manal118309 · 4 years
Assignment 2
ID: 118309
Date: May 31, 2020
Words: 1408
When we talk about media, we are talking about a major issue that has affected the formation of humankind since its existence. Since Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1450, media activity has been constantly evolving. Newspapers have appeared followed by the telegraph, the radio, and the television, all the way to the world of the Internet and social media network that have emerged in our time. With this development and diversity, the influence of the media increased and people became more dependent on it, and it became a symbol of change, belief, and life in general.
The media has directly or indirectly affected people's lifestyles and influenced their beliefs, ideas, behaviors in a positively and negatively, as the media, like any advanced technology, is a double-edged sword. We had to shed light on this major issue for two reasons, firstly because the media is directly related to and influencing the public, and secondly because senior politicians and stakeholders use it to achieve their interests.
In this paper, I will talk about some issues related to the media, such as disinformation, hate speech, racism, etc. On the other hand, I will talk about the role of the media in educating people and improving their awareness. In addition to the challenges faced by the media, and how we can analyze the words and images of the media in a constructively and critically.
Submitted material
Politicians and stakeholders resort to influencing people's ideas and beliefs by spreading fake news, alternative facts, false images, and more. In other words, they resort to disinformation. And because people engage in the media not only with their minds but with their hearts, they become an easy target to mislead. It aims to achieve political, and sometimes economic goals through advertisements that exploit people's emotions and feelings with different strategies.
Cognitive strategies are that techniques used to achieve the disinformation goals, by using psychological aspects to manipulate the people and control their actions. For example, using experts or celebrities to talk about products knowing that people will believe them. Another example is using "bribery" strategy by discounts, buy one and get a gift.  These strategies affected values and culture so we should care.
If we back to the history of wars around the world like World War I and II, Cold War, and Iraq's War, we will see many examples of communication strategies that used the weapon of emotion. For example, Hitler's speeches were influenced. Also, use slogans against the enemy like "better died than red" in the Cold War. Because media is the only way to get information in the time of wars, leaders use it to form the thinking of people.
The effects of the media extend to societies through labeling and classifying in the race, gender, and class. For the gender, media showing males strong, heroism, not emotional, and can face problems. On the other hand, it shows females in ways of sexist fashion (as in the covers of tabloid newspapers), their beauty, physical attributes, and objectifying them. And the 3rd gender is normal people, they follow what they want, and living in modern cities. For the race, media classified some individuals and minorities such as linking Arabs to terrorism. For the class, as we see in movies and ads that show and focus on high class, rich celebrities with their luxury products.
With the advent of social media, the socialization of media is increased. For people to obtain social acceptance, they change their behaviors and create a personality other than his reality. Selfie and fame-online is being fake more and more, just to get acceptance.
Hate speech is one of the most issues common in the media which targets a person or group because of color, religion, race, gender, disability, etc. It represented in words, nicknames, pictures, jokes, memes. For example, hate speech against China because of Coronavirus. Some people think that they have the right of expression so that they can say anything even their words harm others, and for those I say, stop, through your bad words you will destroy others.
Contrary to what was mentioned above, the media has a major educational role, especially in health education. Often there are media campaigns to raise awareness about smoking, diabetes, and other diseases. At a time of epidemics, the media creates videos and images that educate people about prevention. It also organizes interviews with experts and doctors, refutes rumors, teaches people about the disease, and shapes their behavior.
Comics is one of the most important methods of communication used by the media to educate people about scientist complex topics. It makes the information easier to understand, stayed at the mind, easy to remember, and catches attention. It also used to address sensitive political topics in deep meaning and objective way.
With so much information that we hear and see, the media face a challenge in balancing between displaying all information to the public and hiding some. The public has the right to know the information they want, but there is information that threatens national security, information related to the privacy of individuals, and information that the enemy may use against the country. Therefore, the media has the right to hide some information for the public interest in a balanced way.
There are other media ethical challenges like,
- Using incomplete, not correct messages, mistakes in words come from official sites of information, misleading headlines.
- No deep reporting in an issue not intimidate citizens or present the full facts.
- The same news everywhere with too much content.
- Emphasis on celebrates (real or fake).
- Financing challenges.
- The huge amount of rumors.
The media contributes directly and indirectly to shaping society, either by shaping negative behaviors and beliefs, or positive behaviors such as giving the community different health habits.
It affects negatively as we saw above in terms of disinformation by using cognitive strategies and persuasion techniques like association, bribery, fear, humor, beautiful people, celebrities, experts, explicit, intensity, and name-calling through exploit people's emotions and psychology.
We also note that many media means are biased in their presentation of information. It passing errors, ignoring facts, highlighting news that coincide with an agenda, placing facts, selecting sources, adding opinions in the news, and labeling, all these are kinds of bias.
Not only that, but negative influences also abound in social media through the stereotyping of society and determining its characteristics and how it should be. In addition to widespread hate speech and bad comments. Change the many tiers of women, social classes, and more.
On the other hand, the media is linked to our lives, and its educational and awareness role cannot be dispensed with, especially in times of crisis and wars, as it directs people to act properly to preserve the security of the country.
But the question is how can we understand the media and be aware of its messages?
By media literacy, which developing us from being a passive receptacle to an active assimilator who disassembles the packed message and examines its contents and designs. We can understand the media and its hidden messages by strengthen our focus, decide the goals, filtering media by asking critical questions like,
-  Where was this message placed?
-  Who placed the message?
-  How effectively is the message conveyed by the sound, color, lighting, composition, wording?
-  What kind of lifestyle is presented?
-  Who funds the media means?
-  What tools of persuasions are used?
-  What part of the story is not being told?  
So all these questions can help you understand the media and become more aware of the values, beliefs (positively and negatively), and media messages.
The media is not a single issue based on itself. Rather, it is the engine of all other issues related to it, whether they are social, humanitarian, and economic issues. Therefore, the media must be properly directed to achieve its goal. The audience must not only be satisfied with the image and the word displayed, but rather go further and be able to see beyond the image. This can only be achieved by instilling critical thinking and media literacy in families first and then in children. The media should also be taught as basic courses in schools, for a generation to be aware of what is going on around it. Finally, the media is part of us and our identity so we must understand it well.
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manal118309 · 4 years
Media ethics challenges
ID: 118309
Date: May 19, 2020
Words: 316
As technology evolves, the media is constantly evolving. Nowadays, social media becomes more accepting and popular than traditional media. Also, the so-called citizen journalist has appeared, and the information has become not hold of anyone. In addition, people become attracted to audiovisual templates so the media templates and forms of are developed, whether in the formulation of news, interviews, live broadcasts, etc. But the question is, has the ethics of the media changed?
Media is a profession that must be ethical because it relates directly to people and affects them. The media be ethical when it transmits the correct information and not distort it, and cover the news fully and comprehensively, avoid prejudice, racism, and extremism, separate news from opinion, respect the right of privacy, and protect national security.
Many media mean have abandoned some of these ethics to achieve the scoop, so the media sometimes resort to spreading false news. for example, during the Corona crisis, some media reported misleading news, such as the promotion of the idea that the virus had been caught by a person eating a bat soup in China. In addition to saying that the virus was produced in China or the United States laboratories.
On the other hand, some of the media outlets were ethical, responded to rumors, provided accurate information from reliable sources, and did not promote any racist ideas. Also, it balanced the speed of information transmission and verification of its authenticity.
There are some ethical challenges that the media will face in light of the continuous changes and developments. One of these challenges is avoiding hate speech, racism, and stereotyping. Also, dealing with reliable information sources, and verify the authenticity of the photos and videos that are not real, in light of the development of the techniques of Photoshop and technology in general. In addition to refuting the rumors and false news that spread through social media.
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manal118309 · 4 years
Discussing two hypotheses
ID: 118309
Date: May 5, 2020
Words : 305
The media has a great responsibility, as it is the first and direct influence in the lives of individuals in societies, as this requires the media to be fully transparent in the transmission of information. On the other hand, transparency may cause problems. 
Citizens have the right to have a transparent media
The good aspect of transparent media is that the information becomes clear and understandable for the public without lack, which in turn increases the citizen's confidence in the media and the government. On the other side, the less transparent media, the more rumors spread which could harm the public and constitute misinformation. For example, the time of crisis is the best for the media to be transparent so that the public does not take information from unreliable sources that can harm the citizen and national security.
Citizens do not need to know everything
In light of the increasing public demand from the media to display everything, governments seek to hide some information, for various reasons that may be in the interest of the people, the country, or the government. Such as information that destabilizes national security, or which infringes on the privacy of some people, or information that broadcasts negativity in people and changes their thoughts for the worse.
The Solution: 
In conclusion, which I extract personally, the issue of media transparency depends on the type of material presented, so whenever the information can harm the country and the citizen it should not be presented. Citizens are entitled to receive a transparent media if it is intended to cause positive change in citizens. for example, (in Oman) the media deals with the Coronavirus crisis in a transparent manner, but it did not display the names of the injured people, because this is considered a strictly personal matter and should not be dealt with.
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manal118309 · 4 years
2'min video assignment
ID: 118309
Date: May 4, 2020
Topic: YouTube's impact on children
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manal118309 · 4 years
ID: 118309
Date: April 28, 2020
Number of words: 333
Tumblr media
1. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-hulPtHQYC/?igshid=p4f47jlv3vf4  
2. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-uHB2Dn5Sk/?igshid=xrbhsqbytlnr 
3. https://twitter.com/Almaskri07/status/1244149020479586305?s=19 
4.  https://alkhaleejonline.net/%D8%AB%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9-%D9%88%D9%81%D9%86/%D9%83%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%AC-%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%A4%D8%AB%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B9%D8%B5%D8%B1-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A
Analysis of the four illustration 
1. This first cartoon is a story that lists important information about the Coronavirus and its methods of spreading, like that door handle one of the places that Coronavirus concentrated in, and that not washing our hands well causing the virus entering the body. Also, touching others and not adhering to the social distance. Then it shows the elderly who are most affected because of their weak immunity.  
2. This cartoon shows that the gatherings are the preferred place for the virus to spread, and it is better to stay at home. And it targets the children to warn them about the danger of gatherings.
3. Awareness illustration shows the efforts of doctors and security in the fight against the virus to save Oman. Also, it explains the category of society who don't follow the health guidelines, what is possible because of them we will lose Oman and the efforts of doctors.
4. The cartoonist here shows the dangers of shaking hands or noses -as in Arab countries- in corona's time, which is necessary to avoid infection.
- At all, None of these comics include discrimination or stereotyping.
What made me choose these four illustrations
I choose these illustrations because they are interesting and simple to read the ideas. Also, they show many important things about Coronavirus, the true prevention way, and the roles of doctors and security to prevent Coronavirus from spreading, in an emotional way. In addition to the major role of people of different ages. Also, they are clear and I don’t have to spend more time getting information about the crisis.
My understanding on the use of such cartoons
The cartoon is a part of communication with the audience which can interact with them. Also, it can explain issues, crises, events simply. Moreover, there are educational cartoons that educate the audience on how to deal with the crisis, and what they should do. Besides, it makes stories emotional and easy to remember. The great thing in cartoons is that most people can understand it even children or illiterate.    
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manal118309 · 4 years
ID: 118309
Date: April 21, 2020
Words: 347
The media is the main source of Information which carries out educational activities to create health awareness among members of society. Moreover, it warns people about the risk of diseases and epidemics. Also, it works to educate society on health values and reduce the incidence of diseases deaths and disabilities. The media plays a role in health education, especially in crises situations and prevention.
 A. In a crisis situation:
The media takes a big part of health education by:  
1.  Doing conferences.
2.  Participating in health activities.
3.  Rejecting rumors.
4.  Adequate attention to statistics.
5.  Health awareness campaigns.
An example of the crises currently facing the world is the Coronavirus. Some social media sites have contributed to the spread of fabricated news, rumors, and promoting fake drugs (consumption of volcanic ash, chlorine disinfectants, and the use of UV lamps).
Some media outlets, on the other hand, have played a major role in correcting information and delivering reliable information by:
1.  Answering public questions regarding developments in MERS-CoV (incidence, mortality and daily recovery) through using reliable sources (e.g. the World Health Organization and the country's Ministry of Health).
2. Show sympathy for those affected.
3. Use the right language and explain the terms clearly.
4. Provide practical information (health and travel tips, important local phone numbers).
B.  In prevention:
The media has an effective role in spreading health awareness by holding conferences, designing publications and posters, conducting interviews, and celebrating global health events ( e.g. World Diabetes Day and World Cancer Day)
During the Coronavirus crisis, the media spreads the ways of prevention. For example:
1.  Make awareness videos (e.g., the right way to wash hands with soap and water, social spacing, non-handshake, and contact, coughing and sneezing towards the arm).
2. Use the hashtag #stay_at_home.
3.  Introduced the public to the disease and its symptoms, how it is transmitted and effective ways to reduce and prevent its risks.
4.  Interview with people who have recovered.
5.  Celebrities and influencers contribution to spreading awareness.
1.  Take the information from reliable sources
2. Must counter the misinformation
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manal118309 · 4 years
Hate speech: how to identify hate speech in media content? Is it free speech or hate speech that is practiced
ID: 118309
Date: April 14, 2020
Number of words: 347
People on social media find a space to express their opinions and ideas, but sometimes harms some individuals, minorities, and certain groups. People have resorted to using expressions and words that offend others, which fall under the concept of " Hate speech". And they use a justification "freedom of expression" as it is a human right and a rule of democracy and justice.
How to identify hate speech?
Online hate speech targets a person or group because of characteristics closely related to their identities such as color, religion, race, gender, disability, and sexual orientation. By insulting, mutilating, and inciting hatred, discrimination, racism, and violence.
The forms of hate speech vary, as they may be direct words, or specific nicknames, pictures, videos, symbols, jokes, and memes that contain meanings of racism towards the other. Which in turn has major impacts on individuals such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and fear of people over their lives, self-harm, and may even reach suicide as recently happened to the Korean K-pop star Soleil's suicide as a result of bullying and bad comments via social media.
Related to Coronavirus, a lot of racism and hate speeches on social media against the Chinese have recently appeared to criticize the food Chinese eat, and Asians' cleanliness, and link "Corona" to Chinese. Here are some examples:
     -  A user posted a picture of Korean singer Kim Chung Ha in Milan entitled "la corona virus si sposta", which means Coronavirus is coming.
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        -  Hate comments under a post of a Chinese like this one:" Those must be fought with a nuclear bomb that eliminates them completely"
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captured from twitter by me
         -  Memes and jocks:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The two pictures captured by me from twitter
Is it free speech or hate speech?
Free speech always comes with limitations. We can't say anything and link it to the "freedom of speech"! Our words are free when it doesn't contain inflammatory, racial and hatred meanings that hurt and offend to others.
- Hate speech couldn’t be a free speech.
- Every speech offends individuals or groups because of race, color, gender, religion,.. etc, called "hate speech".
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manal118309 · 4 years
Selfie and narcissism - fame online
ID: 118309
Date: Marsh 10, 2020
Number of words: 340
Now wherever you see, you will see the selfie, especially on Instagram and Snapchat. People strive to display selfies most beautifully, adopting certain imaging angles (often 45% above your eye line), different lighting and modes, using filters, inserting them into editing programs, and then posting them on social media, so that why new smartphones have become a feature that supports immediate facial beautification Which reduces wrinkles and blends skin tone. A recent survey of more than 800 teenagers by the Pew Research Centre in America found that 91% posted photos of themselves online – up from 79% in 2006. But the question is why people take selfies and sharing them on social media!
In one of telling, Narcissus was a handsome man, he saw his reflection in the river and fill in love with himself unable to get himself away then he drowned, a flower grows there named " the Narcissus" which show the basic idea of narcissism " self-love".
Narcissists think that they're smarter, more important, better looking, sense of entitlement, and they seek for attention.
Is there a relationship between selfie and narcissism?
Researchers from Swansea University and Milan University studied personality changes and their usage of posting selfies in social media of 74 individuals aged 18 to 34 over four months. It showed that posting selfies can increase narcissism. "The use of visual social media may emphasis the perception of narcissistic individuals that they are the main focus of attention." Professor Roberto Truzoli from Milan University said.
Fame online – celebrity culture
People in social media, especially celebrities, often appear as happy, confident, strong family relationships, beautiful face and body, interested in music, sports, getting expensive products, unlike reality, only to receive social acceptance and more likes, retweet, comments, etc. Far from showing the downside and real lives that followers in social media may not like.
·        selfies can increase narcissism.
·        The fame life is full of fake; celebrities always have a perfect life, as we       see in social media.
·        Media affect people's behaviors and attitudes.
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manal118309 · 4 years
How do media outside Oman present race, gender (Male, Female & 3rds) and class?
ID: 118309
Date: March 3, 2020
Number of words: 347
The power of media is represented in its ability to shape thought, which in turn affects people's beliefs, and these images may be negative or positive. This extends to forming opinions about societies, cultures, gender, and class. And in this blog, I will talk about how media outside Oman present gender, race, and class.
How media present gender (male, female, 3rds)
The media always link men to strength, cruelty, violence, heroism, the ability to face the problems of life, should be strong, aggressive, not emotional and love sport, as we see in different movies and ads.
Unlike men, women often portrayed in a lack of clothing, women's place are in the home, don't make important decisions, dependent on their male. Also, especially in ads, they show how the body of the girl must be pretty, tall, white, big lips, a small nose which raises the market of plastic surgery.
3rd gender, the media present them as normal people, and showing their suffering. For example, a series of Anne with an E shows two characters are homosexual, which is acceptable in modern cities.
How media present race
We often see persons tend to think of cultures or countries in negative ways and judge individuals based on their membership in that group, that is how media affected race. For example, Muslims are terrorists, stupid, ignorant as shown in some movies like The Siege. Also, Japanese are hardworking, inventors as shown in The Green Hornet.
How media present class
We often see that the media focuses on the high-class in society, and rich celebrities are portrayed as having the latest brands of cars, phones, watches, etc. They are also represented as interested in beauty, fitness, elegance, and music. And ads use those celebrities to present their luxury goods to influence others to buy it even it is very expensive, and some people will buy it just to show that they belong to high-class.
In Oman
As for gender in the Omani media, I do not think that there is any kind of stereotyping of women or men, but rather it seeks to equalize between men and women and to involve women with men in various tasks. As for the race, in the mainstream media, there is no kind of racism, but in social media, some racism is shown as comments and tweets against black people, naming them as “khal”, and not marrying with them. As for the class, it also appears in social media like taking photos of expensive and luxury brands always.
The media can influence ideas, creating a stereotype of people, cultures, classes, and ethnicities. And we should have critical thinking to everything we see in media.
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manal118309 · 4 years
ID: 118309
Date: February 25, 2020
Number of words: 350
Communication in Cold War, World War I and II, American coalition invasion of Iraq.
Media has been and remains as powerful weapon for states. And in wars, media uses its various means to dominate public opinion and direct it to achieve the goals of the state.Here I will talk how was the media used in some historical events.
If we look at the history of the Cold War, World War I and II, and American coalition invasion of Iraq, we would find that the media adopted the government's policy and determined its content in proportion to the goals of the state, whether by telegraph, phone, radio, television, cinema, publications, and as well as the speeches of presidents and officials. In order to win the public for the benefit of the state.
In the Cold War, Western radio was used to spread capitalism thoughts to the Soviets to create a more pro-Western culture. Also, they used some slogans against Soviets like "better dead than red".
For World War I and II, governments used media to show wrong images about enemies. For example, Britain and France depicted the Germans as barbarians and animals. Nazism used cinema to promote its ideas, it produced several films like Htlerjunge Quex, which focused on patriotic sentiments and self-sacrifice for the country. Also, Hitler and Goebbels were giving enthusiastic speeches urging sacrifice, work, production used words like"truth" and "peace" frequently.
In Iraq war, the United States directed "Sawa" Radio, "Al Hurra" satellite channel, and "Hay" magazine for the Middle East. They show Iraqis as "terrorism" and repeated the words "war is the war to liberate Iraq" and the goal of the war is to provide assistance to the Iraqi people. All this, to win the support of the Iraqi and American people.
The means of communication at all times are very important, especially in times of wars to reach the public and influence their ideas in proportion to the political goals of the state, using misleading and psychological methods.
Media always works with the psychological side of people, using media misinformation and cognitive strategies to distort facts and influence people's ideas and attitudes, especially in times of wars and crises.
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manal118309 · 4 years
Use of cognitive strategies in media, why should we care?
ID: 118309
Date: February 18, 2020
Number of words: 341
American thinker Noam Chomsky identified in the article "The Ten Strategies of Control and Misinformation" ten strategies used by the stakeholders to manipulate the people and control their actions and thinking. The sixth strategy in Chomsky’s article states "Talking to heart before mind."
Media uses various forms of psychological methods to influence the feelings and attitudes of the addressee. In this article, I will talk about the types of cognitive strategies in the media and why we should care about them.
Cognitive strategies in media
There are different types of psychological methods that media use to influence individuals by using the weapon of emotion. Commercial companies benefit from this to market their products, attract customers and increase sales. Here are some techniques with examples.
        Authority –  An authority is someone who is seen to have expert knowledge and experience in a particular field(1) . People always tend to obey those in authority, trust them and take their advice.
Example – Smashbox is a brand of cosmetics, it used a popular YouTube beauty blogger Casey Holmes. She posted an image on Instagram shows that she uses Smashbox products, then the number of company sales increased.
       Exclusivity – Some companies create exclusive websites or products and specify the list of subscribers, so people feel that their product is special and carries great value.
 Example – Facebook limited persons who were able to get accounts at the  beginning.
Also, there are cognitive strategies in the media that affect the knowledge and intellectual aspect and introduce new habits into society. For example:
Introducing same-sex marriage ideas and linking them to the civilized progress of humanity and freedoms.
 Link the terrorist's  to men with long beards.
Why should we care?
We should care because these strategies affect long and short-term effects on values, principles, and behaviors, as they affect the culture of society, stereotypes of people's thinking, and constitute false mental images of peoples and religions.
I understood how media and the information it transmitted influence the way we think, our attitudes, values, and beliefs.
(1)  https://www.getspokal.com/ten-examples-of-social-media-campaigns-using-psychology/ 
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manal118309 · 4 years
ID: 118309
Date: February11,2020
Number of words: 262
Disinformation is a method of withholding, misleading, or falsifying information in a manner appropriate to stakeholders. It seeks to influence the recipient first and then public opinion as a whole. In this article I will talk about the objectives of disinformation and methods of using it.
The objectives of disinformation
The objectives of disinformation differ from one context to another and from one institution to another, they can be political goals such as counterfeiting information in proportion to the policy of the state or the institution funding the media institution. Also, they may be economical in order to increase the profit of the organization by attracting consumers by withholding or coloring the correct information.
Methods used in disinformation
There are various ways of disinformation depending on the media used and the goals of the misleading user such as, false visuals and advertisement disinformation.
        - False visuals, it is used to lend extra credibility to a false fact, or for political goals. For example, Al-Ahram fabricated a photo of Hosni Mubarak made him the patron of the peace negotiations.
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        - Advertisements disinformation, it is used by linking products to human feelings and emotions such as the Pepsi and Cola advertisements focusing on linking their products in the recipient’s mind to youth, vitality and activity.
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Disinformation is a media ploy to reach an audience and influence their thoughts and behaviors. Some may consider it an immoral method because it is inconsistent with the ethics of media work. When the media is subjective or does not present or color the truth, then it is misleading
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manal118309 · 4 years
Tumblr media
I expect I will learn in this course about many issues around the world like world wars, terrorism, and social media disinformation, etc . Also how can we write articles on this issues.
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