manicnicky · 6 months
perhaps some will disagree, but i think the world got worse when we changed the colour of the night
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manicnicky · 10 months
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manicnicky · 4 years
Mungkin saya baru sahaja mengatakannya tetapi saya ingin mengatakannya lagi:
- Jangan meminta maaf jika anda tidak tahu bahasa inggeris.
- Ya, bahasa inggeris adalah bahasa yang paling biasa di internet tetapi anda tidak dipaksa untuk mengenalinya dengan sempurna.
- Bahasa anda sendiri indah.
- Orang bukan Inggeris berusaha sedaya upaya untuk menulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris setiap hari di laman web ini.
- Menyokong orang bukan Inggeris dan jangan membuat mereka merasa bersalah jika mereka tidak tahu bahasa Inggeris.
- Sebenarnya menyokong semua bahasa.
- Menyebarkan lebih banyak kepelbagaian bahasa di Tumblr.
Terima kasih.
probably i just said it but i want to say it again:
- don’t apologise if you don’t know english.
- yes, english is the most common language on the internet but you are not forced to know it perfectly.
- your own language is beautiful.
- non-english people make a huge effort to write in English everyday on this website.
- support non-english people and don’t make them feel bad if they do not know English. 
- actually support all the languages.
- spread more language diversity on Tumblr.
thank you. 
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manicnicky · 4 years
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manicnicky · 4 years
I’m not crying... you’re crying...
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Ne, Ne, by 追川うそ
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manicnicky · 4 years
hahaha I’m glad that you like it.
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Dante: I wanna be your bra, to support you.
Y/N: ...
Dante: And touch your tiddies.
Y/N: Why are you like this.
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manicnicky · 4 years
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I hope you don’t mind that I used this dialogues for comic....
Dante: I wanna be your bra, to support you.
Y/N: ...
Dante: And touch your tiddies.
Y/N: Why are you like this.
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manicnicky · 4 years
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I need something to draw...since I really like this scene, I decided to draw it haha
Dante : *nudges Y/n awake*
Y/n : What’s wrong?
Dante : Hey, do you like me?
Y/n : Dante, I married you.
Dante : Yes, but did you marry me as a friend or, like, a husband? Unclear.
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manicnicky · 4 years
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I really need money!! All I can do is draw...So, please do a commission with me if you want. Sorry if I’m sound like desperate but I do need some money. If any of you interest please DM me or go to my Instagram bc I more active there... 
Insta: @manic_nicky
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manicnicky · 4 years
teach me?? how to draw?? the action of kissing????
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Step 1. yearn
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manicnicky · 4 years
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Tatsumi to the rescueee
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manicnicky · 4 years
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How Tatsumi got her jacket from...
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manicnicky · 4 years
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manicnicky · 4 years
ME: *sees someone reblog my art* *whisper with tearing eyes* I love you...
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manicnicky · 4 years
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A character design based from Picrew character maker.
I name her, Hoshiko.
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manicnicky · 4 years
I wanna see their baby!!!
Human: Deal.
Fey: Very well. When you return home tonight, your mother will be in pristine health again. It will be like she never fell ill at all. Even the memory of her suffering will fade…
Human: Thank you so much. She means everything to me.
Fey: I know, I know. Let’s hope the price wasn’t too much for you after all… Only time will tell.
Human: So, when do we start?
Fey: …If I may ask you to elaborate?
Human: You said you wanted my firstborn.
Fey: Yes? And you agreed?
Human: Yeah, so, when do we start?
Fey, blushing: Ah.
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manicnicky · 4 years
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Don’t look up!
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