mammonsfavelesbian · 2 years
Seven Deadly Sins
[Obey Me! Brothers + Datables Series] [GN!Reader]
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a/n: i had this idea while i was eating a bacon & egg sandwich and listening to a priest audio porn // also i gave some random characters names so if i accidentally used your name pretty please do your best to try change the name mentally ^^;;
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Your friends suggest you start going to a newly built Church around the corner from your house after tragedy struck and someone close to you passed. Little did you know the secrets behind this mysterious Church would corrupt you.
warnings; NSFW/Smut, Religious Themes, Disturbing Imagery, UNEDITED
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"Come on, MC! Please come to church with me." Your close friend, Nyla begged on the floor of your bedroom.
You sat on the edge of your bed and flicked her forehead, "Why should I go? You're not even religious, why the sudden change of heart?"
She stood up and pulled at the sleeves of your shirt, "I can't tell you! You have to see for yourself, and then you'll want to come all the time. Also, you should go for him. I know it has only been a few months since he passed but this could be a good distraction for you." Her tone completely dropped, she looked at you with a sad glint in her eyes.
Your eyes narrow as she mentions the incident, your fists clenched onto your shorts. Trying to lighten the mood, you roll your eyes and stand up off your bed and flick her forehead, "I'll go, just this once." You hastily push her out of your room and close the door behind her.
You lazily get dressed and fix your hair up a bit and walk out of your room to see Nyla waiting right in front of you, "Let's go already!" She huffed, before linking arms with you and dragging you out of the house.
She covers your eyes the entire way there, which made you trip and stumble alot on the way there.
Nyla giggled and finally stopped walking, she removed her hand off your face.
You look up and see a large, beautifully created church. It was clean and made of a light coloured marble, and on the front of the church were seven pristine sculptures. Each of them had a different design of... some sort of demons.
"That is... an odd design?" You turned to look at Nyla, she shrugged and pulled you to the entrance.
"You will see why I wanted to come, just keep walking!" She excitedly spoke before knocking on the major front door.
no reply.
"This church better make me fly or give me powers because I'm not spending my morning with a crusty dusty old priest." You gagged, elbowing Nyla.
"A crusty, dusty old priest? That's a new one." A masculine voice behind you spoke.
You quickly turned around and yelped, "Holy shit!"
Nyla turned around and smiled to see the guy who had scared you, she shook his hand and bowed to him. You studied his face and GOD DAMN, finest man you've ever seen. He had white hair, and the most pure snow white skin with freckles kissing his face lightly. Were you checking him out? Just a little bit.
He held his hand out to you and smiled, you felt your knees go weak. "I'm Father Solomon, it's nice to meet you."
"Ah... apologies for swearing at a church." You took his hand and shook it, "My name is MC, it's nice to meet you also." You looked down at your hand, he hadn't let go. You feel his grip on your hand tighten a bit as his eyes narrowed, your face irks and you pull your hand away roughly.
"Ah, apologies to you I don't know what came over me." Solomon bowed his head to you as you gave Nyla the look to let her know you wanna get the fuck out of this fine ass man's church before we get murdered. She frowned back at you and shook her head to notify that she wanted you to stay longer, you sigh and roll your eyes.
"It's okay, Father Solomon. You just startled me, that's all." You fake smiled at him, he awkwardly slips between you and Nyla and opens up the doors.
"You two will be joining us today, right?" Solomon asked, smiling at the two of you.
"Mhm! This is MC's first time here." Nyla replied, grabbing your hand and pulling you forward.
"Mm, indeed. If you would like, after our session, I can introduce you to everyone here." Solomon offers, gesturing for you two to enter the church.
"No I don't think-"
"Yes! We will. Right, MC?" Nyla gritted her teeth and stared at you intently.
You sighed and nodded your head, "I would love to."
Solomon smiled and clasped his hands together, "Wonderful! Sit wherever you'd like and I shall start in around 15 minutes." He spoke before walking away.
You wave him off then quickly turn around to your friend, "You bitch why did you drag me here? That priest is a creep."
She rolled her eyes, "You'll see! Also he isn't creepy at all, he's so hot." Nyla fanned herself with her hands and fake fainted into your arms. You laugh and catch her before helping her stand back up
"Alright he's a LITTLE, hot. That better not be the only reason you've been coming here the past couple weeks." You groaned, dragging her towards the seating area with benches lined up to face the front of the church, where you assumed Solomon would speak.
She pulled you to sit at the second row from the back and she excitedly fidgeted, "You'll see them soon."
"See who?" You ask, looking around.
"The owners of the church."
The front door you entered from slams open and in walks a tall man with black hair, you tried to study his features closer but more guys walked in behind him, there were around seven that had just walked in. Nyla had grabbed you quickly and begun shaking you, "That's them! There they are! Watch them right now!" She whisper yelled at you.
"That's it...?" You glared at her, eyebrows irked in annoyance.
One of them noticed the two of you and ran over, "Nyla! It's good to see you, lovely! Who's your pretty friend here?" He asked leaning against the back of the bench you sat on.
"Asmo! I've missed you." Nyla smiled as she stood up and hugged him from across the bench. "This is MC, they're joining me today and hopefully permanently." She excitedly spoke while pulling away.
The man turned to you and gave you a wink, "Hi there!" He offered his hand to you, "My name is Asmodeus, but you can call me Asmo if you'd like." You took his hand and felt a spark on your fingertips and you immediately pulled away due to the shock, you looked up at him frowning, he stared back astonished.
"A-Ah. Sorry, excuse me for just a moment." Asmodeus bowed before quickly making his way back to some of the guys he came in with. You see him whisper something into the ear of the man with black hair, and he looked directly at you.
You immediately turn back around and act like you weren't just snooping on them, you grab Nyla, "What was that? That was so weird." She's about to reply, but before she could she lets out a gasp and you raise an eyebrow.
She points behind you and you quickly turn around to see the guy who you were just staring at right behind you, towering behind your body.
You raise an eyebrow, "Is there something I can help you with?" The man grabs you by the collar of your shirt and he holds you up, Nyla gasps as he holds your dangling body in his very nice hands.
Asmodeus and the other people there see this happening and they all rush over to stop the man, but before they could reach you the man reaches his other hand out and pulls his black glove off with his teeth. He then reaches and cups your cheek, you feel the same spark as you did when you touched Asmodeus and you let out a pained groan. Without thinking, you turn your head and bite his lingering hand, causing him to let you drop onto the Church's marble floor tiles.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Nyla yells at him, scrambling to help you off the floor.
"Lucifer! Did you feel it?" Asmo squeaked, looking from behind.
"Yes, I did." He replied.
Before they could continue their conversation, you butt in with a yell, "Fuck you asshole! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"
Lucifer glanced your way and scoffed, before continuing to talk to Asmo. You huff and stand up, leaning over the bench you slap him in the face.
He didn't even flinch.
The guys behind him start cowering and take a few steps back, he turns to look at you and you glare right back at him.
"Listen asshole, I don't know if it's some weird kink of yours to grab people like that but I did not consent! I'm sorry for slapping you but, get your head out of your ass!" You yell, poking his torso with your index finger as you speak.
"Didn't your mother teach you not to swear during church?" He laughs, not phased by you at all.
"Ha! No she didn't because she's actually dead but umm... yeah so." You awkwardly laugh.
Before this awkward exchange could continue Asmo jumps over the bench and sat next to where you stood up, and gestured his companions to sit down with him.
They follow and most of them sit in front of you (including the guy you slapped) while one sat next to Asmo. "So I see you've just met one of my brothers! Uhm, so don't ever do that again if you want to live." He laughs, clapping his hands together. "I will introduce you to each of them!"
He pointed to the blondie next to him, "That's Satan, yes that's his real name, forgive me if you find it offensive in any way but it was just how he was named." Asmo shrugs, you wave to him as he glares at you before waving back.
"I believe we can introduce ourselves, Asmo." The one with black hair spoke, raising his hand.
"Okay! I'll let you do that then." Asmo huffs and crosses his arms.
"My name is Lucifer, I apologise for our precious exchange. I did not have the best morning, nevertheless I shouldn't have grabbed you like that." He speaks, readjusting his glove back onto his hand.
You sigh and shake your head, "Sorry for slapping, biting and poking you, it was rude. Also for swearing in a church I suppose."
"ANYways, my name is Mammon! You may refer to me as 'The Great Mammon' or 'Mammon The Great." He interrupts, pointing to himself with his thumb proudly as an aura of arrogance floods your airwaves.
"Mammon's my favourite, lord have mercy." Nyla whispered, wiggling her eyebrows at you. You gag and push her head away playfully, you look at each of them and the remaining three have caught your eye. One was sleeping, while one was eating and the last one was on his nintendo switch.
Asmo kicks the bench they sat on to make them introduce themselves, the sleeping one sits up and glares at Asmo and then you.
'Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bench.' You thought to yourself, awkwardly looking away from him.
"My name is Beel, that's Belphie, don't wake him up if you know what's good for ya." The one eating spoke through his mouthful of chips, you nod your head in acknowledgement before Belphie nods back to sleep onto the bench once more.
"Levi." Lucifer spoke, trying to get the man on the end's attention, yet failing. It seemed he was too engulfed with his switch to even acknowledge his surroundings. "Levi!" Lucifer's voice growled and echoed throughout the church, 'Levi' immediately turns around and pulls his headphones down.
'I think my ovaries just exploded.' Nyla whispered into your ear. You stifle your laugh as you watch the two exchange looks.
"What is it? Did something happen?" Levi questioned, sitting straight up.
"Introduce yourself." Lucifer glared at him, before gesturing his gloved hands to you.
Levi grumbled something before turning to you, "My name is Leviathan. Don't talk to me unless it's about anime or Ruri-Chan."
You felt your eyebrows furrow and feel yourself be irked by his introduction.
"My name is [Y/n], and uh- I don't think I'll be coming back here after today?" You awkwardly introduced yourself, shuffling closer to Nyla.
"Awh! No, please come back tomorrow." Asmo huffs, latching onto your arm.
"I don't know... I'm very busy." You lied, not wanting to be rude.
"Busy with what?"
"So you can come! Great, I will see you here tomorrow at the same time."
Nyla wiggled her eyebrows at you, you elbowed her ribs before leaning back to comfort yourself.
Up at the front you saw priest Solomon at the altar, he carried the bible in his hands and placed it on the bench in front of him before he began reading.
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After a long while, the session had ended and people either began to leave or pray on their own.
You turn to look at your friend and she's dead asleep. Her head hung back over the edge of the seat, and there was drool running out her mouth as she snored.
You cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing, before pulling out your phone and stealthily creeping towards her body and holding your phone in her face.
'Click. Click. Click.'
Mammon around, and began to watch you take photos of your friend as he stifled a laugh.
You took one more photo, before Nyla woke up switfly and grabbed your arm that hovered above her head and she whisper-yelled at you. "Delete those right now!"
"Never!" You grinned, before climbing over the chair and running towards the exit of the church.
"That asshole!" Nyla gritted her teeth, she looked towards Lucifer before speaking;
"I told you, it was them. Do what you must to get us back."
She smiled and gave them a peace sign before chasing after you, "Bye Bye!~"
Lucifer frowned at her comment, "You know what to do right?" He asked, looking at his brothers with glowing crimson eyes.
They all nodded in unison.
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a/n live laugh slay
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mammonsfavelesbian · 3 years
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sydney my beloved
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