manderlymaiden-blog · 5 years
❝ Only idiots aren’t scared of things that are scary. ❞
                        * . ✧ THE CRUEL PRINCE ✧ . *
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“Then what do you wish for me to be scared of, Lady Alys?” She couldn’t help her fear of snakes. The way they moved and the pricks of their teeth unsettled her. It left her skin in goose pimples but thankfully she did not have to think of them often since the north was not known for its scaled beasts. Snakes could not bare the cold, thank the old gods.
“Butterflies? Bunnies? Neither are scary yet not worth dreading.”
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manderlymaiden-blog · 5 years
       plotted starter for @ofwclfhearts
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There was no mistaking a childhood friend. Wynafryd could see her hair was changed and her cloak didn’t bare the symbol of House Stark but that didn’t change her mind at all. That was Sansa Stark across the room. She didn’t care if her intended had declared that was Alayne Stone. She had never heard of Petyr Baelish having a daughter. 
This was all so wrong. 
What was her friend doing in the Vale, pretending to be another?
She held her golden cup to her lips in thought. Sansa was probably just trying to survive like she was. Her family had no interest in her being in the Vale but her intended had wanted to participate in the tournament and show her off at the same time. Trying to show how the North could be tamed by parading her like a show horse. She pretended not to mind.
Just as Sansa pretended as a bastard daughter. 
She strode forward. “Tell me how you like living in the Vale,” she asked suddenly, not caring how direct she was being. Most were too busy in their drinks and she had finally shrugged off Rhaegar Frey for the moment.  She needed to hear the girl’s voice before she could be sure. 
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manderlymaiden-blog · 5 years
                         * . ✧ THE CRUEL PRINCE ✧ . *
                                                 - STARTERS -
❝ If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse. ❞ ❝ Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. ❞ ❝ What could I become if I stopped worrying about death, about pain, about anything? ❞ ❝ Instead of being afraid, I could become something to fear. ❞ ❝ I can be charming. I charmed you, didn’t I? ❞ ❝ Do not expect others to share my depraved tastes. ❞ ❝ If you hurt me, I wouldn’t cry. I would hurt you back. ❞ ❝ I am going to keep on defying you. ❞ ❝ I promise you this is the least of what I can do. ❞ ❝ Let’s have a toast. To the incompetence of our enemies. ❞ ❝ I want to be part of the unfolding of the tale. ❞ ❝ Father, I am what you made me. ❞ ❝ Have I told you how hideous you look tonight? ❞ ❝ I will not stand in front of your happiness. I will not even stand in front of misery that you choose for yourself. ❞ ❝ I suppose I could love anyone. ❞ ❝ He’s flint, you’re tinder. ❞ ❝ There’s always something left to lose. ❞ ❝ How has the night been going for you? ❞ ❝ I am tired of caring. ❞ ❝ This is what you wanted, isn’t it? What you sacrificed everything for. Go on. It’s all yours. ❞ ❝ We don’t need to be good. But let’s try to be fair. ❞ ❝ Desire is an odd thing. As soon as it’s sated, it transmutes. ❞ ❝ I am weak. I am fragile. I am mortal. ❞ ❝ Yes, they frighten me, but I have always been scared, since the day I got here. ❞ ❝ This is absurd. This is awful. ❞ ❝ Only idiots aren’t scared of things that are scary. ❞ ❝ There’s safety in being awful. ❞ ❝ Show your power by appearing powerless. ❞ ❝ I like for things to happen, for stories to unfold. And if I can’t find a good enough story, I make one. ❞ ❝ I get why he chose her. I just wish she had chosen me. ❞ ❝ And yet, I don’t regret it now. ❞ ❝ What if the way I am is the way I am? What if, when everything else is different, I’m not? ❞ ❝ Go ahead. Insult me. ❞ ❝ So you’re going to say something nice? I don’t think so. ❞ ❝ It’s funny how you get under his skin. ❞ ❝ No one else bothers him quite the way that you do. ❞ ❝ The odd thing about ambition is this: You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed. ❞ ❝ Harden your heart. ❞ ❝ I am coming unraveled. I am coming undone. ❞ ❝ We may not die from age, but we grow weary with it. ❞ ❝ Love is a noble cause. ❞ ❝ No one expects us to have any honor. Everyone knows we lie. ❞ ❝ I want to win. I do not yearn to be their equal. In my heart, I yearn to best them. ❞ ❝ I have no marketable skills other than swinging around a sword and making up riddles, neither of which probably pay all that well. ❞ ❝ Maybe I am making all the wrong choices.   ❞ ❝ You think I don’t deserve him. ❞ ❝ I think you’re perfect for each other. ❞ ❝ My real skill lies in pissing people off. ❞ ❝ I am no murderer. ❞ ❝ You are nothing. You barely exist at all. ❞ ❝ He’s wrong about me. ❞ ❝ I do not understand why he likes me, but it is exciting to be liked. ❞ ❝ You really do want me. ❞ ❝ A lady of mystery! My very favorite kind. ❞ ❝ I hate him more than all the others. ❞
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
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Jon could sense the   a n g u i s h   oozing from her like a fountain; so thick that it was almost palpable. and he gave her every bit of right to feel that way. back when Robb was MURDERED in the most repulsive and cowardly of manners, it took all he had to not just leave everything behind and to go find revenge by his own hand. and, ironically, there he sat now – vows forsaken, Boltons extinguished. perhaps some singer would make a song about it too, the snows of Castamere or something, hopefully, with a much better rhyme.
on the other hand, Wynafryd’s next remark carried much and more in it. she might not have said it, but the former LORD COMMANDER was aware of how it was Robb she was seeing right now, sitting at the dais. Robb, who rallied the Stark bannermen and marched South to war, only to leave there the corpses of three quarters of that army. 
‘ i cannot promise to not make mistakes. but i can promise to do all i can to bring us all the justice we yearn for, or to die trying. ‘
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“ i don’t expect you to be FLAWLESS. “ for what being truly was? “ no, what i don’t want to see is a REPEAT. “ while robb stark had been her king, she couldn’t find it in her soul to FORGIVE him for his ill-advised actions. she still wondered to this day if the westerling girl was worth his crown AND his life. 
“ if you’re sound of mind, then i can ask nothing else of the king of the north, “ her lips curved slightly giving some hope to the situation. after meeting him, some of her earlier doubts were falling away. while a brooding man, wynafryd saw nothing but INTELLIGENCE swirling in his eyes. it was something she needed to see in her sovereign if house manderly was to truly turn its BACK on the south. 
“ the STRENGTH of white harbor is behind you, my king. “ she felt relief in saying the words. the thought of joining with house frey sent chills through her and turning on the north would have meant the north losing its richest port and city. she didn’t care to think of all the northern lives that would have been hurt by losing the trade of the port.
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
send a ● if you think our muses would be a good couple
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
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White Harbor is a harbor city in the north which contains the New Castle, the seat of House Manderly. Located south of Winterfell, it is the largest settlement north of the Neck, but the smallest among the five major cities of Westeros. White Harbor is the north’s primary trade port. Its location on the mouth of the White Knife provides opportunities for trade further north. Due to its location White Harbor has more contact with the south and there are more knights and followers of the Faith of the Seven in White Harbor than anywhere else in the north. There are some followers of the old gods, but most follow the Faith.
Fancasting Meme | 7 Locations That Have Yet to Be Shown (5/7)
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
hunger games trilogy || starters
feel free to change pronouns , tenses , etc .
❝  it takes 10 times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart .❞ ❝  why am i not dead ? i should be dead .❞ ❝ having an eye for beauty isn’t the same thing has having a weakness .❞ ❝  i wish i could freeze this moment , right here , right now , & live in it forever .❞ ❝  no one really needs me .❞ ❝ remember , we’re madly in love , so it’s all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it .❞ ❝  i am not pretty . i am not beautiful . i am as radiant as the sun .❞ ❝  you love me . real or not real ? ❞ ❝  ally . friend . lover . victor . enemy . fiancee . target . mutt . neighbor . hunter . ally. i’ll add it to the list of words i use to try to figure you out.  ❞ ❝  here it’s safe , here it’s warm .❞ ❝  i’m not like the rest of you . there’s no one left i love .❞ ❝  i’m very hard to catch , & if they can’t catch me , they can’t kill me .❞ ❝  stupid people are dangerous .❞ ❝  you don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope .❞ ❝  you’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug .❞ ❝  my nightmares are usually about losing you .❞ ❝  for there to be betrayal , there would have to have been trust first .❞ ❝  destroying things is much easier than making them .❞ ❝  here’s some advice . stay alive .❞ ❝  they’ll either want to kill you , kiss you , or be you .❞ ❝  you’re not leaving me here alone .❞ ❝  well , i don’t have much competition here .❞ ❝  you here to finish me off , sweetheart ? ❞ ❝  i stand by what i said . do you want me to lie about it ? ❞ ❝  because i’m selfish . i’m a coward . ❞ ❝  you & me , we’re even . no more owed . you understand ? ❞ ❝  if we burn , you burn with us .❞ ❝  what ? do you find this distracting ? ❞ ❝  i can still rip your throat out .❞ ❝  where’s loverboy ? ❞ ❝  i’m the kind of girl who , when she might actually be of use , would run to stay alive and leave those who couldn’t follow to suffer and die .❞ ❝  the kisses have the opposite effect , of make my need greater . i thought i was something of an expert on hunger , but this is an entirely new kind . ❞ ❝  hope . hope is the only thing stronger than fear .❞ ❝  a spark could be enough to set them ablaze . ❞ ❝  kind people have a way of working their way inside me and rooting there .❞ ❝  whatever breaks you .❞ ❝  i am in pain . that’s the only way i get your attention . ❞ ❝  i’m not going anywhere . i’m going to stay here and cause all kinds of trouble .❞ ❝  imagine thousands of your people , dead . your loved ones , gone . ❞ ❝  i hate being so alone .❞ ❝  don’t make me sorry i restarted your heart .❞ ❝  they will kill us .❞ ❝  you know , you could live a thousand lifetimes and not deserve him .❞ ❝  please feel free to take this personally . ❞ ❝  at some point , you have to stop running & turn around and face whoever wants you dead .❞ ❝  aim higher in case you fall short .❞ ❝  some walks you have to take alone .❞ ❝  whatever breaks you .❞ ❝  well , you’re a piece of work , aren’t you ? ❞ ❝  isn’t it strange that i know you’d risk your life to save mine , but i don’t even know what your favorite color is ? ❞ ❝  you are my life .❞ ❝  i’m here to help you make an impression .❞ ❝  you have no idea . the effect you can have .❞ ❝  if desperate times call for desperate measures , then i am free to act as desperately as i wish .❞ ❝  so when did I become so special ? ❞ ❝  you’re not afraid i’ll kill you tonight ? ❞ ❝  technically , i am unarmed . but no one should underestimate the harm fingernails can do .❞ ❝  i doubt they’ll figure out our plan , since we can barely understand it ourselves .❞ ❝  mess with us & we’ll do something worse than kill you . we’ll kill your children .❞ ❝  you’re kind of squeamish for such a lethal person .❞ ❝  you’re not going to die . i forbid it . all right ? ❞ ❝  i thought we had an agreement not to lie to each other. ❞ ❝  closing my eyes doesn’t help . fire burns brighter in the darkness . ❞ ❝  jealousy is certainly involved . ❞ ❝  what is the worst pain ? to me , it’s always the pain that is present . ❞ ❝  i’ve been down by the stream collecting berries . would you care for some ? ❞ ❝  may the odds be ever in your favor .❞ ❝  what i need is the dandelion in the spring . the bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction . the promise that life can go on , no matter how bad our losses .❞ ❝  ____ ? maybe some pants ? ❞ ❝  i can’t tell what’s real anymore , & what’s made up . ❞ ❝  i knew you’d kiss me . ❞
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
@killthebxy  &&  continued
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there was no forgetting. not when her uncle’s bone now lay in their watery crypt long before he was DUE. she could still remember him the day he left to join robb stark’s forces. jon’s older brother had yet become king of the north but manderly men were already leaving to help rescue lord eddard stark. neither stark men were given a KIND fate.
her eyes lifted to jon’s gray. but now their king was a SNOW and somehow that gave her some COMFORT. maybe a change was what was needed. “ tell me you LEARN quickly so i don’t see a repeat of our PAST. “ she imagined he did with how quickly he had risen in power at the wall and now  h e r e .
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
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Sansa did her best to hold back a sigh for ALL the houses seemed to want to know just that. She and Jon had just begun rebuilding, there was much to see to. But the redhead wished for nothing more than a UNITED North. And she knew Jon did not want for power. He had secured Winterfell for her, had told her so himself. She did not mind that their bannermen had claimed him as their KING. She offered the girl a warm smile. 
“ House Manderly has pledged themselves to the king. As such you know you are welcome within the walls of WINTERFELL. What is it you fear Lady Manderly? “ she inquired softly, tone friendly enough..
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what wasn’t there to fear in these times? tales of wights pounding at the wall and wildlings running FREE everywhere. kraken at the sea gates and freys breathing down their necks, whispering lies about the red wedding. wynafryd could think of little that gave her ANY comfort, other than the rise of the northern kingdom again. 
“ the freys believe the heirs of house manderly are betrothed to them. my sister and i need a way OUT, “ she looked to lady sansa. “ or it will be the LOSS of white harbour, the north’s strongest trade port. “ wynafryd could only imagine what the north would do without them if she were to marry into the south.
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
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“ of a sheep in DRAGON’s clothing, “ she whispered, thinking of her for now betrothal. “ it is a smear on your house that any FREY should be named after a dragon. “ rhaegar frey was no dragon. if anything, she would label him a SNAKE. low to the ground and hissing out lies of what the red wedding truly was. “ you’ll make it so i’ll NEVER have to marry him, right? “ she needed to hear it. that in a world where daenerys targaryen ruled, wynafryd would never have to see that man in her BED.
♛ — ❝You do not need to worry about that, my lady❞, Daenerys said gently. ❝I was going to get up nonetheless. Can you remember what you dreamed of ?❞, the queen asked curiously, even though Wynafryd had said a word or two during her sleep it did not make any sense to Daenerys, yet she wanted to know why it made her worry that much.
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
       rickon stood watching as the woman before him offered him a seat next to him. he might be a child and not seen too many winters yet, he knew how to act and how to keep him manners. not a day went by without sansa or their lady mother telling him one or two things he should always keep in mind. “ ––– thank you” the words came clear and pride. rickon took a seat next to the woman and smiled “ i love to food!” he giggled, his manners flying away and once again he was the wild child of lord and lady stark. –– his tully blue eyes scanned the room once again before he added with glee “ appel pie” 
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he was so small but already she could see the beginning features of a stark male in him. while his hair was a tully fire, his STRONG bone structure howled stark in nature. wynafryd guessed it would only get apparent with AGE. his round BABY flesh hid them well for now. “ shall we stuff our cheeks then? “ she asked as they waited for the servers to arrive at their table. “ i’m afraid you’d get your dessert faster at the lord table, though. “ it was only RIGHT that lord stark and his brood were fed first.
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
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“ The OCEAN is everything I want to be.                     Beautiful, mysterious, wild and                                        f r e e . “
    independent && selective wynafryd manderly of asoiaf by grrm
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
"My sweet Wynafryd, you know that my heart still aches when I think of the loss of your poor betrothed, your dear Rhaegar." Lord Wyman said although something in his eye shone. "Alas, we must move forward. The betrothal of Prince Trystane Martell and Myrcella Baratheon has been called off, how would you like to marry him instead?"
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“ he will be  m i s s e d . “ as missed as anybody could miss a hornet STING. he had been nothing but a PRICK in her side with his grabby hands and misleading name. as if she could marry a frey after the RED deed they had done. 
wynafryd could only be THANKFUL of her grandfather for being as CLEVER as he was. now if only she could figure out his angle with the martells. she could see it would help DISMANTLE the lannisters but what else? “ you wish for me to become a SNAKE? “ her brows lifted. “ what are you playing at tonight, grandpa? “ 
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
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                                ❝She’s a wildling and a woman, two good reasons not to trust her. ❞
                              LEIJANA ~ INDIE OC FOR GOT & ASOIAF
                                                                                    ( promo credit ) 
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
“You’ve got power in your corner now.”
Disney Lyrics Starters
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“ you, tyrells do hold a lot of SWAY. “ wynafryd couldn’t say she was disappointed by their new alliance with the southern house. white harbour had been FLOURISHING since this new arrangement was made. the gold rose of their banners were NOT a lie and becoming their friend was fastly becoming popular within her house. 
“ we are FOREVER grateful during these hard times, my lord. “ | @ofbrokenmen
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
Jon, Robb, Theon.
let's play "bed, wed, behead".
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the elder boys of the household of stark were hard to MISTAKEN. while she had spent many times in winterfell, wynafryd could not say for certain how her feelings laid with each boy so she let her lady INSTINCTS guide her. “ i would WED robb stark and be the next lady of winterfell. “ it was the obvious choice for any proper daughter. not only would it bring house manderly PRIDE and JOY but STATUS. 
while theon and she have the SEA in common, she imagined a DRIED up kraken wouldn’t hold her interest for long. white harbour didn’t think HIGHLY of ravaging greyjoys in the first place. “ i would BED jon. he may be a BASTARD but there is no DENYING his  a p p e a l . “ | @shewolfheart
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manderlymaiden-blog · 7 years
“Are you poisonous?”
mermaid au sentence starters
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she was almost tempted to TEASE the poor human. it wouldn’t take much than the lift of her hand to lightly claw at the side of his STUBBLE. leave him pondering the answer for hours as he touched his FRESH wound, waiting for some ill effects but instead, she smiled. 
“ are you? “ she had never heard of a poisonous human. there were mermaid tales that certain humans did carry LACED blades. her eyes dropped to the weapon at his side. “ or is THAT? “ | @mybigfatcock
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