manipalbangalore · 5 months
Everything You Need To Know About Nosebleeds Or Epistaxis
Nosebleed, medically termed "epistaxis," is a very common entity among people that is often seen as a minor inconvenience.
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
7 Tips For Recovery After A Heart Attack
Being a major cause of death worldwide, a heart attack is undoubtedly a life-changing event for patients. With over 28% of deaths due to heart attacks, India contributes one-fifth of the 17.9 million cardiovascular disease-related deaths worldwide.
Heart attacks leave many in doubt whether they will ever be able to live a normal, fulfilling life again. Contrary to this belief, it is possible to live the best life after a heart attack and return to your daily routines, you must have a proper recovery and care plan as directed by your doctor.
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
Vaccination In Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases: What You Need To Know
Autoimmune rheumatic diseases are characterized by an overactive immune system. Living with it means facing many challenges, one of which is the heightened vulnerability to infections. Infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases.
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
Treating Head Injury – The Triple T approach By The Tertiary Hospital
Head injury is one of the most devastating medical emergencies, profoundly affecting individuals and society. Top neurosurgeons in Bangalore tend to most of these emergencies and are first-hand witnesses to how head injuries can cause significant life-altering consequences. Based on the neurosurgeon perspective, we explore the Triple T strategy, which emphasises Time management, Technology, and Teamwork, and the vital role that tertiary hospitals play in managing head injuries. 
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
Can Bariatric Surgery Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?
Both obesity and diabetes share common complications, such as cardiovascular disease, thereby mutually amplifying health risks. Managing one condition can sometimes make the other more difficult to control. For example, some diabetes medications can cause weight gain, complicating the management of obesity.
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
Allergies In Winter: All You Need To Know
With all the spring and summer allergies, winter may be a relief at first. But winter allergies sneak in when you least expect them. As the temperature becomes low, individuals susceptible to allergies in winter face distinctive challenges. 
What Are the Symptoms of Winter Allergies?
Nasal Symptoms: Congestion, runny nose, sneezing;
Respiratory Symptoms: Wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, chest tightness;
Skin Symptoms: Itchy skin, rashes, red skin or hives;
Eye and Ear Symptoms: Itchy and watery eyes, dark circles, itchy ears;
If you notice any of these symptoms persistently, consult a top pulmonologist in Millers Road for timely intervention.
Our newly launched “Asthma and Allergy Clinic” is exclusive for patients suffering from allergic episodes. Visit Manipal Hospital Millers Road for specialised care and treatment for allergies and asthma.
To read more: https://www.manipalhospitals.com/millersroad/blog/allergies-in-winter-all-you-need-to-know/
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
How To Identify An Epilepsy Seizure? Ways To Manage It
Epilepsy is often covered in misconception but still affects millions worldwide. It's not a single condition but a spectrum of neurological disorders characterised by recurrent seizures. But beyond the stigma and unknowns lies hope. 
The Trigger Points of Epilepsy Seizures
While epilepsy resides within the brain, its triggers can weave through the tapestry of daily life. Uncovering these hidden instigators is crucial so a professional neurological consultant can assist you with proper diagnosis and treatment. 
Epilepsy: Diagnosis
There are some other diagnostic tests, too, that can help doctors better understand one’s specific situation, such as PET Scans and Functional MRIs. These advanced methods are used in specific medical centres for more precise diagnosis. To avail the most precise diagnosis and treatment for epilepsy, consult the best neurology specialist at Manipal Hospital Millers Road, Bangalore.
To read more: https://www.manipalhospitals.com/millersroad/blog/how-to-identify-an-epilepsy-seizure/
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
All You Need To Know About Bone Fractures: Causes And Treatment
Sometimes, certain traumas, injuries, accidents, or repeated actions or activities can cause your bones to break, which is commonly called bone fractures. Identifying these fractures early helps in starting treatment early enough to avoid fracture complications. 
In this blog, let us look at the various aspects of bone fracture, including the types, causes, treatment, and how one can recover from a bone fracture.
Understanding Bone Fractures & Types
Bones are rigid tissue that forms the skeleton of your body. Along with the joints and muscles, bones help in movement and support the body in performing various activities. Sometimes, repeated pressure on the bones, stress, injuries, and accidents can cause your bones to break completely or partially, causing a bone fracture.
To read more: https://www.manipalhospitals.com/malleshwaram/blog/all-you-need-to-know-about-bone-fractures-causes-and-treatment/
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Diet and Exercise
Type 2 Diabetes is a highly prevalent chronic condition - that needs no introduction. In the Indian context, 101 million people are living with diabetes and 136 million people are pre-diabetic with a higher risk of developing diabetes in the near future.
Characterized by insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels, it is important to understand how they are related to manage diabetes effectively. In cases of insulin resistance, absorption of glucose in the body becomes disrupted with a consequent rise in blood sugar levels.
The Role of Stress and Sleep in Diabetes Management
Effective diabetes management involves more than just medications, diet, and exercise. It needs stress management techniques since stress can cause sleep deficit and adversely affect blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. Techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or simple breathing exercises can effectively manage stress. Along with this, try to get quality sleep each night for at least 7-8 hours.
Consult an internal medicine expert in Malleshwaram, Bangalore if you need type 2 diabetes treatment.
To read more: https://www.manipalhospitals.com/malleshwaram/blog/managing-type-2-diabetes-with-diet-and-exercise/
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Minimally Invasive Way For Gallbladder Removal
What Is Gallbladder & Why Should It Be Removed?
The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped digestive organ located just below the liver. It stores and concentrates bile - a digestive fluid the liver produces that emulsifies fats. 
When gallstones or inflammation block the gallbladder, bile cannot empty properly. This causes a buildup of pressure and pain. Infected bile can also leak into the bloodstream. If left untreated, it can lead to serious and even fatal complications like pancreatitis or sepsis.  
Removing the gallbladder is often the best way to prevent recurrence of symptoms. Fortunately, most people can digest fats normally after a cholecystectomy since the liver produces bile directly into the small intestine.
What Are the Benefits of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy?
Compared to traditional open surgery, the minimally invasive approach offers:
Tiny incisions for less pain and scarring.
Clear visualisation of anatomy. 
Less blood loss and need for transfusion.
Shortened hospitalisation.  
Quick return to normal activities.
Reduced risk of wound infection.
Better cosmetic results.
Consult the Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Bangalore if you need gallbladder surgery. 
To read more click here
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manipalbangalore · 5 months
Decoding Strokes: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
What Is a Stroke?
A stroke is a critical medical condition in which the blood supply to the brain gets disrupted. It can either result from a blocked or burst blood vessel. Strokes lead to oxygen and nutrient deficiency in certain parts of the brain which can severely damage the brain cells, affecting various bodily functions.
Risk Factors of a Stroke
The interplay of these risk factors creates a conducive environment for strokes. 
1. Hypertension
Hypertension strains blood vessels and makes them more susceptible to blockages or rupture. 
2. High cholesterol
High cholesterol contributes to the build-up of plaques in the arteries, narrowing them over time. 
3. Diabetes
Diabetes affects blood vessel integrity and promotes inflammation. 
4. Lifestyle choices
Lifestyle choices like smoking can develop the above conditions, further increasing the risk. 
Diagnosis and Treatment of Strokes
Common diagnostic procedures used to detect strokes include:
Computed Tomography (CT) Scan
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
A stroke is a medical emergency.  Timely intervention is critical in this condition. The first line of treatment to manage a stroke often involves clot-busting medications or surgical procedures which can minimize the damage and improve the chances of recovery.
Seeking immediate medical attention from a top neurologist or stroke specialist will significantly improve the effectiveness of interventions to save lives and prevent long-term disability.
Consult our neurology hospital in Bangalore if you need stroke treatment. 
The preventive measures also involve keeping yourself educated about the symptoms (FAST). Additionally, regular health check-up is a must for early detection of the condition.
Consult the best neurologist in Malleshwaram at Manipal Hospital Malleshwaram, Bangalore, and be assured of receiving the finest treatment.
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manipalbangalore · 8 months
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manipalbangalore · 8 months
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manipalbangalore · 8 months
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manipalbangalore · 8 months
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manipalbangalore · 8 months
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manipalbangalore · 8 months
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