manokamnahospital · 3 years
Does Chronic Headache Blind Your Day? Consult With Your Best Neurologist
Headache is a very common symptom that most people experience with their life. With proper medication, it can be easily healed in a quick way. But there are some headaches that seem common but powerfully effective that can spoil your normal life.
The characters of headaches are often from mild to major which makes it difficult to concentrate at work. In case, you have a frequent or normal headache for more than two days then don’t forget to visit your neurologist in Siliguri.
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Not every headache is a sign of a migraine. Headaches are common when you have constipation problems, digestion problems, poor posture, sleep disorder, stress, or tensions.
What are the reasons for secondary headaches?
Basic headaches are also medically considered primary headaches which can be cured by taking medications but in case of secondary headaches, consultation with a doctor is a must. Secondary headaches are also considered as chronic headaches that can occur due to:
        Brain Tumor
        Brain Aneurysm
        Ear Infection
        Dental Problems
        Nobel Coronavirus
Consult with a neurologist can help you to diagnose your condition that could be caused by any neurological condition, such as pain. Depending upon your symptoms your neurologist might suggest some tests for proper medical treatment.
Sometimes patients don’t need even medications as proper diagnosis, and suggestion is well enough to treat this medical condition. The first stage of your check-up will start with some questionnaires about your symptoms such as the time period or the condition of feeling headaches.
Next, your doctor goes with some basic checkups to check the overall conditions of your health. It will be great if you discuss every single thing with your doctor whether taking alcohol, smoking, food habits, and any health conditions that already exist from previous or recently got affected with any disease.
Remember, the more detail you share with your doctor, the more you help yourselves because each thing will help your doctor while diagnosing your condition and prepare for the treatment. There are different types of headaches that are probably symptomatic which include the following:
·        Sinus headaches
·        Spinal headache
·        Cough headaches
·        Sex headaches
·        Spinal headaches
·        Exercise headaches
·        Ice cream headaches
·        Thunderclap headaches
·        Medication overuse headaches
In case, to book your best neurologist you don’t have to search by browsing any location, while you can simply visit your nearby nursing home in Siliguri to get your doctor as well as the treatment.
Some headaches may occur unknowingly therefore get in touch with your doctor is very important. Try to sketch a schedule as per your doctor’s guidelines and maintain it in a regular format for the betterment of your health.
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manokamnahospital · 3 years
Critical Care – This Is Why You Should Visit Your Nearby Hospital?
Court and the hospital are the two places that no one wants to visit in their lifetime, but among them, the hospital is one of the places that most people have to go to once in their lifetime. Well if you claim that I’ve never gone to a hospital, and then ask yourself where you’d born? Well, skip this as a joke.
Most importantly, people visit hospitals not only at their older age but visit when any necessary or emergency conditions are required. Some people visit hospitals for medical tests and buying medicine. If you or any of your nearby relatives are suffering from any disease then visit the hospital in Siliguri for getting the best treatment.
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In most cases, patients preferred to visit private hospitals instead of Govt. hospitals as it involves many benefits. The maintenance of hygiene, 24/7 emergency services, availability of blood banks, medicines, advanced equipment, specialist medical staff, nurses, and of course the expert team of doctors are the concrete backbone of a private hospital.
There are many concepts that people have imagined self-creating such as private hospitals are more costly than Govt. hospitals. Many people don’t see the benefits of the wellness of a patient. Today the advanced medical equipment and treatment policy has changed and upgraded as the nation progress.
Not everything can be measured by its cost as each thing has its costs. This equipment is only for the purpose of treating a patient well and give his/her life back to normal. Many people get confused about which conditions they should visit a hospital?
Visit a hospital if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, headaches, migraine, skin problems, cholesterol problem, diabetes, asthma, anxiety, bipolar disorder, nerve problems, digestion disorder, chronic fever, gynecological problems, any severe injury, neurological disorder, chest pain, joint pain or disorder, problem in breathing, constipation, abdominal pain, and any surgery.
While visiting a hospital make sure to check the following departments so that you have felt that you have come to the right place for your treatment such as:
·        General medicine
·        Paediatrics
·        ENT
·        Orthopaedics
·        Gynecology
·        Obstetrics
·        Laparoscopy
·        Radiology
·        Pathology
·        Gastrology
·        Cardiology
·        Diabetology
·        General surgery
·        Plastic surgery
·        Paediatric surgery
·        Neurosurgery
·        Anesthesia
·        Critical care or
·        Emergency (for any)
Research shows that more than 51.65% of cases in hospitals are generally admitted due to critical care. This department has been introduced due to the life-threatening injuries and illness of a patient. It involves an intensive care unit or ICU to give patients 24/7 specialized treatments.
Patients need critical care during the following conditions such as:
·        Severe burns
·        COVID-19
·        Heart attack
·        Heart failure
·        Kidney failure
·        Respiratory failure
·        Sepsis
·        Shock / Trauma
·        Stroke
·        Severe bleeding
·        Serious infections
·        People recovering from certain major surgeries
·        Serious injuries (such as from car crashes, falls, and shootings)
·        Serious accidents (such as car crashes or any other causes)
If you or any of your nearest ones have any severe injury, don’t hesitate a bit second to visit the critical care in Siliguri immediately for sophisticated and compassionate treatment facilities.
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