manishbhutada · 6 years
Where we Eat – How it affects our Spiritual growth (& why I’m uneasy @ someone’s home)
We know that ‘we are what we eat & that we become what we eat’.. but is it true that we reprogram our spiritual-self based on ‘Where we eat’? Our spiritual progress is in a directly-proportional relation with what, how & where we eat.
Ever since my childhood.. and more so as I grew older.. I have always found it uncomfortable eating at someone else’s home.. even If they were close family or friends.. I was comfortable with the idea of eating at a restaurant occasionally, but eating at other ppl’s home/s always made me nervous. I found myself very uncomfortable visiting ppl’s residences or personal spaces. At any Grahpravesh or functions (as is customary for the host to show the guests their new homes) I would not enter any vacant private rooms or move around the house even with the host in the company (what business do I have there I often wonder).. I would restrict myself to the common public area only. When invited to someone’s place I would feel so awkward.. I would restrict myself to sitting in a living area with my body tugged-in and feeling dysfunctionally awkward of my current situation.. even drinking offered water would be a struggle, let alone eating. Saying this, there would be people places & homes (sometimes completely unknown.. complete strangers) where I would find myself completely at ease.. I could be at a few such homes & locations for ages.. I could spend time with these people (acquaintances or strangers), eat & relish what was offered to me.. I would feel in my own comfort zone… STRANGE.
Then I would wonder why? Why I was so different from my parents, wife, sister or all those spiritual gurus who bless others homes so frequently.. they would be so at ease & I.. so difficult with myself? It was never the grandeur or the humbleness of the hosts home/place or their type of food which made this change in me.. I could be at a palace with the most scrumptious meal & still feel out of place.. or be super comfortable at a very simple home eating dal-chawal with my host.. & vice-versa (although I have never been a dal-chawal person all my life.. the way to my heart is through my stomach.. but what food/cuisine pleases my heart any given day has always been a mystery.. in simple words.. I’m difficult with my food).Was this a problem in me? Was it because I was an introvert & my parents, wife, others extroverts? But again, my grandparents were similar to me.. and I have come to know with time there are so many like me.. so.. nothing is wrong.. I am not strange.. thank god.. but why do I behave this way?
I have solved this puzzle in the past few years but it still very difficult to explain to my hosts why I find it difficult to be at their homes or eat with many observing at a party (even if it’s at my own home).. I don’t even try with 95%.. I don’t have to. Leading an extremely timed lifestyle makes it easy for me – I simply have 10’s of other commitments always,, so that still continues to be my saving grace.. and most hosts know this.
Let me quickly summarize the superficial excuses why many like me don’t eat at random homes & parties: - Veg/Non-veg, egg/egg-less, allergy headaches; - Hygiene & cleanliness; - Mood attitude & behavior of the cook while preparing & serving.. which later alters the mood & behavior of the eating guest; - The devouring of the nourishment from the food with so many hungry eyes gazing (grazing might be the accurate word :)) the food being served.. their thoughts feelings energies all getting attached to the common displayed food which makes a ‘khichdi of the spiritual energy’ of the displayed food once consumed;
Now let me tell you the actual reason why ppl like me find it difficult eating at random hosts & parties… coz of the ‘Puristic nature of our spirituality’.. (not literally, but saying so as I’m lacking a word which can better explain it here).. meaning? Let me explain using the spiritual philosophy of Yoga: Our Sthool Sharir (physical body) connects to our Atma via our Mann Buddhi Chitta ego (Sukshma Sharir – spiritual body). The physical body’s energy requirements are fulfilled by eating food which in turn fulfills the energy requirements of our spiritual self. The food we eat not only provides calorific energy for our physical body but it also keeps spiritual energy markers.. i.e. the process of cooking food preserves or destroys physical energy sources of the cooked food.. whereas the mood of the cook while cooking, the source of food, the thoughts of ppl watching the served cooked food, etc changes the spiritual markers of the food.. in turn changing the way the food energy modulates spiritual patterns of the consumer.
If we introduce too many new things in our daily routine our brain gets confused and eventually gets exhausted & shuts down. Similarly.. spiritual energy derived from the consumed food nourishes the sukshma sharir.. if there is a khichndi of spiritual energies in the consumed food.. the sukshma sharir gets confused.. so a puristic sukshma sharir would waste resources weeding out random unwanted spiritual inputs from the consumed food energy.. its simpler for such puristic spiritual sukshma sharirs to keep the source of their food energy aligned to their own spiritual sukshma sharir energy needs.Why fill the brain with unrequired information? It is very difficult to unlearn what is learnt.. memories & experiences stay long in the brains. Similarly, why take unnecessary baggage of unrequired spiritual experiences of others which may not directly contribute in our own spiritual journey..  it is difficult to clear out unrequired spiritual influences from the sukshma sharir. Why create a mess unnecessary when it can be avoided in the first place.. hai na. Travelling in a lighter vehicle (our sukshma sharir) helps us reach the destination faster and with less fuel burnt.. adding too many ppl & luggage (unrequired spiritual inputs) in the car would slow us down & burn more fuel. Unless of course, you’re a bus (a Guru) with abundant fuel energy and plenty of place for many fellow travelers (lok kalyan). A bus is not always better or worse.. a lighter car can also do the job & vice versa.. it depends on what every vehicles purpose & chosen path is.
Let me give you another analogy: a person with ‘O+ve blood group’ can easily receive blood from anyone.. but someone with a rare ‘AB –ve blood group’ would have problems receiving blood from other blood groups. So certain awakened spiritual beings like Gurus can take the spiritual profile of everyone in their personal stride while in their own spiritual journeys.. and there are others like me who are very ‘Puristic’ in their approach of spiritual growth. Not that one is better than the other.. they are just different. Just like having an ‘O blood group’ would not make someone a better or worse person compared to someone with an ‘AB blood group’..  they both are the same but their needs different.. similarly here as ‘purists’ our spiritual paths & needs a little different..  that’s it. So what makes ppl like me comfortable to eat at our own homes? Family members are bound together by their prarabdhs.. they share similar spiritual traits.. grandparents, parents, siblings, spouse, kids have similar patterns of spiritual consciousness.. they may be on separate individual spiritual journeys but have certain commonalities. Even if not similar, with time our spiritual personalities and needs automatically get adjusted to these differences, our sukshma sharir learns to differentiate as it adjusts to the shared living. Regardless, we may still like eating XYZ cooked by our mothers & ABC cooked by some1 else in the family.. we may prefer sitting with some specific person in our family while having meals.. similar spiritual personality types at that moment in your life journeys you see.
‘Namak ka Rinn utarna’? Why do we take gifts to invited parties.. why do we invite others for lunch/dinner when we were invited by them.. marriages B’D parties functions - why counter invites or gifts? Namak ka Rinn utarna. We want to reciprocate energy exchange for what we consume. Gurus repay this Rinn (debt) by sharing wisdom.. elders by their blessings.. close family & friends with their good wishes.. Mandir Prasad consumption by Dakshina.. restaurant food by paying the charges which the restaurant feels is appropriate for their food services. Eating at appropriate restaurants is OK with me.. and I’m not a hypocrite coz of this.. how? Mom often asks why I’m so fussy with home invitations when I enjoy eating at select restaurants? When eating at a restaurant it is just the physical body energy needs which get taken care off (& the taste buds ).. the complete fee for the food & service charges as decided by the restaurant negates most other energy markers. Regardless, I would be wary eating the same food if other eyes are grazing over my ordered food.. or if the waiter doesn’t seem happy (I try not to argue with the cook or waiter).. it’s not full proof (& I do have my share of misadventures with energy crossfires) but it mostly negates other effects.. regardless.. lesser the better. There’s a reason why restaurant food is not called Prasad and why we don’t pay fees for Mandir Prasad.
Why is it that refusing to accept offered Prasad (which is made with pure bhakti for the divine) is considered ‘paap’? How does eating or not eating Puja Prasad adds or alters our spiritual journeys? So how is eating Prasad different? Why we should accept puja Prasad? Prasad is supposed to be cooked with pure bhakti towards the supreme while cooking.. i.e. the spiritual energy of the cook, the prepared Prasad food & the consumer all are in alignment with the supreme.. all focused to the Ishta Devta.. there is no mix-up of spiritual frequencies.. all 3 energies.. the cook, prepared Prasad food energy & the consumers energies are all in alignment with the ishta devta for whom the Prasad was prepared & offered. Our Sthool sharir (outer body) is doing puja with our Mann Budhi & chitta (sukshma sharir) concentrated on our Ishta Devta. So consuming offered Prasad & digesting to harvest the energy from the Prasad completes the circle of worship to fully benefit in terms of energy quotients. Not accepting the Prasad would make the spiritual benefit of the Puja incomplete for the devotee {As always conditions apply you see.. all this true if Puja & Prasad all done with pure bhakti in the hearts of the hosts & the guests.. if not this is just superficial talk needing no explanation}.
This blog’s getting long.. so let me just add a few random pointers for you to ponder upon (I might cover each of them at length in separate future blogs): - Languages, religion & spirituality get processed in similar ways in our brains. Certain languages derived from certain source codes are more aligned with certain religions & their associated spiritual (or not) patterns. I don’t know much about foreign languages.. but I can tell you that languages from the Indian subcontinent have a similar source code.. they come from the same source.. some still very close in their resemblance to the source & others little away. So, (thinking talking & brain processing with) the Indian sub-continent languages are more suited to the spiritual paths (which we loosely call religions) derived from the womb of the Indian subcontinent. Putting simply.. brain processing in Latin or English would make it difficult to achieve spiritual growth through the ways and processes researched developed & fine-tuned over the centuries in the Indian subcontinent.. it would make it a KHICHDI of sorts for a beginner.
- Our educational backgrounds contribute to our spiritual personalities & vice-versa. Let me give you my own example.. a doctor degree in health matters makes me want to look deep within and explore; my puristic behavior comes from my PhD (mastery & focus on a single area of interest); pursuit of an MBA is reflected in my lateral thinking across spirituality.. multi-cuisine food habits; my interest in learning anything new & different.. a sign of exploring solutions to my spiritual needs by different means.
I take a top-down approach to my spirituality.. I connect to the supreme.. & through the supreme, I get connected to all. My parents& others in my family, spiritual Guru’s.. they take a collective bottom-up approach to spirituality.. i.e. they connect the life-force energy with others.. and in so connect spiritually with the supreme. Next time if you find someone like me behaving interesting at your home or party.. it is not necessary they are acting pricey or high-headed.. it could simply be that their spiritual profile is needing them to be so. Jai Maa Annapurna Devi.
PS: I am glad I have a successor to this puristic lifestyle of mine.. my younger daughter is already showing many similar signs. Just like my mother has had a hard time thanks to my special innate ‘nakhrae’ (as she would often call them).. I’m looking fwd to how my wife deals with these ‘nakhraes’ of our little darling. Perhaps she would read this & it would help.. perhaps all my hosts read this so I don’t have to explain or feel awkward to make them feel awkward coz of my awkwardness at their place. I love all of them.. it’s just that some of us have different spiritual needs.. some of us are highly spiritually attuned.. please understand.. won't you 
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manishbhutada · 6 years
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How do we control the speed of TIME?
@ TIME series - Interlude 1
Do you have such an experience.. that when you wake up, on that morning for the next few hours.. you find that you have plenty of time to do everything.. that time is going very leisurely.. that in many ways the passage of time that morning for a few hours has slowed down?
Then another morning you find that you have to hurry for everything.. the speed of time passage seems to have increased all of a sudden for a few hours after you woke up. Then later during the course of the day things steady off at a regular pace of time.. have you experienced this? Ever wondered why certain days your mornings are languid, the time passes easily.. and other days your morning hours disappear so swiftly?
Want to know why? While we are sleeping in our dream stage we are in an extra-terrestrial dimension.. the physics of that Loka dimension, that time bound space are very different to that of our existential dimension here on earth as you experience it. Making sense?
OK, let me make it simple and practical by way of an example: Many of us can’t remember our dreams entirely.. but some days when you do remember your dream thoroughly, try to recollect the pace at which the dream was.. were you jumping from one thing to another, from one part of your dream to another very quickly? was there too much happening in your dream in that astral world far too quickly for this worlds physics to comprehend? if so those mornings most certainly you will find the passage of time for a few hours to be much faster.. than usual.. till you get adjusted back to this worlds physical confines of time.
Then other days when you are dreaming & you have so much clarity.. you are conceptualizing so much detail about every information of your dream.. you have so much extra time in your dream stage to spend & appreciate every detail of a flower.. the vibrant colors, smell every distinct fragrance (how can you smell the fragrance in the dream.. topic of another future blog, stay tuned).. you appreciate every detail of the beautiful scene you are part off.. the exact facial details of the person you are alongside in the dream.. as if those 2 minutes of your dream state were being played out in your mind for hours together.. as if to appreciate every minuscule detail inside the dream. Those mornings for a few hours after you wake up from your dream.. most certainly you will find the time on your physical bodies existential world going so very easy on you.
But aisa kyoon? Yea iss liye kyunki in your dream state your astral body.. sukshma sharir.. has traveled to a physical/astral/sukshma dimension where the physics of nature in that dimension is much different to ours here in this world. You are carrying with you for sometime within your consciousness the next morning some remanets of the time physics of the previous night’s dream dimension.. till your consciousness gets adjusted to this worlds time physics.
Yaad rakhiye.. our dreams astral worlds are places where we exchange energy.. we gain or spend our energy.. hummm.. SO WHAT?
Abh suno how all this can help.. try to make your daily routine in such a way that your day leads you to a dream state where your sukshma self is in an astral dimension where you are gaining or absorbing energy.. HOW? this is a topic for another TIME.. another future blog.
#ManishBhutada I experience this time shift on a regular basis in my life.. remember.. I tell you things I experience myself.. start analyzing & you will too.
Stay tuned for more...
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manishbhutada · 6 years
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@ TIME series - Interlude 2
Did I leave you with more questions than answers about controlling the speed of time from my previous Blog? Let me continue then...
Let me come back to TIME & relativity.. less theory, more examples.. here’s one...
1 2 3 4 5.. look at the display photo, think about my previous blog.. 1 2 3 4 5.. 5seconds have passed.. so quick.. now.. look at the seconds in your digital watch.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 5seconds have passed.. slowly. Both were 5 seconds, but when you were focusing on time passing as 1 2 3 4 5.. it appears that time is passing slowly & when you are getting absorbed into a task / visual / deep thought.. 20 minutes seem to be only 2 mins for you.
So how do you control the speed of time.. simple.. by MEDITATION.. CONSCIOUSNESS. Example.. an uninitiated mind not attuned to mediation finds 2mins of attempted mediation.. of sitting in peace & internalizing.. as 20mins of slow ticking time. Whereas those blessed with aligning with their consciousness & free-will meditation find that they have meditated for 20 hours but it seemed to their inner mind as if just 20mins had passed in this earthly existential time physics.. WHY?
People who meditate realize that their astral sukshma sharir inside a meditative state hits astral energy Lokas where the physics of that Loka are different.. including those of that Loka’s Time. Similarly.. in many ways Dreams are like Meditation.. they lead our consciousness into astral planes where there is an exchange of energy.. where a consciously awakened mind can create pathways.. portals & links between the dreams Astral & this Earths existential plane. For such masters.. with their own free-will, they can transgress the properties of the 2 realms.. including that for the physics of time in these 2 distinct sphere’s.. Samjhaey?
Thoda complex hai yeah topic, I know.. agar nahi samajh aa raha tou itna samajh lou ki.. these yogis have extra powers developed in their sukshma sharir with practice & Yog that they can command the speed of time with their free-will.. our Sanatan Dharma history is full of such examples.. our Purans & Granths.. they are not fairy tales or fictitious legends.. our ancestors have done this.. they mastered time.. in this earthly existential realm & the others.. as it is just a science.. and so you can do it too.
Nothing comes in life simply (unless you carry it with your karma).. to learn to read what I have written here.. you had to spend years together practicing & testing yourself to read correctly.. similarly to learn to control your consciousness & control the speed of time (as above).. you need to make an effort & controlled practice.. everything is achievable.. you just need to know how to.. well hopefully this example has helped you open this dimension of conscious understanding a little.. a good start perhaps.. at least for now.
This ‘relativity of Time’ is not what Einstein theorized about.. to cloud your perception. Look within your conscious self to realize this relativity of time as a new Shakti.. an extra astral power developed with practice.. master it & enjoy the feeling of commanding time as per your conscious needs.
Our times are different.. as our consciousness are different.. yours, mine, those of our Maharishis.. we are all on different time physics.. but WHAT EXACTLY IS TIME?
#ManishBhutada Stay tuned to find out next. Coz if you know what TIME really is.. perhaps you will unravel more of its mysteries.
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manishbhutada · 6 years
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Do we have an Identity Crisis?
It is my belief that every human is born as a Sanatan Dharmi follower - ‘SANATANI’.
The concept of religion was introduced much much later in the course of human history.. which means everyone had been a Sanatani until the past few thousand years of the human civilization when humans started differentiating themselves with a new divider called ‘Religion’.
Kings, rulers, government's, ambitious people & authorities introduced the concept of religion to keep their flock together.. to spread their reign, giving it an identity.. in this instance as religion.. using it as an instrument in their quest of a common binder for their people.. to lay down a fabric for their society to coexist yet differentiate from others.. to use it as a tool to highlight their superiority over others & as such to justify invading & conquering others.. destroying beliefs & installing new ones to create common ground.
For me the concept of religion is as if some ignorant saying ‘I am not a human but i am a cricket or soccer follower.. i am not a human but i am an American or an Australian’.. does this sarcasm make sense? If you believe in it or not, you will always be a Human first then something else.. similarly, we are all SANATANI.. Sanatan Dharma beings first.. then perhaps a divided lot of religious identities perhaps better differentiated from others to suit varied reasons including political.
Sanatan Dharma is not a religion.. no, it cannot be.. it is a WAY OF LIFE.. way of our life as humans.. as developed and enriched since the early days of human existence.. tested developed adapted refined over tens of thousands of years.. in many ways evolved & bettered with science culture amongst other things. It literally is ‘SANATAN - Something which has existed forever’ Dharma.
If history is any guide, innumerable identifiers/identity differentiators have come & gone, divided or united humans, expanded & contracted.. but the source.. SANATANIs have always existed & will continue to exist.. coz Sanatani’s are not a bunch of identities which can be made or deleted.. rather they are humans who get identified or de-identified with a ‘Tag’ as per the circle of time.
We can find relics of Sanatanis throughout the world in one form or another.. some preserved as is.. others re-branded to suit the current regime.. only to be branded yet again into something else later. All ancient civilizations across the globe practiced Sanatan Dharma as per their individual culture & science. Unfortunately in the recent past few thousand years some greedy ambitious invaders conveniently ridiculed some of these ancient practices with identity tags.. for example ‘Pagans’.. these so called Pagans perhaps never knew they were Pagans until some re-branded invader conveniently termed them as such.. for the so called Pagan it was always their way of life.. not a religion, not an identity, nothing more nor less.. just their way of life.. united for evolutionary spiritual progress as a human.
Just because some humans did not understand something they cannot belittle it as incorrect or primitive.. or it was beyond their capacity to understand the science or culture of others which had prospered for long until it was distorted then destroyed.. in that order.. distorted to ridicule and confuse, then destroyed in the name of bettering their life.. eventually in doing so completely destroying and spoiling their ecosystem & their way of life.. these greedy humans had no authority to do what they did & continue to do.. yet they were allowed to.. spoiling & confusing the entire science & culture of those whom they conquer with brute force.. not by love nor logic nor science, but by brute force & candy carrots.. I feel sorry for these ignorant humans who are beyond reason or logic.. which is why we need to educate them.. you get the drift, dont you?
As a Human we are lucky to be born as a creature who can independently think reason decide & formulate Dharma. Let us not spoil this golden opportunity in the scheme of evolution by getting divided & subdivided, branded or tagged as identities & sub-identities. We are losing our vision, our focus from something very fundamental as a human being.. ‘THE REASON FOR OUR EXISTENCE’. What is the reason for our existence as a Human?.. not any other animal.. but a thinking human.. think about it.. please do.
I am Dr Manish Bhutada from Sydney Australia.. these are my thoughts.. this is my identity.. I am a Sanatani. I believe in the spiritual upliftment of the entire human race & in expanding, not reinventing, our Sanatan science for everyone's betterment.
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Jeena jeena kaise jeena.. Dehleez pe mere dil ki Jo rakhe hai tune kadam.. Tere naam pe meri zindagi Likh di.. Brothers love is unparalleled Brothers blessings, warmth, love & affection is so underrated.. not many talk about this beautiful bond of unspoken love.. my humble attempt to glorify this consanguinity by the paradigm of maryada purushottam Shri Ramji.. the distinct positive effect Ramji's feet charan sparsh had on his kinship.. 3 wonderful प्रसंग contexts from Ramayan on Bharatji early part of Shri Ram vanvas.. when Bharatji came to take Ramji back to Ayodhya.. Ramji refused and they debated.. Janakji as the judge decided that Bharatji had won the debate.. that Bharatji's love had won over Ramji's adarsh.. but for the pride of his elder brother Bharatji accepted his decision and went back to Ayodhya as a sadhu to govern Ayodhya on his elder brothers behalf.. Bharatji distressed himself so that his brothers promise could be upheld.. such is brotherly love.. all that Bharatji asked from Ramji for those 14years of separation was his charan paduka footwear.. he wanted to govern Ayodhya under Ramji's charan paduka.. such was Bharatji's governance of Ayodhya those 14 years with the charan sparsh ashirwad of Shri Ramji that there was no difference in the unparalleled quality of Bharat governance & Ram rajya which followed. on Laxmanji during vanvas.. so they could guard Sitaji in the forest, Ramji walked first followed by Sitaji then Laxmanji at the back. One such time during their walks.. a thorn pierced through Ramji's foot and he bleeds.. a tear drops from Ramji's eyes.. to which Dhartimata earth feels surprised.. bhagwate vasudevay Shri Ram the strongest is crying just for a thorn & asks Ramji why.. Ramji says I'm crying because of the pain in my heart not in my foot.. dhartimata surprised.. Ramji says.. my heart is in pain coz when Laxman who is walking behind me sees my blood on the thorn.. the amount of pain he will go through in his heart to see my blood.. that why did he not remove the thorn from my path before it hurt me.. the pain he will cause to himself thinking about the pain the thorn might have caused me.. that future pain in Laxman's heart is causing so much pain in my heart now.. to see Laxman in pain because of my foot injury is causing me so much pain that tears roll out of my eyes. WOW, simply wow!! Such is the bond of love between brothers.. while one brother wants to live in the shadow of the other, the other does not want his shadow to even feel hurt. Know what Laxmanji did next.. he started walking first so he could remove all the thorns in SitaRam's path.. brothers love is unspoken yet so beautiful.. truly divine. on Shatrughanji During Ramrajya.. Ramji realized that Bharatji & Laxmanji would never want to be separated from him ever again.. that they both had etched a name for themselves in history forever.. that their glory as ideal brothers would live forever.. but Shatrughanji should not be in the shadows of history either.. that he was as equal in brotherly love, virtue, character, valor, nobility & governance skills as them brothers.. so when the opportunity arose.. Ramji sent Shatrughanji to save Mathura from the atrocities of Lavanasura, nephew of Ravan.. taking Ramji's charan sparsh blessings Shatrughanji ruled Mathura. Off the 4, Shatrughanji is the most underrated.. his love for Shri Ram was no different to Bharatji or Laxmanji.. but he was the only brother who was kept away from the other 3 the most.. during vanvas - RamLaxman together & Bharatji in Nandigramam, later during Ramrajya RamBharatLaxman together but Shatrughan in Mathura. Perhaps he appears lost in the glorious shadows of his 3 brothers.. his unprecedented sacrifice & love for his brothers.. his always obedient character.. he is the true backbone for his brothers.. such is the bond of love between brothers.. live in nobility so your brothers get glorified forever.. similarly the love for his 3 elder brothers towards him.. they wanted their youngest to be the most protected, they could not see him face any hardships in life when they 3 were alive.. such is the LOVE between brothers.. splendid. There is so much more to the lotus feet of Prabhu Shri Ramji.. Ahilya udhaar.. flower bed by mata Shabri.. Kevat boat crossing.. on Vibhishanji.. so much more.. but.. it is for this unparalleled love & devotion of Bharat Laxman & Shatrughan that we know Ramji as Shri Ram and the story of these 4 brothers as Ramayan. If the bond between brothers is filled with LOVE.. then life is Ramayan.. if off disrespect.. then Mahabharat.. choice is ours to make. माता पिता गुरु जन के आशीर्वाद से क्या कुछ संभव नहीं है.. लेकिन.. श्री रामचंद्र जैसे बड़े भाई के चरण स्पर्श से ही अपना उद्धार निश्चित है.. जय श्री राम.. जय जय श्री राम.. such is the beauty of our sanatan culture.. elder brother is revered as fatherly.. elder brother forgoes his happiness for his siblings.. rejoice this brotherly bond of love.. Ramayan kou apni life mein utarana hai hame. #ManishBhutada After my grandfather.. my Big B.. Shri Harish Bhutadaji has had the greatest influence on my character.. he has drenched me with his unlimited love & wisdom. हम तीनो भाई एक जैसे ही है.. एक ही दिल धड़कता है हम तीनों के सीने में.. दूर ही सही पर हम साथ साथ है.
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Shhh... Secrets.. how to add 30% more to your active life - How to #Sleep less but enough. Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind & body.. altered consciousness.. reduced sensory activity.. minimal voluntary muscles action.. reduced interactions with surroundings. The body systems are in an anabolic state.. helping to restore immune nervous skeletal & muscular systems.. to maintain mood memory & cognitive performance. Sleep occurs in repeating periods.. body alternates between two distinct modes.. non-REM and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Why is Sleep important Our brain consumes 20% of our bodies energy. We need to physically restore & heal ourselves by removing waste which builds up during periods of activity. This restoration takes place mostly during slow-wave sleep.. during which body temperature heart rate & brain oxygen consumption decreases.. the reduced rate of metabolism enables countervailing restorative processes. Sleep enhances memory.. procedural memory benefits from late REM-rich sleep.. declarative memory from early slow wave-rich sleep. During sleep there is widespread weakening of synaptic connections throughout the brain.. this counterbalances the overall strengthening of synaptic connections occurring during learning when awake. By pruning away excess synaptic connections during sleep we start afresh to learn again next day. Sleep time is age dependent Human sleep needs vary by age and amongst individuals. Medical science loves statistical ranges.. anything beyond these numbers is abnormal.. not statistically different.. but abnormal.. so if you can train your brain to be different then I won't bother too much about these ranges for the average human.. but who amongst us is Average Normal anyways? Important.. infants need maximum sleep.. 17hours.. their brain size is 90 percent of an adult.. kids under 10yrs 10hrs+.. maximum learning early in life.. maximum brain energy consumption.. long story short.. kids need a lot of rest for best brain development & memory. Beware.. this blog does not apply to kids.. it's for adults only. So how can we sleep less but still achieve enough rest? So we now know we sleep to reduce brain energy consumption.. remove waste toxins.. create & store memories.. so on. What if we can achieve all this by simply reprogramming our REM & non-REM sleep physiology.. instead of 4 to 5 cycles of 90 minutes REM non-REM sleep.. can we reduce to 3 cycles or reduce the cycle time? Ok, let me keep it non technical.. give you hints.. unfortunately there is no one size fits all.. we are all different.. our lifestyles different.. so how we modulate our brains to our advantage is different too.. trial & error or seek guidance to make your own formula for your bodies & souls needs. - Diet: stick to Ayurved principles. Example.. diet high in protein - fewer wakeful episodes during sleep.. high carbohydrate diet - shorter periods of restful sleep. Avoid alcohol or other addictions. - Consciousness & Pranayama breathing: internalize your thoughts.. helps your brain help itself.. reduces brain & body energy consumption.. increases oxygenation to brain & body systems.. removes toxins.. revitalizes and freshens mood. - Meditation: reprogram the brains synaptic connections.. clear unwanted thoughts draining brain energy to make it tired.. deep sleep while meditating. After all sleep is reduction of bodies & brains metabolic rate.. meditation also helps does the same. - Be creative: creativity localizes brain focus.. limited energy drain elsewhere.. increased awareness & consciousness. But learn to materialize creativity to memory quickly.. uncontrolled unfocused creativity drains brain energy quickly. - Control Emotions: excitement, too much happiness grief anger stress.. all excessive emotions put the brain in overdrive.. excessive energy consumption.. sleepy. We know how we pass out to sleep when we get extremely stressed or angry.. abh samjhae. - Yog sadhna - Music & Aromas: the Raga's and musical notes reprogram the brain.. remember my blog on Biaju Bawra? Aromas do the same. - Open your energy chakras: be in a state of love gratitude bliss.. tap into the energy of the cosmos.. go consciously tap into the energy source faster; instead of waiting for your resting sleeping body to do the same via dreams & relaxed focused dream or non-dream energy channeling. Remember.. you live a different life when asleep.. new dimensions to your life when asleep.. dreams.. energy states.. interesting stuff for a future blog. My love affair with #Sleep will continue & be elaborated in my video blog.. watch out. #ManishBhutada Like many, I too find time for most things.. I minimize backlogs.. I speak to everyone.. I reply to every email.. I treat every patient regardless of time.. watch every movie.. cook to my merry.. read voraciously.. spend ME time.. I always have time for that something new. People ask me how.. perhaps I'm not busy enough? I like to fool myself by saying.. I'm modulating my sleep & circadian cycles to live two lives at once.. 7AM to 10PM.. then 10PM to 2.30AM.. once a fortnight 10hrs lazy sleep. Love my 3rd adventurous life the most though.. DREAMs.. what's in store for me tonight :)
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Ki Darkhast hai yeh.. Jo jazbaat hai yeh.. Bade hi pak hai yeh Do yourself a favor.. help yourself by helping others. Iss qadar tu mujhe pyaar kar.. jisey kabhi na main sakoon phir bhula… Zindagi laayi humein yahaan.. koi iraada toh raha hoga bhala. Health & Spiritual benefits of how selfless act of giving/charity/donation/daan/help/love/kindness helps you equally as much as it helps the receiver. Health benefits Medical research has proved the benefits associated with giving.. overall general well-being by lowering BP, stress, depression, etc.. basically living longer & happier. The 'feel good' chemical modulators in our brains.. serotonin, dopamine & oxytocin are produced & released more regularly.. the Mesolimbic pathway 'the reward center of the brain' is stimulated.. releasing endorphins.. creating the 'helper’s high'.. like other highs this too is addictive.. the good addiction. Spiritual benefits We know the personal Karmic & social stature benefits of selfless giving.. the benefits to the growth in our aura subtle energy states is profound too. These benefits are even greater when done very humbly with the utmost gratitude with a sincere attempt for someone else's well-being.. i.e., with a lot of BHAV and zero haughty self. Think about it.. someone with so many days/years of unhappiness misery regarding something.. the pain & subtle energy blocks they harbor.. you come in & become the channel/source for their relief from distress.. in person or viz remote gesture of kindness from far away.. the genuine happiness & gratitude the receiver now shares towards you - their reliever of agony.. the free flow of cosmic energy that follows in a state of gratitude between both parties.. the benefits to your subtle energy body.. ENORMOUS. Selflessness.. the more you practice this.. the better you become at it.. the greater the positive subtle energy quotient you build for yourself with every such altruistic task.. the better you become at keeping self-pride & arrogance away. Den haar koi aur hai bhejat jo din rain.. log bharam hum par kare'n taso'n niche nain (Rahim ji). #ManishBhutada This Diwali let's light-up someone else's life. 'Let's walk so we can make her life easy'.. in Sydney we are walking the harbor bridge to raise funds for a sanitary toilet facility at a girls school in Gendaliya village, Rajasthan. I'm sure you are doing your bit to bring light, love & joy into someone's life too.. let's share our stories.. make this infectious.. let's extend our family of LOVE.
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Kuch Rishton ka Namak Duri hota hai Om Pitra Devaya Namaha - The Science & Importance of Pitru Shradh paksha Shradh rituals during Pitra paksha involves oblations to three preceding generations & to those in the linear family tree Gotra. The universe operates in a cyclical manner.. the spiritual dimension also has cyclical events.. the period during the 2nd paksha forthnight of Bhadrapada in September (beginning on Padyami & ending on new moon day Sarvapitri amavasya/Pitru Amavasya/Mahalaya amavasya) is when the astral plane of Pitrlok of our ancestors is closest to our Bhulok Earth.. on these days the constellations are such that the gateways to other dimensions open & energies of Pitrlok ancestors are allowed to reach out to us near ones on Earth. Spiritual Science: Our Atma soul incarnates into a physical body made up of the five elements in various permutations & combinations.. reincarnating birth after birth depending on the kind of karma's attained in our lifetimes.. some souls don’t reincarnate.. coz.. either they are finished with their karmic cycle of Bhulok Prithvilok.. or are stuck in different dimensions of existence & are unable to manifest in human body.. as their karmic balance is insufficient entitling them a human birth.. these souls remain suspended as energies in Pitrlok.. in bondages of undesired yonis or levels of existence.. they need energy from their respective Gotra DNA linear lineage to offset their karmic balance & move to higher astral Lok's or reincarnate again on Bhulok. Only when we are in a human body can we chant specific mantras & do physical rituals.. once out.. we are dependent on others for our salvation or rebirth. It is therefore our basic duty as family to perform certain rites & charity in the name of our ancestors.. it is for our ancestors that we are what we are today. Why Shradh done only for family? Genetics has proved that our DNA is relatively stable over 7 generations (3 above, us, 3 generations below us).. similarly our subtle astral energy DNA is connected to the DNA of 3 generations above.. this makes energy channeling & transfer possible from us to them.. this DNA connection alters a little after the great grandson.. connections get little weaker.. but are still similar for our entire Gotra linear family free. Someone without relatives or of unknown family.. then the king ruler prime minister of the land does Shradh for them. Mythology we know: Karna remembered for his charity Dan.. Mahabharata.. when he died and went to heaven.. was served food made of gold.. Karna surprised.. Indra told him he was only donating gold and gems his entire life.. he never offered food water to his ancestors or the poor.. Karna realized his mistake.. wanted to correct the same.. he was allowed to get back to earth for sixteen days and feed the needy.. ridding him of the problem. These sixteen days when Karna was on Earth were of the pitru paksha. Crows.. Kha Kha.. connection with Pitrudevtas? Sound of a crow 'Kha Kha' is the first consonant of Sanskrit. It has different meanings.. 'Kha' also means 'why'. It is said.. our intention as human birth is to seek & find.. this journey starts with finding answers to.. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going to go after death?.. which we forget in daily life.. our departed ancestors who realize this.. remind us to constantly stick to our path of self enquiry. Science of Shradh rituals: Only 'shraddha' done with bhav faith is called ‘Shradh'.. for a thinking mind, faith gets stronger with logic science & reasoning.. which is why this blog.. complete benefits of Shradh are received by our Pitru dev ancestors when Shradh vidhi rituals are done with complete bhav by us.. our ritualistic actions which creates astral energy get transferred to our Pitru's via energy exchange which happens only in our state of Bhav gratitude. The Shradh vidhi procedure involves.. inviting our Pitru Dev's in their energy form manifestations to our location (mantras & movements).. creating a conducive environment for energy exchange.. through the rituals creating subtle energy for their utilization.. transferring the energy to them.. taking their blessings & wishing them best for their onward astral journeys. Their is scientific reasoning to all this.. position & right left shoulder shift of Janeu sacread thread (energy channeling).. mantra recitations (purifying & energizing atmosphere).. wearing a ring of Darbha grass on ring finger (Tej radiance generated by Darbha grass lifts energy generated through Mantras in upward direction & reduces interference from Raja-Tama energy).. reciting mantras with hand movement & postures (whirl-pooling & concentration of energy).. black sesame seeds (store houses of Raja-Tama energy frequencies similar to Pitru energy frequencies.. principle of like attract like).. copper plate (transmitter conductor of energy).. use of Bhrungaraj leaf (Tej frequencies emitted from it restrain & disintegrate momentum of Raja-Tampa particles generated from the unsatisfied desires of the Pitrus).. offering of water through fingers palm direction (energy transfer).. so on.. our Panditji Brahmins will answer if you desire to know every detail. Importantly, these regimented non-substitutable actions, ritual procedures have a strong scientific reasoning.. they cannot be skipped or changed as per our fancy.. that breaks the scientific formula & the achieved results are not what we desired for our beloved Pitru's. Our ancestors had perfected this formula over centuries.. let us do it correctly & teach our future generations so this formula of energy exchange will come useful to us during our astral energy states. #ManishBhutada It is said that Shradh Pitru paksha is an inauspicious evil period.. while there is a logical reason why new projects are not commenced during this period, how can a period where we are closer to our ancestors ever be evil.. just coz we can't celebrate something new.. inauspicious or evil? This period for me is a time to rejoice the splendour of my forefathers, I'm but just a shadow of there grandeur. Sonch badlo, ModiJi kya kya badlenge.
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Ab dil ka shorr sun.. rag rag mein khol raha hai.. sun le tu kuch bol raha hai #Anger - What is good about it? Anger is an intense emotion with a long karmic and healing history which we experience from time to time. It is vacuous to believe it does more harm than good to us.. coz in order to fully fathom this emotion we need to understand what it is first. Anger is one of our most powerful emotions.. an important source of self empowerment. Often it might be essential to use anger to take action and complete our karmic cycles.. to move from healing to wholeness. Anger itself isn’t empowering.. what we decide to do with it is what takes us through the empowerment wholeness path. The Bad side of Anger we know.. Emotion is any thought that has a like or dislike attached to it. The more like.. the more emotional we get, the more dislike.. the more emotional we are. Any emotion affects our brain waves.. the frequency of our brain waves is the degree of our emotions. The higher the frequency of our brain waves.. the less our mind is in controlled use. Example.. when very angry we stop thinking.. using very little of our minds. The lateral orbito-frontal cortex of our brain gets hyper-workedup when we are angry.. this brain region helps us in our cognitive decision making.. our logical decision making therefore gets compromised in an emotional state of anger. We are told.. anger isn’t an emotion that we should dwell on for long.. coz.. aside from making us feel bad, we believe that ‘spiritual’ people don’t get angry.. that it is a low energy emotion that we should not be expressing.. so on. Well true, but only partially.. here's why.. The Good side of Anger.. Anger has functional value for survival. It is our support mechanism to show us something is wrong & requires changing.. it mobilizes our psychological resources for corrective action. The behaviors associated with anger are designed to warn aggressors to stop their threats.. emotional or physical.. rarely does a physical or emotional altercation occur without prior expression of anger. Energy vibration of Anger Emotions have unique vibrations just like colors and physical objects.. our bodies vibration frequency is based on an overall accumulation of our emotions. Emotion is our perception of energy in motion, which we recognize as a feeling.. like our attitude, how we respond & react, etc. Different emotions have different vibration frequencies. The emotion energy spectrum ranges from.. (lower energy levels) shame guilt apathy.. to fear anger.. to love peace gratitude enlightenment (higher energy levels). We cant accumulate anger energy within us and do nothing about it for too long.. it creates energy blocks & major energy flow disturbances.. exploding occasionally with severe effects. It is important therefore to use this emotional energy wisely & timely.. either through Yog.. transcend anger energy to a higher energy vibration.. or release such low vibration emotions out in their emotional energetic form.. measured & controlled. We can only be willing to let go and release them, so they can be transmuted by higher vibration energy. After all, unless something lower is removed it can't make space for the bigger & better. Next time you are angry.. analyze it later; next time someone is angry.. think why.. psychologically they may be seeking attention or love.. or trying to complete a Karmic cycle.. or wanting to release their lower states of energy to go higher up in the energy ladder. Don't judge or be indifferent.. rather scrutinize & help.. by doing so you are helping your own emotional relationship with them move up the energy ladder from anger to love to gratitude. Not everything is what it appears on face value.. anger is after all just a state of energy.. albeit lower.. kyoon.. does it make sense? #ManishBhutada I am not defending, endorsing, sanctioning or encouraging #Anger.. I am far from it. I am trying to reprogram my brain to see good in everything.. good in anger too.. kyunki there is so much good in the worst of our emotions too.. only if we choose to feel it.. why else even at the 'pinnacle of evolution' would we have this primitive anger emotion within us if it had no use for us.. agree?
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Baiju Bawra - Man Tadpat Hari Darshan Ko Aaj Books in Jai Vilas Mahal, Gwalior.. 'Baiju' Baijnath Mishra could perform extraordinary feats.. hypnotizing deers through his rendering of Raga Mrigranjini; melting a stone slab through Raga Malkauns; light oil lamps by singing Raga Deepak; make it rain by singing Raags Megh, Megh Malhar, or Gaud Malhar; bloom flowers by singing Raga Bahar.. Raga - so much more than just Indian music "what Asanas are to Yoga.. Raags are to Music".. #ManishBhutada. Raga has the ability to 'color the mind' & affect the emotions of the audience.. each Raga has an emotional significance.. multiple symbolic associations such as with season, time & mood. Raga is the central concept of Indian music.. it has no direct western translation.. other cultures are simply not advanced enough to understand & copy the benefits, let alone patent it. Raags & energy Chakras Raags are designed to help us activate specific astral energy chakras.. allowing Kundalini energy to rise easily to energize & nourish the chakra. Raga influences the chakra to maintain its optimum spin & balance.. ensuring balanced energy supply to different organs connected to that specific chakra. For example.. Raga Shyam Kalyan helps activate Mooladhara chakra.. chastity, innocence & wisdom are established in the process. This raga develops our sense of smell and direction.. the quality of the earth element, gravity within. Raags Gurjari Todi, Yaman have capacity to cool down the Liver.. activate the Swadishthan chakra that governs our attention. Similarly.. Raga Abhogi to activate Nabhi Chakra & stimulate digestion; Raags Bhairav & Durga activate Anahat chakra & spirituality in the person; Raga Jayjaywanti activates Vishuddhi chakra & control of sensory organs; Raga Bhup for Agnya chakra & state of thoughtless awareness; Raags Darbari & Bhairavi for prolonging state of meditation & thoughtless awareness, nourishing the Sahasrara chakra and the brain.. the state of self-realization or enlightenment. Raga for memory It's good to listen to the 'correct' music while studying.. is allows stronger connections between the left & right brain for stronger & longer memory. Singing & learning is better for memory.. most mathematical formulas taught in Vedic schools via poetic songs.. knowledge is passed from guru to shishya via reciting shlokas.. humming them. Wondered how Vedic kids memorize & recite 1000s of shlokas so early in life? it's not just their karmic memory alone. Reading from a book is mono-linear to the brain, only one part activated to understand or memorize. Listening & humming; listening seeing & visualizing.. is better for long term memory as multiple neural connections activated & larger part of brain used.. to save as memory.. brain growth & larger utilization. similarly BURA MAT SUNO.. don't listen to wrong/bad stuff for the brain.. it influences our personalities as neural connections altered.. trance music, heavy metal on tender minds.. you know what happens.. what I'm warning you against. It has taken our ancestors 10s of millions of years to fine-tune music as Raags for us.. accept it with gratitude, why recreate what is already perfected. Baiju, bawra nahi tha.. Baiju ke sangeet ki shakti kou samajh na sakh ne wale bawre hai. After all anything which is not average, which does not fit the routine western rules of physics chemistry & physiology is abnormal.. not 'differently normal' but abnormal.. it's a shame how we medical professionals try to fit everything within a framework of normality.. which is why perhaps we are failing to discover & learn new dimensions of cognitive sciences.. understand extra senses/supernatural.. as we treat this as abnormal & brush it aside.. we try to treat that abnormal and bring it back to the so called 'normal'.. coz perhaps we are afraid.. afraid that how can someone else have extra power.. let's bring them back to 'our normality'.. let's diagnose them abnormal to legalize their criminality and make them 'our 'normal'.. what a waist.. only if we accepted it as it was.. 'extra normal'.. our human race would have known so much more.. hai na? #ManishBhutada 'Baiju Bawra' is one of my favorite black n white's.. movie which did 100+weeks at the box office in 1950s.. it is soothing to my soul.. watch it for a serene state of mind.
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Safarnama... kamyabi ka #Success - is relative, the formula to achieve it is not. My trifecta formula of 3 rules for success.. simple or very difficult, you decide. THINK BIG.. but logically We know.. we are what we think, we become what we aim of becoming (conditions attached), we work towards our dreams.. and so on.. phir why not dream & think BIGGG? Matlab always thinking of the bigger picture than the current need or task at hand. Let me explain this by way of examples: a student studying towards an exam should think more than getting the best grade for the exam.. think more than just studying towards becoming the future desired professional.. think more than just becoming the best in their field.. think much bigger.. like how any learnt knowledge will help create that new disruptive business opportunity (if thinking big for personal commercial growth), how it will revolutionize human effort for the better of society (if thinking as a philanthropist), etc. Another example.. a mobile retail shop owner should think beyond doubling profits.. think beyond becoming the city's biggest retailer.. beyond the mobile wholesaler for the entire country.. beyond becoming the biggest manufacturer.. beyond also manufacturing all associated products.. beyond becoming the trend setter.. see.. no limit to thinking BIG. But this thinking big needs to have logic & pattern (as per the other 2 rules below).. otherwise such big dreamers become just that.. day dreamers. DISCIPLINE & HARDWORK.. but smartly Literally means working smartly & diligently with a disciplined structured plan. Working hard does not mean working hard as a laborer/physically.. it's about working long & hard on your BIG dream.. it's about being hard on yourself and not rest till that BIG dream is accomplished.. it's about eating living breathing your big dream.. it's about being hard and critical about your mini successes & failures.. of course it's also about simply working hard too.. come on.. it's your big dream after all. REPETITION.. but with acquired wisdom OK.. we have had our small victory, achieved that one small goal in the bigger scheme of things.. but we don't just stop there, do we? Depending on our drive, motivation & temperament we take a break or we rush back into the next piece of the bigger puzzle, the next mini-big dream, next challenge. But we don't have to recreate the wheel again.. we use the same core strategy.. we think big again for the next goal.. have discipline & work hard-smart towards it.. use wisdom gained from past success & failures.. fast track with this gained wisdom.. the in other words.. REPETITION. Taking the example of the mobile retail shop owner who was thinking big.. once the retailer doubles the profit.. repeats the same disciplined smart hardwork albeit faster to become the country's wholesaler.. manufacturer.. so on. The key to success is the true assimilation of these rules (not the 3 rules separately).. as in the mathematical venn diagram.. it's the collective & right proportion of all 3 rules together which guarantees triumph. This same trifecta formula of success can be used in any and/or every field, situation, task, life.. anything. If we are doing very well in one/two of these rules of success, but not the third.. incomplete wins.. matlab.. we may always be thinking dreaming very big & doing this repeatedly.. but lack any discipline or hard work to execute it.. failed formula; disciplined hardworker repeatedly going about duties but not thinking big.. stays below par; great thinker with right discipline hard work achieving a small win but not repeating it.. small gains, missing the big picture. You get the drift where I am taking this, hai na. The underwriting of my certitude depends on the right mix of all 3 rules in our life's success safarnama. #ManishBhutada Once again, I am not sharing anything new.. it's common knowledge.. only the application of this common knowledge is very uncommon.. which is why some are very successful & others are still dreaming.
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Tere ishq mein main sharabor hoon… I am drenched in your love
ShankarParvati - kaisa yeah ishq hai!!! We know everything about Parvati mata & Shankar bhagwan.. we know how Parvati mata did the most difficult tapasya to get Shivji in her life. I want to bring your attention to the most precious part of them & their relationship.. ‘LOVE’. इन लम्हों के दामन में.. पाकीज़ा से रिश्ते हैं.. कोई कलमा मोहब्बत का.. दोहराते फ़रिश्ते हैं.. खामोश सी है ज़मीं.. हैरान सा फ़लक है.. इक नूर ही नूर सा.. अब आसमां तलक है.. नगमें ही नगमें हैं जागती-सोती फ़िज़ाओं में.. हुस्न है सारी अदाओं में.. इश्क है जैसे हवाओं में.. इश्क है जैसे हवाओं में.
Here’s a story.. We know Shivji is a vairagi.. roams freely in the Universe.. Once.. when Parvatiji was feeling sad & lonely.. that she would miss Shivji when he was leaving Kailash.. she complained & Shivji said “let me take you on a journey inside yourself, here you’ll be able to discover the means by which you will never feel lonely or feel any separation again”.. and so.. meditation.. deep relaxing meditation by Parvati mata. Shivji waited for some time then asked “what do you feel now?”.. she said, “everywhere there is a fine shimmering energy.. I feel wonderfully relaxed and peaceful.. I am very happy.” Again Shivji waited for sometime.. “what are you aware of now?” she said, “in my mind’s eye there is a steady beautiful image of you.. it is most pleasing to see your sweet form.. it fills my heart & brings tears of joy to my eyes.. O, I am most happy.” .. go deeper still. “what are you experiencing now?” Parvatiji said “your lovely form is dissolving into a brilliant radiant bright marvelous light.. it fills every corner of space with its luminescence.. O, I am very, very happy.”.. .. “what are you aware of now?”.. long pause.. finally.. “the whole universe has become filled with the one pure sound.. the wonderful golden light has transformed into the ringing resonance of OM.. it fills everything with its vibration.. everywhere, in all space & beyond, there is only OM.. .. .. now the OM is slowly dying down into a deep profound silence.. most peaceful calm imaginable.. ANANDA itself.” Shivji saw a beautiful smile on Parvatiji’s face and left.. now for her there was no longer any Shiva or Parvarti, any going or coming, any parting or reunion.. she was united at last with her LOVE.. her journey was over.. she was now complete.. she would never be lonely again.. and.. they lived happily ever after.. aur kya.
After my earlier blog on RadhaKrishna’s love, someone asked me.. only a person in love can understand & write on love with that depth.. “was I in love?” To that I say.. “yes I am in love and I wish I can always stay in love”.. I love being in love.. “Mujhae pyaar se hi pyaar hai.” Parent-child, brother-sister, guru-shishya, bhakt-bhagwan.. our relationships are designed in ways where we are to stay in a 'state of love’.. only if we think within, introspect & realize that it’s love that holds any relationship.. for as long as there is love we want to be in that relationship.. it is not any individual/animal or pet/object/work or hobby, etc that is creating love in our heart through that relationship.. it’s the opposite.. love is creating a relationship. We want to be in a 'state of love’.. always.. which is why we cherish relationships and want to make & keep relationships always & at any cost.. happy loving relationships with our parents, children, friends, spouse, our work, cars, pets, etc.. if we don’t find/continue to be in love in/with any of these.. then we jump to find love through another.. in any form or relationship.. and this continues forever.. and ever. Only if we realized that it is love that we are after.. always.. and not love through/within an individual or object.. then it would be so easy to maintain any & every relationship.. we would know its love that we actually love.. so we would find LOVE in any & everyone.. kitna easy hai na? Manou ya mat manou.. sonch na jaroor, Prem bhai na bola hai :)
#ManishBhutada wishing you all the LOVE this Shravan month.. just like.. Shankar n Parvati, Radha n Krishna, Suman n Prem, Love n Pyar, Me n MyLove.. LOVE YOU.
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Rang lal lal.. rang lal lal.. rang de 'Rudhira' RED - mystical color that attracts us the most. Longest wavelength of the visible light spectrum is called RED (620–740 nm); it vibrates at frequency 400 - 484THz; Primary color, densest; Muladhara base root chakra color of our kundalini.. associated with instinct survival security raw-power passion & excitement. How do we know it's RED that we see? We know.. color is a wave travelling through space.. depending on the wavelength & the space between its wave peaks.. our eyes register different colors. But how? thoda complicated hai.. might have to read this twice. Light hits an object surface.. surface absorbs most light waves.. unabsorbed lightwaves reflected.. (when we pay attention/look towards that object surface) these light photons hit the cone cells on the retina of our eyes where they are transformed into electrical impulses.. impulses reach the brain through electrochemical reactions in the optical nerve cells.. brain then transfers these reactions into the color that we see projected outside.. matlab.. the process of seeing & recognizing occurs within ourselves but it's projection is outwards.. and this brain process is the same for most humans.. unless some special humans are gifted with nerve system differences which rewire their brains to perceive differently. Abh suniye.. all these physical properties & interactions are constant in nature & space-time.. but we are aware of it only when we put our attention to it.. like our brain knows something is red only when it pays attention to it and perceives it to be red.. this does not mean the object is any different if we don't pay attention to it. But why am I telling you this? Many times we stare at things with open wide eyes without paying attention to it.. our brain is actively perceiving something else.. deep thoughts/meditating.. although we stare at the object - we are not seeing it.. we can turn our sense of perceiving vision 'at will - On & Off' by staring at an object but not seeing it.. Now Now.. reverse this analogy.. what if with closed eyes we could still see.. what if we 'raised' our senses, our awareness, ability to perceive.. what if we could 'hear a color' and 'see a sound'.. after all they are all wave forms.. albeit of different wavelengths and frequencies.. our senses can only see colors in the visible light spectrum (400-700nm) & hear sounds in the audible sound range (20-20,000Hz).. what about all the other light & sound waves we can't perceive yet with our 'unawakened' senses? What if we are 'awakened' to perceive them all? "Atra, Tatra, Sarvatra (अत्र, तत्र, सर्वत्र)".. want to know how? Well.. I can't tell you how just yet.. as I'm not 'awakened'.. not completely.. but here is something which might help.. We recognize the connection between color & emotion.. 'color psychology'.. colors in our lives.. inside & out.. physical & astral.. they are mirrors of our feelings & emotions.. our thoughts, actions, status, progress.. What is your favourite color? Do you wear certain colors of the spectrum more often? Do you avoid certain colors? What do you feel in your body when you see red color? Each of our astral body chakras is vibrating at a particular frequency.. responding to different vibrations (or wavelenghts) of light.. within these frequencies and wavelengths, each color contains information on several different levels.. physical mental emotional & spiritual. After all universal 'wave properties'.. reflection, diffraction, interference, amplification, etc.. they are same to color waves & to our colored energy chakras.. we are an extension of the cosmos & vice versa.. all rules, parameters, properties, energies apply universally to us & everything else.. we just need to resonate with all this. Think about it dear.. this science needs internal physical mental emotional & spiritual analysis.. deep introspection. Good it's not that simple.. not for you, nor for me.. Wow!! how interesting & intriguing.. hai na. And please.. if you are 'awakened' to all this already, please don't awaken me.. let me enjoy this journey myself.. I'll see you on the other side.. AWAKENED. #ManishBhutada Red is not my favorite color, it's delphic nature however mystifies my imagination.. there is something prodigious about it. Kyoon.. kya lagta hai aapkou?
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Postal address for our Gods.. Anyone?
Peepal tree - Dev vriksha.. tree of life, the tree that lives forever. Taintees koti devta call me home.. I witness enlightenments.. under me mahapurush meditate (Krishn bhagwan, Buddhaji).. ppl feel at home, under the company of their ancestors in my shadows.. married women pray to me for their husbands wellbeing.. & for potency, fertility.. for a male progeny. But what makes me special?
“वृक्षानम अश्वत्थोहम, अश्वट्टह पुजितोयत्ता पुजिता सर्व देवता.. Vrukshaanaam ashwatthoham, Ashwattah pujitoyatra pujita sarva devta” (among trees, I am the Ashwatha - the peepal tree, If one worships the Ashwatha, its worshipping all gods at once) ~ Bhagwan Krishn, Mahabharat.
Medical benefits: Ayurveda.. decoction of bark with honey in cure for skin diseases; dried fruit powder dissolved in water for asthma; tender wood used for jaundice; ash of leaves as Kajal for eye ailments, etc.
Why meditate under a Peepal tree? 24hrs source of oxygen. Peepal tree through its unique modified form of photosynthesis.. crassulacean acid metabolism.. provides oxygen even at night.. so 24hour abundant oxygen supply.. rich saturated oxygen atmosphere always.. great for relaxing, clearing the mind & meditating. Trees are perhaps the most spiritually advanced beings (as Osho says).. they don’t make choices.. are not exigent in accepting whatever nature provides them.. similarly, in our path of deep meditation we accept everything that existence has to offer.. there is distinctive bonding between us & a tree.. trees don’t speak any language.. we too sit in deep silence in meditation.. the subtle energy of the tree works as its natural language to communicate with us.. for days months & years. In this unique silence and unconditional relationship, the tree helps us open our energy channels and gives us vitality. We learn patience from a tree.. no hurry, no rush, just being content.
As humans we are selfish about what & who we let survive and proliferate in this world.. our world.. which we think belongs only to us humans alone. Mangoes, sandalwood or saffron.. they all have a lot of commercial value for us.. it is only in our Sanatan lifestyle where Peepal vriksh is devta (..majestic banyan tree & the likes) is more revered than the others.. worshipped n adored at every street, nukkad & village.
Take 7 rounds around our Peepal devta.. slowdown (life is making us run in circles anyways).. close your eyes.. breathe peacefully.. look up to the branches & its beautiful symmetrical leaves.. wonder & be amazed.. you are amidst gods.. feel with your internal eyes.. your gyan indriyaan.. kya pata kis devta ke darshan kabh hou jaye.. kya abhaas hou jaye.. ashirwad mil jaye.. try tou karo.. kuch na kuch milne ki guarantee paki hai.
Finally, if any Australian environmentalists are reading.. Peepal releases large quantities of Isoprene.. necessary for preventing depletion of ozone layer.. wish we could plant lots of Peepal trees here in Australia to fill that huge Ozone hole above our heads.
#ManishBhutada I cherish those precious moments sitting around the Peepal tree, staring aimlessly at its magnificence & the blue sky beyond.. the tranquility followed by the rush of creativity is indescribable. Have you felt anything?
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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"svasti na indro vrddha-sravah, svasti nah písha visva-vedah, svasti nas tarkshayo arishtanemih, svasti no brhaspatir dadhatu. aum santih santih santih." Brilliance of my culture - Swastik 'Su' means good/beneficial/lucky.. 'Us' means presence/existence.. 'Asti' means to the being.. Swastik is therefore 'presence of good fortune to the being' from all directions & in every way. Swastik marks the beginning of peace, prosperity, fortune & happiness.. it carries the spirit of enlightenment that defines the flow from humankind to a higher level of consciousness. Why do we draw Swastik symbol before beginning anything important? Kehte hain ki.. at the beginning of universe as science knows it.. Big Bang theory of formation of universe.. explosion & scattering of cosmos.. Earth and other planets in solar system formed.. position of Sun.. energy during formation spread to all directions of Universe.. this scattered energy was in the shape of ‘Swastik’. Issi liye.. we mark/draw Swastik at the beginning of every auspicious occasion, as it is the mark of 'Creation'. By drawing Swastik we follow the path of spread of cosmic energy in all directions.. multiplying the energy effect.. and thus concentrating the energy back to our task. The four armed Swastik wheel defines the altering nature of our Universe with a fixed and stable centre as our Brahman/Bhagwate Vasudevaya. Swastik (right-hand/clockwise) symbolizes our Sanatan faith, jaise ki: - Surya Bhagwan.. the symbol imitates, in the rotation of its arms.. the course taken daily by the sun.. which appears in the northern hemisphere to pass from east.. then south to west. - Vishnu Bhagwan.. one of his 108 symbols.. his 4 hands nourishing all directions in the shape of Swastik. - Laxmi Mata.. 4 dots inside 4 portions of Swastik representing good luck 'Shri'. - Brahma Bhagwan.. depicting 4 faces & 4 hands of Brahmaji involved in creation. - Shankar Bhagwan's power.. upper vertical line indicates 'Swambhoo Jyotirling'.. the lower vertical line represents 'root energy for the birth of our world'.. the horizontal lines represent the spread & extension of this creation. - Ganesh Bhagwan.. Eakdanta with Ridhi (gain) Sindhi (luck). - the four eras.. Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dwapara-yuga and Kali-yuga; four varnas.. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras; four basic aims of human pursuit.. dharma (righteousness), artha (prosperity), kama (passion) & moksha (salvation); four Vedas.. Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, Atharva-Veda. To successfully complete any important task 'Mangalacharan' is written at the beginning.. but as not every one can write it.. Swastik is an easier alternative devised for us by our maharishis. Swastik is an extremely powerful symbol which can only be experienced by its proper use.. it denotes energy.. powerful creative energy (or destructive.. like what the Nazi's brought upon themselves & the world by altering the shape and colors of the symbol). Every line of this symbol has a meaning.. a purpose.. understand & feel the intention when you draw it next time.. don't be reckless.. you have now been warned. #ManishBhutada terms & conditions apply to my guarantee for the success of Swastik in your ventures.. galti se bhi galti mat karna 'line' kheechne mein.. kyun ki.. left-hand (counterclockwise, sauvastika) is for dark magic, dark energy, Kali Mata, aghori vidya related sciences.
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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... And they chose Sanskrit Conversations with my inquisitive sweethearts I am a typical Indian father of two sweet angels, Anika & Aarna. 'Typical' because like other fathers I too want my daughters to 'know it all'; i.e., for them to excel in a sport, learn self-defense, get passionate about Indian music & dance, master language & scriptures, develop into multi-cuisine little master chefs, etc. Over the past years my daughters and I concurred on other activities, it was choosing language (appropriate to their liking) which we were left undecided for long. Coming from a Neuroscience professional background (I'm a PhD in Dental Neuroscience), I was aware that language, and type there-off, plays a profound effect on a child's brain development, thinking skills and articulation of social skills. Scientific research has proven that the language we think with-in when we speak internally to ourselves, effects the way we think analyze and make decisions. The few primary languages we grow up learning very early in our lives end up shaping how our brains grow and evolve. We perhaps learn 80% of our human life skills before we turn 10years. We know that our brain development slows/stops & learning new skills gets difficult after our 20's, which is why what we learn very early in our lives becomes even more paramount; therefore as responsible parents we can only ensure our kids are getting it early and getting it right. As a child I was fortunate to grow up in a family, alongside a community where Sanatan Indian culture was not only practiced but preached with clarity of vision on 'how and why'. It is said, we learn more from our immediate surroundings than from perhaps anything else, the importance of appropriate social circle hence cannot be underestimated. What we watch, hear, eat, learn, the circle of friends we keep, these perhaps nurture us to who we become as independent thinkers of future society. I have lived to believe this, and I have been fortunate to be blessed with these fundamentals of life. Now it's my turn to preserve and promulgate this great heritage of ours. How could my kids stay behind? As parents we want the best for our children. We want them to achieve everything we perhaps desired for ourselves, and achieve it in half the time with double the standards compared to what we envisioned for ourselves. In many ways we want to re-live our lives through them. Being a predictable parent how could I not avoid falling into this parenting trap? The shortcomings I inadvertently nurtured over the years towards my communication skills; my lack of desire to master any language; my failure to understand the importance language/s have in our society, I could not see my kids make the same gaffes I gave refuge to within myself. Selecting a suitable language for their all round development was therefore on top of my list. Sanskrit was the language which was ticking all the right boxes. Well, all this was great from my point of view, but why would my daughters want to study & learn Sanskrit? Our young ones, spoilt for choices, choose what they think is best for their inquisitive minds. My little daughters aged 5 & 7 have their own supercomputing minds which they put to use each time an option is at play, or a decision is at stake for them to make. After all, the food which satisfies the hunger of their curious minds has to be equally to their liking. As parents we can only chaperone them all the way in their journey of learning & discovering. Here are the deliberations which I had with my daughters over their selection of 'Sanskrit' as their 'thinking language': - Sanskrit is the mother source of all Indian languages - meaning it's a shortcut to learning other Indian languages whenever the need arises. The foundation would have been laid. Which means more output for less input, freeing up time for other brain activities in future. - Sanskrit is the language of the Devas (Dev Bhasha, devtas speak in Sanskrit) - intrigued by everything mythological, stories & fantasies from Indian history, it would be easier for my daughters to converse with their heroes (the opportunity which they think exists for them to take). What if they had questions to ask their favorite Radhaji & Krishna Balram, Hanumanji, Yashoda maiya or the different Devi matas? How would they communicate with them if not for Sanskrit (blessed be the innocence of a tiny tot). - Sanskrit is the language Computers & Artificial Intelligence comprehend completely - in the imaginary future world of terminators and robots, cartoon characters far smarter than humans, my daughters want to be ready as human diplomats to their Artificial Intelligence counterparts. - All ancient secret scriptures were written in Sanskrit - Anika & Aarna want their detective minds to be ably equipped to read and do a treasure hunt for those secret locations for Krishna's flute, Yashoda maiyas makhan or Ganesha's mouse. - Finally, I think what sold Sanskrit to my daughters was the fact that it would be their secret language to converse with each other when they grew up. Only they would know to discourse in Sanskrit and have a counter for my Telugu and my Dad's Marathi. There are so many 'typical Indian fathers' like me who have longed for a similar opportunity worldwide for their darlings. It is such a blessing, that unlike most cities of the world, here in Sydney we have our own Sanskrit school. Thank you Meenaji & Sydney Sanskrit School for this divine opportunity, my kids and I, we are truly blessed. #ManishBhutada
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manishbhutada · 7 years
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Sabka saath sabka vikas Brilliance of my culture - Gyaras/Ekadashi vrat Fasting physically, mentally & emotionally to grow spiritually; done for controlling the 11 indriyas (5 jnanendriyas, 5 karmendriyas & manas/mind); and for bhakt's of Vishnu Bhagwan it is a way of cleansing our sins to avoid the cosmic penitentiary. Science of.. what we know: Fasting gives our body's physiological system a holiday. Overworked digestive system.. overeating/ indiscriminate diet.. fortnightly Ekadashi vrat gives the body system chance to catch up.. helps us recharge our brain & mind keeping us more alert, sharp, focused & aware.. improves insulin responsiveness, lowers blood cholesterol.. detoxifies the body, cleanses the blood and improves liver & kidneys functioning.. long story short.. prolongs our life span. But why only on the 11th day of the lunar cycle? Let me know plz if the reason for my writing this blog makes sense.. It's about.. Astrology, Astronomy & Aura circles: Visualize this descending linearity.. Brahmand Cosmos.. universe.. milky-way.. solar system.. earth.. land.. humans.. body organs.. cells.. cells elements interacting with each other by.. electric impulses.. aura chakra circles.. astral level. Our skin is a semi-permeable membrane.. permits movement of electromagnetic forces in both directions.. maintaining dynamic equilibrium. Each nerve impulse generates its small aura of energy for the associated cells.. like a miniature solar system.. having its own faint electromagnetic field.. the gross electromagnetic forces originating with celestial bodies affects the balance of these microscopic cellular worlds. Matlab.. we are not unrelated.. what happens at the planetary level.. their movement, gravitational forces.. effects us (and vice versa, if we are so strong spiritual energy wise). Every planetary body has an influence on us. Sun is the soul-influencer of our body, capable of influencing our entire being.. the Atmakaraka. Sun influences moon and moon influences earth. Example.. Full moon/New moon.. extreme ocean tides.. massive disturbances to earths electromagnetic fields.. in turn effecting electrical activity of our nerves, brain.. more mood swings.. anxiety depression temper.. uncontrolled. Moon influences our 'Manas' (mind, but not biological mind per se). Moon moves 12 degrees in 1 lunar day/tithi (12*15+15days=360degrees).. Ekadashi is the 11th tithi (of Shukla paksha bright fortnight & again Krishna paksha dark fortnight) of this lunar cycle. Unconsciously our astral mind moves up & down through our bodies astral energy chakras.. different chakras on different days.. as influenced by the various energy fields, especially that of the moons (through Yog sadhna however we can control the mind's movement through these energy chakras). At two of these chakras our Manas is at home.. nearer to itself, i.e., it gets concentrated and collected easily (when awake it's the Ajna Chakra - centre between the eye brows; when sleeping it's the Anahata Chakra - the heart). Ekadashi day in both fortnights is the occasion when the mind finds itself in its place.. for Shukla paksha its the Ajna Chakra; Krishna paksha its the Anahata Chakra. Yogis take advantage of these two days and practice deep meditation. For us aam admi (not aam admi party wala aam admi), it's the day we can more easily control our 11 indriyas.. sabka saath sabka vikas; SAMJHAY!!! #ManishBhutada Personally for me, Ekadashi vrats go as per plan mentally emotionally & physically, but not always.. my mind gets emotionally charged on a few vrats.. so I pondered why? Forensic analysis has led me to answers based on details of pakshas nakshatras.. current planetary positions.. their effect on my own kundli, my aura circles.. so forth.. as in the blog above. Wow! it's not so universal as it appears, the individualizations for this vrat for personal perfection are amazing. Ahhhh.. Manish.. ji WAKE UP.. its not too late.. so much more to do, so much more to learn & understand.. unless thinking of aaj kare so kal kar, kal kare so in the next life.
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