mamuscript · 6 months
Not to mention they did the body swap BECAUSE they knew how they would both be punished, and each was invulnerable to the other side’s form of punishment.
Crowley didn't tell Aziraphale about the hellfire execution
Except that he did.
I've seen several people say that Crowley never told Aziraphale about the hellfire and his experience in Heaven pretending to be the angel.
But when Gabriel first shows up and Crowley wants to dump him somewhere, he says, "That is your former boss who tried very hard to cast you into hellfire and destroy you."
And Aziraphale shows no surprise. He knew about that. Crowley did tell him at some point. Exactly what details Aziraphale got, it's hard to know for sure, but he knew the gist.
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mamuscript · 9 months
@neil-gaiman's dog has spoken!
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mamuscript · 11 months
I found something else today I hadn’t noticed before:
I’m S2E2: The Clue, when Shax is talking to Crowley about the ‘Miracle of Enormous Power’ that happened the night before - she tells Crowley that if he helps them find Gabriel, they will be grateful.
Then she goes in to say, “And otherwise, you’ll be disliked by Heaven, hunted and eliminated by Hell.”
After the word, “otherwise,” the plants in the backseat begin to shake the way they do when Crowley is intimidating them.
What do we think this means? Does it mean that Crowley is feeling intimidated, and they’re reflecting that energy back? Or that he’s angry - doing a phenomenal job of hiding it - and the plants respond by feeling frightened?
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mamuscript · 11 months
Something to do with Time?
Okay, I may be losing my mind, but on my umpteenth rewatch I noticed:
In the scene after the demons crash the Jane Austen party, when Gabriel is realizing that the entire conflict is about him, the clock in the bookshop is ticking very loudly. More loudly than it should be, considering how many people are muttering and demons are groaning in the immediate vicinity.
And because it’s so loud, I was able to hear that it seems to be ticking at double-time?!
You can compare it to the later scene, the Final 15, after Crowley says, “You hear that?” and Aziraphale listens. You can hear the clock then, too - and it’s ticking at normal speed.
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mamuscript · 11 months
I’m probably just missing something, but - in the car scene when Aziraphale is driving back from Edinburgh and he gives Shax a lift, why does she say that he’s already told her where Gabriel is? And when he asks how, she says, “You didn’t. You have now.”
Is she just bluffing? Is it a joke, having her quote from films without any understanding of what she’s saying?
If not - what did Aziraphale say that told her?
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mamuscript · 11 months
What You Need To Be Warm comes out in the UK on Thursday, in the US on October 31st. Many wonderful artists gave their talents to the book.
All proceeds go to UNHCR, the UN's Refugee organisation. (No money comes to me at any point: my share all goes to help refugees.)
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mamuscript · 11 months
Dropping the Illusion?
I'm sure someone else has already called this out, but I haven't seen it anywhere... In the scene where Aziraphale demands that Crawly look him in the eye and tell him that he wants to do this, and Crawly does so, saying, "I want to. I long to destroy the blameless children of blameless Job - just as I destroyed his blameless goats."
Aziraphale walks away looking so disappointed in him. And Crawly turns to watch him walk away, looking very much as though he cares that Aziraphale is disappointed in him.
Which he should care, right? I mean they've been on Earth together for about 1,500 years at this point - they've been through the Garden of Eden and the Flood. Have undoubtedly encountered each other outside of those two instances numerous times. And Crawly sounded very happy to see him at the Flood.
Immediately after he turns to watch Aziraphale walk away, Aziraphale hears one of the disguised crow-goats bleating.
So: do we think that Crawly deliberately dropped the illusion - making himself quite vulnerable by revealing to his supposed enemy that he, in fact, has a good heart, and an interest in protecting humanity rather than sabotaging it - because he couldn't bear to think that Aziraphale would believe him to be a bad person, who longs to do harm to good people (and goats)?
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mamuscript · 11 months
FanVid Wishlist (There's only one item on it.)
If I could snap my fingers and perform a miracle, the first thing I would do is... well, give us season 3, of course.
But the second thing I would do is create a fan vid to the song "Fare Thee Well (Dink's Song)" by Oscar Isaac and Marcus Mumford.
I had a man, who was long and tall He moved his body like a cannonball Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well
I remember one evening in the pouring rain And in my heart was an aching pain Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well
It is so GO-coded that I squee every time I hear it, but I don't have the skills to bring it into existence.
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mamuscript · 11 months
Just another day of super professional work communication.
Just another day of refusing to convey ideas in any other way.
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mamuscript · 11 months
AU Fix-It Fluff
I don't have many followers, so this may not go far, but I wrote a lil thing that wants to heal your heart.
“Go on,” the demon said. “Day can’t get any weirder.”
The Metatron was clearly waiting for Aziraphale to lead the way, so he started toward the door.
“Angel, wait,” he heard Crowley call. He stopped, turned back. The demon had unfolded himself from the chair, and the Metatron’s eyes narrowed as he approached.
“Can you give us a minute?” Crowley asked, and grinned his wide, toothy grin into the ancient face.
The Metatron considered for a moment, then said, “Yes, all right - but do be quick; we’ve got plenty to be getting on with.”...
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mamuscript · 11 months
#i vote for brother neil
since the pjo fandom refers to rick riordan as uncle rick then should we start referring to neil gaiman as uncle gaiman or do we have to stick with 'the coraline guy'
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mamuscript · 11 months
#lets moot #the best version
Crowley: I didn’t get a chance to say what I was going to say, I think I’d better say it now. Right, ok. Yes. So.
Aziraphale: ���
Crowley: Can I moot an idea with you?
Aziraphale: I’m sorry, what?
Crowley: Is there a version of this where you don’t go back to heaven? Is there a version where we talk this through and you stay?
Aziraphale: Well…there’s always a version…
And we cut to 2 hours later and they’re cuddling and sharing a glass of wine and having forehead kisses and then that’s the end of the season. Problem fucking solved.
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mamuscript · 11 months
still not over the fact that Crowley WALKED ACROSS CONSECRATED GROUND, then stood next to a BASIN FULL OF THE THING THAT DESTROYS HIM, in a church he'd just DIVERTED BOMBS TO, so he could stand IN THE EXPLOSION with Aziraphale and trust Aziraphale's miracle to SPARE THEM EXPLODING TOGETHER, and he trusted it well enough to use his own energy to RESCUE AZIRAPHALE'S BOOKS, which he knew AZIRAPHALE WOULD FORGET TO DO, and he did all that while he was ON THE WAY TO ANOTHER JOB, which he fucked up because he remembered to protect the books but FORGOT TO PROTECT HIS OWN STUFF, and then he spent the rest of the night HELPING AZIRAPHALE LIVE OUT HIS HOMOEROTIC MAGICIAN THEATRICAL DREAMS like he hadn't just BURNED HIS FEET TO SHIT like dear lord Crowley the power of love is a heckuva drug, isn't it?
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mamuscript · 11 months
Aziraphale & Crowley + quotes by Jane Austen, mind behind the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery, brandy smuggler, master spy. And novelist.
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- a novel by Jane Austen, but make it Good Omens.
+ bonus
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mamuscript · 11 months
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Good Omens + even more The Onion headlines
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mamuscript · 1 year
"I don’t wanna be aziraphale if david’s not there as crowley.”
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mamuscript · 1 year
alone together 🥹
For all that a companion to owls is a funny and ridiculous minisode with all the goats and job’s gay son and the bildad shenanigans, all the more of a gut punch the ending is when aziraphale is crying because he thinks he’ll be sent to hell and crowley looks at him already so fond and then they sit staring at the water, lonely together for the very first time in history
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