#best critical  care
jphospital11 · 1 year
Best critical care specialist in Zirakpur
JP Hospital is the best critical care hospital in Zirakpur. We are providing a wide range of health care services. Critical care or Intensive care is a crucial medical specialty caring for patients who are critically ill. They may require support for instability (hypertension/hypotension), airway or respiratory compromise (ventilator support), acute renal failure, or the cumulative effects of multiple organ failure, more commonly referred to now as multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Patients needing intensive/invasive monitoring, such as in the crucial hours after major surgery or patients who are considered too unstable to transfer to a less intensively monitored unit may also be placed in the intensive care units.
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kims-trivandrum · 1 year
Best Critical Care Hospital in Trivandrum | KIMSHEALTH Hospital
The Critical Care Unit at KIMSHEALTH is a division that fosters special care to the patients undergoing acute or severe illnesses and in cases of trauma. KIMSHEALTH Department of Critical Care is well-known for providing intensive care to the patients and has been recognized as one among the top hospitals in Kerala. The unit is supported by specialized physicians and distinctively trained nurses to ensure the highest quality of care. With periodical administration of drugs, whenever required to helping the patient feel comfortable, our staff in the critical care unit provide unique and sensitive care to the patients.
Our facility is stacked with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that immediate assistance is provided to the inpatients who are brought in during an emergency. With our special team of doctors and nurses working around the clock, KIMSHEALTH is the preferred hospital for medical emergencies in Kerala .
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Procedures & Treatments
Provides state of art facilities including ventilators, monitors, CRRT, Cardiac output monitoring, and ECMO facilities.
Standard Operating policies and Infection Control Practices for enhanced patient safety benchmarked to International Standards.
24/7 coverage of ICU by consultants.
Government of India accredited training center in Intensive Care.
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formulaonedirection · 19 days
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and when I hurt / hurtin' runs off my shoulder / how can I hurt when holding you 💕
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valiantvillain · 4 months
Watching S3 and I really can't shake the feeling that Colin has been far more of a best friend to Penelope than Eloise ever was. Cause unlike his sister, Colin talks to her, not at her and has actually given her the time and space to talk. Whereas Eloise has always centered their conversations around well...Eloise. To the point that the one time she stopped long enough to actually listen to Penelope she finally yet immediately connected the dots that she was LW. Like girl if you saw your "bestie" as your friend and not your sidekick you'd have learned a whole lot more about her. You might have even noticed that your brother considers her his close friend too but that seems to have gone over your head for several years.
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thepeacefulgarden · 5 months
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symbologic · 10 months
Do you ever wonder if deep down, in Luffy's heart, he doesn't let himself worry about Zoro because he genuinely can't? Because the alternative is simply too horrifying to contemplate for even a second?
Think about how awful it was for Luffy when he lost someone very dear to him at Marineford. This person had even promised — promised! — Luffy that he would never die. That he would never leave him alone. Yet this person who was supposed to be Luffy's constant was ripped away from him, and Luffy was powerless to stop it.
"Devastated" doesn't even come close to describing the abject despair Luffy felt at that moment. He completely shut down and went catatonic.
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genericpuff · 3 months
people kicking and screaming about the cultural worldbuilding in Dawntrail:
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people who aren't white redditors:
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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redrawing some of my favs to battle my sadness caused by yj:t seems to be counterproductive, but fuck it i just want more emotions for wally's funeral TToTT
dick's apperance literally broke my heart, cause it only just fucking hit him full force. his best friend is gone. and all those pent up emotions come flooding out
artemis' made me so sad, because she looks so lost and afraid, and I bet she spent most of her time from Antartica up to funeral in a daze
barry literally can't look at the grave, he seeks comfort in iris and im QnQ
bart doesnt cry, because he is no stranger to loosing people he cares about, but he is sad and so tired of it
perdita's words about kid flash/wally being something of a security blanket grabbed me by a throat and won't let go, because with him gone how scared and vulnerable and sad must she feel???
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antianakin · 6 months
It's really depressing that the only real Jedi centric and Jedi positive show in existence is written for preschoolers, while many of the more "adult" shows are edgy and about morally ambiguous or straight-up evil characters. As if lessons about being kind and selfless are somehow not important or relevant to adults just as much if not more than they are to children.
It feels like characters who are unambiguously good are seen as only enjoyable by the very young and adult viewers will only actually appreciate characters who are cruel and selfish (and the requisite "tragic backstory" that always goes with it to help excuse their cruel and selfish choices).
It's just really sad and disappointing.
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
"But why did Gwen push Miles away like that if she loves him so much?" You ask as if in the same movie we didn't watch her father, the person she loves more than anything and the person that she thought that loves her more than anything, disown her right away because he learned one thing about her that he didn't like.
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spaceacekid · 26 days
People whine soooo much about glee being "off the rails" or "unrealistic" like sorry you lack joy and whimsy
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m-for-now · 5 months
I love it so so so so much when a character is like the Smart One in the group, who is always the one who remembers the details, analyzes every piece of informationen, makes the plans and is always the first one to understand or notice something. And then I love it when that same character is so incredibly oblivious to one thing. (Especially people being nice in any way.)
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productofaritual · 7 months
If I got a nickel for every "platonic marriage for tax benefits besties" duo that I fell in love with, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but God dammit look at them and their QPRs I can't they're precious
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fanfic-lover-girl · 9 months
Zutara Antis Don't Know What a Toxic Relationship Actually Is
I just saw a Vegebul fan Tumblr user say that Vegebul can't be compared to Zutara because Zutara is toxic and Bulma was not trying to fix Vegeta🤡
As a Vegebul fan, I will proudly say without shame that this Tumblr user is an idiot with no brain. I am tired of seeing stupidity on Tumblr. In what world can you say that Zutara is toxic yet spew nonsense that Vegebul of all DBZ ships is healthier! Vegeta is the same man who was willing to let his baby mama and infant son die and nearly killed his wife when he decided family life was making him too soft in the Buu saga. Zuko was never the level of villain Vegeta was and never treated Katara that badly even when he was her effing enemy!!! 🤡
When has Vegeta ever supported Bulma the way Zuko supported Katara???
Unlike Bulma, Katara WOULD NEVER get with Zuko and spread her legs while he was still an antagonist and wanted to capture Aang!
Katara would never get with a guy who threatened to kill her and showed no sign of remorse either!!!
As for Bulma was not trying to fix Vegeta...so true! She gave him free housing, free food, free training equipment and free sex while he was still an egotistical bastard! She never calls him out for his horrible behaviour (eg. letting Cell become perfect and attacking her future son) or being a less-than-decent dad for Trunks. What a woman!
When has Vegeta ever shown any on-screen attempts to reconcile with Bulma for his hurtful actions? Unlike Vegeta, Zuko had to work for it! On-screen!!! For all of us to see Katara chew him out!!!
Every day I am amazed at Zutara antis who call Zutara toxic. Here is a guy who wronged and hurt a girl in the past that:
redeems himself and atones
proactively works to earn her forgiveness
provides emotional support and lets her be emotionally vulnerable
willing to be emotionally open with her
never lashes out even when she attacks him
sacrifices himself for her
works hard to redeem his nation that oppressed her people
genuinely cares about her and believes in her abilities
actively befriends and makes amends with all her loved ones whom he also hurt (which includes a possible love interest)
ALL ON SCREEN! No hand-waving his past hurtful actions or having character relationship development off-screen. No enabling of bad behaviour. Vegebul needed almost ten years to be a truly healthy relationship. Zuko only needed a few episodes for him and Katara to become great friends. Zutara >>> Vegebul.
In what world is this TOXIC?? Sounds pretty healthy to me! I want a Zuko for a husband (minus the enemy part lol). Who would choose Vegeta over Zuko for a love interest?? Well, I guess some people dig deadbeat husbands ;)
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Both Vegebul and Zutara started off on bad terms and both shows ended with both pairs having a great relationship. The difference is that Vegebul began as a toxic relationship vs Zutara having a healthy dynamic once they became friends when Katara forgave Zuko. Zutara never had any romantic dealings while they were enemies. And even when Katara was rightfully antagonistic towards Zuko, Zutara treated each other better than Vegeta did Bulma. Just compare Katara saving a falling Zuko vs Vegeta who did nothing to save Trunks and Bulma.
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trashogram · 1 month
season 2 is gonna be like all ab backstories and like… ik vivs fav backstory is just “daddy issues” so istg if theres another gd character w a daddy issues orgin story imma flip out 😭 like its fine to have that for a character but omg its just bad repetitive writing at this point. (we alrdy have moxie, blitzo, stolas, octavia, charlie, and luna) and probably more i missed.
I believe Alastor does canonically have daddy issues so… we’re shit out of luck unless they changed that. Or if by backstory, they just mean Alastor’s life before he vanished for 7 years.
It’s funny you mention daddy issues because you’re totally right that that’s the tried and true method of getting us to care about characters in these shows, at least as far as the writers are concerned. I’ve debated on making a post criticizing that because I’m just gonna raise my hand and say that exploring Daddy Issues ™ is one of my absolute favorite things in media and fandom, but I have definitely gotten sick of it from Viv’s stuff.
Even I have my limits regarding the complexities of parent-child relationships apparently. Who knew?
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
If it's okay with you, could you write a drabble about the hypothetical aftermath of Amane getting attacked by Kotoko?
Welp thank you pal for making me absolutely insane with this request 👍 I ran through a few hypotheticals and realized I had to shift some things around since there were so many absolutely tragic outcomes. I worked something out but damn if it didn’t make me emotional to think about how uniquely rough Amane has it. Even making sure she's in a good place at the end, this got pretty serious, so warnings for child abuse and cult references. 
(So in canon, Kotoko goes in order and attacks Fuuta, but Kazui steps in. Then she attacks Mahiru while he’s distracted with his injuries. She’s about to attack Amane, but Mikoto gets in the way (my hc that he did it on purpose survives!). By the time they reach a draw, Kazui is back, and the two of them can prevent Kotoko from any further action against Amane. Sticking to this apparent system of three attacks and one rescue, I’m just shuffling around the injuries for this story. Fuuta’s attack went unnoticed, and he’s in the same state as canon Mahiru. Mikoto steps in before Kotoko can fight Mahiru, so Mappi’s the one who get out physically unscathed. While Mikoto checks on Mahiru, recovers himself, or discovers Fuuta, Kotoko is able to attack Amane next. Kazui comes to help, but not before she leaves Amane looking like canon Fuuta.)
Mahiru could practically feel her heart shatter into a million pieces when Amane finally cried in front of her. She hadn’t shed a single tear yesterday – it was the shock, Shidou said. Mahiru was skeptical. After all, she had been shocked, too, and cried plenty.
Amane woke as she came in with breakfast. She took a moment to survey herself, bandages peeking out from beneath her pajamas and an eyepatch securely over her right eye. As calmly as one might say “good morning,” she started to cry. Mahiru might have missed it, if Amane hadn’t wiped at her good eye with her sleeve.
“Oh, sweetheart…!” Mahiru rushed over to her. “It’s okay, I’m here.” She wanted nothing more than to wrap the girl in a secure embrace, but she remembered the mass of bandages that were around her chest. Shidou had mentioned broken ribs and bruises. It took everything in her not to cry along with Amane, at the thought.
“I can get you another ice pack, if you need. Or more medicine.” Her mind spun with ways to help with pain. Many of the first aid supplies had been used to keep Fuuta from the brink of death, but surely there were extras to spare for Amane. 
The girl just shook her head. 
She muttered, “I can’t… I…I’m going to be punished, I’m going to be punished…”
“No! You’re safe now.” Mahiru placed her hands gently on Amane’s arms. “Kotoko’s not coming back. We’re all watching over you. You’re safe. She’s not going to hurt you anymore.” 
“That’s not…” Amane pulled away. Her voice stayed level, despite hiccups interrupting her. A hand reached up to her eyepatch. “It’s this. It’s all of this. It’s sinful. I took it off last night, but he must have…” She started unwrapping it. “They’re going to punish me...” 
With a careful motion, Mahiru held it in place and took Amane’s hands into her own. She’d been picking up on the signs ever since they arrived here together, and a final wave of understanding washed over her. 
“I can’t let you do that.”
Amane’s expression twisted, though words came out far more frantic than fiery. “Let me go.” 
Mahiru didn’t. “I’m sorry. Amane, you need this treatment.”
“That is not your decision to make. That is not any human’s decision to make.”
Mahiru pressed her lips together. “I know. But I can’t watch as you… I can’t sit by again while someone…” She was careful not to apply any pressure, but she could no longer fight the urge to gather Amane up in her arms. “You don’t need to be afraid of those people, anymore.”
“I’m not afraid.” Amane hiccuped. “They love me, and I love them. I need to be good for them.”
“I love you, and I don’t want to see you in pain.”
“You just pity me because I’m young.”
“Why does your age matter? You are a lovely young woman – you are my friend – and I can’t bear to see you in pain.”
The two sat in silence for a moment. Mahiru doubted she would take that as an answer; Amane had refused to call any of the others her friend. At least she didn’t argue. In fact, it seemed she was leaning into the embrace a bit more. She sighed a shaky breath into Mahiru’s uniform.
“Listen, Amane. Can you do me a favor? I’m trying to be a good girl, too. To make up for something awful, I need to make sure you’re alright. Can you help me? Can we be good together?”
A long pause followed. Amane’s voice spoke up, ever so gently.
“I suppose I can consider it.” She added quickly, “for the sake of your redemption. Of course.”
“Of course.”
#milgram#amane momose#mahiru shiina#thank you so much! i dont want to be bubbly on such a serious drabble but i want to give an enthusiastic thanks because this one really got#the gears turning!!#i started making plans as soon as i saw the ask and it took so long finding something that wouldnt result in straight up tragedy :(#if i kept to the initial timeline and said kazui didnt step in until amanes attack then both fuuta and mahiru would be close to death#and given there seems to limited supplies i think one of them would have died if shidou needed to treat three critical patients#so i moved people around to make sure everyone survived#which brought me to the main problem of amane self sabotaging her medical care#even minor injuries could have resulted in death if she got her way and removed bandages/refused treatment#but the mental strain of keeping the treatment would be just as bad as the physical pain -- shed be paranoid 24/7 of#divine punishment and repeating the mistakes that led her here.... it would hurt more to be forced like that#so i needed someone to be able to get through to her gently#but the only one who shes been able to trust just got the shit beat out of him and is in no position to talk!!!!#everyone else would just make her more upset or not know how to convince her the right way :(#still - i think mahiru could do it the best! with her own trauma from allowing loved ones to die in front of her i think shed be motivated#so. yeah.#i know amane is supposed to be talking in the plural pronoun now but i couldnt get it to work - lets just say that kicks in soon after this#tw cults#tw child abuse#drabbles
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