manasorry · 2 years
Heads up: If you consistently CANNOT do tasks unless they are at the “Must Happen Right Now” stage, then you have a disability. 
Most people CHOOSE to put stuff off sometimes, but abled people do not consistently feel UNABLE to complete tasks without threat of consequence.
Maybe it’s an executive dysfunction issue, maybe it’s fatigue, maybe it’s chronic pain– doesn’t matter why, what matters is acknowledging it so that you can move forward. Reach out to resources that are there to help disabled people! Ask for accommodations! They’re there FOR YOU, BECAUSE YOU NEED THEM! Understanding and accepting that you have the limitations you have, and learning what can be done about them, will lead to a much more fulfilling life which you absolutely deserve. 
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manasorry · 2 years
it occurred to me just now that living in horrible turbulent times means that studying your time period is likely to be the boring normie option in the future because that's what everyone studied
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manasorry · 2 years
“Tumblr doesn’t have an algorithm” actually it does. It just gives us the ability to use the website without it, and we’ve all decided to use it that way and only that way because engagement algorithms suck.
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manasorry · 2 years
seems weird that I am just walking around & nobody knows that my brain is like this
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manasorry · 2 years
i know some people hate the joke and that’s fine but i am deeply fascinated by this site’s ability to spin an entire narrative so quickly and come up with consistent ideas and jokes and character arcs and throughlines it’s such an interesting way to tell a story and i genuinely really dig it
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manasorry · 2 years
What a year this week has been.
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manasorry · 2 years
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manasorry · 2 years
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manasorry · 2 years
when people on twitter or tiktok say "yeah tumblr is bad, its always been bad and gross and problematic" do they know its always been completely self-curated too or are we gonna leave that part out
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manasorry · 2 years
holdon . wait . BEFORE twitter dies does anyone wanna admit they have a crush on me
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manasorry · 2 years
genuine tip for any tumblr newcomers: block literally whoever you want for any reason. even if you've never talked to them. they don't even need to be "problematic" or whatever. that person posting the worst takes imaginable in your favorite show's tag? block em. that person who runs a blog dedicated to a ship that makes you want to gouge your eyes out? block em. that person you've never interacted with directly but they left a comment on a post you saw and they just seem like a dick? block em.
the block button: it's free, it's easy, it's the key to a peaceful tumblrina life
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manasorry · 2 years
Ultimately i am jealous of nepotism babies i want a nothing life too
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manasorry · 2 years
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I've been waiting for him to say this lmao
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manasorry · 2 years
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manasorry · 2 years
I love watching twitter crash and burn in real time from the safety of my own home (tumblr)
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manasorry · 2 years
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I have to hand it to Musk, nobody else could have fucked up quite on this scale, Twitter is a disaster right now
there will be lawsuits over this stuff
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manasorry · 2 years
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Update on how Twitter’s going, Elon decided to get snarky with someone showing concerns about the whole impersonation fiasco on Twitter. Turns out the person he chose to get snarky with is a Senator who has oversight on subcommittees that all pertain to his businesses.
Great work, Elon.
(images credited to dixonij on Twitter)
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