeous Trio.
Ethan : But separately...
Rafael : I've dropped to the floor.
Ethan : I'm dead.
Bryce : And I'm still gorgeous.
MC :
Rafael :
Ethan :
Bryce :
MC : Do... Do you guys need a hug?
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Imma be damn honest.
I'm pretty sure at one point Ethan will admit to his team that he loves MC and those two will be looking at him like "bitch we been knew" because there's no way they wouldn't get it in twelve seconds maximum.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
So well, originally this was a request from an anon... that I have lost. Then I saw some people asking for it too (not to me specifically but you kno, in general) and then I wrote this text and I... kinda forgot about it? But the fact that Open Heart comes back at the end of the month reminded me of it therefore I thought I’d post it. A little thing written with Happier by Ed Sheeran in mind, an Ethan Ramsey x f!MC with a bit of angst in it. Enjoy if you can guys!
Sometimes, walking helped Ethan sort his thoughts.
The cold was biting almost, so much that he didn’t bring his dog with him. He just walked alone like some sort of emo kid listening to Green Day all day long.
Alone seemed like a word that characterized him. He was used to it. At least he thought he was. Ethan Ramsey was content with being alone most of the time. Doing things with no strings attached. Or no real strings.
But it had been one month now, and he just found out he didn’t like it that much. Tasting love was something he never should have done, he thought. Now he knew he didn’t like to be alone.
He had brought this onto himself, that was for sure. He had willingly pushed Casey away, it wasn’t surprising she’d stop to look at him like she used to. It wasn’t surprising she worked herself to the bones without so much as sparing a glance to him. He had hurt her enough. But it was obvious they had no future at the time.
The christmas lights seemed to be so empty of sense now that he knew the only gift he wanted, he had rejected already.
And then he heard it. A laugh so distinctive. A laugh he could recognize between million of others. The same laugh she had given him when they had fallen on his sheets, when they gave up on everything they were and had worked towards. The little happy laugh of contentment that had been reserved to him at the moment.
Casey walked and crossed his paths without even noticing him, hand in hand with a man he recognized as the paramedics guy.
Good, Ethan though. He was a good guy. Even a hero for some reason. He’d treat her right, like she deserved it. And obviously he was treating her right, judging by the bright smile on her face as she walked to get some churro on a nearby stand.
And Ethan just stood there, watching her as she was happier than he had ever seen her. The sight would have been enticing if she hadn’t been smiling at another man.
Suddenly, the joy of the holiday, the stars in the sky, the little talks of the people surrounding him, and her hair stuck in a beanie, everything was just too much. He walked away from the scene as fast as he could, almost running from it.
Even getting to his apartment, walking to his bed and sleeping in it seemed too hard. Everything still looked like she just had been there, like it still smelled like her even after thirty days. The kitchen, his murdered cactus, the mug she had put her miraculous cure for hangover in. The couch they had sat in. The bed where they made love.
How was he supposed to get over something like that? He had forced it to end but he wasn’t ready to see her move on, quite frankly.
But she was better off without him anyway. And he would have been better off with her in his arms. He even questioned his choices. Why did he come to his old job anyway? She was worth so much more right now that his position.
This brand new bottle of Brandy Naveen had given him last month to celebrate his position as head of Edenbrook’s hospital now looked much more attractive than his thoughts.
The few weeks after, nothing seemed to change. Ethan still ached. Casey lived. Casey thrived. Casey was just better than he was. She was happier than he was.
And he was a mess that had brought it upon himself.
And then he found her crying in a supply closet. It reminded him of older times.
-Are you alright, Rookie? -I’d rather not talk to you about it.
He stayed silent, taking another hit to his already pretty damaged heart.
-Alright. Remember I’ll be here for you.
And then he left her. Not daring to see her eyes burning holes through his back. Not daring to show her just how much happier he had been with her.
But then it was true. If he couldn’t move on, he would just stay there until maybe she’d come back.
Even if Ethan knew she was long gone.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Stop shaming people for having a favorite LI
Stop shaming people for having a favorite LI
Stop shaming people for having a favorite LI
Stop shaming people for having a favorite LI
Stop shaming people for having a favorite LI
Stop shaming people for having a favorite—
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Just who do you think is going to fuck up Auvernal more? Olivia when she learns or MC? Or they are going to gang up. They're probably going to gang up. OMG Auvernal should be scared. They have an army. We have an Olivia.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Yeah, named mine Elea for the same reasons...
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I chose to name her Leonora- a variation of the name Eleanor. I thought it would be nice for her to be named after Liam’s mother, but I also thought she deserved to have her own name, so I changed it up a bit.
It means “light” which is perfect since she’s our little ray of sunshine. ☀️👶
And thank goodness the only thing she’s inherited from her creepy-ass-looking father is the blonde hair.
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malyceaduncastellan · 4 years
Salut mamie.
Wow. Ça fait longtemps que je t'ai pas parlé. On se parlera plus jamais d'ailleurs. Aujourd'hui, le 23 décembre 2019, tu es morte. Donc aujourd'hui était notre dernier délai. On peut dire qu'on l'a manqué bien franchement hein. Ça fait trois ans que j'ai pas entendu le son de ta voix. La dernière phrase que tu m'as dite c'était quand tu as prétendu que tu ne me reconnaissais pas. Et ce jour là dans ma tête, entre toi et moi c'était fini. Ce jour là j'ai décidé que j'en avais assez. Assez de te courir après. De courir après ton amour. De courir comme une deratée, à chercher ton affection quand en réalité tu ne m'as jamais aimée.
Ça fait mal en vrai mamie. Pas que tu sois morte. Que tu ne m'ai jamais aimée. Si j'ai pleuré aujourd'hui c'est parce qu'en tes 95 longues années de vie, aucun jour de mes 20 ans a moi tu n'as trouvé ne serait-ce qu'une petite place dans ton coeur. A croire qu'il était de pierre, figé dans la glace. J'en sais rien.
Tu m'as fait du mal mamie. Tu m'as fait tellement de mal. J'ai couru après l'approbation du monde entier. Quand a l'école on refusait de m'aimer pour ce que je suis, j'aurais dû pouvoir compter sur toi. Et tu m'as trahie. Tu as refusé de m'accepter. Tu as refusé de m'aimer. De m'estimer. De m'encourager.
Mes souvenirs de toi, ce sont ces câlins que ma mère me forçait a te donner. Ces cadeaux que je te faisais qui sont passés à la poubelle comme autant de souvenirs inutiles. Ces remarques qu'aucun enfant ne devrait subir. De toi, je ne me souviens d'aucune chaleur. Me souvenir de toi ne me procure que du regret.
J'ai le droit de ne pas t'aimer. J'ai le droit de ne pas te regretter. Et j'ai aussi le droit de pleurer en écrivant ces mots. Parce qu'en vrai je me sens coupable. Coupable de t'avoir coupée de ma vie pendant trois ans. Quand je sortais encore de dépression et que j'estimais que tu n'étais pas une personne bonne pour ça. Je me sens mal de ne pas avoir demandé d'explication. Je suis triste de ne pas être triste.
Je suis triste de voir le temps passer. Je suis triste de savoir que tu blesses encore des gens alors que tu pars.
Mais tu sais quoi en vrai? Je te pardonne. Il n'y a plus rien a pardonner. C'est fini de toute façon, il ne sert plus a rien d'avoir encore des sentiments a ton égard. Je te pardonne.
Je me pardonne aussi. Je n'ai pas plus a me sentir coupable que toi.
On se verra un jour dans le paradis. Ce jour là je te reverrais peut-être en souriant.
De toute façon, tu es morte aujourd'hui.
Au revoir Mamie.
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