mangomiracle · 2 years
In Ravenclaw AU, there’s also plenty of times during the summers where Heechul will be babysitting Taemin, but he always just says, “Hey Taeminnie wanna come hang out with me and my friends at Diagon Alley?”
And Taemin, already buzzing with excitement at the mention of being around magic, just jumps at him and tells him to hurry with the floo powder and shouts, “BYE MUMMY BYE DADDY I’M GONNA GO PLAY WITH HEECHUL AND HIS MAGIC FRIENDS!”
It always makes Taemin’s parents chuckle, because yes of course that’s why they had Heechul come get Taemin in the first place. But really, they think it’s sweet that Heechul always makes it out like he just wants to spend time with Taemin.
And while they’re in Diagon Alley, Heechul always makes sure he’s holding on tight to one of Taemin’s hands or even just carrying him, not wanting him to get lost. They always meet up with a few of Heechul’s friends too, usually Leeteuk, Donghae, Eunhyuk, and a few others. Sometimes there are girls there, usually Boa. And the best part is, even though Taemin can be very shy, especially around older kids, they’re always very nice to him. Always patient. Always silly and goofy and try their best to get him to smile.
“You see that racing broom?” Leeteuk asks, holding the almost-five-year-old at his hip and pointing at the display of the Quidditch shop window.
“Cool, isn’t it?” Leeteuk encourages, bouncing him a bit. “Do you know how fast it goes?”
“No,” Taemin says, shaking his head, but his eyes never leaving the broom.
“Wanna go inside and find out?”
“Can we not get my baby cousin killed on a broom?” Heechul scoffs, scooping Taemin up instead. “Wanna go look in the toy shop, Taeminnie?”
“I wanna see the broom!”
“You can fly a training broom around instead.”
“But I want to see it,” Taemin whines, wrapping his arms around Heechul’s neck. “Please?”
It makes all of his friends snicker and poke fun at him, but he brings Taemin into the Quidditch shop anyway. Even buys him a toy snitch that he can chase around the house when he takes Taemin home.
Except it looks like he might not take Taemin home so soon, because before they even get to the ice cream shop, Taemin is putting on his best pout and his biggest puppy eyes and asking, “Can we have a sleepover?”
“A sleepover?” Heechul repeats, and suddenly all his friends are repeating it as well.
“Yeah!” Taemin squeaks, a big grin on his face. “And we can play more magic!”
“I’d have to ask our parents,” Heechul tells him.
“Auntie loves having me over, I’m a little angel.”
It makes several of the teenagers snort and laugh, including Heechul.
“Are you a little angel?” Heechul teases him.
“I bet we can have a sleepover then,” Heechul laughs.
It also helps that Boa, who he’s been trying to date for ages, is with them and clearly thinks that Heechul being such a good big cousin is so nice and amazing and sweet.
They do end up having a sleepover, and Leeteuk stays as well. They camp out in the family room of Heechul’s house, the ceiling charmed with colorful stars and constellations and moons. Taemin is fascinated by it, especially when Heechul makes a shooting star fly by.
“Wow,” he whispers, falling onto Heechul’s lap, still staring at the ceiling.
“Want me to make another?” Heechul whispers, covering Taemin in blankets.
“Yeah,” Taemin mumbles still distracted by the colors and the twinkling.
Heechul and Leeteuk charm all sorts of shooting stars and comets and twinkling moons. It makes Taemin smile so big, and his hands reach out from under the blanket to try and grasp at them, sleepy giggles floating in the air.
“Taeminnie, what’s your favorite color?” Leeteuk asks.
“Purple,” Taemin says through a yawn, rubbing at his eyes.
Leeteuk charms a small globe to have purple twinkly stars and moons floating inside it, glowing like a magical nightlight. Taemin gasps when he sees it, and he’s fascinated as he watches the way the stars form from the tip of Leeteuk’s wand.
“That’s just for you,” Leeteuk says. “To keep when you go home.”
“Thank you,” Taemin whispers, holding it close and staring inside of it. “Heechul, look!”
“I see it,” Heechul laughs. “Do you want to keep it next to you while you go to sleep?”
“Yes, please,” Taemin says softly, and Heechul moves him to put him down on the pile of blankets and pillows. “Will you tell me a magic story?”
“What sort of magic story?”
“About magic school,” Taemin asks, his eyes drooping as Heechul tucks him in and surrounds him with pillows.
“Let’s tell him about Charms class,” Leeteuk suggests, plopping on the other side of the pillow nest Heechul made for Taemin. “I bet he’d love Professor Flitwick. He knows all the best Charms, Taeminnie. Lots of pretty colors and spells happen in his class.”
“What kinds of spells?” Taemin asks.
And they tell him all sorts of fun stories from Charms class and about Professor Flitwick, until Taemin falls asleep dreaming of a giant classroom filled with stars and floating feathers and giant waterfalls.
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mangomiracle · 2 years
half of suju: no i will NOT take my shirt off
the other half of suju: if we needed shirts we would have evolved them by now *strips*
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mangomiracle · 2 years
sometimes i think, “i’m starting to lose interest in suju.” then i watch a video of eunhyuk and i realize i was wrong.
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mangomiracle · 2 years
what i love most about being an ELF now is going back and watching shows my faves were on before and going “wah it’s Leeteuk!!!” every single time i see him
which happens, like, a lot.
like, an insane amount of times.
how did i not notice that so many shows were hosted by him, seriously
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mangomiracle · 2 years
you know when you see,,,,,,, unfiltered photos of idols and it’s like, holy shit, i didn’t know i could love you even MORE but i do
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mangomiracle · 2 years
i never talk about these things but i can’t remain silent.
i know tumblr doesn’t give a SHIT when things happen in countries outside the “most popular ones” (such as the usa & england). it’s true, don’t lie to me. y’all don’t give A FUCK. not every issue and problem in said countries gets the appropriate exposure but in general shit shows up on the news WORLD FREAKING  WIDE. you set up donations, you help out, your spread the word, you say “pray for x”……
southern europe is burning. 
my country is burning.
people are dying - at home, on the road, trying to run away, in their cars.
yesterday my country had 300 active fires.
people are losing EVERYTHING they own.
i have a friend that is on a train right now passing through places that have been burnt to the ground and she says the smoke is so intense it’s getting inside the train and she can barely breathe.
and yet, even though several people (myself included) have been trying to bring awareness to what has been happening in southern europe… what we get from most of you, those not part of the countries suffering, is silence. we don’t ask for money, we don’t ask for shit other than a reblog to spread awareness… something you can delete in 24/48hrs if you wish. 
i don’t know what to tell you. i’m angry. i’m frustrated. i’m disappointed. i feel like i’m screaming into the void. “a reblog does nothing” - you know that’s a damn lie, you know exposure always helps, you know people start paying attention when posts on social media become popular. my country in particular is a small one, we get ZERO exposure. y’all are only starting to figure out we even fucking exist bc of the shit we’ve been winning lately. 
but hell, if the EU doesn’t give a shit, why should some user on tumblr dot com?
again, i don’t know what to tell you so i’ll let the images speak for themselves: 
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An image captured by a Nasa satellite shows a thick plume of smoke blowing southward from the Greek island of Chios over the island of Crete
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Torneros de Jamuz, Spain
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Duca, Croatia
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A helicopter from Italy’s civil protection service drops water on a fire near the railway between Venice and Trieste
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Residents take refuge on the beach as a wildfire burns on the mountain next to the village of Lithi, on the Greek island of Chios
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Men gather cattle during a forest fire in Vieira de Leiria, Marinha Grande, Portugal.
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Charred trees are seen on the hills above the Cloister of Thivaidas on Mount Athos, a World Heritage Site in Greece
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This is fucking important. I am glad someone fucking spoke about this and said what they had to say. The damage is terrible, and all the evergreen, stone, even the ground is black. I was fucking terrified when Croatia was burning. The fire was near a village where I like and I thought it will burn down. I thought the church will burn down. I thought the cemetery where my grandpa is buried will burn. I still remember the smell of smoke, and when I went to check how bad is fire, my clothes and hair and skin all stunk of smoke. It didn’t go away for weeks.
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This is NASA’s picture of Croatia and Montenegro burning. My fucking country was burning. Fucking reblog this. I don’t care that it isn’t UK or US, or that it doesn’t go with your blog, fucking. Reblog. It.
Not my blog type, I dont care.
Reblog for awareness. Do it.
@thegrinningkitten @trialoftheguilty-comic @the-bad-sanses @thewastedwaffle @thewastedwaffle @theundertalehuman @idonthavefronds @kit-kit-kat @the-star-sansess @lights-camera-stagefright @smol-lightning-bug @undertaleau-headcanons @enosstart @incorrect-ibvs-quotes @smol-spook-owo @starlypenguins @laurarose1701 @bellkim27 @definitely-a-living-human @smol-spook-owo @joyfultimetravelbanana @joyfultimetravelbanana2222 @aurellia404 @onebizarrekai @ds-and-ibvs-nerdo @horrordustislife @outcode-crossing @undertalethingems @dryemiddi @skumhuu @bung0us @ask-dreamswap @beruu14 @jmv-au @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @pukicho 
Boost this or so help me
I don’t care if this “Doesn’t fit your blog theme” or “You don’t think people will notice if you reblog it”
If you don’t reblog this, that’s a conscious decision to ignore that people are suffering.
And one last thing
I don’t care if you don’t think you’re big enough for them to notice you or you’re worried about bothering them, you do it regardless! I nearly had a panic attack tagging some of the bigger blogs I know of because I’m practically invisible in term of popularity but I still tagged them because it’s worth me being anxious if it means someone gets help.
So unless you don’t care about people dying and suffering, then reblog this and be a decent human being.
I know my blog isn’t for this but this effects everyone to some extent. I have tagged literally everyone I follow. Please reblog and spread the word.
@oz-universe @maybeishouldwritesomething @schpog-art @commodorecliche @racketghost @princip1914 @mochacoffee @enraged-chihuahua @assiraphales @dear-ao3 @yet-another-autistic-blog @wow-lookit-all-the-fandoms @notegender @noahhasnousername @feministism @kit-kat57 @sheralazarus @neferneferuaten-nefertiti1342 @crowleytweets @localautisticgirl-blog @amethystpagan @incorrect-ineffable @axtistix @adult-female-with-aspergers @proudautisticgirl @timaeusmechanized @soaptears @elvmoe @crimson-chains @wordtotherose @cccrystalclear @auti-things @aluxray97 @autistic-noodle @eamikkir @gemennair @themoonmothwrites @professorflowers @book-limerence @thegirlwiththepuffhat @lagriffedemaho @autist-tips @turnipot @lettheseabirdscry @doodlesoffandomsandtrash @ademonwithinternet @scriptautistic @imaveryspookygirl @pink-imagines @moonstonemoonlight @demi-chen @bennyssewingblog @carlydraws @kinda-ok-ish @autie-biographical @drawingpkmneveryday @adhd-alien @finley-myself @birendrabhatta @amoxtlaltli @enelica @writingwithcolor @tweedfeather @wahoo-shem @innerdestinypuppy @servantserah @this-familiar-song
@official-spookifers-child @x-pan-nicked-pansexual-x @pluto-is-real @genderkwerfirebird @ademonwithinternet @a-bastard-to-be-worth-knowing @magnetothemagnificent @eating-sunshine @enbies-and-felonies @depressedstressedlemonzest @dedmemehehe @smolanxiouscatvoid @moldyapplecore @ineffablyferal @ineffably-soft @ineffable-yikes @queenomens @saoirse-1887 @sky-full-of-fantasy @whispsofwind @cuips-not-cute @thorneedsahug @therealbeesechurger @miyameowmura hhhh Guys I can’t remember more names at the moment but BOOST THIS AND HELP OUT IF YOU CAN
@immabethehero @im-the-salt-man @confusedcasey039 @ghosttb0y @one-time-i-dreamt @ineffablyferal @summery-captain @juliephantoms @ivykrystos @apologiestopesto @jatpobsessedgirl @imastandtall @x-bones-please-x @magmartx @theavernotownfanblog @luzmity @sapphic-owls @ju-juba @star-plasma @soulofebony @lesbian-wolf @shadownoodle @tadpole-art @pyroclastic727 @theowlhousefanart @theowlhousewillow @witchluz @thejellyflux @the-messy-goblin @wicked-universe @jess-the-vampire @merverelli @a-ghostlight-for-roman @plantonspace @jessmt @soupysalad @darkiplierblog @junos-jeopardy @ace-ing-it @honeycapp @case-of-the-ace @jellyfishdoodler @jellyfishdooter @its-ethan-bro @thetruepacifist @leobashi @raidesart @ghosttb0y @toastchild @gingerhaole
I literally scrolled through my following so you may not know me but please please BOOST THIS if you don’t know or can’t think of anyone just do what I did and go through your following and tag everyone
@thesoftestlittlepuffball @painfullysensible @someoneiwasnt @eating-sunshine @whatishappeningrightnow @helpivefallen-infandoms @layschips12 @lovelivingmydreams @zodiacsomething @i-cant-find-a-good-username @daretobeking @pixeldragon45 @blurryface119  @aspex-t @thatsmollfluff @astraheart04 @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes @beauty-and-passion @lovelylogan @softestvirgil @patton-cake @illogically-anxious @yeet-ceit @simplelittlepaperyanon @mayflowers07 @aleistereusford @elizabeththefandomgirl @maydaymayday14 @aidensm8 @anxiousboyo @nullnihilist @bleepblopbloop56 @idont-freaking-know @pastelmichaelafton @yoonascrocs @nonbinarylogan @a-small-batch-of-dragons @kazoo-the-oiseau @impeckibleavery @quinintheclouds @softanxiouspatton @spectralheartt @sugargliderowl @crazynerdandproud @herfoxtraveler @moxy–sanders101 @janus-stanus @princeanxious @that-classy-asexual @poisonedapples @fingergunsgirl @reptillian-rapscallion @puppy-patt @does-this-look-logicality-to-you @indigoatari @snowe-zolynn-rogers @marshmallowmischief @depressed–and–underdressed @kawaiikat54 @strawbebebby @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice @ghost-blog-of-fandoms-long-past @but-for-me-its-very-unordinary @iiroh @stargazinglogan @randomslasher @sign-from-god-complex @tis-thy-girl @your-royal-momoness @what-even-is-thiss @spooky-scary-virgil @honeycapp @enigmasalad @sanders-sides-thuri @blinksinbewilderment @ssslimyboy @sidespart @tinysidestrashcaptain @averykedavra @storytellerofuntoldlegends @whatishappeningrightnow @romanapologist @virgeofwinter @princelogical @gillysepticeye-blog @killuwa @anarchy-kisses @rachieandthewaves @aidensm8 @fibi-draws @pattonwillliterallyfightyou @schmoyoho @aimasup @tscampfireau @meowthefluffy  @impeckibleavery @positivequotes @lovelivingmydreams @tstwitterupdates @moxy–sanders101 @underdog-arts @alexandraswritingblock @princeanxious @king–lance @reptillian-rapscallion @pantoon-sandacers @hteragram-x @mysisypheannightmare @tssidesincorrectquotes @strawberryjellystuff @beauty-and-passion @selfcaresnake @incorrect-sides-quotes @logiclistening @sanderssides-incorrectquotes @scesketch @more-incorrect-quotes @zai-doodles @rondoel @parallelmonsoon @today-only-happens-once @appletart09-but-sanders-sides @dailysanderssidesaudoodles @shortnfantastic @sometimes-love-is-enough @autistics-speak @thehopefulquotes @starofpositivity @mentalmaterial @recoveryisthegoal @taking-care-of-you @growforit @easygoingstudies @caringforourselves @positivelypositivethoughts @hajimailhinata @kindnotestoself @skyblooming @selfcarereminders @selfcare-journey @self-care-kit @self-care-suggestions @mentalcentral @mental-health-recovery @positive-mh-recovery @self-care-club @mentalhealth @lovelysuggestions @positiveautisitic @wavechaser00 @milkandwhiskeypodcast @recovery-and-happiness @psychology-daily @positivelypositive @positive-outlooks @memeuplift @positivelypositive @flowerais @thoughtkick @thedailypositive @positive-memes @staypozitive @thingsilearnedinlife @compassionatereminders @screenshotsforencouragement @mygardenoffantasies @the-pursuit-of-happ-y-ness @positivedoodles @anniespositivity @adhdandcomics @christianpositivity @asdthatsme @thatautisticadhdfeel @adhdfeelsandmemes @adhdxmess @selfcaresnake @adhdxmess @lifewithadhd @fuckyeahasexual @adhd-informative @myadhdthoughts @relatable-autism-memes @ablednt @positivepatton @neurodivergent-positivity @adhdgoogle-searches @undiagnosedautismfeels @autismproblems @thatautismfeel @asexualchristian  @picani-positivity @remus-positivity @emile-positivity @virgil-positivity @logan-positivity @roman-positivity @patton-positivity @janus-positivity @thatsthat24 @adhdmorelikeyaydhd @thatadhdfeel @adhd-alien
@chaos-family @awkwardjester @fandomsandanythingelse @whatishappeningrightnow @psychedelicships @a-single-picture-of-janus-daily @awkward-pics-of-leslie-odom-jr @awkward-pics-of-critic-and-crew @awkward-pics-of-therapy-crew @awkward-pics-of-thomas-friends @awkward-pics-of-thomas-shorts @awkwardpicturesofpatton @really-awkward-pics-of-nico @really-awkward-pics-of-talyn @really-awkward-pics-of-logan @really-awkward-pics-of-thomas @really-awkward-pics-of-janus @really-awkward-pics-of-joan @big-picture-countdown @where-is-virgils-spider @where-is-store-clerk @where-is-picanis-stitch @comeback-paigeintheboxoffice @janus-come-back-to-us @picanicomehome @missingremysanders @remy-please-come-back @when-did-we-see-thomas-again @joan-countdown @thomas-turn-around-and-come-back @talyncomebackplease @waitingforthejoan @remus-countdown @readyforroman @pattonimissyoupleasecomeback @pattoncountdown @searching-for-the-frog-man @when-is-virgil-coming-back @lookoutforlogan @janus-come-back-to-us @when-will-janus-be-caught
@logan-sanders-enthusiast @fear-ze-queer @heartwitchhouse @noodles-07 @genderlessfish @fire-and-ash67 @quinintheclouds @dark-fire333 @i-dont-know-tbh
@im-actually-ok @gremlin-grapes @wintersandsunshine @janus-the-sassy-snek-boi @alphinestar @princessglittermageline @princey-the-dramaking @nini-panini-wears-a-beanie @kuroyurishion
@raidahblossom @rukus-is-yearning @dreams-team
@logantromperie @min-violet @sunset-and-periwinkle  @layschips12 @seven-lonely-souls @queery-eyed-prince @definitely-a-living-human @adultkiddo @discordzero @intrusively-remus @eating-sunshine @ghalind @im-a-goat-in-disguise @screechingducksinmybag @spoopy-baby-dinobean
@soft-black-teabag @multifandom-is-a-black-hole please help me tag the whole fam😖
@spooky-hannie @freckly-lix @angelkevin @littleaprilcherryblossom @1love1houseofcards @thoughtsfromaclutteredbrain @chwe-yeeun @sunhypen @ooomilkyjaywon @mooni-a-multi @celestial-lasagna @spookybias @junqwon @en-amours @griff-clarke @engeneering @kang-kai @ayetothezee @666jun @https-sunghoonie @uglychildd @dongyuwins @heeseungluvs @thewildaceofbighit @soulangel @water–gang
thank you for tagging me
@yanderechangbin @generouscalzonebearmonger @chans-euphoria @one-time-i-dreamt @chanquility @spearb1108 @troyeblemaker @moonxscribbles @zkz-ztrawberry @sauceracha @yourdaddychan @thevampywarlock @babie-yuki @nyctophilin @null-ity @hyunjinssub @hyunjinsdoll @hugs4chan @aussie-boi-chan @aussieboilixismine @snowy-meowl @babybreathstay @chanything @demonknow @deadlydreamin @princewonwoo @hipfucksinning @1-2-3racha @channiechanchan @stan-writer-goose @imachantrashcan @channiessssss @changbeanie @changbinskz @changbinie @changbinniez-princess @changbintrashbin @incorrect-straykids @incorrectstraykidz @hanstagrams @hanscheesecake @hyunjinsfreckle @jisungs-tummy @honeyboyfelix @howdoyoudocreative @2manyhoodies @nafnifnice @distorted-water-gang @zadpeach @stress-kid
that’s the max I can tag, please help spread this
— water gang
To everyone who sees this, please reblog and tag everyone you know!!
@spearb1108 @princewonwoo @snowy-meowl @serendipityfelix @luscomn @yourdaddychan @hyunjinssub @hyunjinsfreckle @yanderebinbin
@princewonwoo @hyunjinssub @mikoto-ica-fics @binnie-loves-dark @yourdaddychan @straysrachaa @thevampywarlock @babie-yuki @iconicspearb @1-2-3racha @ianmbb @dreamescapeswriting @johnnys-candygirl @snowy-meowl @heartinghyunjin @hyunjinsdoll @yangomangos @nightshade-minho @ruellelix @changbintrashbin @461lightfire @hanstagrams @hanjizung @hyunjinsfreckle @mini-meanhoe @serendipityfelix @missskzbiased @jisungs-tummy @confused-stay @miniaturealienllamahumanoid
@redsandroses @clareisa @channiewoo @sauceracha @ami-oc @tea-tenebris-yandere @dammitlouise @miniaturealienllamahumanoid @princewonwoo @hyunjinssub @aussieboilixismine @chans-chair @moonjuice5 @johnnys-candygirl @snowy-meowl
@yunlukoy @bakermaimai @yangomangos @mrbangchannie @mikoto-ica-fics @snowy-meowl @kpop-dungeon @slightlymore @ta3ilmoon @kickin–it @twancingyunhoe @actuallythatwaspromise @drippinlovetalk @spearb1108 @jisungs-tummy @johnil @domjaehyun @kimnjss @sauceracha @hyunmintae @hyunjinsgiggless @lixiescheesestick @bangchrisie @imachantrashcan @imachantrashcanpt2
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mangomiracle · 2 years
Someone recommended ‘I Want To Eat Your Pancreas’ to Teuk and he said it was a scary title HAHAHA
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mangomiracle · 2 years
many intl fans eat breakfast while watching kty.. i wonder if kfans are eating dinner during them… its not common to watch tv and stuff during dinner in sk (especially not in my family also XD, its kinda rude) maybe thats why the views arent very high often 
also koreans tend to eat dinner around the time teuk is live. he usually lives after or before he eats.. i feel like understand the situation with views a little better now
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mangomiracle · 2 years
leeteuk was told by someone he know that he speaks a different way than other people, he needs to improve his pronunciation XD but he just continues talking in his ‘style’ (/nm) 
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mangomiracle · 2 years
teukie made a lovely post today about how you can tell who a person is through their actions, you can tell their true nature through even the littlest things they do. angels, elfs, i hope we can all keep that post and ideology in our minds from now until the next year. and for just..a very long time. let’s save ourselves from toxic people around us, save ourselves from toxic people before they can get around us, etc,. 🤍
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mangomiracle · 2 years
220717 #SUPERJUNIOR #SS9 #동해 #SS9inSeoulDay3
Some things I realised watching something so 'live': •Leeteuk does not age(!) & is very doll like •Yesung's visuals are no joke, nor are his ad-libs! •Shindong is so lively, witty & such a strong centre when given the opportunity •Hyukjae has unbelievable stage presence •Siwon is the real Mr. Visual •Donghae is not as big & muscley as he looks, he's actually very young looking, very playful too •Ryeowook's live vocals are unmatchable🙌🏽 •Kyuhyun is sooo baby, he's playful, cute & energetic but do not underestimate his dramatic voice! ᴴᵘʳʳᵃᶦʳᵃᴶᵃᵐᵃˡ
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mangomiracle · 2 years
today leeteuk said it felt like his 30s are flying by so fast and i can’t help but agree. time feels so short for me after becoming his fan, it felt like he was 35 yesterday!!
but i guess that’s the joy in him having such positive and loving fans, us having a positive and loving idol to reciprocate that.
whatever brought me to liking leeteuk is something i don’t believe i’ll ever look back on with shame, liking him has helped me become a happier person.
time flies when you enjoy the moments within.
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mangomiracle · 2 years
I hope Heechul actively participating in The Renaissance Comeback promotions was his idea and choice, not him feeling pressured, forced, or guilt tripped into it. I think it is so strong of an idol to know when they aren’t well enough to participate in promotions and take a break from the group instead of pushing themselves to the breaking point
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mangomiracle · 2 years
100 random facts about SJ members that may or may not help you with your FF
Or if you’re just… bored
Keep reading
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mangomiracle · 2 years
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100 Days of Productivity - Day 87
More mindmapping. The title was off-centre, hence the sun. It has absolutely nothing to do with homeostasis.
🎶 Hear my Voice - Celeste
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mangomiracle · 2 years
Shocked when copyright holders are tightening the language around their copyright so suddenly everyone understands just how many things that copyright includes. Absolutely shocked and completely surprised. Oh wait, actually none of this is new. It’s just being made more explicit so people don’t build a whole website around selling Elvish translations and then are surprised when the TE drags them to court about it. So folks don’t put Tolkien’s art, maps or entire books on the web so people can download them. So companies don’t buy Tolkien-related domains for the sole purpose of selling them on to the highest bidder, hoping to cash in on the latest adaptation. (And I honestly can’t believe that people here on Tumblr think that some sort of shady business wouldn’t open a “Tolkienworld” theme park in a blink if they didn’t have to fear the TE slapping their fingers. Y’all know this would happen and you’d hate it.)
The point is not that they’re planning to crack down on every single fanficcer cheerfully sharing their fanfic anymore than they previously did. It’s not about dragging everyone who translates a line into Quenya or transcribes someone’s name in Tengwar to Angband and back. It’s specifically about having worded it in such a way that it is plain, easily understood without having studied Legalese™, and pretty much covers their base whenever they decide that they need to crack down on something. (Which might as well be some white supremacist assholes trying to use Tolkien quotes for their purposes. Just saying.)
You have always had to ask permission for public live readings. You’ve always needed to stay within certain limits concerning quotation, even in a scholarly context, and in a commercial context you’ve always needed permission. None of this is new. Stop monster-shouting and chill down. (And stop asking money for your fanart or translations or, good grief, fanfic.)
The TE haven’t “gone crazy”. They haven’t “lost their minds”. They have decades of experience with people disregarding their copyright, either because these people didn’t give a damn or - and this is the relevant bit - because they thought they’d found a loophole. The TE are trying to make the language on their website as painfully self-explanatory as they can so they can avoid some of these lawsuits in the future.
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mangomiracle · 2 years
SFW Sex Education Sites
I recently did an unscientific poll of my Twitter followers where I learned that 95.7% of people viewed porn before age 18. Due to a lack of sex education in schools and at home, many kids turn to porn to fill in the gaps in their understanding. Porn represents people’s dramatized fantasies, which is not an ideal place to learn. Here are several SFW sites that can help instead. https://sexinfo101.com/  This site has clothed 3D models which show various possible sex positions, and also features written guides that may answer questions that your sex ed teacher won’t. https://www.bedsider.org/ This is your online hub for understanding everything to do with birth control. Does it protect against STIs? How effective is it? Which are the most effective? It’s all here. https://www.scarleteen.com/ This site is designed specifically to answer the curiosity of teens. Articles range topics from abuse, relationships, politics, and more. https://sexetc.org/ This site is staffed by teens, for teens and can answer any questions or concerns you might have from pregnancy, to STIs, to sorting out queer sexuality. https://www.morethantwo.com/ This is a fundamental resource for anyone who identifies as polyamorous.  http://www.asexuality.org/ Offers support and education for people interested in learning more about asexuality. 
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