mandywoodward-blog · 11 years
Real Talk
"The only people making serious money got in early. That's how those things work. Anyways, network marketing is for people who aren't smart enough to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, & those people just simply aren't educated." That's interesting... 20 out of the top 50 income earners have been in Vemma for under 24 months.. Vemma as a company is in it's 9th year in business. When you enroll plays 0 part in your success. Also, I don't know many doctors, lawyers, engineers who are millionaires.. With TOTAL time freedom, 0 overhead, not much stress, can work from any zip code on earth, can write off EVERYTHING on their taxes, oh & are under 30. To each their own. Follow your PASSION, follow your DREAMS, & follow your heart. But.. Don't bash another profession, $200,000,000+ industry... especially when you are OWNED by a boss, law firm, private practice, chained to a desk, have overhead, employees, stress, & on a set salary. Ignorance..
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mandywoodward-blog · 11 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 11 years
Don't think about what can happen in a month. Dont think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be!
Eric Thomas
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mandywoodward-blog · 11 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 11 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 11 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 11 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 11 years
Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is being taught at more than 200 colleges including Harvard Business School. After extensive research into the network marketing industry, Harvard Business School developed 3 criteria that a network marketing company must have in order to make it a desirable opportunity. They are: 1. The company must be at least 18 months old. 90% of all network marketing companies that fail do so in the first 18 months of operations. Lack of adequate financing and inexperienced senior management are two of the more common pitfalls of start-up companies so be sure to find out what you can about the MLM's funding and management. 2. The company must have a product that is both unique and highly consumable. Meaning it must be an exclusive product that can be purchased only from your distributors with repeated sales thereby guaranteeing customer loyalty versus a one-time sale and having to locate new customers. 3. It needs to be a "ground floor" opportunity. Harvard Business School suggests that in order for the opportunity to qualify as a ground floor type, the number of existing distributorships should be less than ½ of 1% in the country where this network company exists. In the U.S., this figure is equal to 1.5 million people. Harvard Business School also stated that if there were less than 500,000 people involved, you would be on the cutting edge of a great opportunity. If the company has less than 100,000 distributors, Harvard Business School considers it to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Conclusion: Vemma meets all three criteria and is considered to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not by me, not by my team, but by Harvard Business School. Don't just re-think your drink. Re-think your life. Actually...just THINK in general.
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
Dream big dreams. Small dreams have no magic.
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
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mandywoodward-blog · 12 years
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