mamamargey · 13 years
INcase you wanted to know which muscles are involved in a high five.....
First, I engage my Supraspinatus and deltiod in order to abduct my arm, while simultaneously engaging my brachialis and brachioradialis, flexing my elbow so that my hand is raised about the same level as my head. The Biceps Brachii also aids in the flexion of my humerous, as well as my radius and ulna, as it crosses both the shoulder and elbow joints. Further, while my infraspinatus, rohmboids and Serratus anterior work together to stabilize my scapula, my supraspinatus and Deltoid maintain my shoulder in abduction, My Pectoralis major, minor and teres minor work together to slightly medially rotate my humerous so that my forearm and hand move closer to my friend. My Flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis work together to flex my four digital fingers while my Flexor pollicis longus flexes my thumb. At the same time, my flexor carpi ulnaris and radialis flex my wrist in order to tautly cock my hand in preparation for the High Five. Then, while all these muscle contractions maintain, my triceps brachii extends my forearm out so that my hand meets my friend’s hand in an EPIC HIGH FIVE!!!
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mamamargey · 13 years
This is the video for our Funksgiving show with Planet Booty this Saturday! THanks to the Minister of Purpleganda for making such a lovely video!
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mamamargey · 13 years
What a fine looking bunch of funksters!
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This weekend a handful of Funky Ones assisted and attended The Artumnal Gathering, Burning Man’s fanciest party of the year presented by the Black Rock Arts Foundation. Many great connections were made and much rug was cut. 
Now we turn our attention to the next big Funky Ones event, Funksgiving, next Saturday at the Red Devil Lounge. 
Here is the complete set of “We are the Funky Percent”
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mamamargey · 13 years
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Separate we are unique, United we are strong! Keep your own personal protest going. Shop locally on everything, join a credit union and be aware of all your consumption habits.
Thanks to Maks and Theo for the art!
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mamamargey · 13 years
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Oh funk yeah... Mama Margey's delicious seasonal home made Apple pie! Yum yum, hand rolled crust and OG apples from my Dads mini farm!
I love this time of year!
Also, I want to remind all my cooking homies out there, I am working on a collaborative cook book right now! Any one who has a couple delish recipes they want to share please email me ( Margey massage at gmail dot com....remove spaces...) with your favorites and I will include you in the recipients of a binded cook book! Join in the fun!
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mamamargey · 13 years
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This photo was taken at TI of some of out fine Grandma's. What a wonderful success!
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mamamargey · 13 years
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Baby's first protest.We felt inspired and excited to breifly join the peaceful occupy camp at OG plaza yesterday. The plaza was filled with women, children and a variey of families as the people of Oakland came together in protest to the failures of our government. We saw old friends, neighbors and many others from our community joined together in a beautiful protest.
We were there as the rally began it's march on the ports, but with baby on bard we opted for a nap and dinner instead of joining them. However, our fearless comrades carried on late into this morning, overtaking the Port of Oakland. There was a huge part of me that wanted to join, but I was proud and astounded to see the dedication of those who could bare the fight.
Protesters faced more arrest, teargas and the like, some which I am sure was warranted, as shop windows were broken, barricades burned etc. While the majority of Occupy Oakland's General Strike were peaceful, there were also angry, thoughtless anarchists with little remorse taking extreme measures into their own hands.
Regardless, I am ecstatic to see a protest of this size ere in my town. I personal gave up the fight a couple years ago, feeling defeated by multiple systems, and began my own daily peaceful protest by boycotting corporations and failed infrastructure which I oppose. I hope this outrageous civil outcry will jolt our leaders as well as our citizens to take their own stand for truth and justice. Let all be exposed and let all consumers make conscious decisions. I hope many more make their lives a peaceful protest:
*Remove Money from big banks, transfer to a credit Union.
*Shop locally and reused on everything: grocery, clothes, furniture, cars, etc.
*Stand up for what you feel in your heart is right and LIVE YOUR TRUTH!
Click the photo or here for the British Guardian's blog recounting the events in Oakland as they happened throughout the afternoon and night.
May you be inspired and enlivened. Pray for your brothers and sisters out there keeping it going.
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mamamargey · 13 years
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For those of you who don't know, this is the official public announcement of my pregnancy with Femenio! It's a smiling, healthy baby boy! Yippee!
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mamamargey · 13 years
so proud of Eamon Armstong! Sound Cloud meet up was very fun and seemingly a success!
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SoundCloud Meetup Test! by purpleganda #scmeetupsf introductions at The Summit by Kristina Weise SounCloud Meetup SF by visda
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mamamargey · 13 years
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I love Peanut Butter. mmmmMMMMMmm
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mamamargey · 13 years
Good luck Eamon! I am so proud of you and your persistent efforts to achieve your goal of working in entertainment and music! Go get it!
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In addition to my blog posts about SoundCloud’s service and my pursuit of the Community Manager position, I wanted to include an example of the way I relate to guests for the benefit of my prospective employers.
In this snapshot from my work as Facebook Manager for Burning Man San Francisco, I am responding to a post on an event page where a guest chose not to participate because she felt that our San Francisco events didn’t honor the cultural values and principles of Burning Man. I have anonymized everyone but my official response as the page.
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mamamargey · 13 years
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This bee was sitting on my car when I came from the cafe this morning... these little guys have been following me everywhere! A sign of fertility and abundance.. :)
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mamamargey · 13 years
GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Grahama’s House by i can dress myself. Produced and engineered by Joseph A. Meyer.
Written for Grahama’s House the Mutant Vehicle, Elephant Bird Camp, Burning Man 2011.
Special thanks to the Funky Ones and Elephant Bird Camp and Burning Man LLC.
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mamamargey · 13 years
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Charlotte Louise Chapple, August 10, 2011
It is important to remember where we all began in this wild life, as a little, hungry, sleepy, sweet, baby. Nurture that innocence, listen to those needs and sleep often. Ask for help, feel free to cry and cuddle sweetly.
Good night moon.
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mamamargey · 13 years
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A Glimpse into the fabulous time that were had at Breakiosaurus, the most recent Funky1s affair in honor of our Art Car, Grahamas House! What a face melting extravaganza!
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mamamargey · 13 years
I met Xiao tonight at Esalen and was very inspired by his story. He followed his truth and became involved with numerous human rights events, and is one of the frontiersman of the digital revolution that is enlightening and connecting our world. I found it very interesting to learn more about what is going on in China now despite the censorship. he internet really is setting the world free a little bit at a time. Here in america we take our freedoms for granted. Be grateful and use the tools which are given to us! Speak your mind, Follow your heart and live YOUR truth and you will change the world too. Much more to come from this incredible week at Esalen.
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mamamargey · 13 years
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Cheshire cat moon looks over us with a clever mischievous grin.
Create, smile, grow.
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