manhattanacademy-rpg · 11 years
january 4th remember it because that's the 2 year anniversary mark
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 11 years
who misses this o/
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 11 years
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
do you guys still see this post???????????
can yoU HEAR ME????????
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
ya i miss you guys xo
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
Guys, stop. You're making me sad. 
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
rhysabrams replied to your post: Sigh.
Why can’t you look into the group for another admin or just hand it over to one someone else.
Because I feel like I can't? This roleplay, it's been a year and a bit more since we opened and I've admined it through this whole time. Letting someone else run it seems kind of strange to me? 
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
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Just so you know, this letter might be awfully painful and might hit you in the heart then there is perhaps tears in your eyes and you might also throw yourself off a cliff.
But hi, I love you all and every one of you means everything to me which is why it took me about four weeks to figure out what I wanted to do with this roleplay. Wow, do you guys know where this is going? I think you should all know by now but honestly, I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to stop admining Manhattan Academy, why? It's my favorite roleplay in history of roleplays and I'm sure half of us could agree with this. Honestly, no other roleplay I have admined made me as happy as Manhattan and that's why I'm like on the verge of tears right now? 
No but really, I just didn't want to do this but I know this is probably the right choice. School honestly sucks which is why I haven't been on the Main that much for the past two weeks and I've tried looking into co-admins, I've asked two people but they've done nothing really (I love you guys though sh) and then I got one like yesterday and she's perfect. But, with my lack of being online and focusing on studies, I feel like I am one day, going to stop going on and she's going to be left with all this. And by all this, I mean perfection, but she signed on as a co-admin and if one day, I did leave, I didn't want her to feel as if she had to admin this because I left and she was co-admin. This doesn't make sense, I'm kind of exhausted from homework that I still haven't done. 
This roleplay opened on January 4th 2012 in the beginning and to only like three of you, you were there since the beginning. Others came like two months after and yet you still stuck with us through all this, through the fail revamps and plot lines, through the crazy OOC days and through the parties, through the trolling and through the plot lines, through birthdays and through month anniversaries, you were there through everything. I can't thank you enough on how much you believed in this roleplay and kept this going. Seriously, to Halley, Alex, Marie, Tiffany, Ro, Bethany, Kelly, Chelsea, Chelsea, Brenna, Alyssa, and anyone else I forgot which I think is a lot, shit, I love you. Thank you so much for being here the whole time and just being your perfect selves because without you guys, Manhattan wouldn't have last as long as it did and it wouldn't have been as close as a family. So many memories in this roleplay and so many memories with all of you, it's crazy.
And to all the new people that joined since our revamp on January 9th 2012, I love you guys too. Becca, Maria, Mitchie, Jovi, Alli, Jessika, you guys helped us last to a month and you guys were perfect additions to our family. We loved having you around and making new friends and just having you guys on the dashboard was wonderful because it just was so great to know that we had amazing roleplayers who are dedicated and a lot of fun to be around. I also can't thank you enough on how much effort you put into this and not giving up on it which is seriously so amazing. I can't even handle??
I had no idea what the best decision was for this roleplay but I'm hoping this one is the right one. With my grades on the line as well as time, I didn't want you guys to feel forced to come on this roleplay because you guys are a part of it. I know things have died down and I know you guys like, maybe love, the roleplay but I think the low activity also pushed me to decide to shut it down. Seriously, you guys are the best roleplayers and you made Manhattan one of those roleplays that lots of people complimented (Seriously, I've got records) and just made this such a perfection. Thank you so much and I hope we all keep in contact? You can still roleplay if you want, you're allowed to take this to 1x1 if you decide to and you guys can talk through your accounts but I don't think you would because last time we didn't.
I love you all, I hope you guys stay perfect.
Love, Rebecca.
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
Hi, this is Alanna's player, Ro. I saw the post from earlier today and I'm talking to Rebecca about it. I've been very busy lately and I'm basically hiatus right now. Thanks for your concern. P.S. Rebecca had personally answered every activity concerned message from each character, so you might want to double check before you reopen any roles.
I spoke to Rebecca yesterday night and she told me that I could give warnings out on inactivity. I won’t reopen roles until Rebecca is online, otherwise I would be overstepping my boundaries as a co-admin. I would go over the messages but there’s none in the inbox to go over, therefore, I have nothing to look back on here. I’ll speak to Rebecca as soon as possible if she has received any messages as such. As of right now, everyone asides from you, hasn’t notified the main— because from the inbox, I can clearly see that there is no messages related to the subject. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
Hi, hello, I'm here.
Manhattan Academy needs more students to join here because right now, things are slow and we need things to help liven this place up. Come take a look at our characters and audition, maybe?
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
You should come apply!
We only have 1 application in our inbox right now and would surely love more. We have plenty of characters still open and awaiting applications. 
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
Activity Check:
Joshua Criss
Lola Gardina (5 days)
Amber Gold (6 days)
Noah Harris (5 days)
Tiffany Michaels (6 days)
Kylie Clark (4 days)
Gia Ramirez (5 days)
I didn't add the Gossip blog to the unfollow list because I'm not quite sure where Rebecca or the player behind the Gossip blog wants to go with that. So for now, just keep following the account. Also, I didn't add Daniel Cole to either list because we just recieved his account a couple days ago, though his last post was a week ago. To those who aren't on the list, you're either not at 4 days of inactivity yet. There are some of you who are at 2 days and 3 days, and hopefully you'll post before warnings are sent out once again. Those who are on the warning list have 24 hours to either post or send us a reason as to why they are inactive. I understand that the accounts listed on the warning list are past 4 days, but because this was all so sudden, we decided to give them one more day to reclaim their role. If they don't within the time-frame, we'll have no choice but to unfollow them.
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
A few things from your newest co-admin.
So, as you guys can see, activity has been a little slow lately. When I look at the masterlist I see plenty of inactive members-- that just won't do. I think everyone knows and has been told this several times in the past, but a roleplay isn't a roleplay without active players. Being inactive for over 4 days without any message as to why isn't going to keep you in the roleplay. There could be others wanting to plot with your role, but you're just inactive. Another thing is that posting a starter or a picture of your FC does not count as activity. If you're going to post a starter, the members who reblog it expect replies. Don't just make a post and log off and think everything is fine and dandy. And members, make sure to reply to every starter. A starter with 0 notes isn't acceptable. Secondly, there's been some OOC on the dash, and that's fine, but just a reminder not too much OOC. A few here and there, fine, but not many posts so the dash doesn't seem trolly. Lastly, be sure to plot with others. For the active members that do come on every day, you should plot with other members. Perhaps stir up drama or even ask to start a para with them.  Now that being all said, after this post, I'll be posting a unfollow and warning list. There will be a few accounts to unfollow, sadly, and a few accounts that are warned. If you're inactive, yet have a reason, then send us a message and we'll put you on hiatus. As for our active members, thank you for being active and making the dash lively.
P.S: This isn't Rebecca, so no, she didn't change her mascot...again.
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
You should look for a co admin.
It's funny that you say that.
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
Manhattan is slowly dying.
I'm aware of this and I'm just so sad but really, it's my fault. Like, school is a bitch and so is my timezone because I feel like I can't go on during school because of my classmates and all. I'm really trying my best to keep this going but it's hard with the quitting roleplaying, focusing on my studies and with my timezone, y'know? Also my homework load from my tutoring, okay, someone shoot me. Hopefully, it won't die because Manhattan is like my everything.
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
If you see this,
Come check us out because we have so many characters that need auditions for.
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manhattanacademy-rpg · 12 years
Reserve Elizabeth?
Come off anonymous?
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