mandari-peacock · 6 years
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How long? Honestly no idea, the new work takes more form me then I thought it would. Way to much new stuff, medical wise and what comes with it x.x So I am mostly dead tired when coming home and just skribbling here and there.
If anyone wanna find me, I will log in into my art blog ( @cidsin ) or to my ask blog ( @ask-killer ). But if it comes to pm’s, then I am more easy to grab on my art blog.
these other blogs will go on a Hiatus as well:
will rebaggle the post to them as well.
RP Threads, I will let it up to you if you say stop to them, even after me coming back (which I don’t know when) or if you say just a break for them and getting to it once more.
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
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Inktober Day 11
Theme Cruel Witch with Zuhal
ok ok he doesn’t look like a witch I know I know. But honestly, that would be even more scary, a dude like him and you find out he is a witch with loving to burn things kinda up xD
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
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Inktober Day 7
Theme Exhausted Satyr with Basma
finally finished this, neighbours came over xD so took a bit longer then wished… 
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
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Hiatus from 17 September till 9 October!
Some of you know it already, but for the others… :) I will be away on holidays in Japan in the time my RP blogs will be on Hiatus.
I will try to post some photos here on my personal blog @cidsin :))
The blogs that will be on a Hiatus are: @spottedsoftpaws , @ask-killer , @mandari-peacock , @compassoftides (the two sideblogs that are RP blogs of it @reposalo and @theperformerinred ).  
The Hiatus notice will be posted in the following days too. Activity over the queue will be with Lucci and Killer, I will try to fill it a bit more for this time :)
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
“Thank you.  .  .” He stammered quietly and moved forward to take the cloth, making sure that he moved slowly and precisely. A mistake or two had been made along the way, but he tried his best to correct them. Any progress he made, however, was put on pause. His chest seized, heart stopping for half a second before it began to thunder rapidly in his chest.
Nami didn’t have him, but he wished she did. There was no one else he wanted to dedicate himself to more. He cared to an extent that most didn’t, and it was both painful and exciting. All he wanted was to impress the navigator, and he hoped that this would.
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“You flatter me, mademoiselle. I feel bad that you’re teaching me this and being so kind, and I haven’t even learned your name yet.” He stepped back once he was finished and gave a bashful smile. “How’d I do?”
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Dark green eyes made sure not to overlook his little failures, she would have to let him repeat it again and again till him being unsure was not in the way of his motions anymore. Then she blinked, noting as well that she had not given her name yet to him. “Oh my, where were my manners?” she asked then and bowed a little. “I am Basma, as you can see sewing and selling clothes from my homeland.” she chuckled then glanced over the Saree once again.
“You did rather good, but you will have to do it again. If you want to impress her, you have not to show that you are unsure where what goes.” she smiled at him, tugging at the Saree a little. She was not even mad or anything, more like a teacher showing that he should give it a try again.
“I can imagine she would tease you even more if she sees your fingers stopping and a question in your eyes.” showing him once again how to get the Saree off, she would wait for him to start again. “And you shouldn’t feel bad, it shows your interest when you want to learn while I teach it to you.” the reasons for learning aside, he wanted to do it to impress this lady that he liked.
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
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Up-close & Personal 
We take you through intimate instants of behind the scenes close-ups where what started as a vision, needle to thread transforms into an Haute Couture gown - Revisiting exclusive images of the ELIE SAAB Atelier in Beirut for Autumn Winter 2015-16 in anticipation for the upcoming show to unveil.
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
He definitely didn’t seem sorry, Caesar was mostly wondering if this guy knew who he was, how dangerous he was and what he was getting himself into with this… weird flirting. If he DID know who the scientist was he was definitely very brave, if not? Well, he’d know eventually if he kept up his little games, Caesar would play along for now, he didn’t really have anything better to do.
“Clothes are pieces of fabric they don’t have gender…” He shrugged, the scientist would wear what looked good on him, sometimes that was a dress or a skirt, sometimes a suit… in all honestly he made any piece of clothing look good, he was just that great. “If it looks good on me I’ll wear it, shurororo” A small tilt of hips as if to accentuate the very feminine panties he was wearing, then he seemed to get self conscious again, covering them.
“So… yeah, bring me what you’ve got!”
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Folding the clothes that he had just taken from his customer’s body, he blinked in open surprise. The eyebrows even going up a little as he heard the words of Caesar. “That is good to hear.” he hummed very pleased over this. “Just a moment my dear customer, then you will have a wider range to choose from.
With this another bow followed, then he excused himself as he went through the shop. “If you wish, I can prepare a tea for you while you look over them.” he offered him as he put some clothes over his arm, a slight glance to the side followed making sure Caesar was all right on his own for now. 
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
Thinking back on the type of clothing Nami typically wore, he realized that this was more complicated and time-consuming. Worth it, however, knowing his beloved would look absolutely ravishing in the garb. His dedication to the redhead and the notion that he might have the chance to help her into her clothing made him determined to focus on the method, blue eyes never once finding their way off the woman in front of him. He stared intently, as if his life depended on his learning. Little nods here and there, flickers of confusion when she moved too quickly. No, he could do this.
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“I think I get it.” He gave her one last, firm bob of his head. There wasn’t a hint of perversion or lust in his approach or the expression etched into his face. He felt no shame in the idea of asking questions, but he wanted to try first before request her help. Palms open, he came to stand in front of her. “May I?”
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After seeing that he didn’t seem to have any questions, she nodded as well and started to unwrap the clothing again. Holding the fabric up to him with a soft teasing smile. “You are allowed to.” was her answer then.
Once he would have the fabric, she would make sure her hair would not get in the way. She herself had no problem with this anymore, but he was just learning how to dress someone into a Saree. “If you wish I can turn around as well, if that is easier for you.” was her offer for him then, waiting for him to start and taking note over how good his hands were moving. That and what he might not have understood, when he might not move as fluently as he might start with it.
“One thing for sure, this lady should be glad over having you.” soft teasing came from her lips, smiling still her playful smile. She knew she was distracting him with that maybe, but he would need to learn to speak and wrap. 
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
An AU where everyone has a mark on their chest that glows brightly when they meet their soul mate. Send me "Glow" to see my muse's reaction when meeting your muse and both their marks begin to glow.
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
“What she was like. Snow, cream, marble, cherries, alabaster, golden wire? None of these. She was like a fox, or an olive tree; like the waves of the sea when you look down upon them from a height; like an emerald; like the sun on a green hill which is yet clouded—”
— Virginia Woolf, from The Complete Works; “Orlando: A Biography,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
Seconds ticked by, deepening his anxiety. Slowly he felt his heart sink in his chest, further, further, and his lungs ached. Maybe it was a bad idea to apologize like this. Maybe she was angrier that he tried to make her feel superior even though that wasn’t his intention, but on hindsight that was probably what this looked like. Curses, what was he doing?
Just when he became convinced he had done another mistake, she spoke. He frowned, perplexed. He knew that tone and it did not belong into the conversation they were about to have. Had he misjudged the severity of the situation? No, the hurt on her expression had been genuine. Confusion rattled his brain and the more he thought about it, the more uncertain he became.
His head remained lowered, giving him cover. He hesitated - even her phrasing wasn’t suited for the moment. Maybe, perhaps she had had her time with blowing off fumes and was now alright with what had happened. It didn’t match her personality but there was no other explanation. He didn’t know her that well yet to say what was in character for her, to begin with. And nothing else made sense.
“Yes,” he slowly replied. “I’m sorry.” His voice was uncertain but it slipped into the tone that he used in their sessions also. Maybe she had planned other form of punishment for him. He didn’t know how he felt about that, but found many of his beliefs of the situation shaken, so he wasn’t in the right state of mind to figure it out, anyway.
Again she just looked at him, the smile fading from her lips. No, she was not able to hold this mask up. Even if she had thought for a brief moment that she was good like this. It simply hurt too much.
So much that she wished nothing more than to let him grovel before her for a way longer time then it was good for either of them. Days wouldn’t be enough for her anger, at least weeks if not months in this state! She could feel her anger raising more again before she glanced to the side and let a sigh out.
“We should speak then. Even if I wish to see you way longer in this state then just this little bit.” even so it was harder for her to put every mask to the side. She had to remind herself that nobody would come here, that they were alone and had time for speaking. At least that is what she hoped, that no one would search for him and needed him right here and now. Taking a deeper breath, she slowly glanced back to him. Awaiting by now that he was sitting properly again. ~Don’t slip under a mask again. It won’t help you two!~ she reminded herself in her mind, letting him see very good that she was still angry. Eyes not as soft or bright, more of a darker shade of the already dark green.
“And I await honest words.” even if those might hurt her even more, but this was what she prefered then being played with. Maybe that was why it had hurt so much, that it felt this way even if she knew that he wasn’t playing with her. Still, they needed to do something with their position. They couldn’t let it be as it was now, couldn’t go and lie more and hurt each other in the end. That is... If she hadn’t hurt him just seconds ago with her try to run under a mask to not show her anger anymore.
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
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A Pair of Peacocks in Spring, 1901, Imao Keinen
color on silk
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
A flicker of disappointment momentarily appeared in the cook’s bright eyes. He had been called out long before his mind could get to the good parts of his imagination, head lowering ever so slightly in shame. He knew he was a mite on the perverted side, and it had shown in his eagerness. The lovely lady helping him didn’t scold him, however, a fact he didn’t fail to notice. Was she encouraging him, or did she enjoy giving him risque suggestions? Both were likely, but he wouldn’t ask.
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“If, uh.  .  . If I’m going to help Nami-san into hers, wouldn’t it be best to show me and let me help?” He coughed once and tugged at the collar of the clothes she’d let him try on. The climate could have easily been the cause for his flustered and overheated state, but part of the blame fell on her. Complete strangers weren’t in the habit of nearly undressing in front of him and giving him the opportunity to redress them.
While his hormones were getting the better of him, he was still grateful for her help. Head bowing, he spoke above the slight crack in his voice. “Thank you for helping me, mademoiselle. I really want to make sure I do this right for Nami-san.”
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Tilting her head a slight bit, she can’t help but chuckle over this reaction. She could guess pretty well what was going on in his mind. Still, it was nothing to worry for her there. He didn’t seem like the type of person that would do something not well behaving in front of another woman. That or even daring to grope her in a way she wouldn’t approve.
“Good, I will show you once without your help.” she says as she stands before him, just a bit away so that he can see it properly how it would be done. “After this, we will try and see if you can help me into it. Is that ok with you?” placing the Saree over her arm, she was waiting for an answer from him. After this, she would start to slowly fold a part of the long fabric. Showing him how it was tugged into the skirt’s waistband before she placed it around her hip one time. Then the bigger part of the fabric was moved over her chest so that she could place it over her shoulder behind herself.
Once she had shown him one time, she waited for him if he had a question.
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
💎 - Does my muse wear a lot of jewelry? If so, what kind(s)? //for both
Glamour & Aesthetics Ask Meme
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She chuckles a slight bit. “Well yes, I do like jewellery. Thought I can wear it mostly just after work. Rings and bracelets tend to get in the way while sewing.”
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“If so then a bracelet yes.” then he stops and smirks, pulling his clothes a bit to the side. “And some other... Places for jewellery thought those you should take time to look at them at night.”
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
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Mermay Day 11
comes with my sweet Basma, just like her brother Zuhal she is a vermillion snapper mermaid ^^
Day 10 / Day 12
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mandari-peacock · 6 years
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Double blade bichwa, India, late 19th century.
from Czerny’s International Auction House
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