mannaweek · 5 years
So wait, does that mean there's not gonna be another one?
There might, and there might not. A lot of it depends on factors currently outside our control.
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mannaweek · 5 years
Oh, I still look forward to (eventually) the next Manna Week.
Yeah... next...
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mannaweek · 5 years
This isn’t the only blog that this hater is harassing. *shrugs* I don’t understand people, sometimes.
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mannaweek · 5 years
If you hate the show so much then stop watching simple. Also Janco wont be canon starco will get over it you elitist bitch! You and your friend are both elitists who think you write better then the show writers and you hate starco for being popular i hope you both get cancer you deserve it. All janco shippers hate the show and are delusional that’s a fact. Starco will be canon so cry harder janco fag!
Is this a joke?
You know this was an event blog that hasn’t updated in six months, right?
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mannaweek · 6 years
Ferguson: “Man, out of our whole group, who would’ve guessed ‘The Ferg’ would be last in being married with kids? Aww well... but man, once we’re all in your boat, Dungeon-Night will be awesome! By the way, Alfonso says ‘hi’. He wants to visit, but he suspects his wife’s plotting against him in Pixtopia.” Marco: “No prob. We can always visit him.” Jackie: “M3 and Janet are wonderful. Oh, I think they smiled at me!” Janna: “They’re smart. They already know their Aunt Jackie’s cool.” (Bonus page)
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mannaweek · 6 years
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Janna summons herself a Marco. I make my own rules for Manna week.
Circle of Manna on dm29.deviantart.com
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mannaweek · 6 years
Since Manna Week is over I’d like to offer a fanfic idea I had, featuring the “Makeover” theme that never made (yes, I suggested that one). To recap, Janna unexpectedly wins a free makeover from a company that won’t take “no” for an answer. Eventually, Janna agrees (Marco was a factor) and accidentally signs a contract: lifelong endorsement of their products. She even has a chip hidden under the near-indestructible makeup, inhibiting any reputation-or-romantic-relationship-damaging behavior.
And this is why you read the terms of agreement
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mannaweek · 6 years
How manna weeks will there be?
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mannaweek · 6 years
Janna: “Is everyone here?” Marco: “Yep. Okay, everyone, you heard right: my beautiful wife and I would like to introduce you to our new daughter. Meet Janet Diaz.” Janna: “And let’s not forget her older brother: Marco Diaz III.” Rafael: “Aww... look Angie! They have both Marco’s mole and Janna’s dimple!” Foolduke: “Wow, they’ve almost caught up to me and Ruberiot already.” Star: “Oh my gosh! They’re so adorable. You got the presents, Tom?” Tom: “Right here. Congrats, man.” (Next page)
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mannaweek · 6 years
Star: “I can’t wait to take them to Mewni and show them the castle! I’ll get Starfan13 to record the whole trip!” Buff Frog: “I must take pictures to show buff-children. Wait... ‘Marco 3’? Where is 2?” Marco Jr.: “That’s me, the new daddy’s little brother.” Marco: “Trust me, I didn’t pick my boy’s name...” Janna: “That was me. After the name he picked for our little girl, he had it coming.” Marco: “Janet’s a good name!” Janna: “Keep tellin’ yourself that, dear. Now give me a kiss.” *warm smooch*
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mannaweek · 6 years
Raising a child
Marco:  *entering the nursery*  Hey, how little Aiden?
Janna:  *rocking in a rocking chair*  See for yourself.  *presents Marco with a sleeping infant*
Marco:  Wow.  He looks so cute when he’s actually asleep.
Janna:  Kinda like his father.
Marco:  *chuckles*  Yeah.  *brushes his hand over Aiden’s cheeks*  How are you holding up by the way?
Janna:  Better.  The little tyke was real thirsty.  Must have sucked me dry.
Marco:  Well, now that he’s asleep.  Did you want to get some rest too?
Janna:  I would love some.  *hands the baby to Marco and gets up from the chair*
Marco:  *sits back down and continues to rock*  You have a good rest now.
Janna:  In a bit.  *pulls out her phone*
Marco:  What?
Janna:  Shush.  You look real cute with Aiden and I don’t want you to ruin it with your stupid face.
Marco:  *smiling*  Oh shut up.  You love this stupid face.
Janna:  *snaps a picture on her phone*  Yeah.  You’re right.  *leans in to kiss Marco*  See you in a bit.  *Leaves the room*
Marco:  I love you!
Janna:  DITTO!
Marco:  *giggles and looks down at Aiden*  You’ve got some crazy parents Aiden.  But I know we got this.  I can’t wait to tell you about all the crazy adventures I had with your Mom and Tia Star.  Oh man, Star…  She won’t let go of you once she sees you.  But I’m sure you’ll get along with her, just as much as your parents did.  
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mannaweek · 6 years
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Day 7: Raising a Child Together 
Lo siento marco,pero ser como  Janna es mas divertido.
 Con esto terminamos la mana week;Gracias @mannaweek por la propuesta,fue divertida. PD.1: A pesar de que tenia planeado todo,esta ultima fue creada de manera rápida,por distintas razones. PD.2:¿Volveremos a ver a Julia? Tengo el planeado en el futuro,pero debo desarrollar  bien la idea.
PD.3:¿Podrá Julia superar a su madre?
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mannaweek · 6 years
Marco: “Here we are. Our new home.” Janna: “This is it? The big surprise is this fixer-upper? I thought we were trying to step up from your parents’ place.” Marco: “What’s wrong with their house?” Janna: “Don’t get me wrong. I love your parents, but it’s kind of weird being carried by my husband into his parents’ house after the honeymoon. Plus, your old room is a little small for two now that I don’t hide in your closet anymore, and it feels wrong using Star’s old room.” (Next page)
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mannaweek · 6 years
Janna: “I appreciate your ambition, but do you really think this house is worth the time and effort? Unless you have a wand, I’m going back.” Marco: “Not to worry, honey. I do.” Janna: “Say what?” Marco: “More specifically, a magic-vacuum. It’ll have the place looking like new in no time.” Janna: “Huh. Strange. I know you better than you know yourself, yet, somehow, I overlooked that.” Marco: “Yeah. Honestly, I haven’t seen this since I made it. I only found it last week. And I’m organized.”
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mannaweek · 6 years
Living Together
Janna:  *fiddling with Marco’s phone in bed*
Marco:  *down the hallway*  Janna!  Have you seen my phone?!  I can’t find it anywhere!
Janna:  Nope!  No idea!
Marco:  *entering the bedroom*  I could have sworn that I-  *notices Janna with his phone*  Of course…
Janna:  That’s what you get for not coming to bed on time.  *throws Marco’s phone to him*  On the plus side, now you got some dirty pictures of me in your album.  Good luck trying to get in though.
Marco:  *sarcastically*  Ha ha ha…
Janna:  You coming to bed or what?
Marco:  I will.  I just wanna empty out some more stuff before I do.
Janna:  Dude, it’s 11.  You drove all day yesterday and you’re still up.  Get some rest.
Marco:  I’m almost done!  I just need the empty out the living room boxes and-
Janna:  Come on Marco.  Don’t make me beg…
Marco:  … Okay fine… *gets in bed with Janna*
Janna:  *cuddles up with Marco*  See?  Was that so hard?
Marco:  *yawns*  No… No it wasn’t…  *turns off the lights*
Janna:  So, did you ever think this would happen?
Marco:  Did I ever think what would happen?
Janna:  You.  Me. Under the same roof.
Marco:  Yeah actually.
Janna:  Really?
Marco:  We’ve been dating for five years now. It was gonna happen eventually.
Janna:  Even after all those years I’ve teased you?
Marco:  Yes Janna.  Even after all those years you teased me.
Janna:  Aw.  You’re so sweet.   *kisses Marco*
Marco:  I try.
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mannaweek · 6 years
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Day 6: Moving In Together
Entre cajas  y viejos objetos del pasado,Janna y marco se mueven hacia su futuro. @mannaweek
(No,esta vez no tengo un comentario gracioso o un gif;Solo esta pacifica imagen) 
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mannaweek · 6 years
High School Graduation
Skeeves:  …And with that, I present to you, the new graduates of Echo Creek Academy!
*students throw their hats in celebration*
Ferguson:  It’s over!  It’s finally over!!!
Alfonzo:  We’re free!!!
Marco:  WOOO HOOO!!!  *notices Janna in the distance*  Hey, um, I’ll meet up with you guys later.  I gonna go find my parents.
Alfonzo:  Alright.
Ferguson:  We’re still meeting up at the arcade later right?
Marco:  Absolutely.  See you tonight!  *makes his way towards Janna*
Janna:  *forcing a smile on her face*  Congrads Grad.
Marco:  *chuckles*  Thanks.  I’m surprised you came.
Janna:  Just because I wasn’t graduating, doesn’t mean I couldn’t be here for my boyfriend.
Marco:  I know but-
Janna:  Dude, if you’re gonna make a big deal about this, I might as well go back home and listen to my parents some more.
Marco:  No!  I didn’t mean… Ugh… I… I just want to know if you’re doing okay.  You haven’t been returning any of my texts lately.
Janna:  That’s cuz my parents cut my phone off.
Marco:  I’m sorry…
Janna:  Don’t be.  It’s not your fault I flunked.
Marco:  I know, but… I feel like I could have done more…
Janna:  Marco, you did all that you could.  All those nights studying.  All those reviews.  My grades improved because of you!  It was just… Too little, too late…
Marco:  But you should have been able to graduate with us!  You should have been up there, getting your diploma from Principle Skeeves and Miss Skullnick and celebrating with all of us!  Can’t they give you that at least?!
Janna:  Marco, *holds his hands in hers*  It’s alright.  I’ll go back to school.  I’ll get my GED and then my parents won’t have to harass me anymore.  It’s all good.
Marco:  *sighs*  I guess…
Janna:  Besides… That means I’ll still need a tutor to help me get through these classes.  *pulls Marco closer*  You wouldn’t happen to know anyone who could help me with that, do you?
Marco:  *blushing*  I may.
Janna:  *wraps her arms around Marco*  Then maybe it won’t be as bad as you think.  *softly kisses Marco on his lips*  I’ll be okay.  Will you?
Marco:  *kisses back*  I will now.
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